Bret Hart- General Thread discussion

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Hmm, I wonder if the whole "hulk hogan signing/jan 4th" thing kicked the WWE into high gear in order to sign someone as unlikely as Bret Hart?

Bret Hart absolutely despised WWE for years and years, so them being able to sign the guy is rather incredible.

I really think this is proving that TNA, in pushing hard competitively, is doing nothing but good things for the wrestling community as a whole.

There's so many good things WWE can do with Bret irrespective of if he could wrestle or not. Especially if he's a heel.
Well, most people were thinking that The Rock would be WWE's general during the January 4th war with TNA, but apparently it's Bret Hart. The Rock would be more entertaining, but watching Hart will be much, much more interesting, seeing how he interacts with each member of the roster. It's going to be so cool.

I know that WWE will do everything in their power to use Hart correctly. I'm thinking somewhat of a tweener role. Cause people will be cheering like fuck for Bret, regardless. But he's gonna be screwing with DX, a face team and probably supporting the Hart Dynasty, a heel team, so that'll get him in the tweener zone. If DX need to lose the titles before Wrestlemania, then this is perfect. Bret screws DX, Dynasty takes the titles. It practically writes itself. That's the most obvious way they could use Bret, but no doubt WWE have loads of plans for him.

A thought just popped into my head... What if, just to really screw up TNA's plans and to bury them as much as possible, WWE have both Hart and The Rock working for them on the road to Wrestlemania? Bret hanging around Raw, The Rock doing stuff on SD. That would probably completely stop TNA dead because what sane wrestling fan would miss a show with both Bret Hart and The Rock?

Either way, Bret Hart will surely be able to outdraw Hogan. Hogan has been making appearances for years and has never really retired. Hart has been away for over 12 years. People have been praying for him to return... I just can't wait to hear the pop for when his music hits.
The fact that Bret signed with WWE, this gives us a great possibility that on Jan/04 he will be the one who will guest host Raw. This definitely is going to be one of the best Raw in a long time.
This may be dramactic but i dont give a shit. This is the best news ive ever heard in WWE history. Un-fucking-believeable. The Hitman in under contract to the WWE again, this is years the making. I've been waiting so long for this, so many teases, so much anticipation.....and its here.....YEEESSSSSSSSSSS.....This surely means were in for the great start to the new year. Finally the "best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be" has come the WWE.....
This is a banner day for the WWE!!!! After so many years, after so much talk and controversy and drama FINALLY we WILL see The Hitman back in a WWE ring. Now, as for what was previously stated on this thread. With HBK challenging the Undertaker at Wrestlemania, the tag titles aren't going to be playing much into the future of DX. So, why not have Bret cost them the titles to the Hart Dynasty? I personally don't care (although they do bring some prestige to the belts) if DX has the tag titles. Triple H and HBK are singles wrestlers. They should really give the titles to a legit tag team. And as for The Rock. What was previously stated could be true. Now that it seems likely we'll see HBK/Undertaker 2, what's going to happen with Cena? Could we possibly see a Cena vs. Rock match at Wrestlemania? I know, it's very doubtful, but after seeing what I thought I'd never see with The Hitman returning, ANYTHING is possible. Hopefully, this signing is a good sign of what's to come from the WWE in 2010. A good day for wrestling fans all around!!!
This is truly awesome. Hart has been my favorite wrestler since the day I started watching wrestling. And I've been waiting for the day that he returns to the WWE. I'm marking out like crazy right now and words can not describe how happy I am. I know the E won't mess this up, as it is too monumental. Some good stuff should come from this!
I have to post again. I cant believe how much im marking out. I havent felt like this in years as a fan. Im almost getting chills. This is so fucking awesome. LOL, I wonder that TNA is thinking right now, i almost feel bad for them. Vince has done it again. TNA gets Hogan, make a challenge to the WWE...what does Vince do? Brings in Bret Hart. Poor TNA. This is the greatest moment ie ever had as a wrestling fan....EVER.
Even though this is only for a couple of months, it will make RAW watchable now that he is gonna be on the show. I would love for him to just be guest host on Jan 4th, then manage the Hart Dynasty putting them over. He could start out as a babyface then turn mega heel. But before he leaves turns face again to get a great send off. I do not think he should wrestle cause doubt if he can, but he should put people in the sharp shooter, that would be greatness right their. Anyways hope WWE does not screw this up and happy TNA getting WWE to wake up a little bit. We need stuff like this to make the wrestling buisness great again.
I know I cant wait to hear Bret's music on Raw, and him actually coming out to it for the first time in just over 13 years. It's been teased so much since the screw-job that I for one prolly wont mark out untill he steps thru the curtian. He has got to be one of the few wrestlers that people will still mark out over, and it be a ligit mark out. Sure people mark out when Cena or Triple H come but thats because thats what the WWE wants to happen. Now naturally the E wants people to mark out for Bret but seriously, at this point its a no brainer. It wouldnt matter where Bret would go. He could show up on TNA and instantly get TNA the highest ratings they have ever gotten.

