Bret Hart's return-- after last night, it's apparent-- a big to-do about nothing

I waNT to first off by saying everyone that thinks Bret is not gonna wrestle at Wrestlemania is dumb, Ladys and gentlemen, what you witnessed last night was a build up to an eventual match at mania, Bret can still go to the point To put on a show as in entertainment wise not wrestling wise. He will do punches, he will take punches by the time Mania rolls around, he will be able to do offensive moves such as a clothsline, a legdrop(but it will most likely be the worst legdrop and clothsline you will ever see though), deliver a chair shot, and finally what eveybody is paying and dieing to see anyway The Sharpshooter, So to answer this thread started by the Sidious one himself, no thisBret return is not a to-do about nothing return, this is going to be a good Wrestlemani still, and Bret will entertain and whoop da shit out of Mcmahon for 10 minutes at the most. Anybody that disagree let it be known and prove a Wrestling Genius wrong.
Didn't Vince clearly state that doctors told him he can't get in the ring and "wrestle" anymore? So, how can they have a match? Exactly. So, while Bret vs Vince won't technically be one on one. Bret will do his thing come Wrestlemania, IE the sharpshooter on Vince for example.
Bret still makes for interesting TV. And if everyone is watching to see what he does, how ever little it is, he is still doing his job because I'm sure you will all watch it pan out.

I hope he just works of the Rust of his ring work. I mean he hasn't thrown any wrestling punches or holds in years.

Goodluck to him and im sure this angle will turn out great.
I am a true Bret Hart fan, I grew up watching him from WM4 and the battle royal at the beginning of the show. Watching him tear down houses with the tag team division and yes, watching him be one of the best champions of all time. I once saw him wrestle whilst he had the flu. I was amazed to see that he struck a deal with Vince and is actually making semi-regular appearances on Raw. I wasn't so much amazed that he and HBK made nice nice, it was cool and a long time coming, but a 2 second hug for the camera is easy to even fake. Not that it was fake, I'm just saying.

As far as last night and the future goes, I do not see him getting in the ring,or even into a street fight with McMahon. I do see him getting McMahon into the sharpshooter at WM 26 and that would be after the Cena/Batista match. As for Gin N Jews, I want you to ask yourself something, if at Wrestlemania we are going to see Bret/Vince, then why was it Batista of all people to come save Vince? It could have been any number of superstars in the back that actually are on the Raw brand and not a random Smackdown brand superstar. This was the initial setup to have Batista/Cena with Vince and Bret in the respective corners. Gin, I see where you are coming from and agree, it is quite possible that Bret could be in some kind of shape to wrestle at WM, but unlikely. I think that Bret will get to do his thing with the sharpshooter, and I think it would be cool and no, I do not think this a big to do about nothing, I think it is finally about closure, and closure will be in the form of a sharpshooter, that's it.
They really should have had Bret just guest host RAW that night, make up with Shawn and Vince, and that be it. It should have just been a one-time thing.

Obviously, it's looking like Cena vs. Batista at Wrestlemania. The office must have been concerned that nobody would care, so in order to make it special, put Bret Hart at ringside to make it look like Cena's fighting for Bret's honor. If the office thinks that this will help get Cena more over as a face with the older demo that generally boos the crap out of Cena, it's not going to work. They're going to figure it out and they're going to resent Cena and boo him even more.
First off.. Bret new music is terrible.

Secondly I must admit I feel a bit let down from the Bret return. I was initially excited as was everyone else but I feel the ball has been dropped. But it may have been our faults with all our unreal expectations. We all knew Bret had said he could never wrestle again and we didn't want to believe it. And seeing Shawn Michaels return after a broken back and being told that he will never be able to wrestle again only to have him comeback and shock everyone kinda set me up for the small hope Bret could pull off the same thing.

