Cage Match - Your Least Favorite Posters (Take 2)


Mid-Card Championship Winner
That's right, ladies (lol, yea rite) and germs. Sly said this was more of a cage thread, and Corporate Coco is all about appeasing our fearless leader. So it's time once again to let the bad blood boil over as we discuss our least favorite posters. I'll start (because I have massive testicles).

Xemnas was right in his last thread. He is on a lot of people's lists, including mine. Until he and the Cigar Lounge Society disband, they've all earned a comfortable place right near the top of my shit list.

Ferbian for being a busy-body who says very little which is worthy of being said. Also, for the Linkin Park and the faggy tats.

The Disturbed and Find'er Woo'er Ryder also rank at the moment for what is an alarming lack of self-awareness.

So, who's on your shit list? Come at me, brah. Cage rules apply!
Lita's Revenge- She's a solid poster but I grew tired of her constantly talking about how sexy Wade Barrett is and how every Smackdown LD devolved into some way, shape, or form about her wanting to fuck Matt Striker.
Never really been a big fan of The Disturbed. He seems to just post a hell of a lot of crap just for the sake of getting his post count up there. Like the old saying goes, quality is better than quantity.
I'll pull the broom out of my ass when all four of you grow some testicles and be real with everybody.
Hey, I think the Cigar Lounge Society is pretty cool. All the people in there are solid posters and are actually some of my favourites on these forums. Never had a problem with any of them.

EDIT: Lol'd at the above comment.
Is this to somehow imply that everyone who isn't from the "hood" is fake?

Okay. I'll settle for that.

Of course not. Just pointing out your lack of explaination in a humorous way. I know people on here don't like me. I'm a left wing nut job. But I don't remember ever arguing with you. I just want to know what your problem is with me and the Society. What have we done to offend you dear Coco? Did we forget to give you our lunch money?
I'm still over-joyed that shittered took the time to tell me he hates me, only to tell me he doesn't care about me in an entirely new post. Christmas came early for me this year, WZ.

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