Bret Hart- General Thread discussion

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I don't wanna see Bret pulling off a "Tom Billington." Let's face it the guy is not in the condition to perform in a "proper match."

1 - Bret suffered a legit concussion from getting kicked to the head by that meat head Goldberg.

2 - Bret also suffered a motorcycle accident.

That mixed with a stroke simply rules out Bret competing in a "proper match."

Bret has always been critically acclaimed for his sound technical skills and incredible storytelling skills.
I just think it would be an abomination to Bret's legacy to have him in his final match being out of shape and botching move after move.

Think about it, Chris Jericho showed a lot of ring rust in his return two years ago, and he was only away from the ring for two years. However Bret Hart has been away ever since 2000 and he will be wrestling in arguably the greatest wrestling show ever (Wrestlemania), also he is 52, Jericho was 36 or 37 when he returned. I just hate the idea of seeing an out of Shape Bret Hart competing in a lower than average gimmick match.

Part of Bret's novelty was the fact that the guy never had any gimmick matches, no nonsense! We do not want to see Bret's final goodbye be a gimmick match filled with juicy (weird way of saying it) botches. If there was a final match for Bret it would have to be him summing up his legend in that single match. Don't get me wrong, i would love to see Bret return for one last match, but i have always been a realist and find it to be out of the question to see a proper final match for Bret, i am just thinking about the well being of Bret and don't want to see him end up like Tom "Dynamite Kid" Billington.

The best idea within context is Shawn representing Bret against some major heel representing McMahon in a "Donald vs Vince" scenario, that is the only idea that i would actually enjoy, and hey maybe Stone Cold as a special ref would make it the measuring stick for the definition of "epic."
I don't wanna see Bret pulling off a "Tom Billington." Let's face it the guy is not in the condition to perform in a "proper match."

1 - Bret suffered a legit concussion from getting kicked to the head by that meat head Goldberg.

2 - Bret also suffered a motorcycle accident.

That mixed with a stroke simply rules out Bret competing in a "proper match."

I agree I doubt that Bret will ever compete in a proper match ever again, the fact is he isnt in the right condition to even come back to the ring, he has stated many times that hes retired and whatever role he choses it may just be speaking only.

Bret has always been critically acclaimed for his sound technical skills and incredible storytelling skills.
I just think it would be an abomination to Bret's legacy to have him in his final match being out of shape and botching move after move.

Shawn came back after four years away from the ring and looked like he never lost a beat, so if bret did make the return to the ring i doubt he wouldnt be able to put on a technical exhbition that only Bret hart would be able to.

Think about it, Chris Jericho showed a lot of ring rust in, his return two years ago, and he was only away from the ring for two years. However Bret Hart has been away ever since 2000 and he will be wrestling in arguably the greatest wrestling show ever (Wrestlemania), also he is 52, Jericho was 36 or 37 when he returned. I just hate the idea of seeing an out of Shape Bret Hart competing in a lower than average gimmick match.

I enjoyed Jerichos return, yep it wasnt as good as it could have been but now that he has turned heel he has become one of the best in the business.

Part of Bret's novelty was the fact that the guy never had any gimmick matches, no nonsense! We do not want to see Bret's final goodbye be a gimmick match filled with juicy (weird way of saying it) botches. If there was a final match for Bret it would have to be him summing up his legend in that single match. Don't get me wrong, i would love to see Bret return for one last match, but i have always been a realist and find it to be out of the question to see a proper final match for Bret, i am just thinking about the well being of Bret and don't want to see him end up like Tom "Dynamite Kid" Billington.

The best idea within context is Shawn representing Bret against some major heel representing McMahon in a "Donald vs Vince" scenario, that is the only idea that i would actually enjoy, and hey maybe Stone Cold as a special ref would make it the measuring stick for the definition of "epic."

Never had any gimmick matches?, are you kidding me, Bret competed in cage matches, submission matches and a one hour Iron man match with Shawn, weren those gimmick matches?

What made Bret great was the fact that he could put on an amazing match and adered to the hardcore wrestling fans, the sad fact though was that Bret wasnt much of a draw, he managed to keep the company afloat but never drew big in the states, but like Batista he did well in the overseas markets.

IMO nostalga will be the defining moment here, will people want to see Hogan who they have seen acting like an adolesent child the past couple of years (currently now fighting over a toilet seat with his wife, i kid you not), or will they want to tune in to see an old friend and question if he will leave this business on a high, of with one last win on his belt.

the difference maker here is not who is the biggest draw out of Hogan and Bret its who the fans want to see more and IMO the hardcore fans will want to see the guy who has laid low from the public spotlight.
Sorry to come so late to this thread but...HELLO FROM THE UK!

To the posters in this thread that think Bret could wrestle any kind of match...Anyone that has watched his DVD or has actually met him will know that he IS physically affected by his strokes, the droop (albeit slight) on the left side of his face is obvious evidence of this.

Let me start my posting career here witha strong statement....

