Cage Match Round 2- Posters you grew to like or hate

Like- The Crock, dude is one funny guy. I liked Blue Cardinal more when they were a so called duo or something like that but yeah, Crock is the Shawn Micheals of that duo now.

Sully- My most consistent green repper for basically no reason.

Milenko- idk why but I like this guy.

Doc and SSC for being cool mods that I've talked to.

Dislike- Uncle Chester- Yes, People called me cunt red repped me and got a pm in return from me and that was that but this guy kept up with it.

Muffin Top Merkeley- Dude called me an Idiot and spelled Neutral wrong in his PM. Hmph.
It's because I'm awesome that's why.

That and if you're in a bad mood you can insult the shit out of me and unless I'm in a downright god awful mood myself I won't care.
When I like someone, I tend to not stop liking them (well, except one person, but we've already been down that road about a million times). People that have grown on me after I initially thought they were *****:

Uncle Chester

Old times hey tdigs? Couldn't be fucked looking for the original pic.
Grew to DIS-Like:

NOAHConstrictor: This kid needs his parents to lock him in a maximum security playpen. That kid has some issues there, and he would find girls in his age range at Chucky Cheese, or McDonald's Playland, or Magic Forest.

Issues? I'd say he's a perfectly normal, annoying 15 or 16 year old boy. Needs his first handjob, that's all.
You know I love reading this, because I've never actually been hated in any of the threads. Makes me kinda feel good, but I feel a string of posts with people saying Uncle Phatso sucks ass or something like that.

On the hate side, I've never really hated anyone on Wz. I do fear some posters like Sly, not really fear but I know I could never beat him in a debate, so I try to tread slow around his threads so I don't piss him off. I've spent quite a long time here and to be honest I don't want to get banned, I enjoy wz and If I get pissed off and blow up at someone I'm likely to get banned and not be able to come to a place that since 2007 has gave me a lot of good times. It's for the most part a very easy going community and if you find out ware you fit in you won't really have problems with anyone.

Posters I grew to like

Sam- When I first came here I believe about 5 different older members gave me a a lot of red rep at one time. I always thought same hated me so I wouldn't really read his posts or reply in his threads at all. But now he grew on me and I love to see the new funny sigs he makes for himself all the time.

Uncle Chester- I still won't read any posts he makes outside of the Mma section, but when he is in that section I like to read what he posts. Even if it sometimes is a bit one sided he always seems like a sold Ama following poster to me. But that’s ware it ends for me.

Angel- I would get constant red rep from this dude, but as time grew I just kind of accepted it. I've actually green repped him a few times because he is a good poster and makes me laugh a lot. I also like his basketball sigs because for the most part I can get a good laugh at them.

Dirty- I believe him and some other guy gave me red rep within like the first week of me coming back this last time. I sent them both pretty shitty pm's and I've apologized since to both. One the muffin man or whatever his name is still hates on me every chance he gets, but time rolls on and I've read a lot of Dirty's debating posts and have nothing but positive things to say about him.
Grew To Like:

LSN80- I thought he was stupid, and that he was too nice for his own good. I just think he's too nice for his own good.

Tdigle- I absolutely loathed him after our debate in the Cigar Lounge. But he's a kickass poster, and I got over it eventually.

Sparky- I don't have a good explaination for this one. Didn't like him. Do now.

Grew to Dislike:

Furyof5- I thought he was very impressive until he revealed he was a nutjob.

The Crock- I still think he's awesome, but after the repeated shitting on the Cigar Lounge, I just lost my love for him, not that we had any real interaction. I'm just a fan.
Who in the hell are you?

Keyboard Warrior

Like, have we interacted before? Not trying to be funny, or play a joke...I really have no idea who you are.

I guess this is a good thing, not terrible, great or spectacular. I guess I'm least likely to be in your line of fire.

DirtyJosé;2854263 said:
You've at least changed his name before.

Few Times from Teflon Don to Superman Punch to Keyboard Warrior. that the original Snyper? The gay guy who was put in WZ Prison and then proceeded to post pictures of some dude in spandex years ago?

The gay guy? How was I gay exactly, I guess arguing with Jake automatically makes you the gay guy.

The dude in spandex? For a start that was me, outside of my old house, I wasn't wearing spandex it was (from memory) a shirt with my arms crossed.

Ahh, I remember him! He wanted to be Norcal before Norcal was Norcal. Except, you know, gay and in the Prison.

I do remember you now! That's hilarious! An old-timer.

Wasn't gay then, not gay now...... seeing that I was a Sex Offender in prison, sex was power.

Are you still a tool these days? Or have you grown up?

Have a look at me these days, I haven't been infracted in about 15-16 months. I make Graphics, post MMA and bullshit in the Cage. I'm not what I was back then, that guy was a fucking embarrassment to the person I am now.

Still a tool

Fuck yourself with a piece of razor wire.

DirtyJosé;2854344 said:
I'll give Keyboard Warrior a non-tool vote.

Jose that is because you are good people, plus we shoot the breeze in the Cage here and there.

I'll throw my hat in the non-tool Keyboard Warrior pool.

I know we have only just started to interact, but I think your cool in my books.
The gay guy? How was I gay exactly, I guess arguing with Jake automatically makes you the gay guy.
No no, you definitely were gay. Or at least that was the common perception at the time. Probably had something to do with that picture you had as your sig. Pretty gay looking.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

The dude in spandex? For a start that was me, outside of my old house, I wasn't wearing spandex it was (from memory) a shirt with my arms crossed.
Yeah, it was 4 years ago, you'll have to excuse me for not remembering the specifics from a guy who posted a gay looking picture of himself.

And I mean "gay looking picture" in the "you looked gay" way. Not the derogatory way.

Wasn't gay then, not gay now...... seeing that I was a Sex Offender in prison, sex was power.
That...doesn't even begin to make sense.

Have a look at me these days, I haven't been infracted in about 15-16 months. I make Graphics, post MMA and bullshit in the Cage. I'm not what I was back then, that guy was a fucking embarrassment to the person I am now.
That guy was an embarrassment to anyone who has ever posted a picture of themselves on the Internet. And that's saying something.

No offense intended, of course. Didn't even know who the fuck you were until I looked at the Name Change logs, so obviously you're not bad enough to be memorable. I suppose that's probably the closest I come to a compliment.
No no, you definitely were gay. Or at least that was the common perception at the time. Probably had something to do with that picture you had as your sig. Pretty gay looking.

What was gay about it...... surely oiling up before taking the photo doesn't make it gay?

Yeah, it was 4 years ago, you'll have to excuse me for not remembering the specifics from a guy who posted a gay looking picture of himself.

I know I was just having a lend of you.

That guy was an embarrassment to anyone who has ever posted a picture of themselves on the Internet. And that's saying something.


You're not bad enough to be memorable. I suppose that's probably the closest I come to a compliment.

I will take that as a compliment, I'd rather stay out of a mod/g-mod/admin eye sight.

Old times hey tdigs? Couldn't be fucked looking for the original pic.

Public rep was the greatest thing ever. I'll never forget the time Milenko threatened to post something nasty in 48.7's rep (or someone like 48.7) if he didn't stop trolling him. Milenko kept good on his word by repping said poster with a pic of himself :lol::lol::lol:. Milenko: a truly humble man who gives self-deprecating humor a whole new meaning.

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