Obviously thats never going to happen, since WWE is the only place Bret would consider working. But you get the point. His legacy speaks for its self, and because of the fact that we havnt seen him in any real role in wrestling since he retired, he will still draw huge. Hogan say what you want but he will never draw like he did in the 80's and 90's. He has made such a point of keeping himself in wrestling so he isnt forgotten that he has tarnished his legacy in a sence. Its a given that every few years Hogan will feel he is being forgotten and he makes a lame attempt to come back and try to capture that spotlight that he use to have. But turth is its gotten old and honestly its a little sad.

When Bret returns there are so many options on what the WWE can do with him, and it will all be fresh. Its a well known fact that when he returns it will be in a non wrestling capacity. And by now i think that it is accepted by almost everyone, so it wont be a let down when he never actually wrestles. So at the end of the day his in ring legacy will still be intact, and he will be able to build a new one as an authority figure or w/e they decide to do with him. He will be able to help get over new stars, increase WWE's ratings, and most likely make WWE a lot of money.

But in the mean time we just gotta wait..........
This is proof that the new Monday Night war is already awesome. Also proof that the WWE does need competition, look at what it is driving them to do already. Who knows if we would have ever seen Bret again without the proper motivation.

The war might not last long and TNA might not ever be as competitive as WCW was in the ratings battle but clearly interesting things are already starting to happen.

I've realized lately how lucky I was to grow up during the Monday Night wars and I can't help but be hopeful that this new battle will create good things in the business.
Is it too late to put this up as news story of the year? Because this is just absolutely huge. One day would be ACceptable for me, but 3 months with a possibility of ore? 2010 is shaping up to be a good wrestling year. Anyways, I have so many things to say.

First, It is going to be very interesting what theyll do with him. It seems like he is going to host Raw on January 4th, but how will they announce that he'll be staying on for longer?

With that, I think the best and obvious thing to do is get him to help put over Hart Dynasty. I see a Hart Dynasty vs. DX feud coming with Bret Hart at ringside. The HBK and Hart interaction is going to be something to watch.

Also, Bret Hart will most likely return to wrestlemania which is going to be epic. A match is doubtful but him being there alone will be simply great.

It is so great to see that Bret and Vince put aside their differences to finally work together again. I know there was the Hall of Fame and the DVD, but to see him return in this capacity is great.
There is one thing I would really want to see, Bret and Shawn shake hands in the middle of the ring. If it were to happen, maybe just maybe people can finally get over what happened at Survivor Series '97. It's time to move on.