PLEASE BRET...Don't be tempted to wrestle or it will kill you! Speaking role? Fine, no problem, but anything else, please do not do it.

What with Owen, Davey-Boy, Brian P, Curt H, Mike H, Ray T, Rick R and now Eddie F...just how many great wrestlers do we have to lose?
Bret won't wrestle again for 1 reason. money. If he chose to wrestle lloyds of london would be able to sue for the millions it payed out to bret after his stroke. unless vince offers bret $10-20 million it won't happen. at best bret might be special guest referee.
Bret won't wrestle again for 1 reason. money. If he chose to wrestle lloyds of london would be able to sue for the millions it payed out to bret after his stroke. unless vince offers bret $10-20 million it won't happen. at best bret might be special guest referee.

Well, someone made a good point earlier that Mr. Perfect also had a Lloyds of London insurance policy, and was able to find a loophole with it.

The only reason I feel Bret Hart is back in the WWE is because he needs the money. If he didn't, I couldn't conceivably see him working for Vince again.

I don't think that is any reason to turn noses up at the guy, because he is a very talented guy and I think fans would appreciate seeing him back in the WWE again. Given the amount of pain the company caused him, especially with Owen's death even more then the Screwjob, it's even more surprising to see him back. Which again, points to money as being the reason he needs to come back ... in order to be able to live his life.

But I definitely see him and Vince having a match. Personally, I would rather see Shawn Michaels interjected into the equation somehow. It's also a shame that Shane McMahon left WWE, as he would be a key player in this feud. Maybe Vince can convince him to come back for an appearance as this is just too good to resist.

But if Perfect was able to find a loophole, I wouldn't put it past Jerry McDevitt, Vince's attorney to find a loophole to allow Bret to wrestle one more time.
I'm a huge fan of Bret but to me he is selling-out here. He said he would never set foot in a WWE ring again and after all they did to him I don't know why he would go back on that promise. In no way do I believe Vince "buried the hatchet" with him; maybe in Bret's mind he did but I'm sure Vince is just looking to make money off Bret appearing and probably has something in mind to really "bury" him on TV.

Bret may need some money and if that's the case I'm sure Vince loves seeing him crawl back to him and the WWE. To me Bret was one wrestler who really had some honor and dignity; I think this decision really hurts his reputation and gives Vince the opportunity to get the final "one-up" on him.

A dumb decision and something he really doesn't need to do.
Lets hope that Bret will be the permanent GM for Raw and WWE will do away with these horrible guest hosts. I'm not sure it will happen though since it sounds like John Heder and Don Johnson will host Raw on the 18th of January. Hopefully that will change. Don Johnson? Seriously?

Anyways, probably Bret did only do this for money, but its still an exciting time for wrestling fans. I don't care if we see a match or not, since Bret is really in no condition for it. I hope that Bret is involved in a storyline with Vince and Shawn. It seems that Shawn is going after Undertaker again at WM26 this year, so I think Shawn's role will be limited.

I hope to see Bret in an authority figure role, feuding with Vince. It's safe to say that Vince is a little concerned with TNA since they are bringing Bret Hart out of woodwork. WWE may have still brought Bret Hart anyway, but this is definitely an interesting time in wrestling. Let's hope Bret is used to his fullest capacity.

Hopefully Bret wont be a DX member or Hornswoggle's manager. I wouldn't put it past WWE to screw this up though.
I'm sure Bret will throw a punch or two, maybe an elbow shot, and possibly a rest hold but he could seriously be hurt if he takes a shot to the head that hits him just right. I'm sure money was a reason to come back, but I doubt he's hurting that bad financially. He probably got a helluva advance for his book, he makes a lot of appearances that I'm sure pays pretty descent, and the insurance policy gave him a nice chunk of change.

If there's a loophole, the WWE legal team will find it but thats totally up to Bret and I doubt he'd take that risk when he's not at his full capacity and ability to take a realistic beating and give a realistic beating.
Never had any gimmick matches?, are you kidding me, Bret competed in cage matches, submission matches and a one hour Iron man match with Shawn, weren those gimmick matches? ------------ Originally posted by The Deejish Invasion

For me gimmick matches is a term i use for half assed matches that make extra emphasis on drama and are made by run in's/weapons.
As its been stated many, many, many times in this thread, an obvious storyline is that Bret could work with the Hart Dynasty. This is a great chance to build young talent, make new stars and utilize an epic resource in Bret Hart being on-air. I can definitely see Bret coming in and eventually working as a heel against DX in a manager role. As a matter of fact, I would love a Hart Dynasty-DX feud if it involved Bret Hart and sticking it to HBK at Wrestlemania somehow. You almost CAN'T not involve DX with this. Holy crap, I'm marking out just thinking about this possible angle WWE has going. I'm glad WWE is finally doing more for the loyal fan base that has been there for years and has had to watch Cena vs Orton matches because they have been marketing to kids. KUDOS TO YOU VINNIE MAC!
I'd love to see Bret Hart's involvment limited to out of ring promotion. I pray that Vince treats Bret like gold because he deserves it. I hope he gets involved with Hart Dynasty and hope when David Hart Smith makes it to the main event that Bret escorts him to the ring.