I thought he looked more comfortable on the mic than 1/4 but the second I saw him in action and realized how frail and weak he really looked it was a real eye opener. Mixed with a lazy reaction from the crowd this storyline is not adding to his legacy... AND HOLY SHIT DO I HATE THE NEW REMIX OF HIS MUSIC!!!
Travaje, I think you have it all wrong. WWE has been catering to the younger audience for sometime now and will be for sometime to come. I think the WWE is thinking that the younger audience is not well versed in Bret Hart and are trying to bring a familiar face into the mix, cue John Cena. I think the Bret thing is getting a little old, keep embarrassing him on TV. On the other hand, it will make Bret look even better once he locks in the sharpshooter on Vince....
When Bret started on january 4th and everybody included Dave Meltzer were saying the plan for wrestlemania was for a Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon match, i knew instantly that it would happen and exepted it because it was well documented that Bret couldn'T do much anymore. But after last night, i actually was happy in what i was seeing. Batista attacking Bret meant that they found a way to have Cena vs Batista at wrestlemania and having Bret vs Vince without having Bret do too much. You see if i can predict the future, i see Cena w/Bret hart vs Batista w/ Vince McMahon. If Batista wins then Bret HArt is banned for ever from the WWE but if Cena win then Bret get five minutes with Vince and vince cannot defend himself or have anybody interfere for five minutes. This is the best solution for everybody involve and am glad that at what am seeing right now. Sure it would have been fun to see bret wrestle again but he can't anymore still the build up to the showdown between Vince and Bret is far from over and i cannot wait to see were they are going to take it next.
The biggest problem I had with the way everything was executed was the damn commentary. Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler couldn't have sounded less enthused if they fucking tried. If it was JR he would have been screaming, selling the shit out of the showdown.

I don't see what was so wrong with the segment though....all hart did was punch him in the face several times, and attempt a sharpshooter. did you want him to do a powerbomb or a suplex?
Bret Hart spent 10 years away from the wrestling business; within that time serious head traumas and a stroke where he had to re-learn everything. This is the first time he's been part of a wrestling work since he re-learned everything. Considering that, he's not doing bad at all. Its the first time for him being part of an angle...He's not just doing a Question and Answer session. I'm sure he has some butterflies. And I re-watched that fight. Bret's punches weren't that bad, but Batista's were horrid. He basically had to learn to speak well again and he's doing it in a working angle for the first time in the company that he finally made peace with. Let time take this.
I for one have to say that I really hope McMahon vs Bret doesn't happen. I will be attending wrestlemania and after last night's "confrontation" i hope the wwe feels the same way. I was once looking forward to a street fight of some sort like hogan vs mcmahon at wm19 but after last night, and i cant belive im saying this, but i think hogan put on a MUCH more entertaining match then bret and vince wouldve had. I think it's sad to see hart now a days and i hope they somehow limit his appearences leading up to the likely cena vs batista(zzzzzzzzzzzzzz) match at wrestlemania

P.S. I thank god that batista wasn't able to hit the batista bomb on bret cuz i think it might have actually killed him
This post is going to be primarily for Sidious alone, but I think a lot of you could benefit from what I have to say to him. So, here it goes.

Sid, dude, despite our history you know I respect the hell out of you. Your posts are generally well written, well thought out, and make good points. Everyone knows you are one of the very best on Wrestle Zone, are one of the few highly distinguished characters on here. But, when you post stuff like this, I just don't know what to think man. Are you serious? Could you be serious? I know you are about the same age as I am which means you grew up watching Bret Hart, which also means more than likely that you were a fan of his as a kid. Is it just too much to see him as less than he was for you? Are you actually so much a fan that you just can't accept any less than "The Excellence of Execution"?

I am just trying to figure out what your expectations are. As soon as this whole thing was announced you would have had to have known the circumstances, and what to expect from both parties. Now maybe I am giving you more credit than you deserve or something because I thought you were at least smart enough to know what was realistically going to transpire. It seems to me that your expectations have been way too high, and very unrealistic. From the first night you have been as negative about it all as a person could be. I am going to hamper a guess that is due to those expectations.

That was why everyone had their expectations somewhat high for the segments Hart had with Vince, and why people were disappointed that all Bret took was a kick to the "gut".

It sounds to me like YOU feel let down more than anything, more so than you actually thinking they have done a horrible job. I too wish that Bret could perform on a higher level, I too wish that they would have given this more exposure, but I also know that there is only so much they CAN do. The above quoted I think pertains more to you personally than you let on or would like to admit. I think it was you who had high expectations, and mostly you who was disappointed. That also tells me that no matter what you say about Bret, you are actually a big fan, whether you admit it or not. If you weren't you wouldn't have been let down. You wanted to see Bret as you remember him from his heyday and I can't fault you for that. I did too. I

don't care what all the other people said, you know as well as I the kind of sheep mentality that can run rampant here. If you present things in a certain light which you are very good at doing, people will follow in suit and you know that. I think most of those responses of disappointment are more due to your influence than anything as you have been the one driving the hate-wagon around the Bret Hart return and feud with McMahon.

