Cage Match Round 2- Posters you grew to like or hate

Remix. He is so needy to be right that it is quite annoying.

Eh, it's an ego boost. I can get one online by making good posts, being funny or being right. Since my course saps my motivation to make good posts, and I'm naturally unfunny I try to be right as often as possible, which admittedly makes me look like a knob. I'll cut it out when I actually have the free time and energy to make good posts on a regular basis.

I like Remix, but there was someone here who debated him and requested that he not quote his posts sentence by sentence for the sake of intelligibility. I forgot who it was, but it was funny as shit.

X criticised me for going sentence by sentence (making it take too damn long to respond). The only time I got told I was unintelligible was when I didn't realise that you had to put lines in between quotes making my responces blur into one.
That YRU Reading This guy is all sorts of moronic. Who wants to see King vs. Cole at Wrestlemania? Try everyone in the entire fucking world.
He's just really annoying in LDs. I know he's 14 or whatever but damn. And last night really made me furious because he was overusing shitty old memes in ways that weren't even funny. That kind of humor always gets looked down on and it's because of people like him doing it wrong.

Well how the hell am I supposed to know what you all think is funny and isn't funny? I'm just trying to add some comedy. If no one thinks it's funny, that's fine by me, but how the fuck am I supposed to know that before I even post it?

This is another reason he annoys me. He specifically asked me to say, in that christmas thread I made, "Michael 'Mr. WZNexus' V is the best LD Maker EVER!!!!". As an honest man, I simply could not bring myself to do that.

Ok, that was highly stupid of me.
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2870698 said:
Who/what is JKO?

A guy who used to come on here and be annoying. I liked him, no one else did. He got banned from the Bar Room and only the Bar Room. Eventually he got banned for a year for posting borderline porn, months after the fact. He's due to be back on March 14th, but he's probably moved on by now. He was still lurking as recently as when I got modded. He emailed me a congratulations.
A guy who used to come on here and be annoying. I liked him, no one else did. He got banned from the Bar Room and only the Bar Room. Eventually he got banned for a year for posting borderline porn, months after the fact. He's due to be back on March 14th, but he's probably moved on by now. He was still lurking as recently as when I got modded. He emailed me a congratulations.

Yikes, I don't want to end up like him. Seriously though, I am trying to be a good poster, but I'm just failing so far. Can you honestly offer me some advice?
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2870640 said:
Well how the hell am I supposed to know what you all think is funny and isn't funny? I'm just trying to add some comedy. If no one thinks it's funny, that's fine by me, but how the fuck am I supposed to know that before I even post it?

Easy, by seeing people shit on you for trying to be funny, if you get negative responses from what you think is funny, then chances are it isn't working.

It's kinda hard to become a better poster by mainly posting in LD's. Calling out wrestler's names, moves, just saying that much was good/sucked in a spam environment will not make you a better poster.
Think before you post. ALWAYS think before you hit that post reply button. If it sounds stupid, try to find a way to make it sound less stupid. If it still sounds stupid, don't post it. Saying things like The Rock's return is the defining moment of the PG Era is stupid. Saying The Rock's return may have gotten the loudest reaction of the PG Era is not stupid.

Also, try posting outside of LDs more often. If you establish a reputation as a smart wrestling poster in the non-spam wrestling sections of even in the Wrestling Spam Zone people will be more inclined to listen to you.
Think before you post. ALWAYS think before you hit that post reply button. If it sounds stupid, try to find a way to make it sound less stupid. If it still sounds stupid, don't post it. Saying things like The Rock's return is the defining moment of the PG Era is stupid. Saying The Rock's return may have gotten the loudest reaction of the PG Era is not stupid.

Also, try posting outside of LDs more often. If you establish a reputation as a smart wrestling poster in the non-spam wrestling sections of even in the Wrestling Spam Zone people will be more inclined to listen to you.

Easy, by seeing people shit on you for trying to be funny, if you get negative responses from what you think is funny, then chances are it isn't working.

It's kinda hard to become a better poster by mainly posting in LD's.

Thank you both for the advice. :)
Michael "Mr. WZNexus" V.;2870737 said:
Yikes, I don't want to end up like him. Seriously though, I am trying to be a good poster, but I'm just failing so far. Can you honestly offer me some advice?

I don't know, man, it's hard to really give specific advice for something like this. I think you got some unwarranted shit in yesterday's LD for a few things (Like your Edge/Christian comment) but the UMAD comment was just....ugh, douche chill. And I don't want to tell you to stop enjoying wrestling, but sometimes you do overreact a lot.

Also, don't do that thing with the colors and the show's opening theme. And as JGlass said, think before you post. You often talk about things you don't really know...never a good thing.
Here's a tip: Never worry about the 3rd, 4th or 5th guy who starts bashing you. Stick to the 1st. It's very likely the bandwagon guys are as pathetic, or even more so than the person they're flaming.
I don't know why you guys shit on the E&C comment in the elimination chamber LD. He was marking out like you guys do sometimes. It is pathetic that marking out is only allowed by the select few and done in a select way.

Most of the "marking out" in the LDs makes me cringe when reading it back later. Best to let it slide. Those crazy kids are probably too hopped up on sugar and semen to be blamed.

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