I AM THE Royal Rumble Live Discussion

As a heel Jericho doesn't. The problem for me is that his finishers are worthless and there's never any drama when he fights a big face.
Which brings me to another question? Why the need for two elimination chamber matches? Wouldn't this be a better idea?

Edge challenges either for the WWE or WHC Title and the brand of the title he doesn't pick have an elimination chamber match to determine the #1 contender.

You could have Edge vs. Jericho, Undertaker vs. Batista, Orton vs. Sheamus or Cena vs. Sheamus and the Smackdown chamber composed of Punk, Mysterio, Morrison, McIntyre, Hardy, and Kane or if it's a RAW chamber composed of HHH, HBK, MVP, Miz, and Legacy. How good would that be?
As a heel Jericho doesn't. The problem for me is that his finishers are worthless and there's never any drama when he fights a big face.

Umm...what? No drama when he fights a big face? Maybe you missed his feud with Rey Mysterio last year. It was fucking amazing. Or perhaps you missed his nearly as good feud with HBK in 2008?

His finishers are worthless? How? How is the codebreaker any worse of a finisher than the Attitude Adjustment? Having your face smashed into someone's knees at a high speed REALLY fucking hurts, trust me.

Jericho is a great main eventer and proved that when he returned and had an awesome feud with HBK. It's not his fault he gets put into shit feuds and buried by people like Triple H. If a guy like Orton deserves to main event a Wrestlemania, than Jericho deserves to main event five.
I just don't like the fact that both titles are seemed to going to be defended in the chamber. I didn't see a need last year for John Cena to lose the title to Edge and then have Cena win at back at WM.
What shit feuds has Jericho been in? He beat Rock and Austin in the same night and then beat both in consecutive PPV's. He had a decent feud with Christian but he was Christian and Trish were more over in the long run. Thought his feud with HBK was overrated but thankfully he turned heel for that one.
Umm...what? No drama when he fights a big face? Maybe you missed his feud with Rey Mysterio last year. It was fucking amazing. Or perhaps you missed his nearly as good feud with HBK in 2008?

His finishers are worthless? How? How is the codebreaker any worse of a finisher than the Attitude Adjustment? Having your face smashed into someone's knees at a high speed REALLY fucking hurts, trust me.

Jericho is a great main eventer and proved that when he returned and had an awesome feud with HBK. It's not his fault he gets put into shit feuds and buried by people like Triple H. If a guy like Orton deserves to main event a Wrestlemania, than Jericho deserves to main event five.

Always thought Jericho and Shawn was great but not epic.

Difference between CodeBreaker/FU: the FU gets pins in main event matches.

And I meant Jericho is a joke in the main event, not against big names. That came out wrong.

As a face, sure he should. As a heel, nope.
You know WWE. Overusing their gimmick matches. So that makes a PPV dedicated to TLC, Elimination Chamber, and Hell in a Cell, and Submission matches. Can't wait for a whole PPV dedicated to Casket or Buried Alive matches.
You guys are acting as though the EC PPV is a new PPV and not just a namechange of No Way Out.
Its always nice to see it from someones view in the live audience



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