I AM THE Royal Rumble Live Discussion

What's the bet DX both eliminate Cena? What, with a bulging disk and all, they wouldn't wanna add more stress to the top star, eh?

Bet you everyone shits themselves when Jericho's pyro goes off.
And your Mania main events are going to be Taker-HBK 2 (via rumble) and HHH v Sheamus (via elimination chamber). That's my call.
Look X, it's someone Japanese. I bet you think he is the best in the ring right now, huh? :lmao:

OK, I'll stop. I hate fighting with you when you look at me with those puppy dog eyes. I was just trolling for a fight. You know how I like Punk more every week. Pretty soon we'll get up to strong dislike, and then, by the time he retires, moderate respect. :lmao:

Homicide did carry him thought in the ROH match they had when Punk was blonde. I love me some Homicide.
HHH is out, and he may have popped his quad?

Fuck me. God has smiled on his disciples today...

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