Posts were made in the Bar Room stating that Bret Hart wasn't made of glass, and I joined in. There were people crying on Bret's behalf stating that he couldn't take anything more than that and couldn't take bumps and all that stuff. But I stuck to my guns because I knew if they were planning to have Bret Hart wrestle, there was no way he was made of glass and couldn't take more than a kick to the gut.

I know man, I felt the same. You know why? Because I love Bret Hart, and I, like you, wanted to see him as the person I remembered him to be or something closer than what I saw. I can tell that you really are a fan and I can't tell you how much that changes my view of you for the better, I can see beneath the shroud my friend. You may continue the facade if you wish, I won't take it personally, just know that I know. Your words tell me everything, I can see that this really meant something to you. Above you showed that you have faith in the man, and it shows that you really did want to see him come back as the Bret of old, instead of Bret old. You said "I stuck to my guns because I knew" and said so against the protests that Bret was not as capable as you would like him to be. I understand all of this, and hope you know you are not alone.

Well after last night, things became pretty clear what type of condition Bret Hart was really in, when he attacked Vince. Obviously, to anyone that saw it, the offense looked awful- slow motion, very little behind his punches ... put it this way, I am convinced Vince McMahon, who is about 15 years older than Hart, could legitimately kick his ass right now after what I saw last night.

Sid, how could you be serious man. Did I see a different Bret Hart than you did last night or something? Did you not notice that he looked at least ten times better than on January 4th. He had his hair colored which helped him look younger, got a tan and the color made him look a lot healthier, he had obviously been working out and dropped some significant weight, and he was full of life, full of vigor. How could you have missed that man? And if you didn't miss it, how was that a let down. He looked better than I have seen him in years. Then when he did go after McMahon where did you gather what you said above from it? It showed me, that he in fact was more capable than I had thought, and that he really could pull this thing off. It was great.

His offense was believable, and it looked like he was hitting McMahon with hard live rounds. It was great! It seems to me that you are viewing this all from the wrong perspective my friend. Don't be so negative. What we want and what we get are two different things. We have to take reality for what it is, and accept the hand we are dealt. I am not saying you should eat shit and like it. It goes back to our first debate when I talked about being grateful. Aren't you at least grateful to have the treat of seeing Bret Hart in a WWE ring again, in good shape, and in good spirits? I know somewhere deep down you have to be?

With that being said, I think the hoopla around Bret Hart's return is finished after last night. It's pretty clear that Bret is actually somewhat frail after seeing him in action last night.

Your not quitting on it already are you man? I know you are disappointed, and I know that in some way it probably hurts to have to see him as he is and not as he was. But, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy what he has to offer, or that fact that this has all come into fruition, which is something no one thought would ever happen. Don't give up hope friend, it's not as gloomy as you seem to think it is. I would think that after last night you would be more assured that you were right about his condition all along, rather than losing hope that Bret could deliver something worth while. I tell you, I can feel your anguish, and that's what it really is. I understand that you probably had in your head, this idea of Bret coming back in full form or something, or at least in better form, to give us one last match. And, I understand how realizing he can't have a real match is very disappointing. You don't have to show it this way though. I think they are doing a good job, and giving us all they can with everything else going on in the company. And be assured my friend that Bret is giving you all he can, and if not yet he will soon.

Hell, it's sad when you know damn well that when Batista was holding Bret, how he normally would have Batista-bombed anyone else ... he couldn't do it to Bret Hart. Now how can they possibly explain WHY he didn't Batista-bomb Hart on television? Batista even looked like he was puzzled in how Bret was so uncoordinated last night.