This is great! The Hitman back in WWE. Think of the pop he's going to get when he returns. I never thought I would see Bret work with WWE in any way, shape, or form ever again, but things change. I really don't want to see him wrestle because that would be an ugly sight. The man's body has just been through way too much to get in the ring again.
You know something... In theory, this could be huge. It really could. I doubt Bret is ever going to get into the ring, and I don't want him to be. Too much a liability, and too much damage that can be done. You never want a wrestler in the ring after he's had a stroke. Just ask Randy "The Ram". In all seriousness, though, if he's brought in a role as a manager, or even a GM, I will shit my pants. He's a logical wrestling mind, and he still has plenty of unfinished business that is going to be sure to spike up the ratings. I'm actually looking forward to the first confrontation between Bret and Shawn. That may be the moment of the decade for the 2010s, and I'm not even using hyperbole. That could probably take the cake as the most exciting event ever. We'll finally have some type of resolution to Montreal, and we're going to discover a lot of things we never knew before.

I'm actually very happy to see where this goes, though I'm not sure where he'll wind up. The logical choice is for him to be with the Hart Dynasty, but is that putting him to good use? Sure, he could be pushing his family, but isn't that a bit beneath him, considering this signing? I personally see him as a another role, far away from the Harts, hopefully as the RAW GM. It would lead to the juiciest stories, the most box office potential, and perhaps even saving RAW. I'm not sure if Bret would consider being a part of Creative, seeing as how Shawn and Trips have such a say in it. But if he were, that'd be fantastic as well. Again, it all depends on how they bring him back. If he's brought in as the mentor to the Hart Dynasty, I'll be disappointed. If he's brought back for a better role, this could be a moment that defines our generation
Well this is truly epic news and a great day for the WWE. I can't believe Bret's signed up for so long! I'm marking out big time now can't wait for him to debut!

Let's hope Vince makes the most of this and doesn't waste this opportunity to finally lay Montreal to rest for good.
It's gonna be electric when Bret and HBK are face to face for the first time! I'm drooling just thinking of the possibilities!
I am very excited for this, there are many possibilities that could happen. They could have him host Raw, which would be great, just to see him on the show. I want to post the other idea I have but it contains some spoilers, so I won't post it. However, whatever role Bret comes back in, will truly be great. I would love to see him interact with McMahon and Shawn, or even go over to Smackdown and interact with the Hart Dynasty. Either way, this will definitely spike up the ratings a little bit, and I'm looking forward to this.
This could be huger than huge. If he hosts the January 4th RAW, I will jizz in my pants, because I am going to that RAW live. I'm a huge, huge Bret Hart fan.

The possibilities with this are endless. Being put with the Hart Dynasty, GM for RAW (since the guest host concept has to end eventually and McMahon is apparently officially on SD now), and more. I'm so excited right now it's insane.
The way I see this going down, it's a Wrestlemania showdown - Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon. If the choice is made to keep Shawn Michaels from wrestling Undertaker at Wrestlemania, Shawn would make a brilliant referee. Vince has been a mutual enemy of Bret and Shawn, and a long program wondering where Shawn's loyalties would lie would be terrific. Then, with McMahon about to lock Hart in the sharpshooter and telling Shawn to call for the bell immediately, Shawn instead turns and superkicks McMahon, giving Bret the chance to lock McMahon in the Sharpshooter. After the match, Shawn and Bret shake hands. It would be the greatest moment I've ever seen in WWF history since the post 9-11 show.
IF a #1 contender was named on RAW (I still haven't seen it) then part of this wont make sense.

On January 4th what I want to see the WWE come up with is this;

A 3-hour RAW (it's currently two hours)

RAW opens with Chris Jericho in the ring. Running his mouth about it being a new year and the year of Jericho. John Cena may have taken his throne as last year's superstar of the year but he's clearly the best in the world at what he does... Promo lasts a good three minutes.

Rock's music hits... Woah, woah, woah, Chris Jericho. This is The Rock's show, he's the general manager and he can't just run his mouth like that on The Rock's show. Rock goes on using his catchphrases, etc. Since he brought up John Cena tonight in this very ring it will be a #1 contenders match for the WWE Championship. John Cena Vs Chris Jericho. Jericho may be on Smackdown but tonight he competes on RAW.

