Batista VS John Cena - WWE Championship

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This match was very good. I put it above their match at Summerslam a few years ago. Cena wrestled quite well and didn't just use his "5 moves of doom". Batista did quite well also and it looked like he was a nasty prick. The fans annoyed me for this match with them all booing Cena. Its like 4 years old to give him grief and for them to boo him for putting on a good performance was pretty pathetic. I wanted Cena to win as Batista also had the upper hand over Cena, so the ending was a nice WM moment.

A very good match so I give it 4 stars.
This was a great match and indeed a lot better than the Summer Slam match and that's saying something. I don't get why Cena got the belt last month for two minutes and Batista got a short title reign, but whatever it's done LOL. Cena got the win and didn't repeat his " 5 moves of doom" all that often. Batista just looked like the biggest asshole, but it was a great match and I wouldn't mind seeing these two put on this performance again someday soon. There needs to be a rubber match for this feud. Where I don't know right now, but I think both men would benefit from an extended program.
It certainly wasn't obvious to me that Cena would win. Honestly, I thought WWE put the belt on Batista as a thank you for allowing himself to be pinned by Rey Mysterio (!!!!!!) and I figured they would be keeping him as champion for a long time.

But the match itself surprised me because we had two brawlers putting on a fine contest. Often, a brawler can be coaxed into a decent match by a technical wrestler, but there was no tactician to be found in this one. Instead, Cena impressed me with his move set. It takes a fight with another brawler to show how far he's come in the past few years. Batista, on the other hand, was just what we expected him to be with his wooden movements and non-existent wrestling ability. For all his limitations, though, he did okay. Cena carried the action and it was fitting he should win.

Plus, I loved that Cena did his post-match posing with the guys wearing the "I Hate Cena" t-shirts. He seemed to really enjoy doing that.

I like him and am glad he's on top once again.
I'd have preferred it if he had won by a pinfall than submission tbh, I was glad Cena won though. The match started off slow but got better towards the end I gues with both been big guys we were never going to get a classic. Still what next for Batista after this? will he go back after Cena?
Pretty solid contest from these two. Sure there were a couple of botches but nothing that took away from the match in my opinion. In fact Batista's DDT looked even better for its botching and was probably the best/worst looking DDT I have ever seen. He had Cena folded in half.

The sky high Attitude Adjustment was epically silly in a good way and I do not think that Batista lost any heel momentum by losing.

The one thing that did annoy me about this match was that Cena once again showed that he can wrestle. I have always known that he can but it was just another reminder of the way he is booked by Creative. If he showed (or was allowed to show if the case may be) then I think that these idiotic Cena-haters might be put in their place
This match was definitely worth sitting down and watching, it truly highlighted these two being the top guys of the WWE. Fortunately I couldn't hear the crowd as much as the bar I watched it in had a different opinion (There was a Cena chant going). I think what it did was give Cena an even bigger benefit because he dug deep to try and keep Batista down, from doing quick counters to hitting headbutts. Seriously, this match was definitely better built and better executed than their Summerslam match. I even liked how the couldn't be pinned through each other's finisher.

Main problem for me was Batista tapping, I would think given how much of a roll he's been on, the last thing he would do was tap, but it just adds to the amount of STF victories he has at Mania (over Trips, Shawn and Batista now).
I love the build for this match. Everything went pretty much the way it should have. The match was good. I know a lot of people like rip Cena and Batista. I'm convinced those people are not actually paying attention and do it because that's the thing to do on the internet. This match could have been great with a little more time. Instead of giving the championship match involving the two biggest stars a few extra minutes we got a pointless divas match that didn't need to be on the card. It's a shame that a potentially epic mania title match was sacrificed because the booking team felt we needed a "calm down" match or a bathroom break.
WWE Championship

It could have been main event because it had the atmosphere for this well but I was not. Combat itself was quite delightful to see. It was as good as the SummerSlam 2008. (if I remember correctly) Again I say that the fight could have been a little more to have been something even more special. I would rather have seen the victory of the Baptist to consolidate its status as a heel in WWE, but was a way for fans stay happy. So here was to be a great Wrestlemania and ended up was nothing wrong, was to supplement wins. But there was still the main event.
Duration of combat: 14 min
Rating: 8.5/10
Really Cena,you couldnt finish this one with AA and you had to do it with STF(I guess for Batista now it is STFU:lmao:)It was overall good match but as I sad it didnt had to finish in this way.I undestanded it when he did it to HHH on wrestlemania 22 but yesterday it was unneccesery move that made Batista look very weak.How would they elevate their feud now?Batista would brag that he wasnt pinned and that Cena needs to pin him in order to prove that he was stronger than him?
This was a very good match. The Cena/Batista feud was easily my favorite feud heading into Wrestlemania. Batista's heel work has been outstanding these past couple of months, and he did a great job in the feud against Cena. Cena and Batista beat the hell out of each other in this match, and the constant finshers between both men towards the end was just an amazing sequence in the match. Plus, the way Cena was able to get the final STF on Batista was very cool.

I hope this feud will continue some how because I definitely want to see more of Cena VS Batista.
I must quite honestly say this match surprised me, both not being known for being incredibly technical wrestlers, or able to put on shockers of a match (if you ask me, although with the right person in the mix, they could do it.. like John Cena at Wrestlemania 23 vs Shawn)

The build was good, and throughout the match I was glued to the screen hoping Batista would retain (no I'm not a Cena hater, but I do like Batista's current role and such, and he was doing great promos as champion) and the match definitely had some great, great spots..
John Cena will win the WWE Championship.

Another correct prediction. I was expecting a more impressive entrance from Cena, although it was at least better than that band entrance from Wrestlemania 24. The match was really good! It was much better than their match at Summerslam 2008. They had the most interesting feud going into Wrestlemania this year and the match was able to live up to the hype of it being 5 years in the making because there were moments in the match when it looked like either guy could win and it kept you guessing the whole time. Cena overcame the odds and got his WWE Championship back! That was one of my favorite moments of the night.

I give this match a rating of 7 out of 9.
I was pretty satisfied with this match. Kinda surprised that it didn't go on last, but for the sake of both of these guys, very happy it didn't. This match played off almost exactly like the match from Summerslam in 2008, including some of the same exact spots.

Batista's face after the Cena powerbomb kick out was priceless. It's amazing how god awful this guy was as a face, but just incredible to see him as a heel. The match never really dragged down, and of course the Cena haters are always surprised to see the man pull of a chain wrestling sequence.

The DDT from Dave Batista to Cena reminds you that, the DDT is indeed a fucking bad ass maneuver when hit correctly.

The out of match actions were great to. Cena giving a complete FU to the We Hate Cena society at the end of the match was beyond epic. Two years in a row that Cena has owned the IWC at Mania. Also, Cena goes into the elite atmosphere with winning his third World title at Wrestlemania. He is now in Hogan, Austin and Undertaker territory.
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