Bret Hart- General Thread discussion

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I would personally love to see Bret Hart team up with the Hart Dynasty to give them a push for a little. Have them Feud with DX and Vince. And get the tag titles from DX and ultimately have them split.
i think bret hart returning could be quite good for wwe, he could help elevate upcomming stars, but i don't think he should get a title-reign of any significance like a 3-4 month wwe title reign, perhaps a title-reign that lasts 1 month highest, but thats only cause i don't like how he choose to react towards the screwjob, sure he was screwed from someone he thought he could trust, but it was somewhat needed cause he took such a childish approach to not wanting to loose the title in canada just because he was a canadian hero, i mean.. does that mean jericho, christian or edge should be allowed to complain about it too? no, so bret shouldn't have neither.
I think hell just froze over, this is fucking huge.

Bret hasn't been in a WWE ring since 1997, that's 12 years. We have the Harts so this will boost their profile as well and the way they can go is so much. Bret/Vince Harts/DX Hart/Trips Hart/HBK. Either way it looks like I need to change my sig!
If I were a guy, I'd have just jizzed in my pants. In fact, this news is so great I want to grow a penis just to do that. I am SO freaking excited about this and the prospects it holds. Even without getting ahead of ourselves and thinking he'll wrestle, think of the promos! Against Vince, against Shawn? Would they be able to work a program? Damn. I didn't post about this right away because I was so speechless, yet I still can't think of anything of worth to say other than WOW. I never in my life thought this would happen. I'm so glad everything has been put behind him and this is a new start. Absolutely great, he's one of the best.
This is what the WWE needed to do to get me to watch again. You bet your ass I will be glued to the TV screen on Jan. 4th. Everybody wants to see something along the lines of Hart/Mcmahon, or Hart/Michaels. What about a little program with C.M. Punk? Or how about Matt Hardy? That could be the thing Matt Hardy could use to get himself over. Hart doesnt even need to wrestle these guys. He could just work a program with them, mentor them, and mold them into better wrestlers.

I myself hope that they strike an even longer deal at some point, beacause the possibilites are endless.
I was born in '81. So, even though I was a fan, I never connected with Hulk Hogan the way I connected with Bret Hart. When Hart got to the top of the mountain, I was old enough to appreciate a wrestler's in-ring talent. Which is why I was a huge fan of Bret's throughout the '90s. Even through his heel turn which led to the MSJ. I was always a fan. I thought that the way his career ended was BS. Strokes aside. Getting wasted in WCW, taking a kick to the head by Goldberg, that's not the way it should've gone down. Not with a talent like Bret Hart. With that said, I am pretty excited at the idea of Hart hosting RAW. What I'm even more excited about is the small possibility of Hart getting in the ring again for one more match. However, it shouldn't be against Vince......It should be against HBK.

Bret & Shawn put on the best match I've seen at a Wrestlemania up until HBK/Taker last year. Montreal was supposed to be the closure to that feud. Instead, we get backstage politics flooding into the ring. If Bret was going to wrestle his last match, I wouldn't want to see him wrestle Vince. Hell, my 90 year old grandmother with dementia can wrestle Vince. Bret VS Shawn III would be fitting closure to that feud. Plus, it would be much more entertaining then Bret beating on Vince for 15 minutes.
I'm well aware that Bret has had two strokes. I'm well aware that Bret's had a major concussion. I know he's not in the best of shape. But, I have faith in the Hitman that if the opportunity arose to enter the ring for one more match, he'd throw everything he's got into it. And as easy as it would be to work a program with Vince, working a match with "Mr. Wrestlemania" would force Bret to push himself farther and throw his all into it. A win at Wrestlemania over Shawn Michaels after a well worked match would be the final bow that Bret deserves, as well as his fans.
You know reading this whole thread I feel my feeling have pretty much been stated and restated. I think HBK vs Brett retirement match makes the most sense. Brett finally gets a clean win. He continues with the company and everything is finally settled. He would make a good raw gm and I think it would make sense to move the hart foundation to monday. I think it would be awesome if they could get teddy hart signed as well. I look forward to the next volley in the monday night wars because competition breeds the best product.
Respect Bret as a true Wrestling Legend but this is just chasing the same fans TNA is chasing with bringing in Hogan...bring in the big name of the past to attract the fans at the past who otherwise may be tuning in to TNA to catch a glimpse of Hogan.

the shame is that this is WWE chasing TNA when they are in a position to ignore them. Would love to see a Hitman return and WM match (if even possible due to health), but this seems tacky to me, especially with the Jan 4th. debut
Here's what I dont get. Everyone in the IWC has been saying "I can't wait to see how Vince counters Hogan to TNA"... Well, by pushing new talent and now signing the Hitman, two things we have wanted for some time. We all wanted the return of the Monday night wars, now we have it.. this is how Vince is responding...

