SummerSlam: John Cena vs. Batista

This match reminds me of Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar. Both superstars were big with the crowd, whether that was good or bad. That match was at wrestlemania, and guess what? That match sucked. I just don't know if we're really going to see a great match here. Then again, this might be the only match that will compete witht the Hell in a Cell match, but thats only if this match gets some kind've stipulation thrown in on the last Raw before SummerSlam.
First of all, I want to say that a lot of these posts you all be writing are very different. Most of y'all don't really know what y'all talking about. Cena vs. Batista isn't going to be the best technical match. We all know this. But why does every match have to be a technical type match in order to satisfy everyone? Why does every match have to be filled with technical wrestling? If you haven't noticed, throughout wrestling during the 80s, 90s, 2000s. there's always been wrestlers who weren't really technical but they were really entertaining. This is Sports Entertainment. If you want to watch technical wrestling then watch amateur or college. This is the WWE. Y'all expecting too much out of the same wrestlers we been watching for years.

So what Batista and Cena aren't the best wrestlers. They get the job done. People hate Cena as champion. I loved that Cena was a face champion. It was something different. Heel champions are usually holding the belts long periods of times so it was good to have something new. Cena doesn't have an arsenal of moves but he's very entertaining. Sometimes can get a little boring but he competes his ass off every time he steps in that ring. The Rock was the exact same way, just more entertaining. But even Rock got annoying at times. Thats why people that are probably writing this thread were booing him even when he was a face. The Rock had very few moves but he knew when to use them.

WWE is all about entertaining the audience. And when big matches like this come about, they usually don't disappoint. And no this isn't a waste of a WM25 match at all. I wrote on this thread before saying that RKO will be back to form Evolution 2.0. But I don't see that happening now. Truthfully, I love that this match is taking place. This is the first time in about four five years where I'm not already guessing how this storyline is taking place. I don't know who's going to win. Raw and Smackdown has been very entertaining since the draft. I love Edge. That's my current favorite wrestler in the WWE. Well, him and The Undertaker. But Cena and Y2J are my favorites on Raw. I don't see Cena and Batista getting back into the title picture just yet. I actually see a nice long Y2J vs. Punk fued. That's going to be entertaining. There is so many ways the WWE can go that it makes me eager to see whats going to happen next on Raw. Then, to add in the Adamle originals. I guaranteed Mike Adamle is going to be the guy to bring Raw its credibility. Screwing with all the faces will be good for his heel status. I can see him as what Vickie is to Smackdown.
I have a feeling that this match will end in DQ. I think since they have won the tag titles that it means this feud may drag on to Unforgiven or beyond so I see maybe Kane interfering and causing a double DQ or something. As for the match itself it should be every IWC members biggest Nightmare. I don''t see it being MOTN but I think it could be decent. I particularly dont want to see it but both Cena and Batista have proved that they can wrestle pretty good(Batista/Undertaker...Cena/HBK) but I dont see the match being that great...but maybe a solid good if both work 100% and most "non-iwc" fans will probably love the match.
This match will certainly be no technical marvel, but it should be a solid match that lives up to a SS main event. Sure, I think the Edge/Taker HIAC will be amazing and steal the show, but this should easily be second. I initially thought that maybe Orton would return and aid Batista to form Evolution 2.0 (likely with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase), but aside from the obvious reason being Orton's accident and reinjury (and I wish him a speedy recovery) I changed my mind on that. These guys have been the big dogs in wwe since WM21. They have more or less been on different brands since they came to the company. Now they are finally going to meet after years of this match be imminent. So I would be totally surprised by any kind of interference or disputed finish. Sure they may never be the Rock and Austin, but I hardly expect their first match to have anything short of a clean finish. I also don't see this feud continuing past SS. I think Cena will win and move on to a program with Punk for the title, while Batista goes on to feud with JBL or Jericho. I do, however, see one of these guys (likely Batista) turning heel later in the year and this rivalry coming back around just in time to main event WM25.
yeah unfortunaetly orton is not comin back :< so i guess we will have to wait another 4 months for us to wait for raw to get spicced up, this match will indeed suck, i kinda liked it, but as it keeps gettin closer i have kept becoming more and more disappointted, and am dreading to see how this match will end. Oh well
This is a match that could of had an Austin vs. The Rock like atmosphere, but the WWE can't wait untill WM25 so they would rather squeeze it in at SummerSlam with only a few week's of pathetic build up. It should be an intresting match none the less. I can see Orton interfering for batista and reforming half of evolution, because it does NOT take a rocket scientist to figure out that Randy Orton fell 300 feet off his motorbike and somehow managed to only re-break his collarbone, but if this story is somehow true, then I wish Orton a speedy recovery.

