*NO SPOILERS* The WWE Royal Rumble LD, All Read First Post

In regards to Miz eliminating Cena ,I think HBK was eliminated by Shane McMahon in 2006 from the Rumble and Shane wasn't a participant either.

Doesn't mean it makes anymore sense, just that it has happened before.
Royal Rumble 1991

The spot that wound up being Macho Man's was never entered, and Gorilla Monsoon announced that he had missed his chance, and he was out. Macho, of course, was presumably ran out of the building by Warrior.

Ah yeah that's it. I don't think that was ever made an official rule full time is what I meant. As for a reason....maybe because Del Rio actually appeared?
As for a reason....maybe because Del Rio actually appeared?
More like they conveniently forgot.

I don't have a problem with stretching the rules, it is wrestling after all. But when there have been others outed by the rule, then it irks me. Just like when wrestlers get 10 counted outside the ring irks me, when you see guys battle out there sometimes for 2 minutes.
This was one of the three major things that keeps this Rumble match from being in the Top 3 for me.

Perhaps they've changed the rule and not told me, but a guy who is not and has never been in the match cannot eliminate one who is. That's just stupid, and for the referees to act like they don't have a choice but to tell Cena he has to leave is just so stupid. I get their setting up a Cena vs. Miz thing, but still. That's a hard pill of non-logic to swallow. If Miz had distracted Cena, or even had interfered while another wrestling in the match got rid of him, then I'd be okay with it. But that is just stupid.

It was a good Rumble, but it should have been better.

I agree with you 100% about the Cena elimination. Don't get me wrong, I was delighted he got eliminated, because I really did not want him to win the Royal Rumble this year. And I am glad the Miz was somehow involved because I am loving the thought of a Miz/Cena match at WM27. But it is asinine to have someone not in the match, wearing a suit, jump into the ring to eliminate someone, with 3 or 4 referees surrounding the ring. And where was the goddamn mystery GM, who has seen indiscretions in the past and ordered the refs to address them? There should have been some distraction, a cheap shot which hurt Cena and allowed someone in the ring to finish the job, whatever, but having the Miz do it directly in front of everyone was just silly.

Personally I hated the selection of Alberto Del Rio as the winner. How is he "ready" for the main event, having been around less than a year, while John Morrison has been around for ages and I still hear constantly that he's "not ready.". JoMo looked great tonight, pulling that maneuver that I have never seen before in all my years watching the Rumble.

All this said, though, I have to say that I still loved the PPV. You can nitpicking it to death, but it was still excellent.
More like they conveniently forgot.

I don't have a problem with stretching the rules, it is wrestling after all. But when there have been others outed by the rule, then it irks me. Just like when wrestlers get 10 counted outside the ring irks me, when you see guys battle out there sometimes for 2 minutes.

If it's the first time in 20 years I think it can be forgiven. The count out thing is stupid though yeah. Also I don't think they conveniently forgot. I think they forgot in general.
I suppose, unlike Slyfox, I have more of a consequential outlook on the Rumble. I understand Sly's perspective, the loopholes in the logic are... gaping to say the least.

I wanted Cena to win because I wanted to see him vs. The Miz at Wrestlemania more than anything else in the WWE. However, I don't mind the fact that he didn't win the Rumble because The Miz did it, which still sets up Cena vs. Miz at the Rumble. So while I can see why Cena not winning is aggravating to some, I'm not too mad because I still get to see the desired outcome.
Personally I hated the selection of Alberto Del Rio as the winner. How is he "ready" for the main event, having been around less than a year, while John Morrison has been around for ages and I still hear constantly that he's "not ready.". JoMo looked great tonight, pulling that maneuver that I have never seen before in all my years watching the Rumble.

I agree with everything you said. It really is a little mind boggling that they are going to have a guy that has been there for six months (maybe more, I don't really know) main event Wrestlemania. Not only that, but a Royal Rumble win too?

I don't know about all of this. Where are the people who cried foul when Sheamus won the title in under a year? This is a little bigger, and quicker, than Sheamus' title win.
Alberto Del Rio is ready because the fans say he's ready. The fans don't say John Morrison is ready yet.

