Royal Rumble 2013 Live Discussion - Jan. 27, 2013

Uh, not really. Jmt is the only person I've seen say that Rock looked like shit, I'll trust people who have been capable of showing even a shred of objectivity.
Uh, not really. Jmt is the only person I've seen say that Rock looked like shit, I'll trust people who have been capable of showing even a shred of objectivity.

A shred of objectivity? I was one of the only few defending the Rock last year when everyone kept burying his promos against Cena. I'm a BIG fan of the Rock, but he looked bad last night.
J, you're a staunch contrarian. I can't take your opinion seriously because you ALWAYS find a way to go against the grain.
J, you're a staunch contrarian. I can't take your opinion seriously because you ALWAYS find a way to go against the grain.


When do I ever "go against the grain"? This one time makes it always? Is it because I defend the Saints over Goodell? Because I defended JGKY? I really don't see it. Please enlighten me.

My opinions are my opinions. There are no reasons why I have them other then because they are truly how I feel about the subject. I don't state shit I don't mean to look "cool" or to be argumentative. I'm honest with my opinions 100% of the time.
It would be more fair to call me a butthurt Punk mark than a "staunch contrarian." The reason Nate doesn't attempt to provide examples is because there aren't any. I can be a biased fanboy in many situations, I admit this, but it's never because I'm defending a subject only because it goes against the norm.
The reason I don't provide any examples is because I'm on a phone, like I just fucking said. There are dozens of examples, I am physically incapable of providing them right now.
I think it's funny that a war of words began on here partly because of what I said. Kinda cool to yield that power with my words. Of course, when you challenge me, which I respect from JMT because I like you too bud, you know your cause isn't helped when Shattered Dreams is the one who got your back. It would be like challenging a WWE wrestler to a fight and having Hornswoggle be the one to back you up.

Now, as for what I said, a little bit of it was to get a rise out of people. I figured that would happen but from the morons that roam these boards. I actually didn't figure the first detractor to be someone I actually respect and like. That's fine, but understand that I said it with that goal in mind.

However, it's not that I don't back up what I say. I do think the match didn't really click for me last night and I do think it wasn't on the level of Rock/Cena. Rock is in both so that to me means Cena is the better opponent for Rock. Sometimes that happens. Rock never had a good match with Undertaker and those dudes are both legends.

And I do stand by CM PUnk's promos going downhill since he turned heel. They're gotten very standard and lack in creativity. Dude was the internet darling because of his ability to do things differently. Now he's about as generic a heel as you can get. This aspect might be why I don't buy him against the Rock.

Oh, and the draw thing is accurate. You can blame football but football happens every year and this is the lowest in many, many years. Since the champion is often looked at as the main guy for ratings, we have to point to Punk and blame him for a ratings decline. It's not all him, but as champ, he has to take responsibility. I stand by comparing him to HBK in that he'll go down as great and likely become cult legend to hardcore fans, but he is simply a notch below the Hogans, Austins, Rocks, and Cenas of the world. There's no shame in that at all but that's what he is at this point and likely will be.

So the conclusion is that I do stand by the points I made but I said them a bit snidely to get a rise. Guess I did but from the wrong source. My bad J.
you know your cause isn't helped when Shattered Dreams is the one who got your back.

And I do stand by CM PUnk's promos going downhill since he turned heel. They're gotten very standard and lack in creativity. Dude was the internet darling because of his ability to do things differently. Now he's about as generic a heel as you can get. This aspect might be why I don't buy him against the Rock.

I was ranting in agreement with this statement the other day. So it turns out you were wrong after all.
I was hoping he would enter and win. Use his victory to challenge Taker.

I guess the WWE doesn't trust my booking skills.

WWE clings way too hard to kayfabe protecting characters. Ironically it usually ends up hurting them. I just don't get it. It is 2013, adults don't give a fuck and kids don't understand the difference in the first place.
Rocky looked fine last night. Probably in better ring shape than he was against Cena at Mania.

It's called selling :shrug:
Chris Benoit was supposedly gassed minutes into his Rumble classic with Kurt Angle. Nobody noticed. I, like you, don't really trust the internet's judgement when it comes to selling vs being gassed.

As for jmt vs Nate, I'm going to have to side with jmt. Bias for his favourites is certainly one of jmt's problems, but being needlessly contrary certainly isn't. Heck, I've always had jmt pegged as one of the nicer, least adversarial people on here. Nate's take on him doesn't really gel with that. It's something I'd need some real selling on.

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