Expect the Unexpected: Batista wins the WWE Championship

i completely agree with this strategy. the wwe had one main event wrestlemania match in my mind that hasnt been done before, and that was cena v batista. to throw it as undercard fodder wouldve been unfair to the fans. now this match has loads of juice. plus it gives vince one last chance to be a main event heel. the chairman is back!

and finally, if someone was expecting to watch EC at 11pm, why would they come to a wrestling news board before watching it? no fault should be given to the original poster for spoilers.
i agree it was not right why wasnt someone like christian win the belt then we would have some action someone fresh thats over with fans, or at least let after the match vince should of bring out christian and let him win the belt it should of gone like this after cena won batista comes out and attack cena beat hum up then as batista is leaving vince comes out and tell everyone the belt is on the line right now christian comes out and win now that would of been a big surprise who agree with me
Now I know why Batista backed out of his match when he faced CM Punk. It was all planned. Vinnie Mac was smart to incorporate that moment and not forget about it. Because now it all makes sense that Batista is McMahon's *****. Wrestling before used to be very predictable, but now you can not predict anything.
its funny reading everyone saying that triple h should have won the title when last year when he won everyone hated it and if he wouldve won everyone wouldve hated him again, but i digress

anyway, i like batista winning the title.....now the match with him and cena gives it an old school wrestlemania feel with a monster heel and face fighting for the title.....but if i were vince, i would pull the ultimate swerve and make cena turn heel during the match similar to what he did wit SCSA at wrestlmania X7...

and as far as triple h is concerened, i honestly would like to see him work against CM Punk....they planted the seeds last month with the whole DX/SES thing.....this would be a solid if not great match and would draw cause its triple h and everyone wants to see someone shut CM Punk up.....
I was hoping Shawn would steal the title to set up the triple threat match at Wrestlemania, so he could drop it to HHH and then HHH could work with Sheamus cus I read that Cena would be taking time off some time in the near future. I guess its alright having the belt on Batista cus he's a good heel and the last time he wrestled Cena at a major PPV there was no title on the line. It was a good twist, I have to admit. At leas their trying to pull some surprising stuff.
oh come on, Sheamus shouldnt be in any title match for Mania, I'm relieved he's not champ. Stop drinking the Sheamus Juice WWE knew what they were doing, ppl hated Cena they addressed it through Carlito, it got cheers, ppl saw Sheamus a new heel beat Cena and drank the Sheamus Juice, he's not special just a scam, stop drinking the Sheamus Juice

As far as Batista/Cena it is good, great swerve for the know it alls, I'm, glad it wont go down as we thought. I also wouldnt rule out Bret recovering and going one on one with Vince, bottom line it could be a trick, them playing us making us wonder and then pulling a Street Fight, they knew we expected it so I figure they made Bret come off to us as not being capable

Also Batista getting a title shot was bound to happen or why the hell else would he help Vince a turn down being in the Elimination Chamber, it makes sense
oh come on, Sheamus shouldnt be in any title match for Mania, I'm relieved he's not champ. Stop drinking the Sheamus Juice WWE knew what they were doing, ppl hated Cena they addressed it through Carlito, it got cheers, ppl saw Sheamus a new heel beat Cena and drank the Sheamus Juice, he's not special just a scam, stop drinking the Sheamus Juice

As far as Batista/Cena it is good, great swerve for the know it alls, I'm, glad it wont go down as we thought. I also wouldnt rule out Bret recovering and going one on one with Vince, bottom line it could be a trick, them playing us making us wonder and then pulling a Street Fight, they knew we expected it so I figure they made Bret come off to us as not being capable

Also Batista getting a title shot was bound to happen or why the hell else would he help Vince a turn down being in the Elimination Chamber, it makes sense

I didn't mean Sheamus should be in the main event at Wrestlemania, I'm saying I was hoping Shawn would steal the title, drop it to HHH in a triple threat match at Mania, and then after Wrestlemania HHH could work with Sheamus to help get him over. I don't like Sheamus but he's got potential and getting a program with HHH could only benefit him.
Good job on the thread, by the by.

