Bret Hart as WWE Champion? vince considering the idea

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Bret's original plan was to give a speech and forfeit the belt while putting over the company in 1997. Maybe Vince will pay him back by letting him win the belt, and then the next night do the speech and give up the title like he originally promised him. Or if he really wins the belt somehow, the MITB winner could cash it in on him and get some kind of cheap win, but that would be a smear to Bret Hart. I don't know how they could make it work in a way that makes sense.
I know how they could do it:

If Bret can physically still go in a match, they could let him win the belt, and have 2 or 3 title defenses that could be short matches where Bret doesnt have to really take a beating. It could be like cinderella man, Bret is the old veteran who is beaten by a young up and comer, but wins the young guys respect for how he never quit and always took the fight to him.

Then we would have one more nostalgic hitman title reign, Bret could talk about nobody thought he could still do it at age 52, etc, he defended the title a few times, just to prove he was the excellence of execution, etc. Then he could transition into his role as GM, and maybe only have a match here or there as the storylines and his health dictate....
I dont know if i like this idea and im a huge hitman fan. I have been ever since i started watching wrestling. I believe that giving Bret Hart one last championship is truly flattering seeing how WWE and Bret went through so much. However i also agree on giving that opertunity to some up and coming star such as Morrison or McIntyre. When they announce the match for WrestleMania i am hoping for Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon just them two, no one else. I say this only because i want to see what the world wants to see Vince McMahon tapping out to the sharpshooter on the grandest stage of them all. However if they decide to go with Cena and Hart vs Vince and Batista i guess thats okay too however im tired of seeing John Cena as champion. I have seen it way too much and it got boring real quick.
Guys you are all missing what this is all about. This isn't about helping Batista or Cena or Vince or even Bret. Hell this isn't even about the fans. This is all about closure. Imagine how cathartic this would be. Bret winning the title and then saying his official goodbye to the WWE on his terms. Vince is righting a wrong from the past. I for one hope this happens.

Again this is personal and has nothing to do with advancing any stories. The reason it is being done on television is because so many fans were involved and cared about what happened. It has nothing to do with how old the man is. I am such a huge fan of this happening. And like people have said a tournament for the vacated title would be an amazing way to elevate younger stars. This would be the wrestlemania moment of wrestlemania moments.

God I hope this happens.
Guys you are all missing what this is all about. This isn't about helping Batista or Cena or Vince or even Bret. Hell this isn't even about the fans. This is all about closure. Imagine how cathartic this would be. Bret winning the title and then saying his official goodbye to the WWE on his terms. Vince is righting a wrong from the past. I for one hope this happens.

Again this is personal and has nothing to do with advancing any stories. The reason it is being done on television is because so many fans were involved and cared about what happened. It has nothing to do with how old the man is. I am such a huge fan of this happening. And like people have said a tournament for the vacated title would be an amazing way to elevate younger stars. This would be the wrestlemania moment of wrestlemania moments.

God I hope this happens.

I think I agree.

People seem to be up in arms that it'd be a "pointless title win" and all that jazz, but I think it would serve a bigger purpose than if Cena/Batista won/retained the title that night. A 24 hour period of Bret being the champ again would be integral to the closure of the montreal bullshit, and it WOULD NOT bury any talent, WOULD NOT affect any storylines in a NEGATIVE sense, and WOULD NOT be preventing an up and comer from having the limelight that night (seeing as the other two possibilities for champs that night would be Batista and Cena).

I think it'd be the best possible end to the most personal fued in wrestling history, and I think it's the only thing that could stand above making Vinnie tap out to the Sharpshooter.
Bret's original plan was to give a speech and forfeit the belt while putting over the company in 1997. Maybe Vince will pay him back by letting him win the belt, and then the next night do the speech and give up the title like he originally promised him. Or if he really wins the belt somehow, the MITB winner could cash it in on him and get some kind of cheap win, but that would be a smear to Bret Hart. I don't know how they could make it work in a way that makes sense.

To me, this is the most likely and beneficial scenario. We don't know all of the competitors in the MITB yet, but if someone like McIntyre, Morrison, or The Miz wins it, Just imagine how incredible of a moment it would be for Bret Hart to be the WWE champion for one more time, and then, "AWESOME... I CAME TO PLAY!" Hits, people would freak the fuck out. That would a moment amongst Wrestlemania moments right there. And have The Miz walk out of there with 4(3) titles? That would make him the top heel in the company in one fell swoop. ANYONE who would cash in a MITB on Bret Hart would be the top heel over night. Do the words, "You screwed Bret!" mean anything still? I'm pretty sure it does.