I've never been a big fan of these face vs. face encounter's, there's never any personal in depth story behind them. It's alway's about who's top dog and how the question need's to be answered, yadda yadda yadda. WWE obviously has seperate plan's for Batista and Cena at WM25 so they might aswell get it over and done with at SummerSlam.
After watching the final Raw before SummerSlam, I feel a little more hopefull despite the horrible build creative is putting these two through. As a technical match, it won't really win the crowd over. But as a brawler match with powerhousing thrown in, this match really might have potential that could draw the crowd in. Many are comparing this to Goldberg Vs Brock Lesnar (myself included.) The difference might be though that Goldberg and Brock Lesnar were pure powerhouses. Batista is a pure powerhouse to, but he definitely can pull off brawling, as we've seen in his matches with Undertaker. Cena is probably an even mix of powerhouse and brawling that, while their styles might or might not compliment each other based on the timing of certain types of moves, the live crowd will be into it due to them being two of the most over faces in the WWE. I see Cena winning or maybe some kind've double count out. Hopefully we might see Batista turn heel if Cena wins.
all right this is udertakermania20 coming to fix this discussion first i dont see this as a bad idea. first they need the attention with low ratings. so if we see this the way i do randy orton will return and screw cena and form a tag team and run all over raw with the heel batista animal. but there is also the new stable of cena and cryme time. so we could see a new reguvenated tag division and possiably the 5 on 5 survivor series match for raw. if wwe does not screw up this could be a long good soryline until cena and batista at mania 25.
God I hope this is the one and only match these two have on a PPV. Don't we all remember that last year these two were some of the WORST wrestlers in the company? I think this match will be as boring as watching flies fuck (excuse the Carlin quote there, but its true).

It's really only there to satiate little kids to nag their parents to buy the PPV, and that's fine. Vince wants to use two of his biggest draws to up buy rates. But please don't say that this is going to be an exciting match, because it isn't. And don't say it's Austin vs. Rock type atmosphere. Hell no! I consider that an insult. I was glued to my seat with the Rock Austin feud, as you had two exciting in-ring performers as well as two of the best on the mic building up an atmosphere you knew would be explosive.

Here you have two terrible in-ring performers with an OK guy on the mic (Cena) and an absolutely terrible one (Batista). I am so happy that this is taking place here and not at Mania 25. And I agree with sipmlejt that this match is probably going to end in a DQ.
I would like to know what the WWE plans on doing after Sunday. Will the winner then become the next number 1 contender or is this the start of a fued, as if it's going to start a fued between them I can see them doing an Edge/Taker type storyline where they cross paths for a few months and end up facing off against each other for the world title at Wrestlemania
Here's a thought (a wild one at best) Everyone knows about the heat between Ron "The Truth" and John Cena. What better way to give him some credibility then have him run in and kick the crap out of Cena (and this is coming from a BIG Cena fan), having the match end in a DQ.

Just a thought.
I don't think either of these two will actually win this match, it'll be tossed out in some fashion but if there has to be a winner, you know Cena will get the nod for it.

Anyway, considering I can almost bet they'll end this in some sort of DQ I think what they need to do is find a way to get the title off Punk. Not beat him, but have him stripped of it or something and have it vacated till Wrestlemania. That'll get the title off Punk, while allowing him to claim he's still Champ. Then have this feud pick up with both vying for the title, and having it culminate at Wrestlemania. This way they both enter as equals, and not a champion vs. contender.
These guys are trying to find out who's better, right? So what if this match ends up being a no contest because both Cena and Batista give it everything they've got until they're both on the ground and get counted out. That's my prediction for this match. I don't see anything that could cause a DQ in the match.
Terrible, just a terrible match. I said it when it was first announced, and I'm saying it now, why in the hell are you throwing this match away for summerslam, and more importantly, why are you throwing this match away with a little more then two weeks of hype behind this match.

This match should have had a ton of hype to it, but instead, the WWE is cashing it in for a quick pay day, especially considering that a). it's Summerslam, and b). Undertaker vs. Edge in a Cell is on this card. It just doesn't make any sense and I feel cheated because a good storyline could have made it interesting.

Of course the WWE tried, that is, going with the tried and true shit storyline of forcing the tag belts onto a team of unwilling partners to garner cheap heat for this feud which in the end has accomplished just about zero.

Waste of time, and waste of a match.
I'm curious to watch this. In my opinion two of the most boring wrestlers in WWE today. I don't dislike Cena, but I'm never going to get excited about one of his matches. I only like his matches in hindsight, after all the hype and his dull promos. And Batista is just bollocks. UI still think that any good match he has is down to Edge, Undertaker or pure fluke.

But Cena does rise to the occasion when he needs to. But I'm still unsure if this will be great or a total cluster fuck.
It will be a cluster fuck. The only time Batista can put on a halfway decent match is if he is carried by someone like Taker or Edge, as you said. And Cena's in-ring skill is crap too. He's not going to be able to do any carrying because he usually needs to be carried as well.
Wait, this match is happening at SummerSlam?? FOOO REEEELLSS??

