Cage Match Round 2- Posters you grew to like or hate

I used to think nothing of Ferbian until he started posting everywhere. Then I thought he was pushing so hard to get a mod spot which kind of made me dislike him. Now, I'm indifferent towards him. To be fair, I'm indifferent to about 95% of the posters here.
Ferbian's a great poster and gives a ton to the forums. Hating on him is just plain stupid.
I have the world's best first impressions. I don't think I've ever changed my mind about anyone, forums or otherwise.
Grew to dislike - DirtyJose

I don't even dislike the guy at all. I think he makes great posts and can be funny at times. However, he tends to take ONE comment someone makes and blows it completely out of proportion. Also, HE will tell YOU exactly what you meant by making the comment, since you couldn't possibly have known what was going on in your own mind at the time.

Zero - Whatever dude.

Grown to like - CROCKY - When I first started looking through the Cage, I thought he and Blue Cardinal tried way too hard to shit on people, while at times it was funny, it seemed to go on too much. He's since given that up (for the most part) and is a cool mofo.

Sully - Kid's gotten better and defends himself a lot better than he used to. I don't know, I always pull for the hometown kids.
GD- I used to like GD because he's pretty funny and he supplies an alternative view when talking about wrestling, but for whatever reason he has a problem with ICE. I can deal with people who have problems with me, but if it's for no particular reason it gets on my nerves.

I don't think I have a problem with it, just think it's completely unecessary/pointless. Don't even recall you being in it, actually.

Here's a little list for you.

Grew to Like

Coco - didn't like him because Blade didn't, and then I saw he was pretty good at posting stuff. I believe that was during the Emerson Cocod days.

Milenko - Switches everyday. Actually probably hate him now.

Jenks - Had fun participating in his chat room.

Grew to Hate

Crock - His PM about him having to stay out of the cage cause he wants to be a mod didn't do him any favors.

There's probably a lot more, but I can't think.
It was during the time when the poster survivor series when I was on the spectacular team consisting of me, Blade, Harthran, RVDGurl and the one and only fratelli.
We haven't had a pointless poster tournament in a while but I think the stock of BGIH has done nothing but rise over the last year. Surely we're prospective winners of some hypothetical event.
I don't think I have a problem with it, just think it's completely unecessary/pointless. Don't even recall you being in it, actually.

In that case I guess I don't really dislike you either. Still, I like being part of ICE, it's a great way to get good posters to help jump start discourse in a thread.
That is good, why don't you guys go suck each others dick in there instead, so I do not have to witness it. All this mutual respect is making me fucking sick.
sns you're always welcome in my hypothetical love thread

Also I disliked Lee for a while, but I think it's just that my first reply ever on here was him telling me that I had a sig violation. Rubbed me the wrong way, but he was just doing his job. As you all know he's actually pretty cool
Wait a minute, just so we're clear, we're expressing surprise that a guy named FROMTHESOUTH is possibly a major racist?
I basically don't mind the majority of people on here. I know I'm a bit on the how should I say, unique, side for personality. Ya either like me or don't, or you just tolerate me. Other than that, well...I'm just one of those people...

Grew to Like:

Coco, Armbar, SNS: At first I thought they were sarcastic jerks, but then I realized that they were what I was missing in life enjoyment and truth. I happen to enjoy reading their posts quite a bit now. I get a kick out of their outlooks on anything when I doing my random readings and posting in spam or cage. I find them to be rather appealing, and they also do have good posts in non-spam areas too. :blush:

INDYjon22: I've actually liked this dude for a while. Plus his sig always brightens my day. How can you NOT brighten up when you see the smile? :rolleyes:

KB: Dude..the knowledge of wrestling stuff amazes me, and your reviews are really good. Keep it up.

GuyCompton: Great with random stuff, and you are a fan of Red Eye. Plus, your old sig of the guy with the 'Look At Her Booty...' quote would have me dying with laughter.

Grew to DIS-Like:

NOAHConstrictor: This kid needs his parents to lock him in a maximum security playpen. That kid has some issues there, and he would find girls in his age range at Chucky Cheese, or McDonald's Playland, or Magic Forest.

LilacFray: Don't know who she is, but I think she's like 12 or 13, and she started PM'ing me about her puppies and kittens. And I thought I was nuts sometimes? :wtf: Lilac, maybe you should meet Noah, I hear he's ready for a girl.

Furyof5: This kid, I don't know what, but man, was his thread hilarious. He claimed his dad, grandpa invented Subway sandwiches, or whatever. Or that he invented Batman. That person was batshit crazy.
Just because most people like him doesn't mean I have to. Deal with it.

Shoulda said "D-Man really needs to jump off that bridge." Too bad he'd hit on it on the way down, it'd morph to catch him, and they'd have sex

now I want to go base jumping, thanks douche
Grown to like:

Jenks - I thought he was a douchey prick -- but when he was put in prison, I realized that he was a pretty cool dude.

Grown to dislike:

Michel "Mr.WZNexus" Z - Look, I understand that he's like 15 or something - but c'mon, he's just annoying. I understand that he absolutely loves the WWE, but when you're on places like Twitter, trying to talk to wrestlers and commenting on everything that they do, it gets annoying. That's why I unfollowed him. Also, I get that this kid has met a lot of wrestlers, but he doesn't need to rub that in our faces all the time.

Oh yeah, his LD's suck too.
Nearly everyone I like I would've maybe disliked had I thought that disliking people on the internet were worth my admittedly large amount of free time.


Exceptions to that rule include, I always liked these


Probably more on both counts

Oh yeah, I always liked tdigs, Tastycles and Lee + Sam and Jake
Grew to Like:

Coco, Armbar, SNS: At first I thought they were sarcastic jerks, but then I realized that they were what I was missing in life enjoyment and truth. I happen to enjoy reading their posts quite a bit now. I get a kick out of their outlooks on anything when I doing my random readings and posting in spam or cage. I find them to be rather appealing, and they also do have good posts in non-spam areas too. :blush:

Oddly enough, your original observation about me is far more correct than what you grew to believe about me.

Edit: and I still don't like you.
Just one I grew dislike, and it's purely petty. Nitafrong, just because she cost me tsnugs' vote in last years tag tournament. Oh, and her whole "worker's unite to fight off the upper class" schtick, and excessive use of smileys.

Tell me I'm not the only one who came to feel this way?

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