As far as seeing Bret wrestle one more match??? As far as I know, none of the posters here are Bret or his doctor. Im sure he will know if he can go for one last hurrah at WM 26
Here's what I dont get. Everyone in the IWC has been saying "I can't wait to see how Vince counters Hogan to TNA"... Well, by pushing new talent and now signing the Hitman, two things we have wanted for some time. We all wanted the return of the Monday night wars, now we have it.. this is how Vince is responding...

I can only wholeheartedly agree with this. Love him or hate him, Vince proved this week that when he wants the majority of us to be talking about him and his product, he knows just how to do it.

As far a Bret Hart goes; don't bet on him getting in the ring just yet. I am not his doctor, however the reports I've read paint the picture of a man in pain unable to compete in the way he used to. And this is Bret Hart, not Ric Flair, not Hogan, not countless others who have come out of retirement for one last go in the ring. I expect Bret Hart as a Raw host, and then some sort of storyline to have any excuse to tap into him if they wish to. I don't think we will be seeing Bret Hart every week on WWE TV. I don't think he will be in a headline match at WM26, but he might manage a star/s (how about that for a change....managers in the WWE again?). He could be used to push Melina, he could be used to push The Hart Dynasty (and give them at least a bit of legitimacy!).

This makes me happy as a Bret Hart fan. This makes me happy as a WWE fan. And at the end of the day, this makes me happy because it's a "anybody can reconcile if there's enough money/a bigger enemy between them" situation, which proves my notions about humanity are correct. It's all true what Ted DiBiase said...."Everybody has a price".
Bret Hart returning to WWE. Five words that I thought I would never hear again. When Bret was inducted into the Hall of Fame, that was enough for me. It was closure. It was the company acknowledging that despite the fact that they screwed him in front of a worldwide audience, Bret Hart's accomplishments and career could not be denied.

Now, it's the end of 2009, a full 12 years after Earl Hebner, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Vince McMahon, and whomever else was involved put the fix in on the main event of Survivor Series 1997. Bret Hart has signed the contract to come back as a talent, most likely leading to being Raw Guest Host one week and a rumored match with Vince McMahon.

First off, Bret Hart had always said that he didn't want to be remembered as a manager, GM, or announcer. Apparently, that's changed. Guest Host is pretty much GM for a Day on Raw. So, Bret returns on Monday Night Raw to help Vince McMahon fight for one night against Hulk Hogan and TNA. Imagine the moment. Bret Hart steps into a WWE ring for the first time in 12 years. Will it be magic in the bottle? Or will it be a bunch of teenagers and little kids going "Mommy, who's that?" As much of a fan as I am of Bret Hart, I'm not sure the audience Raw has now will know that much about Bret Hart. Let's face it. Times have changed, and Bret Hart (minus the hiccup Hall of Fame mentions and a short clip) has been absent from WWE TV. How many of Raw's younger fans have seen the Bret Hart DVD? Maybe I'm wrong, and Bret gets the true "Welcome Back" treatment he deserves.

As for the match with Vince McMahon? If a stroke victim is going to fight a 64 year old man, it should be a street fight. It would have the right feel to it. All of the pent up frustrations, the physical condition of both men, and the desire of Bret's fans to see Vince McMahon in the Sharpshooter add up to a Street Fight feel. Plus, it would give Bret Hart a few months to work out and try to get into some sort of physical shape to have a 10-15 minute street fight match. As kikiros said, we're not Bret or his doctor. So, we'll have to see how Bret's condition is.

As a fan, I'm excited to see Bret Hart make a comeback to WWE TV. After all of the fake outs, it will be nice to see Bret make his return finally. At the same time, I fear that Bret Hart won't be welcomed back when the younger audience doesn't know who he is. 12 years is a long time, and I think we have to be open to the fact that Bret Hart might not be as welcomed back as we may hope by that live audience.
i think a bret hart vince altercation is a definite whether it be a nonsanctioned match at mania or a vince guy vs bret guy at mania ala lashly vs umaga in the infamous hair match

but i think brets main reason for coming in to too elevate the hart dynasty over dx for the unified titles

bret needs to screw both trips and shawn and im pretty sure hes going to help get the hart dynasty over which makes complete sense