And I think the ADR getting assaulted by Orton could technically nullify the whole not getting in fast enough thing if they needed to figure out how to get around that.
yeah, the whole Orton costing Miz the belt in 08 thing takes precedence. Punk got retrubution for that, and now Orton will beat the shit out of Punk, then they have the Mania match.

again, Punk was stripped of the title thanks to Orton. Punk exacted revenge.
I think it's almost impossible to play up a thing that happened 30 months ago when nobody bothered to relate to it in the meantime. If Miz was a totally different guy 18 months ago (his gimmick hasn't even changed that much I would say), what can we say about the Punk and the Orton from 30 months away?

You fail miserably. Why are you relagating The Miz (arguably RAWs hottest heel) to the midcard? Miz/Morrison doesn't help either one, neither does Miz/Bryan. Cena/Punk or Cena/Taker doesn't help anyone either. Miz needed a major Main Event match to solidify himself as a Main Event player. He got it, deservingly so, and Cena's the only guy who can give it to him.
If Morrison won the Rumble, Miz - Morrison could've been a beautiful matchup IMO - and really on par. That would've elevated both guys I think. Miz - Bryan would've been more of a midcard thing, I agree, but it would've been very exciting and could be a great matchup for sure. Cena - Taker would be the headliner you can go with which would draw like crazy and be remembered for years, and I don't think anyone will really argue this. Cena - Punk is already an established and very hot feud and I don't see why anyone would drop it right now. It could become even hotter with the time remaining and produce an instant classic. I don't think Miz and Cena are on par - by far not. If Miz is able to win, I'll totally admit that I'm an idiot, but I really can't imagine that.

And I completely disagree, and think Edge/ADR could be good. Del Rio seems to be pretty versatile, and can work with anyone, and Edge will be fine. Plus as I said that's far from set in stone.
I more or less agree, maybe they could put on a good match and have a little bit of chemistry, but I'm rather sceptic at the moment. Del Rio - Mysterio just screams great and has been teased for month. It guarantees great chemistry and could be a great blowoff to months of friction. If Christian returns in time, a confrontation with Edge would make a dream match, if not, Ziggler has proven a good chemistry tonight and should stay in the upper card regions if you ask me. Or even Big Show, both men can be very funny and sure as hell produce hilarous moments together. You wouldn't really need a heel in that if you ask me, just both men playing jokes and making fun of each other and it could be good.

These are the 3 best options with the guys available. BY FAR. You officially make Miz and ADR big time players, while giving the fans fresh quality matchups. This Mania card is stacking up to be fucking OUTSTANDING.
I think there are better options and right now it looks like a rather weak card to me. And I'm not a guy who is constantly critizising. Last WM for example was maybe the second or third best ever in my opinion. Compared to this year it was leaps and bounds ahead if you ask me. Cena - Batista, Shawn - Taker, Vince - Bret and Jericho - Edge for example all had a great backstory and were properly built up, this year none of the rumored matches really has, aside of Sheamus - Triple H.

At the end of the day, it's a matter of taste I think. Tonight's event was great and maybe WrestleMania will get in proper shape, too.
One thing that either validates Sly's point or works against it regarding the eliminations: there is at least one other instance where the rules for eliminations were different. In 92 Savage eliminated himself and went back in. In 97 Mil Mascaras eliminated himself and wasn't allowed back in. They've changed the rules before, although like Sly said that could have been due to just forgetting about it.
Just got back from the Rumble at the GAWDEN. I may have overpayed for my tickets yesterday but god damn it was worth it.

The WWE needs to hold the Rumble every year here. You can't beat our crowds. I didn't think we could top the sound threshold we set when Stone Cold was teased to return at RAWs 900th episode months ago. If anyones wondering, Diesels pop was 3x as anyone elses. I pulled my hat to the front because I literally thought there was gonna be a wave of splooge coming from the Upper+lower decks. Think more people were pissed about the WTF Divas title change then anything. Small pockets of Kong chants were breaking out all night till that passed with no sign........Why the fuck is Eve champion......Why was Eve even in that match?

Off to RAW tomorrow; If I don't see Triple H return I owe some one a month pass on the T.
Just some quotes I found on tonights Rumble in YouTube coments:


This was the worst Royal Rumble I ever saw, and I've seen all of them. Del Rio winning is a joke. This years Wrestlemania main events are gonna suck real bad. I don't even think I care to see Mania this year. The wwe creative team should be ashamed of themselves for even putting such a pitiful show on. They call this a ppv??? I've seen better shows on Raw and Smackdown. I'm just glad I saw it for free, because I'd be highly pissed if I wasted $50 on that bullshit!!!!!!!!!!