I know, it would have been cool to see Bret take a Batista Bomb. It would have shown us that he was in better condition than he is, which is what I can see you desperately want to believe, but can't because of the sad, painful, and obvious truth that you and all of us are forced to deal with. That would have been very uplifting and given a lot of hope that he would deliver the way he used to. That is just not the case though. I agree that Batista did look a little confused, but I don't think it was due to anything Bret did. It looked to me like the jacket just got in the way a bit and that was unexpected, so that probably did throw him off a bit. I don't think Bret looked uncoordinated, I think that you just wanted so badly to see him in top form, that anything less appeared as such to you. Trust me, he tried man, he really tired, you have to know that, it's just as you said initially, sad. It's never easy to look at out heroes when they have fallen or endured so much that it has taken a great toll on them leaving them as less than they were is some ways.

What resulted was not a simple kick, but this time a spit to the face from Vince, that was built up for about 2 minutes.

I thought it took too long as well, but that is on McMahon. He seemed unsure what to do. You know he had to be trying to figure out on an instant's notice what he could really do to make the most impact without possibly hurting Bret. Bret just did what he was supposed to do, and take it like a man which he did. In a lot of ways too, you have to think of how much personal progress has been made between McMahon and Hart as well to be doing what they are doing in front of everybody, playing off of what was a real life quarrel. You just have to know they are actually having a lot of fun together again, and that alone should make it special, and make it all worth the while.

The fact that they have come so far from where they were, to actually be able to make light of everything so openly, and yet it still be a work is a miracle. I never thought Bret would be open to doing something like this, or Vince for that matter. Think of how well they are both playing their respective roles, these guys are having the time of their lives if only for a moment in time once again. I think it's actually very beautiful, and it is a testament to the enduring spirit of man in a lot of ways. I just wish you could see it that way too somehow.

I think it's clear that WWE has nothing now, and that this was a big to-do about nothing. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to see Bret Hart back in some capacity, but what a huge letdown it is not to see him competing in the ring for even a match, like everyone was led to believe. So with Bret's condition apparent now, and the likelihood of an actual match being reduced to about a 1% chance .... personally I think this is going to kill pretty much all intrigue in his return since everyone can now see what type of shape he is really in, because it's going to sink in that he can't really do much of anything at all.

Oh they have something alright, they have plenty. I know that the harsh reality of where Bret really is at is sinking in and it is a little disappointing. Of course we would all love to see him come back for one more actual match, but it just isn't so. Don't let it all get you down. I'm sure they are still going to have a match, believe it when I tell you, you will see Bret perform in some capacity, and you will at least, at the end of it all, get to see him finally put McMahon in the Sharpshooter. I think that his condition is much better than we had thought, and that what we have seen so far is an indicator that Bret is better than they are letting on. Notice, he was in way better shape this time, than the last time he was on Raw. Something is going to go down, he isn't preparing for nothing. I bet at the end of this everyone is going to be shocked at what they see. I think people are going to see something victorious and inspiring as Bret Hart delivers his last match of some kind to his loving fans.

And yes, people are going to say "but he can still participate at ringside and do x, y, and z", but as we know, that just isn't the same as wrestling or even taking bumps for that matter. It just isn't the same, and that is why I think all the intrigue with his return is going to pretty much die.

You've now heard what I have to say and I hope it gives you some change of heart. No, he might not be able to take a bump, and no it's not the same. But who ever said it had to be to still be good? The intrigue is obviously not gone at all in any way. Look at the forums man, everyone is talking about it, everyone is still interested despite the negative things they have to say, you included. Just try to not be so negative about it, look at the positives instead of letting your desire for more create negatives. This is history in the making, happening before our eyes. I think everyone should be excited, happy, and eager for what is to come. I hope that you and others who read this can take away from it, a new outlook on the situation, as it is brighter than many of you are seeing it. I do not wear rose colored glasses, and I am only telling you and the others what I think you need to hear. Have a little more faith, and just keep watching. At some point you will be satisfied.
I think some people are being WAY TO PICKY about this, I mean really some of you are bitching about Brets hair, his glasses, the type of jeans he wears, the tone in his voice, his overall look, how he punches, how he sells a punch...

I'd like to see anyone here step in front of 15,000 people in a ring with millions on tv watching and see how good of a promo and fake punch you can throw and sell.

I think Bret has sold everything real well, if any as good as he could of done. Just be happy Bret is back and in the ring while hes still young enough to interact in a match.

