Cage Match Round 2- Posters you grew to like or hate

Like I said, though, there's no reason to okay any of what he said. Whether he has family in Israel, or on one of the planes during September 11th, hating all people simply because they call the same God he worships by a different name is not okay.

I see what you're saying, but it's not like FTS was going out every night to find Muslims to merk; he just used an internet messageboard to express his feelings. No harm done, imo. Were he to say those things in public at let's say some Muslim funeral, then okay... everyone would be right to look at him as a prick then. But all he did was come to a messageboard and started a ridiculous hate thread because A) something was going on in his personal life and B) he thought he had enough friends around here where he could post shit like that without truly being judged as a racist prick.
Wait, being a racist fuck is ok as long as you are among friends and as long as you have drama in your life. Got it.
I'm pretty relaxed regarding what people can say and not come off as racist in any way, and FTS always came off as a racist to me honestly. Add to that an ignorant Republican and no not ignorant BECAUSE he was Republican it just happened that way. The few times I debated with him regarding politics and religion he never showed me anything that made me believe credit he got around here was warranted. That's just me though.
I see what you're saying, but it's not like FTS was going out every night to find Muslims to merk; he just used an internet messageboard to express his feelings. No harm done, imo. Were he to say those things in public at let's say some Muslim funeral, then okay... everyone would be right to look at him as a prick then. But all he did was come to a messageboard and started a ridiculous hate thread because A) something was going on in his personal life and B) he thought he had enough friends around here where he could post shit like that without truly being judged as a racist prick.

I see where you're coming from too, but that doesn't excuse him for being racist in my mind. And I'm glad we live in a society where the majority of people won't defend someone's racist points of view because of friendship. Looking back on that thread I saw guys whose posts had a "Say it ain't so" type of tone about them, and I totally understand that. If Crock (not picking on you Crock, just wanted to pick one of my favorite posters) came on tomorrow and started talking about how he hates (insert ugly racist hate language here), I'd be dumbfounded and hope to God that he's just playing a really really really unfunny joke, but I'd still be a little shaken up by it.

Pretty sure I did, then again I always mixed you and Angle up so I might have just disliked him and thought it was you ha.

No no no, I'm Kurt Angle, Crock is The Rock.
DirtyJosé;2852075 said:
FTS is a racist fuck, end of story.

You've always had a thing against FTS, long before the "racist" stuff started.

And I'm sorry, but that's not the end of your precious story, bro. Fucking starting one or two threads, in a forum where it's encouraged to be racist and prejudiced, on bashing Muslims, a group of people he was probably raised not to like, and a group of people who were raised not to like him, doesn't make someone a flat-out "racist fuck." Not to sound cliche, but this situation is not just black and white, there is most certainly a gray area when it comes to FTS' "racism."

Also, not to throw Coco under the bus here, but he has had flat-out said he doesn't like Muslims, yet I don't see him catch flack for it. Why? 2 Reasons:

1. Coco is still active around here.
2. Coco isn't a conservative from the south.

Those are the only two reasons why people are attacking FTS here.
One more reason I don't like FTS: He ruined this thread. Fucker.

JMT, you've been disrupting this thread too much. Post the people you used to hate and now like or vice versa.
JMT, you've been disrupting this thread too much. Post the people you used to hate and now like or vice versa.


Wes was the douchiest, most power hungry mod we had here when I first signed up, and then when he came back after his banning, he became chill and one of the coolest people to just shoot the shit with.

I also didn't like Jake at first, either, but of course... no one can resist the Jake charm for too long.
FTS would have been fine in my book if they didn't make him into a mod, because it clearly went to his head within days. It was practically impossible to have an argument with him before in his mind he was high enough on the food chain to deny what you are saying as false information no matter how right you are in the first place (See Slyfox.) He was pretty much a giant turd with glitter sprinkled on top of him in his last couple of months.

I also thought it was pretty hilarious how he could so easily stereotype Muslims when if he was to be put into a line-up he would be the very first one I would pick as the "Overweight Jew banker who wears rental suits three sizes too small for him, and who smells of the always popular Jew combo of soap and body odour." FTS was pure hype, that's exactly why he swiftly made his exit from this place the moment everyone got the gist of his gimmick.
You've always had a thing against FTS, long before the "racist" stuff started.

I have?

I think I had maybe two debates with him, and I stopped by his thread once in awhile.

And I'm sorry, but that's not the end of your precious story, bro. Fucking starting one or two threads, in a forum where it's encouraged to be racist and prejudiced, on bashing Muslims, a group of people he was probably raised not to like, and a group of people who were raised not to like him, doesn't make someone a flat-out "racist fuck." Not to sound cliche, but this situation is not just black and white, there is most certainly a gray area when it comes to FTS' "racism."

People who can't grow up enough to escape hereditary racism aren't worth defending. Who gives a fuck the history between Jews and Muslims? People letting the cycle of hatred continue is why nothing ever changes over there. We all don't want to get involved and tell them both that they are both capable of acting like ******s, and so we let them have their little bitter blood feud. Fuck that. FTS didn't grow up in Israel and, unless someone here wants to tell me that he was directly involved in and affected by a "Muslim Agenda", he was lazy ignorant racist fuck who found it easier to lay his personal problems on the feet of people a half a world away who couldn't give a fuck about him.

Also, not to throw Coco under the bus here, but he has had flat-out said he doesn't like Muslims, yet I don't see him catch flack for it. Why? 2 Reasons:

1. Coco is still active around here.
2. Coco isn't a conservative from the south.

Those are the only two reasons why people are attacking FTS here.