I know it sounds a little farfetched, but I don't think I'm the first person to suggest that the MITB could be cashed in later that night. And if I wanted to elevate a heel to superstardom, you have a better chance of doing it against Bret Hart than say, Edge, or even John Cena.( If a MITB winner cashed in on Cena at mania, the crowd would probably love it for all we know.) On the other hand, what if a face like JoMo or more likely Christian cashed it in on say VINCE? If Vince were to win that match,(And I REALLY wouldn't put it past him to do it.) And then you hear JoMo or Christian's music hit seconds later? Not only would that face be a god to WWE universe, but that would set up one of the best "make your life a living hell" feuds in existance.
Damn... lol this is where this thread was. I got an infraction for posting this somewhere else, and this is where it was. Shit!!!

Anyway I think this is the worst idea that they could possibly come up with. What would be the point of putting the WWE title on him? He's already a former WWE (F) Champion, and as far as revenge goes, putting Vince in the sharpshooter at Wrestlemania is more than enough. I hope to God that they don't go through with this idea, even though a majority of the people would find it incredible, I sure as hell wouldn't.
As much as I like and respect Bret Hart, I hope this doesn't happen. When it comes to Bret Hart, one reason why I've enjoyed the angle with Vince McMahon is that it hasn't tried to upstage any of the other major angles currently going on in the WWE. It hasn't been rammed down our throats nor has it been made the center of attention. That's a very good thing in my view because, when you look at it overall, the centerpiece of WrestleMania shouldn't be two men with a combined age of 116 and have one of them walk out of 'Mania with the WWE Championship. Putting a title onto someone that's really not physically able to wrestle a match against an actual opponent just looks bad to me.

I definitely don't like the idea of winning a championship just to immediately turn around and vacate it. It devalues the championship. WCW did a lot of that shit the last year and a half they were in business and it's a perfect example of how much the quality of WCW fell. I'm not saying that the WWE would go to the extreme of having well over 20 different title changes in less than a year, but winning a title only to just hand it over doesn't float my boat in the least.
Damn... lol this is where this thread was. I got an infraction for posting this somewhere else, and this is where it was. Shit!!!

Anyway I think this is the worst idea that they could possibly come up with. What would be the point of putting the WWE title on him? He's already a former WWE (F) Champion, and as far as revenge goes, putting Vince in the sharpshooter at Wrestlemania is more than enough. I hope to God that they don't go through with this idea, even though a majority of the people would find it incredible, I sure as hell wouldn't.

You claim that Brett winning the title would make no sense revenge wise. I have to respectfully disagree. It makes nothing but sense for Brett to win the title when it comes to revenge. Think about it, Vince doesn't want Brett on Monday Night Raw and even hired Batista to take him out. He actually wants Brett as far away from the WWE as possible. So how would Vince feel if Brett was actually champion. It would eat and tear away at him.

Again the reason to give Brett the title is to allow him the goodbye everyone wanted back in 1997. The whole reason the screwjob happened was because of fear. Vince was afraid his title would be thrown in the trash (literally) on Monday Night Nitro. Vince, Brett, and even Shawn wanted Brett to say his goodbye but since they couldn't reach an agreement on the title it wasn't to be.

Now I have to agree that advancing story lines/character development wise this is a bad idea, but this transcends both of those. This, as I've sais before, is all about closure. Not to mention a vacated title provides all kinds of opportunities.
I really don't think this will happen. If the PPV afterwards was called "Tournamentfest" or something, then maybe I'd see it, but if Hart does win the title, he'd have to vacate it immediately and then we'd have a tournament. The IWC loves tournaments, but they basically suceed in sapping the emotion out of a feud - "I hate the way you won your semifinal" isn't the sort of thing that gets the pulse raging.

I suppose it would give closure, but so would Bret getting the best of McMahon and that doesn't involve proclaiming a stroke victim as the best wrestler in the world. Closure is about settling old scores, not retaining the status quo. Hart doesn't need the title, and the title and company don't need him, so it would be a stupid idea.
Not a big fan of this. Sure, everyone loves Bret and he was screwed and blah blah blah. However, giving him the title isn't going to take any of that away, or anything like that. It'd be a difficult moment to pull off well, and even if it goes well, where do you go from there? I assume Bret vacating the title right afterwards, but that doesn't make Wrestlemania seem like a big deal if the champ immeadiately gives up the title.

Maybe the MITB winner could come down after the main event and get win the title. I'd assume he'd get some massive heel heat, whoever it is. However, I'd rather the WWE just not go this direction at all. Have Cena v. Batista 1 on 1, with Bret and Vince as managers.
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