of the Le'beau family
I am better than both those chumps you speak. Better than LSN because he's a conniving little shit and Phatso because he's a complete idiot.
Oh I'm not Coco in any way except the intelligence bit.
Back to your titty thread creep.
Chester, you're an unfunny asshole. But a lot of people on here are, myself included. The issue I'm having here, is that you seem to have a problem with posters that are not only better than you, but have no negative reputation what so ever.
LSN is probably the most laid back, nicest poster in all WZ. Assuming you have good reason not to like him, you have to remember that you can't judge people by a single event. Your opinion isn't just a minority. IT'S WRONG!
Either that, or he's the greatest phony to ever grace the internet. And other than him thinking low of you, I've seen no real evidence that he's "a conniving little shit."
Phatso is simply kick ass.
And with the sole exception of YOUR posts, I've never heard a bad thing about either of them.
And on top of all of this, you're always up someone's ass about something. CONSTANTLY starting shit for no good reason. Not even jokingly. Just trying to weasel your way into a sphincter. I'm probably not the best person to be telling you this, but I'm sick of seeing your petty bullshit being at the top of threads.
This is an intervention. Please get your shit together lad.
P.S. Milenko is also awesome.