I swear to many people have bitched over the years because he hasn't come back, and when he does all you do is find ways to tear him down.
Being a Huge Bret Hart Fan I have enjoyed his Return and will continue too all the way into Wrestlemania. I thought his promo last night with Vince was fine and Batista coming out was a surprise. Trust me this will pay off come WM when Bret finally slaps a Sharpshooter on Vince.
Bret also looked 2x better than he did on his initial return. His hair looked colored and gelled again, his skin looked tan, and it looked like he hit the gym (HBK could use some gym time too leading up to Wrestlemania). Considering the circumstances Bret is doing a helluva job and giving everything he possibly can with all of the health and personal issues he's had. Who would have really thought that Bret could have made up with Vince, HBK, and the rest to work an angle with Vince and relive all of those times that made up the worst part of his career. As I said earlier, its the first time he's worked an angle in front of a packed arena since he recovered and re-learned everything. Cut the guy some slack, he did a lot better than 1/4 and I bet it will improve with every appearance. The fact that Bret is back with the WWE and working an angle with Vince, showing deep down that he's really moved on is unbelievable to me.

WWE played their hand to combat TNA and the signing of Hulk Hogan, and the intrigue was clearly there with the signing of Bret Hart. When Dave Meltzer reported that Bret Hart had signed a deal with WWE until just after Wrestlemania, it was hinted that Bret would be doing a match at Wrestlemania against Vince McMahon.

That was why everyone had their expectations somewhat high for the segments Hart had with Vince, and why people were disappointed that all Bret took was a kick to the "gut".

Posts were made in the Bar Room stating that Bret Hart wasn't made of glass, and I joined in. There were people crying on Bret's behalf stating that he couldn't take anything more than that and couldn't take bumps and all that stuff. But I stuck to my guns because I knew if they were planning to have Bret Hart wrestle, there was no way he was made of glass and couldn't take more than a kick to the gut.

Well after last night, things became pretty clear what type of condition Bret Hart was really in, when he attacked Vince. Obviously, to anyone that saw it, the offense looked awful- slow motion, very little behind his punches ... put it this way, I am convinced Vince McMahon, who is about 15 years older than Hart, could legitimately kick his ass right now after what I saw last night.

With that being said, I think the hoopla around Bret Hart's return is finished after last night. It's pretty clear that Bret is actually somewhat frail after seeing him in action last night.

Hell, it's sad when you know damn well that when Batista was holding Bret, how he normally would have Batista-bombed anyone else ... he couldn't do it to Bret Hart. Now how can they possibly explain WHY he didn't Batista-bomb Hart on television? Batista even looked like he was puzzled in how Bret was so uncoordinated last night.

What resulted was not a simple kick, but this time a spit to the face from Vince, that was built up for about 2 minutes.

I think it's clear that WWE has nothing now, and that this was a big to-do about nothing. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to see Bret Hart back in some capacity, but what a huge letdown it is not to see him competing in the ring for even a match, like everyone was led to believe. So with Bret's condition apparent now, and the likelihood of an actual match being reduced to about a 1% chance .... personally I think this is going to kill pretty much all intrigue in his return since everyone can now see what type of shape he is really in, because it's going to sink in that he can't really do much of anything at all.

And yes, people are going to say "but he can still participate at ringside and do x, y, and z", but as we know, that just isn't the same as wrestling or even taking bumps for that matter. It just isn't the same, and that is why I think all the intrigue with his return is going to pretty much die.

What say you?

This is bullshit. Did you seriously expect Bret Hart to get back in the ring/look anywhere near as good as he used to after having a damn stroke and after suffering that concussion? I didn't, and I know many more people who didn't either.

I never saw Bret in WWE because of my age, but really looked forward to his return. First night back was alright but last night was really good IMO. Quality promo from the two of them, and it looks to me like Cena v. Batista at Mania with each fighting for Bret and Vince, or it could be a tag.

He didn't take a Batista bomb because medically/phsically he is too frail. WWE has not led anyone to believe, and has never mentioned at match for Bret Hart to compete in, some people have jumped to that conclusion, but most realise that he just cannot physically compete anymore.
I disagree completely. I don't know precisely what some were expecting, but it's not realistic to expect Bret Hart to be in wrestling shape or to be returning to the WWE as a regular, in-ring performer to any substantial degree. Nobody was expecting the Hulk Hogan of 25 years ago when he made his debut in TNA so why should more be expected of Bret Hart?

