Is Bret Hart worthy of Wrestlemania?

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I think, after reading the above post, I just don't like spectacle so much. I didn't approve of Mayweather fighting in WWE either. I have no time for Donald Trump so I'd rather have him off TV alltogether, never mind Wrestlemania.

FanSince84... Read what I wrote. I began watching one month after Bret left. That is why I know of Rock and Austin's work but wasn't there to see Bret do his thing. It might as well have been years because whether it was one month or 12 years, I still never got to see him in a WWE ring until I watched a DVD.

I'm glad that this thread got this response for the most part. Sure, some of you have flew off the handle saying I'm disrespecting Bret and overlooking his stroke. I'm not. I just don't get it and for me, I see it as a waste of my time and money. Lets look at it in another sense, Ironman 2 is due for release this summer. Lets just say you didn't like or didn't see the first one. You won't really be as excited for it as I am because I loved the first one. That's where I am with Bret. I don't get it. Even after watching his greatest hits on DVD or YouTube, it still doesn't mean as much as it does to the rest of you. And I'm glad you guys have something like that, FanSince84... that makes me think you must be around the age of 30 (sorry if I overestimate) so in a way it's nice to see you can still get excited over this stuff even though you're at least 5 years older than me.

Lets look at it this way, when you mention Iron-man, you should know that Iron man is a person who uses politics to his advantages (cough, cough HHH)
you said you watched or became a wrestling fan one month prior to the hitman leaving the wwe, and also that you were familiar with Stone cold Steve Austins work, if you with familiar with Stone colds work (work ethnic, eras, angles) than you should be really familiar with the Hitman, the hitmans feud with Stone cold is legendary, how could you not know that? If you mention Stone cold, EVERYONE would know his work with the Bret! Everyone remembers the submission match with him and Bret, it solidified Austin as one of the best in this business, a person who works his butt off and got fired by Eric Bischoff for no reason! You should also check Brets other dvd where he first broke into wrestling, he earned everything he worked for, he was not afraid to put over new generations (unlike, Shawn, Hunter, Hogan, Ric Flair, maybe even Nash) and you should also read Bret's book, Find all those other feuds he had with Bob Backlund, the Undertaker, Kevin Nash aka Diesel, king of the ring tournaments, feud with Scott hall, The British Bulldog, Owen, and my favorite, Jerry lawler and Stone cold, it's a shame he didn't get to work with the rock and Kurt Angle!
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