IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.26.12

Magnus' top rope elbow, as simple as it is, is actually pretty impressive. Been a long time since we've seen anyone really use it. The last one to was probably Jay Lethal.

Punk does, as an homage to Macho Man. That's in "the other company" though. He's pretty much the only person I can think of that uses it consistently anywhere on TV though.
I imagine the point of them losing individually is so there future win shows a solidarity in tag wrestling that Morgan and Crimson don't have.

Which would be fine if they were an established team........or if Samoa Joe hadn't been labeled a loner his entire career. Kind of doesn't work when they've known each other a month and one guy has never "played well with others" though.
And then we can end this with Daniels and AJ at Lockdown. Because they need to break the tie in their LAST MATCH EVER TO END THE FEUD. It's about 8000 apiece at the moment.
Which would be fine if they were an established team........or if Samoa Joe hadn't been labeled a loner his entire career. Kind of doesn't work when they've known each other a month and one guy has never "played well with others" though.

Actually it does when both teams have the same gimmick, the first that gels together gets the titles.
Actually it does when both teams have the same gimmick, the first that gels together gets the titles.

Right, so why would the team with the guy who has been a career loner be the first team to gel? Plus, they aren't the champions. Pretty much nothing has gone their way other than being babies and attacking after matches they can't win. Why should I believe they will magically gel in a tag team match?
Roode's orchestral version of his theme song fits his heel persona so much better than that generic rock version he had before.
I will say this, TNA getting rid of one crappy segment a week to make longer main events has been a very smart move. I never liked it when they started their main event matches at 10:58. The last few weeks have been much better in that regard.
Would've been cool continuity for them to start brawling during JB's announcements. Even knocking him over while he's saying a name would have worked for me. These guys can't stop fighting so let them take out the ring announcer who's getting in the way. Why the heck not?
Right, so why would the team with the guy who has been a career loner be the first team to gel? Plus, they aren't the champions. Pretty much nothing has gone their way other than being babies and attacking after matches they can't win. Why should I believe they will magically gel in a tag team match?

Morgan's last tag team ended with him smashing a guy's head on a post, I don't see him as big a team player as you do I suppose. They will be the first to gel because they both have the same goal, winning the titles while Morgan and very specifically Crimson are more concerned with maintaining their solo careers. Morgan didn't seem to mind at all after Magnus jumped Crimson on the outside, he trotted over slowly and grabbed Magnus, Magnus on the other hand acted quickly as soon as his partner lost.

Why would they be the first to gel, because they can't win individually so they have to work together and based on both of their actions over the last few weeks they seem to have more chemistry.

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