My only complaint is I wish this would have been one big surprise. They have teased for over 10 years a Bret Hart return only to have someone else show up or midgets playing him.
I've waited a few days to post to let this settle in, and to have a less emotional response to the topic as opposed to the grinning fanboy in me when I read the news.

I like Bret Hart back in the WWE. It's where he belongs and it's long over due. Obviously the WWE is looking for a heavy hitter out there to compete with Hogan and TNA, and Bret Hart certainly is name enough to do it. Yes, the blasphemy that Hart is as big of a name as hogan at this point, especially coming from a hogan supporter, is hard for most to hear, but Bret Hart currently is a bigger deal then Hulk Hogan coming back, on so many levels.

I would love to see the Hitman come back in a permanent role as the GM of raw. I am so sick and tired of lame ass celerity after lame ass celebrity come on and not only make themselves look foolish, but the business look foolish. The gag has run its course, it's time to bury this embarassment and put it out to pasture for good. Celebrities and wrestling suck, period.

The obvious situtation is well, Bret stays around and helps with the growth and development of the Hart Dynasty, hell, the youth of the WWE. The Harts are interesting, but they lack the one true Hart to bridge the gap between the generations. Bret is the name to do that. (I jokingly said that Bret would come back and lead the Dynasty against Randy Orton and Legacy about 6 months ago, lo and behold, it's not outside the realm of possibility).

My one big concern, Bret Hart returning to the ring, in any capacity. The concusion he suffered from the brute Greenberg ruined the career of one of the best of the last 25 years, coupled with his motorcycle accident, the guy is a walking time bomb. The last thing the WWE needs is for Bret to wrestle, and end up like Misawa lying dead in the middle of the ring.

i would love to see Bret vs. Vince Mcmahon, even at this age, but I'm not willing for the WWE to risk the health of Bret for one big pay day match. If it can be done, with doctor approval, I'm all for it.

Obviously scenarios with a dream rematch with Shawn Michaels would have the wrestling world abuzz. The IWC would implode on itself if Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart faced off at WM 26.
The more I think about it, Bret isn't in it for the money. If you look at what he's been up to the past few years, he's bene touring doing book signings and meeting fans. It's the fans who he still has a soft spot for and that is what's brought him back to WWE. Great move.
Bret has been bashing WWE TV in his recent interviews, as well as HBK, HHH, and the DX angle. I wonder if its been a work this entire time to build up for this Hart Dynasty/DX feud. Bret was always one to be into the sheets, and that's basically who he gives these interviews to. If him and Vince really worked everything out tentatively within recent months with Shawn its possible. They put the belts on DX for a reason. All the stuff he said about what would happen if he saw Shawn face to face and the WWE TV product critique could have all been part of the work. If they want to build the tag team a DX/HD program would be great and would draw big especially with Bret the Hitman Hart.
Bret WILL host Raw. He will probably announce that he is the new GM of Smackdown, giving the much needed rub that the Hart Dynasty needs. So therein lies the answer to the Vince vs. Bret faceoff at WM26. Team Bret could be a babyface Hart Dynasty while Team Vince gives you many possibilities... A new team-up like Sheamus and Jack Swagger, tried and true Raw heels The Legacy or possibly a heel DX that sympathizes with the guy who writes their paychecks (not to mention HHH's father-in-law). I'd be most into seeing DX with Vince McMahon vs. The Hart Dynasty with Bret Hart. If they were willing to put over Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith it would be huge, and definitely mark "the arrival" of the promising young team. I'd definitely prefer to see that sort of match rather than Bret actually wrestling McMahon in their advanced ages... No thanks.
Honestly, I think out of respect for Owen, Bret should not come back to WWE. I know if my brother had died in the manner which Owen did, I would never even consider returning to that company. Bret will do what he feels he needs to do I guess, but he will be turning his back on everything he stood for.
I knew I was going to make an account on this forum the minute I heard. I've given myself a few days to think it over so I could mark out a little and can give a decent opinion now that I've thought about it.

First of all, I'm excited that Bret is coming back to WWE even if its only for a short while. This is the one moment that every fan of wrestling shouldn't miss. Peope tell me that they're going to watch TNA and DVR Raw that night and I laugh at them. They won't admit that Hart > Hogan right now. Hopefully it will develop into something longer if Bret feels its right, maybe GM of Raw or SD! or maybe to just help out Dynasty. They're lacking a TRUE Hart so it makes sense.

As for Hart actually wrestling. I admit that I want to see it, but if Bret can't wrestle I'm ok with it. He's been through a lot and its understandable. I've already acepted the fact that he will not be able to wrestle Shawn but I'm dying with anticipation for the first face to face meeting. If Hart can't wrestle McMahon then the Dynasty/D-X feud should definately be pushed back to WM with Bret and Vince each in a corner. Just a few punches thrown will be enough to make it a Wrestlemania moment to remember.

