IMPACT Wrestling LD for 02.09.12

I for one, am going to love the 3D Star Wars. My girlfriend has never seen a single one so being able to re-watch a movie series I fucking love is a win/win for me.
I'd like to just point out that this is the first 4-way I can remember that I'll be completely satisfied with ANYONE walking out with the title

Storm has a bright future ahead of him as a face austin-like champion; not in the sense of attitude, but that he'll end up being able to take ridiculous amounts of punishment and still whoop ass, his promos have improved immensely and he still needs to wrestle (kayfabe) shitfaced

Roode is really starting to get crowds to hate him, and with Bully Ray now (possibly) pissed at him, he could probably end up holding onto the title until Lockdown, and building even MORE heat before dropping the title in a more grandiose fashion -- as long as the cage match is used for its intended purpose, to blow off the feud by keeping anyone else out of the match, and not some "everyone climbs through the door to interfere" crap

Hardy's really starting to become a massive face, and hasn't gotten a fair share at being the top dog without being some weird heel lackey. He's really been busting his ass lately and it's starting to show. This would probably be my less favored outcome, but I doubt it'd make for bad TV and I wouldn't really mind it.

Finally, for the option that needs the least amount of explanation, FUCK YEAH BULLY RAY

I'd like to just point out that this is the first 4-way I can remember that I'll be completely satisfied with ANYONE walking out with the title

Storm has a bright future ahead of him as a face austin-like champion; not in the sense of attitude, but that he'll end up being able to take ridiculous amounts of punishment and still whoop ass, his promos have improved immensely and he still needs to wrestle (kayfabe) shitfaced

Roode is really starting to get crowds to hate him, and with Bully Ray now (possibly) pissed at him, he could probably end up holding onto the title until Lockdown, and building even MORE heat before dropping the title in a more grandiose fashion -- as long as the cage match is used for its intended purpose, to blow off the feud by keeping anyone else out of the match, and not some "everyone climbs through the door to interfere" crap

Hardy's really starting to become a massive face, and hasn't gotten a fair share at being the top dog without being some weird heel lackey. He's really been busting his ass lately and it's starting to show. This would probably be my less favored outcome, but I doubt it'd make for bad TV and I wouldn't really mind it.

Finally, for the option that needs the least amount of explanation, FUCK YEAH BULLY RAY


Agree 100%
I love the dynamic of Sting trying to get the title off Rhoode only for him to keep prevailing time and time out.
I love me some Velvet, but when she picks out her ring attire does she think to herself. "How can I make myself look anymore of a stripper ****e?"

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