I AM THE Royal Rumble Live Discussion

Punk is shit? Damn, sorry you can't enjoy a great wrestler.

I really don't think that. I just like to give X a hard time.

He's OK. A solid six or seven, but he is the single most overrated wrestler in the business. He's good, but he is not the future or the present of the business. He plays his role well.
And why don't you shut the fuck up with your fan boy bullshit. So far you've told me and Doc both what we should like.

Nope, sure as fuck did not tell you or Doc who to like. Just telling you that you're wrong. Which you are. Quite different from telling you what to like.

Fuck you, he is a midcarder with a fill in title reign and another reign because it made sense in the story.

This is what I mean about you being insanely wrong. The man is a multi time World Champion, and you think thats it? You think he's not going to win more World Titles? Are you fucking high dude?

He is over nowhere outside of the internet unless he has Jeff Hardy to carry him in a feud.

ROFL, this is what I mean, you're so full of shit it's sad. Maybe you missed it but the fucking entire crowd was chanting CM PUNK! CM PUNK! about 5 minutes ago. Literally, five minutes ago, did you not fucking catch that? He gets heat every god damn week on Smackdown is one of the most over heels on the entire roster. Stop living in a fantasy world.

His matches are fucking terrible, and if he is the future of the company, I am happier every day that I discovered TNA.

Lol, yeah his matches are terrible I guess if all you're into is fucking Botchtista matches dude.

Midcarder for life. Two failed runs at the top say I am right.

CLEARLY you don't know what the fuck a midcarder is then. And funy you'd call his title runs failures seeing as how he had the single most memorable world title reign of the entire fucking year.

But, continue with your bullshit Punk bashing. It amuses me to no end.
So what number are we at now? How many left? God damn this Rumble has gone by fast.

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