I don't know what TNA is going to do on 1/4 and frankly I don't care. I won't need to touch my remote control to change the channel for the entire duration of Raw that night cause I'm not missing a minute.
Yes, the blasphemy that Hart is as big of a name as hogan at this point, especially coming from a hogan supporter, is hard for most to hear, but Bret Hart currently is a bigger deal then Hulk Hogan coming back, on so many levels.

I don't think Bret is as big a name as "the story". Im a fan of Bret Harts but to be honest if Bret went to TNA it would have been cool to see him back on TV.. But the real thing that makes me cream my shorts is the fact that fact that its something no one ever thought would happen... the inevitable showdown between Bret and Vince...and what the hell is going to happen between the most hated real life rivals of the history of the WWF ..the Hitman and the Heartbreak Kid?? The more and more I think about it Bret is only a small part of the draw... The major factor is all the baggage that comes with it. If the WWE pulls this off this could be epic.
To those saying Bret Hart isn't a big draw are completely clueless. Bret is massive across Europe, Asia and of course Canada. Maybe he wasn't as popular with the American public but of course the Americans like their over the top super heros dont they and not the "real" people us Europeans can relate to.

Anyway, Bret is one of the biggest names in wrestling history. He isn't as well known as Hulk Hogan, but I firmly believe he is more popular in Europe.
To those saying Bret Hart isn't a big draw are completely clueless. Bret is massive across Europe, Asia and of course Canada.

Well I guess it depends what you call massive... I tend to think of "massive draws" as people who caused an actual boom in the wrestling world.. Such as a Hogan or Austin or The Rock.

Maybe he wasn't as popular with the American public but of course the Americans like their over the top super heros dont they and not the "real" people us Europeans can relate to.

HAHAHAHA!!! yes us Americans are uncultured...your better than us... we get it.

Anyway, Bret is one of the biggest names in wrestling history. He isn't as well known as Hulk Hogan, but I firmly believe he is more popular in Europe.

Hogan is a household name and one of the most recognizable people on the planet earth.. He's right up there with Obama.. Queen Elizabeth.. and Michael Jackson. And you can firmly believe all you want but the facts are as much as you want to believe he was this big world draw both Vince and Eric Bischoff regretted signing him to big contracts because he wasn't worth it money wise.

Holy shit fellas...and Im a Bret Hart fan but some of you people try to rewrite history.. I understand everyone is swept up in the whole "Bret is coming back " thing as I am but i just feel Brets and Vince and HBKs baggage and history is going to be the real draw here... Not just Brets name alone.
First, let me say that I'm an avid reader of these forums. Have been for some time now. I've visited WZ almost weekly since its inception back in the mid-90's. I have never posted anything on here because when I read a topic, I usually find someone that says what I think/feel about the situation. Therefor, I never see a reason to repeat something already said.

Leave it to the 'last great wrestling surprise/gimmick/story/conflict/etc.' to get me motivated to say my own piece. I've noticed a few others registered just to give their two cents as well. Seems like the wrestling world is ready to erupt.

I have been, and always will be, a Bret Hart fan. More so, I've always been a WWF/E fan. Since 1985. And, I loved Bret back from his heel black-&-blue Foundation days. There is SO much to say about this man, his career, his legacy, his departure. I may need to come back and comment further, or find a more appropriate thread. But, what I'd like to address right now is some of the more discussed aspects of this topic. I realize some have made similar sentiments, and some have not, but here are mine.

1- The young fans won't know/remember who Bret Hart is/was:
Just crap. Anyone who has been watching wrestling up until, say -- 2 years ago. Has heard of Bret Hart through WWE programming. They've seen Bret Hart through WWE programming. Most of us diehard (or maybe not so diehard, but at least old enough to grow up during his prime) fans, did not have the luxury of all the media facets that now exist for new/younger fans to discover the past. IE- the WWE online library, cable on-demand, youtube, etc. Trust me, Bret Hart was big enough back then to warrant notoriety for a long time to come. Tell me this: whom did last Monday's Raw crowd comprise of? I'm guessing the majority was younger, more recent wrestling fans. Maybe just a slim percentage of that crowd was that of fans who were around before Bret Hart retired. Now, with that said, when Dennis Miller spoke his name, the crowd erupted before he finished. In fact, the crowd popped just before he could get the word "" out from "... hitman, Hart." I watched the clip several times. I'm positive that Bret is still way relevant in all the minds of wrestling fans - new and old. Having watched that clip a lot, brings me to my next point.