Seriously. What the fuck WWE. SUCH a damn waste. Cena attempted saving it with a half decent promo the other night in regards to it. But this supremely epic match still basicaslly boils down to a build which consist of "you accidentally punches me one times, so now we bouts ta fight bish!!!"...which is just fucking ridiculous. This should have happened, after months of teasing, THEN months of build, THEN a match for the title, at WM. Although admittedly it wouldnt been far more effective LAST year when both guys were still practically untouchable, WM25 still desrves this, after the two men have circled for a year. Not just this throw away bullshit. This needs to end in interference of some sort. Or the WWE will have just totally blown their nut in 30 seconds, and we will all be fucking pissed. Its hard for me to pick a winner, becuase it really beneifts neither, although Cena has jobbed more of late, so, I guess he goes over, if anyone. As far the quality of the action, im not sure. It doesnt seem like Batista cares much for this contest, as has been stated in media outlets, so I hope he doesnt sand bag it. I would be intrigued if it wasnt such an immense waste.
Well i would have predicted an Orton run in, but apparently he done crippled hisself. If that's bullshit, then Batista will win with an Orton assist. If it's true then i'm going to have to go with (sigh) Cena. Batista will probably 'dominate' this match and then suddenly FU 1-2-3 "Your time is up, my time is now......." The announcing could have saved it but i'm going to mute this match to avoid listening to Michael Cole make up facts that we the smarks know aren't true and totally forget the ones that are.
i do think this should have been made for wm25 for a title but seeing as thts not going to happen id say batista will win with run in and cena if its clean. if ortons accident is bullshit(which i believe it is) then he will run in with the ref down and rko cena to reform evolution. batista will cover and win the match. i say this because i cant see either one letting the other go over with a clean win. if i had to choose between a clean finish id say cena because hes wwes fuckin superman and i dont see him going over clean to batista
I've said before that I don't think Orton is actually injured, and I think Orton will make an appearence here tonight. Raw needs more heels, and I think Batista will turn tonight, after getting an assist of Orton.

Even if that doesn't happen, I sincerely doubt that this will have a clean finish. This match is huge, and there's no way this will get a satisfactory ending with no build up. I'm saying Cena win by DQ.
Yeah, It's gonnnna be a bad one.... Even if both guys used every move in their arsenal, plus their finishing moves twice, the match would last....... 4 or 5 minutes. That's what SHOULD happen, but of course, it won't....
I think they'll spend alot of time outside the ring, bouncing eachother's heads of ring steps and announcer tables and such...

In terms of who's gonna win, well it's kinda like the irresistable force vs the immovable object...... but more shit. But if they wanna make the whole feud go on for longer, there'll be a DQ or countout or something. And then maybe a rematch at WM?

Actually, Batista getting himself disqualified might be the opening he needs for a heel turn.
I dont think in any way this match will be bad. Moves have nothing to do with how good anyone is. Cena has proved that he can have very good matches, Batista aswell. Dont bring up the "they were carried", thats just bullshit. If Batista feels motivated and brings all he got then this can be a very good match. Cena we all know delivers in big time matches.

I predict Orton run in, give Cena the RKO. Batista wins and team up with Orton to take over Raw.
I hope they save a long program between them, there is so much potential. Would really wanna see a Last Man Standing between them. Just because they are both so unbeatable. Despite Cena actually lost a couple of times as of late. Batista I cant even remember the last time he got pinned clean.
Orton will interfere because Vince McMahon and creative decide he should. They made up an accident because he wants to be at home more with his baby for a few more weeks. But will magically appear to show how awesome he is by beating both up.
how do u guys feel bout the match now?

that was the match of the night IMO, because i knew Taker and Edge would be a MOTY candidate!
being there live was a special feeling, dont kno if it can thru as much on TV or not but, DAMN

this match was terrific because of the (shocker) use of reversals and the brawling aspect complimented both wrestlers strengths, it was a tremondous back and forth match with a lot of false finishes, it was just great!
how do u guys feel bout the match now?

that was the match of the night IMO, because i knew Taker and Edge would be a MOTY candidate!
being there live was a special feeling, dont kno if it can thru as much on TV or not but, DAMN

this match was terrific because of the (shocker) use of reversals and the brawling aspect complimented both wrestlers strengths, it was a tremondous back and forth match with a lot of false finishes, it was just great!

I agree HIAC was supposed to be great but have you realized this is Cena's 3rd straight PPV loss in a row. Will people get off of him now? His match with Triple H at Night of Champions was awesome. This match with Batista was great like you said. Cena is the most improved on the roster in smark perspective.

By the way whats IMO?

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