Bret Hart suffered a severe stroke that left him paralyzed for an extended period of time. Forget all the torn muscles, the dislocated kneecaps, the broken arms, the dislocated shoulders and almost every injury that you read about wrestlers sustaining over the course of their careers. Hardly anything can compare to the bodywide devestation a stroke can cause. Bret Hart has never made any claims about actually wrestling again, nor has the WWE done anything to trick or confuse its audience to believe that Hart will have that sort of role. Bret Hart is extremely limited as to what he can do now, it's just a fact of life. It's not as if Bret Hart just got lazy and let himself go. Aside from suffering a stroke, as if that wasn't enough, he's also 52 years old and his body is worn down from years of wear and tear on the road.

Bret Hart can't do much and in a match against Vince McMahon, he doesn't have to be able to do much. Everybody loves seeing Vince McMahon get beaten down. It's been shown at various points over the last 12 years or so in the WWE and it's always been popular. The Mr. McMahon character is the embodiment of a megalomaniacle egomaniac and most wrestling fans simply LOVE watching that type of character get beaten up. If the two wind up having a match, Vince will probably be the one that takes most of the punishment and that's just fine. Remember, this is Vince McMahon. It's not like Bret Hart is going to be in matches against Shawn Michaels, Triple H or John Cena. Nobody that knows about Bret Hart's health problems over the past 10 years could expect the Hitman of old to come walking through those curtains and down that ramp on Raw.

I like the fact that this thing between them is being built up slowly and leaves us wondering what's going to happen next week regarding it. Whereas TNA seems to be constantly shoving Hulk Hogan down our throats each and every week with appearances in one segment after another, the Hart/McMahon angle hasn't been dominating Raw. More and more segments aren't being devoted to it and I'm quite happy and interested with where it's going partially because I knew and accepted before Bret Hart first came back on January 4th that we weren't going to be seeing the Bret Hart of old.

Now, maybe if the Hart/McMahon angle was being shoved down our throats each week, if it were being made the centerpiece of Raw each and every week, I'd probably be a bit disappointed because, as I said and has been pointed out by others, Bret Hart simply is not the competitor he once was. Bret Hart isn't one of these older guys that simply can't let go of the spotlight despite the fact that their best days are definitely behind them. He's not going to be featured in WWE matches in which he goes over young talent in atrociously subpar matches.
As for Gin N Jews, I want you to ask yourself something, if at Wrestlemania we are going to see Bret/Vince, then why was it Batista of all people to come save Vince? It could have been any number of superstars in the back that actually are on the Raw brand and not a random Smackdown brand superstar. This was the initial setup to have Batista/Cena with Vince and Bret in the respective corners.

To answer the question that you stated I should think about. Do you really think I didn't give thought to this before I posted what I did? The WWE is huge on letting people think something is going to happen for a long time then at the last minute taking that and flipping it so fast that you thought you was watching an episode of Matlock, sitting on your couch being detective figuring out what the hell just happened.
It would've been real simple to allow someone from the Raw brand to come out and help out Vince, but really who's back there in the locker room that

A) has a big enough name to make it matter

B) Doesn't have something going on that it wouldnt mess up their storyline

C) A mix of A and B that's a heel

The WWE is all about ratings, bringing Batista is a HUGE PLUS to this storyline, it brings in more fans. You have the original fans of the story line for Bret and Vince, but also it brings in the fans that hate Batista and/or love him, thus bringing in the Smackdown fans. WWE Raw is at a low point right now so to draw any fans it cans furthers the storyline and also makes profit for the WWE. So why not bring in a Smackdown guy?
Do I believe there is going to be a Cena/Batista match at WM. Probably, but I guess im the only one that thinks that Bret Hart and Vince McMahon will have their own thing as well. My not maximize the dollar here? Maybe Im stuck in the thought process of a Mark and I think of what I want...or MAYBE JUST MAYBE I think like Vince McMahon and I try to get the most out of everything.

Everyone is so quick to jump the gun thinking that Cena/Batista will be a match at WM. How do we not know that Batista was just there for that reason and no reason else. I myself can think of a lot better matches than Cena fighting for Bret and Batista fighting for Vince at WM. To me even with the latter of the names attached it doesn't seem to be a BIG DRAW to me.