2- It was a work:
Vince fed Dennis Miller that line before the show. I like Miller, but I do not believe he is fan with an active knowledge of wrestling. As Miller sets up his line about, "let me go outside the political realm.." watch Vince. Watch his facial features, and just as Miller says, "what about an age old favorite of mine..." Vince takes a big deep, yet subtle, deep breath. He knows the next words are about to set forth his biggest plans in a long time. "...could it be hosted, by Bret 'the hitman' Hart?" Vince goes right into Mr. McMahon and reminds everyone the last time Bret was here, "Bret screwed Bret." He adds that he, "doesn't think (Bret) would be interested in doing anything." Well, a few months ago, Bret kept no secrets that he was interested in a possible return with some story to the WWE. I think Vince and he have taken the professional and creative route a while ago and put some plans into motion. The Hart Dynasty gets a little more air time here and there. The Montreal Screwjob #2 occurs. Seems like many superstars, big or small, are getting "screwed" more often. This has been a master plan waiting to be revealed. I don't think Bret just up-and-up called Vince and asked if he could host Raw one time.

3- Bret is only coming back for the right amount of money:
Nope. Obviously, Bret will be paid nicely, especially for WM26 (no matter what capacity he appears). Bret has always been more greedy for fans admiration. He truly does love his fans. I remember reading in an interview he gave about considering a return, he said it was sparked by news that he was to be a grand father. He knows he's getting old and will have less of a chance to be relevant as each year passes. I think Bret needs more closure on his career than just a HoF speech. I think he wants closure specifically on his WWE legacy for his fans. (Yes, we would like some and are grateful for the opportunity.) Consider this: Shawn Michaels career is winding up. I don't foresee him turning heel before his run is up. Shawn is a MUCH different man than he was, and more importantly, than what Bret knows him as. What if Shawn himself and Bret have already made solace behind closed doors? What if, before it's too late for either one of them, they decided to close the biggest controversial wrestling saga of our times?

4- TNA vs WWE/Hogan vs Hart/who will out-draw?
I think Hogan's name is more marketable. I think Hogan's name is more recognizable. I KNOW WWE, and for that matter, Monday Night Raw, is more marketable and recognizable than TNA and Impact. I agree with some of the other posts about this NOT being about Hogan vs Hart in drawing power, but more the story of what Hogan has to offer TNA and what Hart + Vince + HBK has to offer to their controversial past. There is absolutely NOTHING going on in TNA right now. Has there ever been? (topic for another thread, but I've always disliked TNA. i.e. 6 sided ring, stupid name, poor direction). The WWE is getting hot and hotter every week. Add the most anticipated confrontation in pro-wrestling history on the horizon, and that's one hell of an attraction. Yes, I do believe when Bret faces Vince and Shawn (it's got to be at the same time, or with in moments of each other) it will be a more surreal confrontation than Hogan/Andre, Hogan/Rock, Rock/Austin. Truly, this is the last great piece of wrestling spectacle that is left from the last millennium. In a way, it's sad to know this history, will be settled once and for all. Consider all that, compare it to a washed up wrestler-turned-has been reality star with a reputation for feeding his ego with every ounce of limelight he's fed, and tell me what he's (Hogan) going to do in TNA on the fateful Monday night that's going to outweigh the drama, emotion, and suspense surrounding the biggest wrestling controversy ever.

5- Will Bret compete at WM26?
I chose the word 'compete,' and not 'wrestle.' Clearly, Hart's wrestling days are long gone. No one, including Hart, would want him going into a ring again with the expectations of a wrestling match. Now, if his doctor clears him for some physical activity AND Hart trains and prepares enough (I suspect he already began) then it is not out of this world to think he can rough up someone like Vince in a 'street fight.' I think this subject matter has already been determined by the parties involved. Time will let everyone else know as it unravels before us.

6- Bret shouldn't return at all:
Why not? Out of respect for Owen? Don't buy that so much. Bret wouldn't have done anything if he really held that much blame towards WWE for the accident. There wouldn't have been a DVD or HoF, or even that quick vignette on McMahon appreciate night. As for things he said years ago about not wanting to ruin his legacy as a GM or manager. Well, time changes everything. And, I don't think Bret considered the fact that the Hart Dynasty would be together or that everyone would like some final closure regarding his legacy, the screwjob, and a face-off with Vince and/or HBK.

I mean, it almost becomes obvious what they have to do, BUT how they do it will be interested. They have to have Bret and Vince face off the first night. I don't think Shawn will interrupt or try to confront Bret until Bret calls him out, which I also don't think will happen immediately. Who knows? Not sure how they'll explain Bret's reasoning to come host RAW. Would be cool if Shane McMahon comes out this or next week and says he made one final deal before leaving the company. That deal was something his father would not make, so in the interest of loyal WWE fans, Shane delivers Bret Hart. (Come on, that would be awesome for Shane to stick it to Vince one last time just days before he departs.)