AWO Areoplex™;1834631 said:
Well this is HUGE news John Cena has just won the WWE Title in the RAW Elimination Chamber but Vince McMahon came out and announced that Batista vs Cena would take place right now.

That was fucking CRAZY. Dude, McMahon is playing the corrupt boss to a T. Though that is what he's best at.

It completely makes sense, too. Batista didn't compete in the Smackdown EC because McMahon had obviously promised him the WWE title if he beat up on Bret Hart and made Cena's life hell.

What does this mean for WrestleMania 26? The Batista VS Cena match now features the WWE Title?

Of course. If anyone didn't think that match would draw before, oh ho ho. Just wait.

SmackDown now has two World Titles ONCE again heading into WrestleMania.

This is the weird in-between time where no superstar really has a brand. So I would say this is just fine. Though, if after Mania there are two titles on Smackdown, we have a problem.

Has Edge's choices been narrowed down ?

Unless he wants to fuck with Cena and Batista, yes. He's launching into a feud with Jericho. And it shall be amazing.

Do you like that Batista as the new WWE Champion or was it just unnecessary ?

It wasn't necessary at all. But it's still awesome.

I am not pissed off but Batista VS Cena had enough star power by itself , so why the hell does Vinnie have put the world title on Batista , it makes the match bigger but I don't think its necessary.

Absolutely. However, this could be McMahon shoring up his bets. Since Hart has been written out of the feud, McMahon could be trying to make up for that loss in star power by adding the title. Sheamus got fucked, but at least he lost it in the chamber. If he had lost it in a one-on-one match it would have hurt him a lot more.

I'll say again, this wasn't necessary at all. But it made for a great swerve, didn't hurt Sheamus or Cena, furthered a storyline, and built Cena/Batista/McMahon all at once. Mania is going to seeeeeeellllllllll.
Man this is some bullshit.Batista vs Cena was already gonna happen but the title wasnt necessery.It also just spoiled who Edge will face and some of the WM card.

Jericho won the SD EC and won the title after HBK came in and SCM taker.This means Edge vs Jericho and most likely Taker vs HBK.
Wow why are some of u pissed about this? Can anything be good enough for u? last year hhh won and u were irate! now u wanted him to win? and wait CENA actually won the EC match! what if he had kept the title?! 70% of u would have been irate once again! there is no pleasing u ppl! WWE is not predictable right now! they threw us a huge swerve! learn to enjoy it and stop bitching about every single thing!
OK, I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet...

1. WWE is actually showing some of the old "Anything can happen..." that has been sorely lacking for quite a while.

2. Given the choices of possible champions and their respective *anticipated* WM matches, no one should argue with Cena (and then Batista) winning the belt. Sheamus, while pushed HARD the last few months, is still a rookie. Vince knows where his WM bread is buttered, and it isn't in having rookies main event. This all but eliminated HHH and Sheamus given their anticipated match. Similarly, this ruled out Orton and Dibiase, simply because, though not as much a rookie, Ted simply isn't WM ME level talent (yet).

3. Someone mentioned it somewhere, but I'm beginning to think there is an unwritten rule that both the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships must belong to SmackDown stars between NWO/EC and WM. Granted, stars appear on both shows for the next five weeks regardless of brand, but the point remains...

4. Unfortunately, this makes the outcome of the expected WM match between Batista and Cena awfully likely: Cena wins. RAW will need a World Title of some sort before the Draft, which has no official date for this year...although, with the announcement of a three hour RAW in late April (26) (see WZ main page for story), the draft is likely about a month out from WM. That's simply too long to not have a world title on RAW.

