Remix. He is so needy to be right that it is quite annoying.
Eh, it's an ego boost. I can get one online by making good posts, being funny or being right. Since my course saps my motivation to make good posts, and I'm naturally unfunny I try to be right as often as possible, which admittedly makes me look like a knob. I'll cut it out when I actually have the free time and energy to make good posts on a regular basis.
I like Remix, but there was someone here who debated him and requested that he not quote his posts sentence by sentence for the sake of intelligibility. I forgot who it was, but it was funny as shit.
X criticised me for going sentence by sentence (making it take too damn long to respond). The only time I got told I was unintelligible was when I didn't realise that you had to put lines in between quotes making my responces blur into one.