*NO SPOILERS* The WWE Royal Rumble LD, All Read First Post

This was one of the three major things that keeps this Rumble match from being in the Top 3 for me.

Perhaps they've changed the rule and not told me, but a guy who is not and has never been in the match cannot eliminate one who is. That's just stupid, and for the referees to act like they don't have a choice but to tell Cena he has to leave is just so stupid. I get their setting up a Cena vs. Miz thing, but still. That's a hard pill of non-logic to swallow. If Miz had distracted Cena, or even had interfered while another wrestling in the match got rid of him, then I'd be okay with it. But that is just stupid.

The second problem I had with the WWE's logic is Alberto Del Rio. Again, perhaps they've changed the rule and not told me, but it used to be if you hadn't entered the ring by the time the countdown for the next wrestler ended, you were eliminated from the match. Del Rio had not entered the ring when Orton came out, and so, according to the rules the Rumble used to have (and I'm guess still do, but were just ignored), Del Rio should have been eliminated.

The last problem I have is how they blew the great Nexus storyline with Booker T. The crowd was ready for a mega-pop for a wrestler who could go in and take down the Nexus after they had been gang-eliminating everyone...and then Booker T comes out, and the crowd blows its load. So when the first BIG name came down (Cena), the crowd was excited, but no where near what they should have been. It could have been Cena or Orton or even Big Show (if he's still a face), but it should have been a mega-face who came down to wreak havoc on Nexus for the major pop. Instead, it was the 45 year old Booker T, who hasn't been seen on WWE television in three or more years, who got the mega-eruption just to get eliminated inside of 90 seconds.

The first two are the biggest problems, and the last one I just think was a poor booking decision. It was a good Rumble, but it should have been better.

1. I think they've changed the rules at some point. But really not sure. It really doesn't bother me that much. I know the Rumbles of 99 and 00 had all sorts of outside interference, but not sure if anyone not entered threw someone out.

2. Nunzio did it in 2004 until Cena came out and threw him in. There is precedent on this one.

3. Hard to tell on this one just yet. Have to see how it plays out with Booker and the WWE at this point.
Wait where did Riley go? It's painfully obvious that Cena will win and the face off with The Miz to end. If Cena doesnt win, I will change my name to Sully's bitch.

Where's an Admin when we need one. *nvm*.
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This was one of the three major things that keeps this Rumble match from being in the Top 3 for me.

Perhaps they've changed the rule and not told me, but a guy who is not and has never been in the match cannot eliminate one who is. That's just stupid, and for the referees to act like they don't have a choice but to tell Cena he has to leave is just so stupid. I get their setting up a Cena vs. Miz thing, but still. That's a hard pill of non-logic to swallow. If Miz had distracted Cena, or even had interfered while another wrestling in the match got rid of him, then I'd be okay with it. But that is just stupid.

The second problem I had with the WWE's logic is Alberto Del Rio. Again, perhaps they've changed the rule and not told me, but it used to be if you hadn't entered the ring by the time the countdown for the next wrestler ended, you were eliminated from the match. Del Rio had not entered the ring when Orton came out, and so, according to the rules the Rumble used to have (and I'm guess still do, but were just ignored), Del Rio should have been eliminated.

The last problem I have is how they blew the great Nexus storyline with Booker T. The crowd was ready for a mega-pop for a wrestler who could go in and take down the Nexus after they had been gang-eliminating everyone...and then Booker T comes out, and the crowd blows its load. So when the first BIG name came down (Cena), the crowd was excited, but no where near what they should have been. It could have been Cena or Orton or even Big Show (if he's still a face), but it should have been a mega-face who came down to wreak havoc on Nexus for the major pop. Instead, it was the 45 year old Booker T, who hasn't been seen on WWE television in three or more years, who got the mega-eruption just to get eliminated inside of 90 seconds.

The first two are the biggest problems, and the last one I just think was a poor booking decision. It was a good Rumble, but it should have been better.

The first problem isn't WWE's fault, it's Alex Riley's. He wasn't supposed to be eliminated when he was, he slipped and fell over the top rope. Miz eliminating him was an improvised deal. I suspect Riley was supposed to to it while Miz lowered the top rope or distracred Cena, but his fuckup changed that plan and Miz doing the elimination was the quickest and easiest solution to achieve the desired result (setting up Miz vs Cena at 'Mania).

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