All in all, I think this was a good move from both a storyline and business perspective. The major question, of course, becomes how well will the 'E' continue with this story. Mainly, we have to hope that they don't drop the ball. Thankfully, with it being WM season, that shouldn't happen, but...
I'm a little disappointed in what happened. Cena had won Raw's Elimination Chamber match. If they wanted Batista to get the title, why didn't they just have him become part of the Elimination Chamber match? I hate short pointless title reigns. Plus.... Cena VS Batista doesn't need the WWE Championship in my opinion. That's a big enough match without the title because it ties into the Bret/Vince storyline. It doesn't really narrow down Edge's choices since it's all but set in stone that he will challenge Jericho. While I'm a bit disappointed, this does give Smackdown 2 world titles going into Wrestlemania again, which means Cena and Batista will be appearing on both brands until then. Nothing wrong with that, I like when the brand lines somewhat vanish during angles like this.... I just think that they could have gone about it better than they did on the PPV because having that Cena VS Batista match right after the Elimination Chamber match nearly rendered the chamber match pointless because Batista is now champion and he wasn't a participant of the chamber match.
I find minor hilarity in Cena's loss. This is the 2nd elimination chamber Cena has won, and the 2nd time he has lost the title mere minutes later. Can anyone say, cursed?

Anyway, on to the topic, I think this is a good choice really. The rumored Triple H vs Sheamus for the title at Wrestlemania may have been a letdown, and certainly not a main event caliber matchup. The WWE can and had spit out better to main event their big PPV and looks to do so again.

Batista vs Cena is the modern Rock vs Austin, or Hogan vs Savage, or Hogan vs Warrior, etc...you get the idea. They are arguably two of the biggest names in the industry that broke in at roughly the same time and are both immensely over with the crowd. This matchup at Wrestlemania has been in the making for roughly five years, and is a main event waiting to happen. The ONLY way it could get bigger is to add a title into the mix, which the WWE is now looking to do.

The one thing the "old days" always had was a headlining title match that screamed for PPV buys. Hogan WAS the face of the WWF, and was booked in the main event championship match because of this. Cena now is that guy, but over the past few years has been shuffled into triple threats because of redundant matchups. Batista/Cena is a fresh Wrestlemania match with two guys that both have that "headlining" potential. It is really rare that two guys with similar traits haven't been booked into long feuds already. Austin and the Rock were held off till Wrestlemania three times, and the matchups paid off accordingly. Hogan and Savage was a year in the making. Sure, Cena and Batista have been in the ring together before, but not at this level. This is Wrestlemania, and this is where the match transcends a typical PPV matchup into a headliner.

In addition to all this, Vince McMahon is involved, and possibly Bret Hart as well. This is where the match really gains some depth and becomes a main event match on the card to THE main event of Wrestlemania. Assuming no other drastic match is made, as I can't put Edge/Jericho over this, this WILL be the show closer. And McMahon is usually good with his show closing material, especially at Wrestlemania.

I really got myself pumped for this match now, and look forward to it. It won't be a technical display, or the greatest Wrestlemania match ever, but it should without a doubt deliver.
Cena said he would not lose until he won the title again and that is what has happened here.....DQ does not count as a real lose (personally, I can not think of when Cena has lost a match, even by DQ, since he made that statement but someone said that he had on here)......It is a shame honestly though because, we all know that Taker is not going to lose at WM and now instead of having a title match with the result in doubt we get Cena vs Batista for the title????? That is ridiculous! I hope that between now and then Batista loses it to someone other than Cena so we can get another marquee match-up for the title......I would love to see HHH vs Sean Michaels, though it is highly unlikely...that would be a great way to see Sean headline WM once again......One more thing.....to the person who said Cena will get another shot at title because of the ""rematch clause".....Cena just won the title and rematch clause's are not automatically included with every title defense.....there was not even time to make a "contract" for Cena to secure a rematch clause!

Cena lost a 3 way match with him, Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton to decide who would face Shaemus at the Royal Rumble. They both lost to Randy Orton anmd of course then Cody Rhodes cost Orton the win
Typical IWC bullshit at its finest in this thread "Wah, wah wah, Batista v Cena doesn't need the title, wah, wah, wah" after two months of "Wah, wah wah, Sheamus can't headline WrestleMania, wah, wah, wah". It's fucking WrestleMania, the main event should be a huge match for the WWE title, which is precisely what we have been given. Sheamus vs Triple H wouldn't sell the PPV as a main event or a mid card match, so they might as well have the big match be as big as a draw as it could possibly be.

In storyline terms it makes a lot more sense to have Batista go in as champion rather than Cena, and more to the point, it gives this feud a focal point that isn't Bret Hart, because he's going to be involved elsewhere. A swerve that had a point and was genuinely unexpected, and was well done.

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