hopefully they work in some story where bret buys one of the brands or something cause apparently they have him for 4 months soo a lengthy storyline is a probable and vince hasnt had real heat with someone in a minute , im guessing it'll happen on smackdown cause thats were vince frequents the most and the show that can have a new gm as teddys been on probation for what seems like years not to mention the dynastys their my thoughts are for him to host raw then somehow get to smackdown or maybe bring the dynasty to raw and screw dx

i think this would be his best use if hes a mainstay for the time hes signed

and as for the stroke hes still healthy and he didnt have a jim ross esque stroke but he did suffer that concussion at the hands of goldberg that apparently caused the stroke soo if he did work a match or take some bumos it wouldnt be anything special as another head injury could be very risky to bret
wow, this is huge and I am certain my post will get lost in the shuffle so I'll make it as simple as possible. I think the Bret Hart deal is amazing, all things considered. The WWE is somewhat stagnat and placing the belt on Shemaus instead of say Morrison or Kofi was the most goofy move they could have made going into not only a new year but a new DECADE! Wow. But this is the clean-up they need and the closure that Bret needs, if he needs any at all anyway. Beyond that (and I'm sure this has already been said numerous times already), this is the chance that Bulldog, Owen, Pillman and possibly Neidhart needs to get into the HOF either this year or in a few years to come. Great job WWE. Just when I was about to give up hope lol
Bret vs Vince is a good draw. I mean how can it not be? As long as Bret screws with Vince, HBK and HHH leading up to Wrestlemania, and it is done right, WWE could see a ginormous upgrade in their ratings and PPV buys. People will tune in just for the fact no one ever thought Bret would mend things with Vince on a personal level. It is also a great time (as mentioned in earlier posts) to induct Owen, Bulldog, and Pillman, as far as Neidhart goes I swear I seen him on TNA recently, not sure if he would be inducted or not it would be great to see all of them in there. It will be great to see Bret on WWE TV once again!
Bret Hart hosting Raw would only have the IWC drooling. As far as the fans of today, many don't remember Bret Hart. And Vince would NEVER wrestle Hart in the squared circle. We don't even know if Hart can wrestle at all since his strokes and kick to the head from Goldberg. So there's no chance of seeing Vince and Hart at WM, but a good chance of seeing him host a Raw. If you want to draw ratings, you put The Rock up for the 4th, and not Hart.

But as far as Hart hosting a Raw? It's not above Vince to let by gones be by gones and let him host. I'd certainly love to see it.

Just an awful clueless post. Yeh The Rock would grab ratings but Bret Hart would grab much much more. Theres a definate feel of nostalgia here and people who have stopped watching the Wrestling business will come back to see this. The Montreal Screwjob is the biggest storyline/shoot to ever come out of the Wrestling industry.

As for Vince letting bye gones be bye gones - are you serious? Vince has already inducted Bret into the HOF and relased a DVD on his entire career :wtf:
What everyone seems to be forgetting, is that Bret cashed in on his Lloyds Of London insurance deal in 2000, after he suffered the career ending kick to the head from Goldberg.

Bret Hart had a $40 000 (or more) a year insurance policy with Lloyds Of London. He purchased the insurance in the early 90's, along with others such as Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig and Ted DiBiase in case of career ending injury.

Once a policy is collected, and Bret collected a HUGE sum, he cannot under any circumstances wrestle in any way, shape or form.

Although, Not to discredit my own comment, Hennig did in fact find a loophole in his policy which allowed him to return.

He could pay it all back. And with the WWE are probably paying it will be small change. For what it's worth I cant see him wrestling but this is the wrestling industry, never say never! And who are we to speculate. He has a few months to get ring fit!
As soon as I read this News I was so happy that My All-Time Favorite Wrestler Bret The Hitman Hart is coming back to the WWE. I grew up watching The Hitman back in the Early-Mid 90's and just everything he did was awesome in the Ring. I liked his Heel Turn in 1997 and Reforming of the Hart Foundation in the USA vs Canada Feud. This a great way to counter Hulk Hogan and TNA plus it will give Bret the chance to go out in the way he should have gone out when he Retired. I do have his DVD and I feel the need to watch it again soon. So I cannot wait for January 4th 2010 and the chance he could do one more Match at Wrestlemania 26.
no1fan is correct, Bret will bring people back who haven't been watching. I have spoke to several old wrestling buddies today who have fallen off the wagon, who are now salivating at the thought of January 4th, 2010. These are the same type of people who TNA and Hogan will be going after on the 4th. Again, Vince's counter.