At the end of the first hour Vince McMahon has what they hype over the next couple of weeks as the "annual address to the fans". Vince comes out and cuts one of his traditionally heel chairman promos. This is about the nature of the business, about the top stars not accomplishing what he wants them to do, how people such as Cena, Triple H, Undertaker, etc. just aren't cutting it anymore. That we know what happens to people that don't live up to their reputation. He cuts them loose and fires them.

*Glass shatter* Austin comes out. Stunners Vince. Announces that he's going to be the general manager next week, Vince better watch out cause he's coming to haunt his ass and that's the bottom line cause Stone Cold said so.

Somewhere between the second and third hours we have what was a 15-minute tag-titles match between the Hart Dynasty and DeGeneration X. DX start to get on top of a tired Hart Dynasty when the Bret's music hits. He comes down and interferes by putting Shawn in the sharpshooter as Kidd and DHS pound away on Triple H. They leave the ring together with HHH and HBK beaten, Hart raising both of his team's arms up with Nat smiling from ear to ear alongside them.

When it comes to the main event The Rock comes out at the end of the match and steel chairs both Jericho and Cena laying them both out. The match results in a double disqualification with Cena and Jericho both being declared the number one contender at the Royal Rumble (triple threat match Cena Vs Jericho Vs Sheamus).

The following week Stone Cold brings out Bret Hart. Vince sides with DeGeneration X while Austin is alongside the Harts.

Hart furthers his feud with HBK & Vince when he hosts RAW.

The Royal Rumble sees Jericho taking the title from Sheamus. Batista gets the title from Undertaker. Wrestlemania builds to Jericho Vs (Undertaker?) and Batista Vs Randy Orton? Kofi Kingston? John Morrison? (someone new?) (I don't know who for the title matches, Taker and somebody) for the title matches. Rock feuds with John Cena.

I do not want a Hart Vs McMahon match. I would, however, like to see DX w/ Vince Vs The Hart Dynasty w/ Bret Hart as the undisputed tag-team championship match at Wrestlemania. You can then have Triple H turn heel (w/ Vince) on Shawn (or face w/ Shawn and Vince) at WM setting up that feud while the Hart Dynasty can issue in a new era of tag-team wrestling in the WWE with Bret finally getting his revenge on Shawn and Vince in the same match.

Since they've signed Hart longer than Wrestlemania I wonder if they did turn Shawn heel with Vince (easy; they've always been in cahoots with each other) and made Triple H the face if Triple H and the Hart Dynasty would take up Bret's "cause" for his legacy. It'd put Hart Dynasty over at the same time as keeping the clear cut most important angle since the Invasion angle in the main event. Perhaps give Vince a stable. Shawn Michaels and a tag-team of Drew McIntyre and Sheamus (or something like that).

The thing with Little People's Court is that they've started a way to turn DX temporarily heel. If they bring Hart back into it in that capacity it would work.
This is a great thing. I am a wrestling fan since I was 12 in 1993. The Hitman and HBK have always been my favorite wrestlers. I am excited about this but hope that there were no strings attached.

I know Bret has always has distain for HBK and HHH and stated many times he would never work in a wrestling storyline with either. Considering how big of roles HBK and HHH have on RAW I really hope that he agreed to work with all talent. If not it really diminishes his return.
I believe the Bret/WWE story. If anything they've already set up the potential HBK/Bret storyline on this Friday's Smackdown with the Hart Dynasty challenging DX for the tag gold. I know everyone seems to think bret is going to, if he does wrestle, will wrestle Vince. I can't be the only one who doesn't think that makes any sense. Clearly Vince and Bret are on fine terms so the storyline (or real life) heat isn't really there when you compare it to Shawn and Bret. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic or something, but I think we're going to see Shawn vs Bret at Mania '26 with Bret obviously going over in the match. I know Bret hates Shawn, but from various interviews he's far less angry than he's been. But why would WWE creative or even Bret himself want to put himself in the ring with Vince, who can not carry a match by himself when for all the things wrong w/ HBK, can carry Bret if need-be PLUS you can be stiff with Shawn for any physical punishment Bret has kept bottled up inside for these 12 years. I think Bret is probably good enough condition to wrestle and if he does wrestle, it won't be Vinnie Mac. It'll be the heart break kid, the show stopper, the headliner, the main event, the icon.
In some ways, I'm surprised that Bret Hart would want to work with the WWE again. I mean, well all know the personal animosity between himself and Vince and HBK and Triple H. Nobody could blame him for not wanting to work with them again. And there's also the subject of Owen Hart's death, which some people do hold the WWE completely responsible for.