Bullshit. Everyone has the freedom to not like people, FTS openly endorsed denying rights to a group of people, and in fact encouraged violent action against them, based on his childish insecurities and fears. This has nothing to do with him being Southern or with him being a Republican.

EDIT: Sorry JGlass.

Tiger - I remember him as more awkward, but he's all awesome now.
I hated Xfear when I started, thought he was the biggest internet loser and such... until I stopped that whole thing and realised he was a cool guy. Macca was another one because of a lot of reasons, but yeah... I got used to him.

No-one else really comes to mind.
Nate- I usually hate juggalo's right off the bat, but he's shown that all of them are not retarted after all ;)

Just to clear this up, I don't really call myself a Juggalo anymore. Simply because the music just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Safe for one cd put out in the past 2 years, I've hated all of the cds from the label.

Grew To Like:

Crock & Angel- Their incessant back and forth trolling got old, but after a while I saw they were actually good.

Slyfox- I used to think he was an arrogant prick. Now I know he is an arrogant prick, but he's usually right.

KB- Not that ever disliked him, I just thought he was a bit over rated. But I've recently discovered his reviews and they have since been a replacement for television for me. Shit is brilliant.

Armbar- My first experience with him was him ripping on me being a Juggalo, so of course I hated him. Since then I've realized that he's quite awesome.

Grew To Dislike

Nino Vegas - I have no doubt that he's a solid poster, but Nino was a massive tool during the Tourney draw with his constant bitching about DBD not being in it. Now of course DBD's name came up like everyone knew it would but he was being a douche the whole time about it.

shattereddreams & Zeven_Zion- Both solid posters, but the way they turn every fucking thread in the TNA section into a WWE vs TNA debate gets really old. ZZ is growing on me because lately he seems a bit more objective lately, but shat is irritating as shit.
Grew to Like:

Angel: Didn't really dislike him, but was more indifferent than anything else. He slowly began to make me laugh on a regular basis. Cool dude.

Coco: Coco used to shit on me quite a bit. Then I realised that he shits on everyone once in a while. I enjoy Coco's posting now and his RP's are some of the best in WZCW.

Haven't really grown to hate anyone, though Noah's been pretty annoying as of late.
Grew to like:
Shattered Dreams - Outside of the TNA section, he's a really funny guy. I just don't enjoy debating wrestling with him.

Lee - I have no idea why I disliked him. I think he came off as very gruff and standoffish. But after talking with him a bit more I quickly came around, got used to his style, and now I love talking to him about video games and the like.

Grew to Dislike
Angel - honestly, I'd like him if he wasn't so fucking defensive. He's fun to talk to when he's calm, but if you say anything remotely bad, or something that can even be vaguely considered less-than-stellar about him he freaks.

Michael_Nexus_WZ - He's like classic Ferbian-lite. Says things when he has nothing to say, talks out of his ass, and I know he's a little kid and shouldn't fault him but he's so annoying.

Grew to like, and then dislike
Ferbian - He really improved for a while, actually speaking about things he knew about. Now he's back to his old bullshitting self.
Grown to Like:

IDR: I must be mellowing in my old age, because he certainly hasn't improved one iota.

shattered dreams: Dude cracks me up. End of story.

DirtyJose: Couldn't stand him when he first showed up here and felt the need to tell me Christian had no chance of winning MITB. Then I saw him in threads that weren't that one and things cooled off.

JGlass: Rumor has it I used to red rep him a lot. I don't remember doing this and wouldn't do this today, so I must have grown to like him.

Crock: Well, maybe. Actually, I might still dislike him. The jury is out. Which is certainly a step up.

General Disarray: I started off not liking him because Sly didn't like him. Then TM decided to honor us together and I realized he's not too shabby.

IrishCanadian25: Started off indifferent. Then I despised him. Now I'm indifferent. Throw D-Man in there too. They're a package deal.

klunderbunker: See IrishCanadian25.

ScotsDave/PowerTrip/DeathFromAbove/Whatever He's Going By Now: I used to think he was Blade's annoying sidekick and nothing more.

FalKon: I, like most, thought he sucked when everyone was confused about his gender. Now I like him and sort of get the humor but sort of don't. He might be operating a few levels above me and is certainly playing a longer con than people realize.

Killjoy: Sometimes.

Grew to Hate:

Sly: Hate's not the right word. I used to like him a lot because we were of the same mind on a few things. Since then however, I've grown indifferent.

J-Dogg: What the fuck?

I think that's about it. When I like people, I normally don't change my mind on them. But there's always plenty of hate for me to eliminate.
Lee - I have no idea why I disliked him. I think he came off as very gruff and standoffish. But after talking with him a bit more I quickly came around, got used to his style, and now I love talking to him about video games and the like.
Actually, yeah. I'd add him to my list. He used to annoy the shit out of me. Not that I ever interact with him now, but he's grown to be one of my favorite posters.

It would seem I hate people very liberally.
I'm still on the wagon. Can't talk about Ferbian in this thread though as I've hated him from day one.
Grew to Like:
Sam - Man, this guy pissed me off at first. But this is back when I couldn't tell when he was being serious or sarcastic. Then I realized that he's NEVER serious. Problem solved.
Xfear - We agreed on NOTHING. He constantly made comments about me riding IC25's coattails just because he's a personal friend and the guy who got me to join on here.
Macca - What an annoying troll, at first. But once you get to know him, he's not that bad.

Grew to Hate:
Zevon_Zion - Complete douchebag to the core. At first, I respected his passion for TNA. After a while, I realized that if you don't agree with his way of thinking, YOU must be stupid. It's never him, it's always YOU. He's a hard-headed, condescending chode.

Besides that, I pretty much like everyone.

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