IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.26.12

How is that loner gimmick working for him recently?

Hasn't worked for 3 years for a variety of reasons, though I'm sure you are referring to the fact that he's been in a tag team for a month so I should automatically buy him as a "changed man" especially when it's helped his wrestling immensely as he was so focused to be able to beat Morgan.......

You know, maybe if they helped one another to distract, get involved, or I don't know, ANYTHING that would show that they are developing chemistry, then maybe I'd buy it. So far I've seen them lose in under 4 minutes each by getting thorougly dominated and not once did they try to help one another. Only after the match did they attack. So figure on them losing at the next PPV in 6 minutes (combined total of two singles matches at best) then attacking afterwords because that's apparently what they are good at and value.
Hasn't worked for 3 years for a variety of reasons, though I'm sure you are referring to the fact that he's been in a tag team for a month so I should automatically buy him as a "changed man" especially when it's helped his wrestling immensely as he was so focused to be able to beat Morgan.......

You know, maybe if they helped one another to distract, get involved, or I don't know, ANYTHING that would show that they are developing chemistry, then maybe I'd buy it. So far I've seen them lose in under 4 minutes each by getting thorougly dominated and not once did they try to help one another. Only after the match did they attack. So figure on them losing at the next PPV in 6 minutes (combined total of two singles matches at best) then attacking afterwords because that's apparently what they are good at and value.

I'm confused didn't he stop being a loner when he joined the M.E.M. ?
I'm confused didn't he stop being a loner when he joined the M.E.M. ?

Yea......he was in for like a month and then it disbanded. Plus he never got along with everyone anyway. Consider that like Mr. Anderson in Immortal. He was there, but let's not kid ourselves and think he was a "team player".
So what would you suggest? 6 month build to change the character of a guy that already needed a change for years?

I'd suggest Joe having won his match with Morgan today, probably with Magnus' help. Then they could beat up the champs. That at least shows that their team knows how to work together to win. Then at least there would be some doubt as to whether Crimson and Morgan could lose. As of now, there's no doubt at all.
Still some time to go till AAO JJ ;)

Right, but you did the singles matches. Now you'll get a backstage brawl and MAYBE them included in some other match. The singles matches are a great place to make it seem the challengers have a chance. If they can't win either match, especially as heels when they have the advantage of being able to cheat, why should I believe they can win now?

We'll revisit this after the second show from England but I doubt that'll change.
So you would believe chemistry in a singles match but not in a tag team match?

Do you just play dumb or are you actually dumb? I'm pretty sure you're not actually dumb but I'll spell it out for you. If you help each other out IN singles matches, it shows you are working as a team. As of now, they left each other out to dry for losses and then beat up a team when it meant nothing at all as the fall happened already. You can show that you are a team by helping each other.

They haven't had a match together to "build chemistry" so I don't know what you're talking about. If they have a tune up match against someone and show good chemistry and win, that's good too, but still, just because they beat let's say Shannon Moore and Tony Nese, why should we believe they can beat the champs when they have looked like utter chumps against them? They've lost in a combined 5 minutes where they each barely got offense in. You are trying to tell me that in a matter of two weeks chemistry will magically be formed and they will have an advantage over two huge guys who are already champs and know how to win.

Don't pee on my leg and try and tell me that it's raining.
Okay so here are the ages of most of the talent in TNA that have been on TV consistantly lately.

Magnus 25
Crimson 26
Robbie E 28
Samoa Joe 32
AJ Styles 32
Eric Young 32
Austin Aries 33
Kaz 34
Hardy 34
Storm 34
Roode 35
Morgan 35
Abyss 38
Daniels 40
Bully Ray 40
Kurt Angle 43

These are good signs!
So I spent a good time talking about the tag team stuff which makes no sense as it's the least interesting and least important part of the show it seems, but the rest of the show was ok. Not a great show, but not atrocious. About par for the course.

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