Welcome back, monday night wars (ok, ok, a little too early, i know)
If this is a case of putting Hart up against Hogan, its a stupid decision. Bret Hart's main talent was being a technical hero, he was never a big draw and certainly hasn't got the mainstream exposure of Hogan.

I imagine Hart will be involved in a programme up to and including WrestleMania, where he will likely manage someone and put their opponent in a sharpshooter. Hart won't set anyone's world on fire, but he will be a welcome reminder of the Attitude Era and I think he'll probabl have quite a nice programme with somebody. My head is telling me to write Chris Jericho, but I don't know why.
It has been stated that Bret Hart's temporary contract will expire after wrestlemania 26, So if Bret Hart only makes one appearance and only one match, It is going to be just before wrestlemania and he will challenge shawn michaels in his last match... Anyone feel a Survivor Series 97 flashback going on..Hint Hint
As a fan, I'm excited to see Bret Hart make a comeback to WWE TV. After all of the fake outs, it will be nice to see Bret make his return finally. At the same time, I fear that Bret Hart won't be welcomed back when the younger audience doesn't know who he is. 12 years is a long time, and I think we have to be open to the fact that Bret Hart might not be as welcomed back as we may hope by that live audience.[/QUOTE]

i think the whole point is to get the old audience back!!! i know so many people who haven't seen raw in years, but once they heard this they told me they couldn't miss it. but i guess we will see right??
what i think after reading everything on here, is that bret hart is gonna be the new gm of raw, since the whole guest host idea is getting way to old and there just letting anyone host it!!

As the new GM of RAW he should announce that he has just made a deal with Smackdown and traded superstars for the hart dynasty. This makes a whole lot of sense to me, including or excluding Natalya. Either way it will be a great idea!!! we all believe there will be a screw job outta of it some way or another so expect it.. as for a whole Vince vs Bret idea, just let that one go for now, since he ended it with Shawn. Why start it up again???

Either way its gonna be a great raw to watch!!!!!!
I doubt Bret will wrestle at all, hes had a stroke and if he suffers another blow to the head I believe it would be another death on WWE's hands, and they are already soaked in blood as is with the Umaga situation.

IMO I think Bret will host the Jan 4th and will score big ratings due to the fact that he hasnt been seen in the WWE since the survivor series montreal screwjob, and this will be huge especially for those of us that just want to reminise about the old days.

This will be a great thing for Bret and the WWE, he wont wrestle but i do believe he may have a nice program with Vince similar to what Donald Trump had with Vince, or even what Austin had with Bischoff.

I just hope they use Brets status to give the rub to another superstar whose destined for something huge and If they are smart with this he could be a huge factor in a DX vs Hart Dynesty feud and maybe lead the team that is currently in limbo to some gold that they sorely need.
As much as people wanna talk Hart vs Vince McMahon, I think there is one thing getting very overlooked here. My first thought was Hart vs HBK....I think the build up to the match would be phenomenal. The match itself becomes an issue. Shawn has shown the ability to work great matches. Do you want to waste that for a spot on the card where he would probably have to carry the match? I also know that the 2 do not have the best history outside of the ring and that Hart despises Michaels. All that being said, if the 2 agree to work out their differences, I think that HBK vs Hart is a better match than Hart vs McMahon.

That is my opinion on if he wrestles. Personally, this business has been heavily criticized by the media for how their employees end up at the end of their careers. No match that could be made is worth such a great risk to Bret. I want him to host Raw, and constantly hang around, making life hell for Michaels and McMahon. As a guest host, have HBK come to the ring face-to-face with him, and tell him he is going through a gauntlet of Bret's choosing. Tell Vince that he's the guest host, he's in charge tonight, so you have a match with (any big dude). And the weeks after hosting, he can constantly come back with "backstage assaults" or things of the like.

Just a thought....I think Bret coming back is huge, he was one of my favorites growing up. However, if he doesn't wrestle, I feel as though his appearances could grow stale after 3 months.

So my opinions are he should be a non-wrestler, but find ways to reak havoc, and not just come out and talk. If he does wrestle, have him go against HBK and not Vince.
I wonder if Bret's decision was partly based on Hogan signing with TNA and talking all that shit about being a draw and THE king of pro wrestling? I'm sure he has other motives like getting the Hart Dynasty over as well as putting a clean ending onto his WWF/E legacy. He will be in the same room with Shawn and the same arenas so its going to be inevitable that they cross paths. Same goes for HHH. I'm sure that topic has been discussed already. Something had to have been worked out before he signed, and I doubt its HBK having to avoid Bret at all costs.
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