On the other hand, Bret is getting older and I could understand I suppose if he does want to try to bury the hatchet and leave the past in the past. I'm not saying forgive and forget exactly, but learn from the mistakes that have been made and just at least try to move forward in a productive manner.

This could really be a good thing for the WWE I think. The year of 2009 has had its up and downs like any year will, but I think that we're all hoping for just a fresh start and looking forward to the promise that a fresh year can potentially bring to the WWE.
And the monday night wars begin.. TNA made the first move now WWE has responded. TNA its your move now. WWE is reacting to TNA and that only helps TNA because it shows WWE considers them legit. This only helps the wrestling business and both companies.
Wow, first Hogan to TNA and now this. Two things I never thought would happen have in only a couple of months; the wrestling moons must have aligned or something.

Maybe Bret could became the permanent GM of Raw during his stay; that would be pretty cool and a god send from the celebrity guest host. On his first night as GM, he should go out and shoot on the WWE and Vince and say how he became GM to get Raw back on track or something. I really wish he could work with the Hart Dynasty as a manger or something, but since he'll almost certainly be on Raw, that probably won't happen. Whatever happens, they absolutely MUST do something with him and HBK at some point.

As big a move as this is, I don't think this matches up to Hogan. Bret's big with the IWC, but alot of WWE fans now probably know next to nothing about him, or at least not enough to care. Plus Hogan has WAY more name value then him. Personally, as much as I love Bret and as excited as I am to see him back, I'll still be tuning in to impact Jan. 4th (though I will DVR Raw of course) I'll be a little disappointed if The Rock doesn't host Raw that night, but Bret will be a great replacement.

Things are going to be very interesting in both WWE and TNA come next year; and I can't wait to see what happens.
I've been waiting for this day after the 97 Screw Job myself too. I loved Bret Hart, he was my favorite before Stone Cold. I really liked him and I've been waiting for this day for so long!

I'm looking forward to him in any role possible. Gues host for a day, any gimmick with DX, but I anticipate something with Shawn and Vince... not going to put too much thought into it because I don't want to be let down.

I am very excited for this, counting down the days till Jan 4th now, not so much NYE. :lmao:

Welcome Mr. Hart.

I think it's funny how WWE basically pretends that TNA doesn't even exist. But now that Hogan is with TNA, WWE goes out and signs Bret Hart? Coincidence much?

This has the potential to be amazing, and I can't wait to see what WWE does. Talk about the guys who you thought would never appear in a WWE ring again, and Bret Hart was on the top of that list for years. If you would have told me 10 years ago that Hart would be back in the WWE one day, I would have never believed it.
I think the big question is though, what kind of role does Hart take up? I think Raw GM is the best spot for him, especially with the whole guest host concept getting really stale. I don't know why he would have signed if he was just going to guest host, so there has to be something more here. And as much as all of us would want to see Bret go for one more match, it isn't going to happen. It'll be interesting to see the HBK/Bret confrontation, it has to happen. Wrestling fans have been waiting to see this since the night of the screwjob over 12 years ago.

Bret is showing a hell of a lot of courage by coming back to WWE though. This is the company that screwed him over and took his brother's life. I just know that WWE won't fuck this up, Hart is a legend and WWE has already put Bret and his family through so much shit.
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