Alberto Del Rio is ready because the fans say he's ready.

I think a better answer than this would be: If WWE says Del Rio is ready, then Del Rio is ready.

I'm happy to see Del Rio win tonight. Sure, the Santino part was completely unecessary; but I can't help but mark-out for Del Rio, honestly.

Overall, the Rumble was fantastic (minus the few flaws). Morrison goes ninja; Nexus dominates a good portion of the Rumble, Punk cracks me up; Hornswoggle gives me a nice laugh (surprisingly); I avoid spoilers, thus mark out to Booker and Diesel. And best of all, my pick to win the Rumble tonight, wins.

Yup. Great Rumble for me.
People are seriously questioning if ADR is ready yet?

Let's examine.

Good ring skills- Check.
Good mic skills- Check.
Good gimmick- Check.
Gets a big reaction- Check.

I'd say this just about qualifies him as ready.
What an unreal Rumble! Fucking one of the best. Theres definetly a ton of highlights from this rumble that'll be used in video packages for Rumbles to come (Morrison's sick parkour skills, Swoggle giving the AA to Tyson Kidd, the returns of Diesel and Booker T). My god so many HIGHLIGHTS!
And how could I forget Santino, the runner up. Good stuff. I see him bragging about this in what are sure to be many hilarious promos. I LOVE WRESTLING
Ah, I forgot to mention the awesome Dos and Tres Amigos by Chavo who looked great but will just be further buried I guess. And I totally loved the Corre - Nexus confrontation at the beginning.
Niño Vega;2795888 said:
I think it's almost impossible to play up a thing that happened 30 months ago when nobody bothered to relate to it in the meantime. If Miz was a totally different guy 18 months ago (his gimmick hasn't even changed that much I would say), what can we say about the Punk and the Orton from 30 months away?
Miz was completely different when he started his "feud" with Cena. First of all, he was this bash young kid that didn't belong 10 miles from Cena, now he's the WWE Champ and is looking to be in the WWE Title Match at WrestleMania. Second, the Miz has become light years more serious then he was then. He was just a comedy character when he "feuded" with John Cena, now he's on the cusp of being a Main Eventer. And its' not at all impossible to playoff things from 30 months ago. Orton and Triple H played off of their Evolution days at Mania XXV. That was 5 years before.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
If Morrison won the Rumble, Miz - Morrison could've been a beautiful matchup IMO - and really on par. That would've elevated both guys I think. Miz - Bryan would've been more of a midcard thing, I agree, but it would've been very exciting and could be a great matchup for sure.
Good in-ring matchups don't make for making a guy a bona-fide Superstar Main Eventer. That comes from holding your own on the big stage against the biggest in the company. The company has (right now) 3 "biggest stars", those are Taker, Cena, and Orton. 2 of the 3 are wrestling new guys to the big-time, and the 3rd (Taker) is rumored to be wrestling another new guy. Miz/Morrison would be just another mid-card match. Look at their match from earlier this month, it wasn't the Main Event, it led the show. That's cause neither of them are bonafide superstar Main Eventer.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
Cena - Taker would be the headliner you can go with which would draw like crazy and be remembered for years, and I don't think anyone will really argue this. Cena - Punk is already an established and very hot feud and I don't see why anyone would drop it right now. It could become even hotter with the time remaining and produce an instant classic.
Taker/Cena would be great, but unfortunately Taker isn't confirmed to be wrestling at Mania. You can't gamble on Taker then have him not be healthy, and have Cena be thrown into a match mid-storyline. And again, this Mania is about building for the future while putting on good matches. They can still do the big Cena/Taker Match at Mania XXVIII. They can't wait another year on Miz, who's about to break down the proverbial door of awesome.