I think the first few weeks will be red hot. Bret will avoid DX as it seems the Hart Dynasty said they need no one's help and can do what "their fathers" couldn't. That will be interesting. By the Rumble, you can bet Bret will be screwing HBK or both him and HHH. But, here is the shocker I think we may see. Somehow, it will be revealed that indeed it was HHH that plotted the screwjob (which is really true, from what I thought) and Shawn has been seeking Bret's forgiveness for a long time. I think Bret and Shawn will indeed shake hands before this whole thing is said and done. WM26 will be a heel HHH vs face HBK and Bret vs Vince. I seriously wouldn't be surprised to see that as a tag match on the RAW before Mania. Imagine Bret and HBK as a tag team against Vince and HHH. Obviously HBK would be doing all the work, but the hype to see them as a team would be incredible.

I know I've gone on a lot, and I feel I haven't said everything racing through my mind, such as... was the whole screwjob the ultimate work to begin with? That's for later.

In November of '97 and from then on, I never believed this would happen. Even with the HoF in '06, I knew nothing more would come of it. Now, it appears it's happening; yet, I still won't believe it til his music rips and he walks through the curtain. I'm 26 years old. I haven't had a wrestling mark-out in years. Probably not since sometime around the Invasion angle. But, on January 4th, I will mark-out like no other... and I can't f'n wait!
Umm, yes I'd actually like to see this happen. And since it's the WWE, and WWE LOVES re-cycling old feuds, this could happen. HBK vs. Bret was my favourite feud as a child. But I dont think ending HBK's career would be smart. Especially not like that! HBK is a legend and getting screwed out of his career like that would just be WRONG! If Flair can end his career in such a grand fashion losing to the best at the biggest event, why can't HBK? Anyways I hope this kind of thing happens, it would prove HBK really could end the streak, and Bret Hart and HBK pull off some of the greatest promos of all time. Maybe one last match? I know it's not likely, and it's probably be a diasaster. But it might be the biggest draw of the year!
Now with the recent news of Bret Hart signing a talent contract with WWE thats extends through Wrestlemania its a no brainer that he should have some kind of on-air role at the event.

Shew, glad you pointed that out to us. Whatever would we have done without you?

Now lets say its the final moments of the match, HBK is warming up for SCM to end Takers streak, when all of a sudden Bret comes out of no where and attacks or distracts HBK just long enough for Taker to get up and hit the tombstone and get the win.

Seems quite stupid for him to attack him, as Taker will get DQ'd and that will end his streak, of course.

As for a distraction, once again makes no sense. That would be re-hashing an old feud. Something TNA is getting a large amount of heat over right now. The WWE doesn't need to rehash a feud, that was over 12 years ago.

I can honestly say if it does, I'll probably never turn WWE television on again.

Also, I think Shawn, and Bret both realise this. Both of them have it behind them, and I really think both of them are all grown up, and not the little boys they used to be, so I seriously doubt either of them would want to go through this.

Just for arguments sake lets say both Taker and HBK's career was on the line in that match. Bret screws HBK at the biggest event in wrestling and ends Mr. Wrestlemania's career and he gets his payback from 97.

Why would this even matter? Bret put it behind him, 7-8 years ago. Shawn put it behind him 7-8 years ago. Neither of these two feel retribution, or guilt from the fact that the Montreal Screwjob occurded, no need to bring it back up.

Now my question is does anyone think this would happen

Would it happen? No. I doubt either man will willingly do this. If Bret Hart is forced into a predicament such as this, I doubt the WWE will ever see, or hear from him again. I also think that Vince McMahon is smart enough to realise this, so no. It will not happen.
The more I think about it the more likely we're goign to see something we saw before. Maybe two things we saw before.

Lets go back in time until 1997, one of the big four. SS.

Not Survivor Series, Summer Slam. Bret the Hitman Hart v The Undertaker. Special referee Shawn Michaels. Bret wins the match and becomes champion setting the ball rolling to the screw job.

Now the more I think of it, the more I think we will have Undertaker v HBK at Mania with this alleged Streak v Career match. Have Bret cost HBK the match, BUT have Bret as the special guest referee. That way you have Bret in the ring at Mania, and you keep him in good shape by not have him wrestle as well as giving us something different to last years match.
First, let me say that I'm an avid reader of these forums. Have been for some time now. I've visited WZ almost weekly since its inception back in the mid-90's. I have never posted anything on here because when I read a topic, I usually find someone that says what I think/feel about the situation. Therefor, I never see a reason to repeat something already said.

Leave it to the 'last great wrestling surprise/gimmick/story/conflict/etc.' to get me motivated to say my own piece. I've noticed a few others registered just to give their two cents as well. Seems like the wrestling world is ready to erupt.

I have been, and always will be, a Bret Hart fan. More so, I've always been a WWF/E fan. Since 1985. And, I loved Bret back from his heel black-&-blue Foundation days. There is SO much to say about this man, his career, his legacy, his departure. I may need to come back and comment further, or find a more appropriate thread. But, what I'd like to address right now is some of the more discussed aspects of this topic. I realize some have made similar sentiments, and some have not, but here are mine.

