IMPACT Wrestling LD for 03.15.12

I love how you included rest holds in a kayfabe complaint.

I think I'm only responding because it's funny how you try to defend absolutely everything. I mean, there's liking a show and there's thinking it can do no wrong. Dude, be realistic and we won't have to do this.

I was suggesting that Gunner whose nickname is "Mr. Intensity" and a guy that is Bully Ray's hired gun, should be in there to try and hurt Storm. He's not in there to get a win because why the fuck should he care about getting a win? He's a henchman for Immortal and his job is to be violent. In no way was he violent in that match. He needed to just be nuts and try to hurt Storm. Wanna have Storm overcome that? Fine. Honestly, wouldn't be bad if between Gunner and Ray they kind of hurt Storm. Then he'll seem like he has no chance against Roode so when (yes WHEN) he wins, it'll be that much sweeter. That would be good booking. To me, this wasn't. I honestly don't think an extended squash win over Gunner does much for Storm. Gunner being violent and putiting Storm in a precarious position to fight Ray does. Then you can have Ray try and hurt him too but Storm finds a way to win.

I'm not saying what they did was totally awful, but what I'm suggesting would go a lot further in helping Storm.

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