The Mouth of the South Shore
How is that loner gimmick working for him recently?
Hasn't worked for 3 years for a variety of reasons, though I'm sure you are referring to the fact that he's been in a tag team for a month so I should automatically buy him as a "changed man" especially when it's helped his wrestling immensely as he was so focused to be able to beat Morgan.......
You know, maybe if they helped one another to distract, get involved, or I don't know, ANYTHING that would show that they are developing chemistry, then maybe I'd buy it. So far I've seen them lose in under 4 minutes each by getting thorougly dominated and not once did they try to help one another. Only after the match did they attack. So figure on them losing at the next PPV in 6 minutes (combined total of two singles matches at best) then attacking afterwords because that's apparently what they are good at and value.