1- The young fans won't know/remember who Bret Hart is/was:
Just crap. Anyone who has been watching wrestling up until, say -- 2 years ago. Has heard of Bret Hart through WWE programming. They've seen Bret Hart through WWE programming. Most of us diehard (or maybe not so diehard, but at least old enough to grow up during his prime) fans, did not have the luxury of all the media facets that now exist for new/younger fans to discover the past. IE- the WWE online library, cable on-demand, youtube, etc. Trust me, Bret Hart was big enough back then to warrant notoriety for a long time to come. Tell me this: whom did last Monday's Raw crowd comprise of? I'm guessing the majority was younger, more recent wrestling fans. Maybe just a slim percentage of that crowd was that of fans who were around before Bret Hart retired. Now, with that said, when Dennis Miller spoke his name, the crowd erupted before he finished. In fact, the crowd popped just before he could get the word "" out from "... hitman, Hart." I watched the clip several times. I'm positive that Bret is still way relevant in all the minds of wrestling fans - new and old. Having watched that clip a lot, brings me to my next point.

Nice long post. I want to respond to certain parts of it. I am 28 and grew up watching Shawn and Bret. Those two by far are my favorite wrestlers of all time. I was one of the people who worry that the fans that WWE is targeting now won't remember Bret.

I agree that there was a pop when Miller said what he said, which was suprising because the live crowd was terrible at RAW. That being said a lot of these younger fans cheer DX, but don't remember what they used to be. Even when DX came back in 2006 they were pretty tame compared to 97.

What I am getting at here is that a lot of these younger kids just cheer because they are cheering what's popular. DX is a prime example of this. I love DX because of what they used to be, and will watch anything with HBK in it, but how many of these new fans do you think actually remember the formation of DX in 97? Luckily HBK and HHH both were top stars when they reformed DX so it wasn't hard getting support back for it.

Bret hasn't been on WWE tv minus the HOF and the mcmahon appriciation thing in 12 years! Sure you get Bret in a city full of old school smart fans like Chicago or NYC and they will go nuts, but in Dayton? How many of those young fans are really going to remember his great career?

Now to WWE's credit I am sure they will announce as early as Monday that the Hitman is going to host RAW on 1/4. If they are smart someone (Shane is a great idea, or possibly Linda) will do it since it's best for bussiness, and over the next 2 weeks they will have a bunch of hilights of the Hitman's career to catch everyone up to speed.

2- It was a work:
Vince fed Dennis Miller that line before the show. I like Miller, but I do not believe he is fan with an active knowledge of wrestling. As Miller sets up his line about, "let me go outside the political realm.." watch Vince. Watch his facial features, and just as Miller says, "what about an age old favorite of mine..." Vince takes a big deep, yet subtle, deep breath. He knows the next words are about to set forth his biggest plans in a long time. "...could it be hosted, by Bret 'the hitman' Hart?" Vince goes right into Mr. McMahon and reminds everyone the last time Bret was here, "Bret screwed Bret." He adds that he, "doesn't think (Bret) would be interested in doing anything." Well, a few months ago, Bret kept no secrets that he was interested in a possible return with some story to the WWE. I think Vince and he have taken the professional and creative route a while ago and put some plans into motion. The Hart Dynasty gets a little more air time here and there. The Montreal Screwjob #2 occurs. Seems like many superstars, big or small, are getting "screwed" more often. This has been a master plan waiting to be revealed. I don't think Bret just up-and-up called Vince and asked if he could host Raw one time.

I agree it was 100% a work. Miller by far was the most brutal guest host WWE has had, and he obviously had no interest in the actual product. If he did he wouldn't have called HHH "the show":lmao:.

3- Bret is only coming back for the right amount of money:
Nope. Obviously, Bret will be paid nicely, especially for WM26 (no matter what capacity he appears). Bret has always been more greedy for fans admiration. He truly does love his fans. I remember reading in an interview he gave about considering a return, he said it was sparked by news that he was to be a grand father. He knows he's getting old and will have less of a chance to be relevant as each year passes. I think Bret needs more closure on his career than just a HoF speech. I think he wants closure specifically on his WWE legacy for his fans. (Yes, we would like some and are grateful for the opportunity.) Consider this: Shawn Michaels career is winding up. I don't foresee him turning heel before his run is up. Shawn is a MUCH different man than he was, and more importantly, than what Bret knows him as. What if Shawn himself and Bret have already made solace behind closed doors? What if, before it's too late for either one of them, they decided to close the biggest controversial wrestling saga of our times?

Another one of my big concerns heading into this was Bret's distain for HBK and HHH. He has made no bones about how he feels about them even after he forgave Vince (if you haven't read his book I suggest you do) . If he isn't willing to work with 2 of the biggest star's on raw and in the company's history I don't think he should come back. You can't tease your long time fans with having him on the same show as HBK and not have them have a confrontation.

That being said there have been rumours Bret said he was willing to listen to what HBK had to say. This was about a year ago. I have faith in Bret that he wouldn't not give the fans that confrontation, so it's all good.