Punk/Cena would be a great match, but again it doesn't help build any of the new guys. You can't put Miz with Orton for the 9023784 time, it would be shit on.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
I don't think Miz and Cena are on par - by far not. If Miz is able to win, I'll totally admit that I'm an idiot, but I really can't imagine that.
No one is on the same level as Cena, but Miz is the top heel on all of RAW (hell, maybe on all of WWE), and is at a point where you can put him in a Match with Cena and believe Miz would win.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
I more or less agree, maybe they could put on a good match and have a little bit of chemistry, but I'm rather sceptic at the moment. Del Rio - Mysterio just screams great and has been teased for month. It guarantees great chemistry and could be a great blowoff to months of friction.
I do believe this would be a better matchup, but I really think that Edge/ADR would work. Also, I believe this WILL happen, and if it did I'd be happy about it.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
If Christian returns in time, a confrontation with Edge would make a dream match, if not, Ziggler has proven a good chemistry tonight and should stay in the upper card regions if you ask me.
Yes, upper mid-card regions, not wrestle for the Worlds Championship at WrestleMania, which is a main event job.

Although Edge/Ziggles could still happen, if Mysterio won the belt at EC, Edge could go with Ziggles in the blowoff, or if Christian can get back, go that route.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
Or even Big Show, both men can be very funny and sure as hell produce hilarous moments together. You wouldn't really need a heel in that if you ask me, just both men playing jokes and making fun of each other and it could be good.
You want a comedy match between 2 main event type guys at WRESLTEMANIA! REALLY?!?!

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
I think there are better options and right now it looks like a rather weak card to me. And I'm not a guy who is constantly critizising. Last WM for example was maybe the second or third best ever in my opinion. Compared to this year it was leaps and bounds ahead if you ask me. Cena - Batista, Shawn - Taker, Vince - Bret and Jericho - Edge for example all had a great backstory and were properly built up, this year none of the rumored matches really has, aside of Sheamus - Triple H.
Yeah, last year fell into place months in place. However, that was also all old main events. This year they're trying to make new superstar main eventers. Hence they need to build the stories, instead of having the stories build themselves.

Niño Vega;2795888 said:
At the end of the day, it's a matter of taste I think. Tonight's event was great and maybe WrestleMania will get in proper shape, too.
Believe me, it will get into shape. All the matches look really good so far.
I suppose, unlike Slyfox, I have more of a consequential outlook on the Rumble. I understand Sly's perspective, the loopholes in the logic are... gaping to say the least.

I wanted Cena to win because I wanted to see him vs. The Miz at Wrestlemania more than anything else in the WWE. However, I don't mind the fact that he didn't win the Rumble because The Miz did it, which still sets up Cena vs. Miz at the Rumble. So while I can see why Cena not winning is aggravating to some, I'm not too mad because I still get to see the desired outcome.
I don't care that Cena didn't win, it's how he lost which I have the problem with. And I'd have that same problem no matter who got put out in that manner. It just is a cheap way to do things.

And I think the ADR getting assaulted by Orton could technically nullify the whole not getting in fast enough thing if they needed to figure out how to get around that.
Not really, because Orton didn't assault him until AFTER the buzzer went off. Orton didn't go Rick Rude on Del Rio and come out early, he waited until it was his turn to come out.
One thing that either validates Sly's point or works against it regarding the eliminations: there is at least one other instance where the rules for eliminations were different. In 92 Savage eliminated himself and went back in. In 97 Mil Mascaras eliminated himself and wasn't allowed back in. They've changed the rules before, although like Sly said that could have been due to just forgetting about it.
Didn't remember the Mascaras thing, but I was thinking of the Randy Savage thing. But the reason I didn't mention it is because Savage eliminated himself, whereas Cena was eliminated by someone who wasn't even supposed to be in the match.

Imagine having a 1-on-1 Wrestlemania match between Cena and the Miz, and Cena wins the title when Alex Riley pins The Miz. Wouldn't make much sense, now would it?

Last I checked, isn't this an LD/spam thread?

The idea of quality discussion in a spam thread is certainly frightening...
Didn't remember the Mascaras thing, but I was thinking of the Randy Savage thing. But the reason I didn't mention it is because Savage eliminated himself, whereas Cena was eliminated by someone who wasn't even supposed to be in the match.

Imagine having a 1-on-1 Wrestlemania match between Cena and the Miz, and Cena wins the title when Alex Riley pins The Miz. Wouldn't make much sense, now would it?

Yeah I get that. Not what I was saying. I'm saying they've changed the rules before (albeit probably not intentionally) so the Del Rio aspect was kind of almost covered. As for Miz throwing him out, the rules at the beginning say being thrown over the top and to the floor. It doesn't specify that it has to be by someone in the match (note that if that was the explanation given I'd say it was complete and utter bullshit and I'm not trying to defend it but rather say how they could attempt to validate it, which they won't)

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