IMPACT Wrestling LD for 01.26.12

Did she really do it again? Can someone please teach Christy Hemme what Joe's nickname is? It's Samoan Submission Machine, fire crotch, not Samoa Submission Machine.
These World Tour lower thirds are really annoying. I get that they're trying to get the word out, but that's just way too distracting.
Crimson and Morgan are the faces, what you do with that information is up to you.

Rooting for Crimson seems wildly unappealing. I think I'll root for a more interesting tag team to pop up and take the titles. Seriously, this feud seems to be of the, "We're going to beat you-No we're gonna beat you!" variety.
Magnus' top rope elbow, as simple as it is, is actually pretty impressive. Been a long time since we've seen anyone really use it. The last one to was probably Jay Lethal.
Welp, both guys in the new tag team lost individually to the tag team they are feuding with. Good thing they've been together a long time and have fantastic chemistry to make up for that in a tag match...............wait

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