4- TNA vs WWE/Hogan vs Hart/who will out-draw?
I think Hogan's name is more marketable. I think Hogan's name is more recognizable. I KNOW WWE, and for that matter, Monday Night Raw, is more marketable and recognizable than TNA and Impact. I agree with some of the other posts about this NOT being about Hogan vs Hart in drawing power, but more the story of what Hogan has to offer TNA and what Hart + Vince + HBK has to offer to their controversial past. There is absolutely NOTHING going on in TNA right now. Has there ever been? (topic for another thread, but I've always disliked TNA. i.e. 6 sided ring, stupid name, poor direction). The WWE is getting hot and hotter every week. Add the most anticipated confrontation in pro-wrestling history on the horizon, and that's one hell of an attraction. Yes, I do believe when Bret faces Vince and Shawn (it's got to be at the same time, or with in moments of each other) it will be a more surreal confrontation than Hogan/Andre, Hogan/Rock, Rock/Austin. Truly, this is the last great piece of wrestling spectacle that is left from the last millennium. In a way, it's sad to know this history, will be settled once and for all. Consider all that, compare it to a washed up wrestler-turned-has been reality star with a reputation for feeding his ego with every ounce of limelight he's fed, and tell me what he's (Hogan) going to do in TNA on the fateful Monday night that's going to outweigh the drama, emotion, and suspense surrounding the biggest wrestling controversy ever.

5- Will Bret compete at WM26?
I chose the word 'compete,' and not 'wrestle.' Clearly, Hart's wrestling days are long gone. No one, including Hart, would want him going into a ring again with the expectations of a wrestling match. Now, if his doctor clears him for some physical activity AND Hart trains and prepares enough (I suspect he already began) then it is not out of this world to think he can rough up someone like Vince in a 'street fight.' I think this subject matter has already been determined by the parties involved. Time will let everyone else know as it unravels before us.

6- Bret shouldn't return at all:
Why not? Out of respect for Owen? Don't buy that so much. Bret wouldn't have done anything if he really held that much blame towards WWE for the accident. There wouldn't have been a DVD or HoF, or even that quick vignette on McMahon appreciate night. As for things he said years ago about not wanting to ruin his legacy as a GM or manager. Well, time changes everything. And, I don't think Bret considered the fact that the Hart Dynasty would be together or that everyone would like some final closure regarding his legacy, the screwjob, and a face-off with Vince and/or HBK.

I mean, it almost becomes obvious what they have to do, BUT how they do it will be interested. They have to have Bret and Vince face off the first night. I don't think Shawn will interrupt or try to confront Bret until Bret calls him out, which I also don't think will happen immediately. Who knows? Not sure how they'll explain Bret's reasoning to come host RAW. Would be cool if Shane McMahon comes out this or next week and says he made one final deal before leaving the company. That deal was something his father would not make, so in the interest of loyal WWE fans, Shane delivers Bret Hart. (Come on, that would be awesome for Shane to stick it to Vince one last time just days before he departs.)

I think the first few weeks will be red hot. Bret will avoid DX as it seems the Hart Dynasty said they need no one's help and can do what "their fathers" couldn't. That will be interesting. By the Rumble, you can bet Bret will be screwing HBK or both him and HHH. But, here is the shocker I think we may see. Somehow, it will be revealed that indeed it was HHH that plotted the screwjob (which is really true, from what I thought) and Shawn has been seeking Bret's forgiveness for a long time. I think Bret and Shawn will indeed shake hands before this whole thing is said and done. WM26 will be a heel HHH vs face HBK and Bret vs Vince. I seriously wouldn't be surprised to see that as a tag match on the RAW before Mania. Imagine Bret and HBK as a tag team against Vince and HHH. Obviously HBK would be doing all the work, but the hype to see them as a team would be incredible.

I know I've gone on a lot, and I feel I haven't said everything racing through my mind, such as... was the whole screwjob the ultimate work to begin with? That's for later.

In November of '97 and from then on, I never believed this would happen. Even with the HoF in '06, I knew nothing more would come of it. Now, it appears it's happening; yet, I still won't believe it til his music rips and he walks through the curtain. I'm 26 years old. I haven't had a wrestling mark-out in years. Probably not since sometime around the Invasion angle. But, on January 4th, I will mark-out like no other... and I can't f'n wait!

Another thing that I want to comment on is that in your #3 comments you have said you don't think HBK is going to be a heel again before he retires. You also comment in your predictions that HBK and Bret might team up and HHH turn heel.

I am sorry but that just won't work. Fans have been waiting to see the HBK Bret Hart confrontation for far to long for WWE to try to pull that foolish idea. One of them is going to have to go heel, and IMO it's gonna be Shawn.

Like I said in another post in this thread HBK has done very short but very great stints as a heel since he came back in 2002. His promo in Montreal in 2005 was priceless, and that is what we are going to see when Bret comes back. Shawn came in as a heel as a singles competitor and I think he might go out as a heel when he retires.

Overall I am as stoked as you are, but wanted to give you my feedback on all of your comments. Regardless I can't wait for 1/4!
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