This whole thread was started by INTRIGUE...well I ask what got your attention as you sat there watching. Bret Hart beating Vince and getting a sharpshooter in that we thought was coming or the fact that Batista came out for the save??

Instead of the intrigue dying down on Raw it was brought to a new level
Heya all, im totally new here but not a new fan to wrestling. Just a quick hello, i been a fan since the early 80s. Grew up with it, loved it, lived was everything to me and sadly ive got to say i dont watch it anywhere near how i used too and that is because of just how bad to me, the product is. But it does have its highlights here and there, its just as whole to me what i look for is old school wrestling, old school storylines and you name it...i love it so much i wish i could watch 1982-2000 over and over again as if it were brand new. Ive kept up, but i havent been INTO wrestling until recent catching Bret Harts bit and TNA which for me as an old school fan, i enjoy. But i wanted to make a post here on the Bret subject and join these forums, this seems like a good forum that accepts many views on old school formats and i like that, so with that here goes my thoughts on Brets situation.

For me, my biggest issue these days are lack of personality and color. It lacks immensly which is why for me i could sit and watch guys like bret, nash, hall, nasty boys, double j, michaels, trips, taker and so on and so forth, nonstop. I love these guys even if they are gettin older because they bring just so much personality and for me wrestling has always been about wrestling, but a huge part is personality and charisma and character.

Ill never forget back when Bret left and they teased us with a Bret return, all for just a little person to come out to his was cold, i was pissed. So in seeing this in the raw listing that bret was coming back, i was stoked.

First reappearance i thought he did look a little old, not totally but i was a little more sad than anything but i think it was the hair coloring and it wasnt oiled down that was a huge issue which, for bret being bret, he looked more like himself this past week.

But the beauty of this all is that, hes back on tv...the man that many of us grew up to love is back on tv. Just having his personality there to me, and how "intent" i was in seeing him, shows me what a guy like Bret brings to the table even if he isnt in wrestling shape. But i still believe having guys like Bret can only make the company better in terms of non wrestling roles, theres ntohing wrong with that. Because even a non wrestling bret has more personality that a good portion of half the wwe roster. But the sad reality is that he isnt going to be the man many of us grew up and watched.

Although who knows...maybe he will surprise us, we dont know for sure...we can guesstimate it and most likely bret wont be having an iron man match. But in a match against Vince or a tag match of Bret/Cena or Michaels vs Vince/Batista never know what he could surprise us with even if its not 100% of what he was like, either way i think its just great seeing him back.

It saddens me because heres the deal. There arent any stars replacing Bret or your Mr Perfects or Ted Dibiases....nothing even comes close these days and that bugs me, because i miss watching wrestling in the degree that i used too. So when you get Bret on tv like this, drink it up and enjoy it for those that arent .... even if some people just see an older man out there, realize this guy was one of the best ever and even a rusty Bret is better than so much of talent around.

I think though Bret will loosen up in his mic skills and maybe throwin some moves out there or takin hits. I think bein its been so many years, hes just rusty..gotta give it time to loosen him up. I personally was happy to see batista get involved because it felt "old school", it felt like wrestling used to feel and made me want more! But it also showed me that Bret is here to stay for a bit, and i love that.

Sorry this was massive heh...but i been lookin for a decent wrestlin board to post on and hope this one turns out.
Did you people actually expect Bret to come back after 12 years, after concussions, after a stroke, and come back and look as good as he did in 97? Lets be realistic guys! Im loving the way WWE is handling this angle.
Ive noticed alot of people posting things about how WWE doesnt take their time with angles and how everything is predictable. Then WWE brings back Bret Hart and is taking their time with this and then throwing in a huge surprise and having Batista come out. Now WWE is doing this, and people are saying "what does Batista have to do with this?" He doesnt, its a surprise in the story! Hart has come back twice. Both times have been entertaining for me. And the Raws in between have been great as well!

I felt that Hart's offense was great. The punches looked real and hard hitting.

Another point Id like to make. People are saying that Batista looked confused because he didnt know what to do with Hart. That would, to me, imply that this isnt being scripted? Think about it, people have posted about how Batista's in-ring work isnt the best anyways.

Guys, give this time. See how it plays out. The surprise with Batista coming in Monday shows that they have plenty for this angle. Its not dead, its not close to being dead. I for one am loving the fact they are leaving me wanting more and wanting to tune back in the next week! Just because WWE isnt giving you a feud that is over in two weeks, doesnt mean they dont know what they doing.
All i know is that it felt like wrestling to me again. It has me wanting more, it has me just dying to see it expand...infact its so funny because it feels as if this segment is in a league of its own. Even though Bret isnt what he used to be, the man just brings something to that ring to be excited for. Hearing him say "ass" lol, even as minor as that is...brought back a little edge to the WWE and it was like OMG this fued feels like true wrestling again!

Yea for anyone saying "whats batista have to do with this"....needs to go back many eras ago and watch and notice how surprises were a HUGE part of the product. I mean there were people comng out of the woodwork all the time changing factions or attacking someone out of the blue, and bringing in another wrestler only deepens this storyline.
I think it's building up nicely to a WrestleMania confrontation. The fact Vince left Bret again feeling "pathetic" should leave fans frustrated and yearning for Bret to get even. Now with Batista on board as McMahon's heavy it means Bret cannot lay a hand on Vince which will result in a MONSTER ovation when The Hitman inevitably slaps the Sharpshooter on.

It's working just fine if you ask me. As for the punches and mic work. I thought the verbals between Vince and Bret were just fine and if anything Vince was the weaker one, as he came across more pantomime villain. The punches looked fine to me and it made the fight seem more raw (no pun intended) and passionate. If Bret laid in with big Hogan roundhouses it would take the realism away from the feud.

I can't wait to see what the next step is already.
I'm kind of looking at this from a distance at the moment. People need to stop jumping to conclusions with this feud because there's a lot that could happen. The involvement of Batista is leading me to believe that we might see some sort of tag match at Mania rather than a singles street fight as I had initially suspected. I'm not sure. I think Bret probably shouldn't have been Batista bombed whether he could be or not because Vince should have been the one getting the pay back, but the segment certainly showed us that we are not going to see a Steamboatesque performance from Hart. I want to see what happens next before making any solid conclusions, but right now, I think the chances of a singles Bret Hart match are slightly less than half.
I'm gonna trust the WWE and I'm gonna trust Bret on this one. Bret is being made to look pitiful and's part of the goes against how Bret said last week that he vowed to not feel "pathetic" ever again. Bret is only gonna get a few licks in from here until mania to really sell the angle!

Vince will kayfabe sell it as much as anybody when an enraged hitman challenges him to a match at wrestlemania. Vince will figure its easy pickings, and go for it. We obviously won't see the Bret of old, but he will surprise us i'm sure.

Bret knows what he can and can't do. And judging by his comments in the past, he would never return if he didn't feel like he could perform at a level comfortable to him. You've heard him say again and again he doesn't want to be a manager or something like if he is back in the WWE, even for a short time, he is going to fight. Him signing the deal, to me, is saying that he feels comfortable enough to maybe wrestle a match or two.

I really dont think he would sign the contract to just come in, be beat up week after week, only to have another wrestler "fight for him" at mania, thereby trashing the Bret Hart name and making him look pathetic.

I've literally read everything on Bret's career post-WWE, his medical problems, etc....

Bret's concussion was in the front of his head...the stroke was in the back. Bret himself thinks that they were not related. He also retired because of post-concussion syndrome 10 years ago...I think that with rest and recovery, Bret has recovered.

I really feel like Hitman has too much self respect to try and make a run in the WWE, even if it is short term, if all he can do is a shitty gimmick match or even worse, take part in a match where somebody is "fighting for his honor". It makes Bret look pitiful!

Bret didn't wrestle Kurt Angle only because he had been out so long, hadn't been training, and was worried about what kind of quality the match would be. He never once said "I can't physically wrestle anymore". This could be different. Bret is obviously in shape, he probably started training again probably a month before his return, and he'll gradually get in shape drawing closer to 'mania.
I rewatched the skit, and ive got to say that upon second viewing it looks better than i originally thought. I think Hitmans strikes were pretty solid looking, and the hits he took from batista were good too....all in all, id take an older and slower bret hart over a good portion of the members in WWE. Bret will always be one of the best and having him back in some form or another is great, i love it.

I just want Bret to become "part" of the roster now, even if its not in a huge wrestling angle, i just want him there each week from here on out hopefully.

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