This post is going to be primarily for Sidious alone, but I think a lot of you could benefit from what I have to say to him. So, here it goes.
Sid, dude, despite our history you know I respect the hell out of you. Your posts are generally well written, well thought out, and make good points. Everyone knows you are one of the very best on Wrestle Zone, are one of the few highly distinguished characters on here. But, when you post stuff like this, I just don't know what to think man. Are you serious? Could you be serious? I know you are about the same age as I am which means you grew up watching Bret Hart, which also means more than likely that you were a fan of his as a kid. Is it just too much to see him as less than he was for you? Are you actually so much a fan that you just can't accept any less than "The Excellence of Execution"?
I am just trying to figure out what your expectations are. As soon as this whole thing was announced you would have had to have known the circumstances, and what to expect from both parties. Now maybe I am giving you more credit than you deserve or something because I thought you were at least smart enough to know what was realistically going to transpire. It seems to me that your expectations have been way too high, and very unrealistic. From the first night you have been as negative about it all as a person could be. I am going to hamper a guess that is due to those expectations.
That was why everyone had their expectations somewhat high for the segments Hart had with Vince, and why people were disappointed that all Bret took was a kick to the "gut".
It sounds to me like YOU feel let down more than anything, more so than you actually thinking they have done a horrible job. I too wish that Bret could perform on a higher level, I too wish that they would have given this more exposure, but I also know that there is only so much they CAN do. The above quoted I think pertains more to you personally than you let on or would like to admit. I think it was you who had high expectations, and mostly you who was disappointed. That also tells me that no matter what you say about Bret, you are actually a big fan, whether you admit it or not. If you weren't you wouldn't have been let down. You wanted to see Bret as you remember him from his heyday and I can't fault you for that. I did too. I
don't care what all the other people said, you know as well as I the kind of sheep mentality that can run rampant here. If you present things in a certain light which you are very good at doing, people will follow in suit and you know that. I think most of those responses of disappointment are more due to your influence than anything as you have been the one driving the hate-wagon around the Bret Hart return and feud with McMahon.
Posts were made in the Bar Room stating that Bret Hart wasn't made of glass, and I joined in. There were people crying on Bret's behalf stating that he couldn't take anything more than that and couldn't take bumps and all that stuff. But I stuck to my guns because I knew if they were planning to have Bret Hart wrestle, there was no way he was made of glass and couldn't take more than a kick to the gut.
I know man, I felt the same. You know why? Because I love Bret Hart, and I, like you, wanted to see him as the person I remembered him to be or something closer than what I saw. I can tell that you really are a fan and I can't tell you how much that changes my view of you for the better, I can see beneath the shroud my friend. You may continue the facade if you wish, I won't take it personally, just know that I know. Your words tell me everything, I can see that this really meant something to you. Above you showed that you have faith in the man, and it shows that you really did want to see him come back as the Bret of old, instead of Bret old. You said "I stuck to my guns because I knew" and said so against the protests that Bret was not as capable as you would like him to be. I understand all of this, and hope you know you are not alone.
Well after last night, things became pretty clear what type of condition Bret Hart was really in, when he attacked Vince. Obviously, to anyone that saw it, the offense looked awful- slow motion, very little behind his punches ... put it this way, I am convinced Vince McMahon, who is about 15 years older than Hart, could legitimately kick his ass right now after what I saw last night.
Sid, how could you be serious man. Did I see a different Bret Hart than you did last night or something? Did you not notice that he looked at least ten times better than on January 4th. He had his hair colored which helped him look younger, got a tan and the color made him look a lot healthier, he had obviously been working out and dropped some significant weight, and he was full of life, full of vigor. How could you have missed that man? And if you didn't miss it, how was that a let down. He looked better than I have seen him in years. Then when he did go after McMahon where did you gather what you said above from it? It showed me, that he in fact was more capable than I had thought, and that he really could pull this thing off. It was great.
His offense was believable, and it looked like he was hitting McMahon with hard live rounds. It was great! It seems to me that you are viewing this all from the wrong perspective my friend. Don't be so negative. What we want and what we get are two different things. We have to take reality for what it is, and accept the hand we are dealt. I am not saying you should eat shit and like it. It goes back to our first debate when I talked about being grateful. Aren't you at least grateful to have the treat of seeing Bret Hart in a WWE ring again, in good shape, and in good spirits? I know somewhere deep down you have to be?
With that being said, I think the hoopla around Bret Hart's return is finished after last night. It's pretty clear that Bret is actually somewhat frail after seeing him in action last night.
Your not quitting on it already are you man? I know you are disappointed, and I know that in some way it probably hurts to have to see him as he is and not as he was. But, that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy what he has to offer, or that fact that this has all come into fruition, which is something no one thought would ever happen. Don't give up hope friend, it's not as gloomy as you seem to think it is. I would think that after last night you would be more assured that you were right about his condition all along, rather than losing hope that Bret could deliver something worth while. I tell you, I can feel your anguish, and that's what it really is. I understand that you probably had in your head, this idea of Bret coming back in full form or something, or at least in better form, to give us one last match. And, I understand how realizing he can't have a real match is very disappointing. You don't have to show it this way though. I think they are doing a good job, and giving us all they can with everything else going on in the company. And be assured my friend that Bret is giving you all he can, and if not yet he will soon.
Hell, it's sad when you know damn well that when Batista was holding Bret, how he normally would have Batista-bombed anyone else ... he couldn't do it to Bret Hart. Now how can they possibly explain WHY he didn't Batista-bomb Hart on television? Batista even looked like he was puzzled in how Bret was so uncoordinated last night.
I know, it would have been cool to see Bret take a Batista Bomb. It would have shown us that he was in better condition than he is, which is what I can see you desperately want to believe, but can't because of the sad, painful, and obvious truth that you and all of us are forced to deal with. That would have been very uplifting and given a lot of hope that he would deliver the way he used to. That is just not the case though. I agree that Batista did look a little confused, but I don't think it was due to anything Bret did. It looked to me like the jacket just got in the way a bit and that was unexpected, so that probably did throw him off a bit. I don't think Bret looked uncoordinated, I think that you just wanted so badly to see him in top form, that anything less appeared as such to you. Trust me, he tried man, he really tired, you have to know that, it's just as you said initially, sad. It's never easy to look at out heroes when they have fallen or endured so much that it has taken a great toll on them leaving them as less than they were is some ways.
What resulted was not a simple kick, but this time a spit to the face from Vince, that was built up for about 2 minutes.
I thought it took too long as well, but that is on McMahon. He seemed unsure what to do. You know he had to be trying to figure out on an instant's notice what he could really do to make the most impact without possibly hurting Bret. Bret just did what he was supposed to do, and take it like a man which he did. In a lot of ways too, you have to think of how much personal progress has been made between McMahon and Hart as well to be doing what they are doing in front of everybody, playing off of what was a real life quarrel. You just have to know they are actually having a lot of fun together again, and that alone should make it special, and make it all worth the while.
The fact that they have come so far from where they were, to actually be able to make light of everything so openly, and yet it still be a work is a miracle. I never thought Bret would be open to doing something like this, or Vince for that matter. Think of how well they are both playing their respective roles, these guys are having the time of their lives if only for a moment in time once again. I think it's actually very beautiful, and it is a testament to the enduring spirit of man in a lot of ways. I just wish you could see it that way too somehow.
I think it's clear that WWE has nothing now, and that this was a big to-do about nothing. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great to see Bret Hart back in some capacity, but what a huge letdown it is not to see him competing in the ring for even a match, like everyone was led to believe. So with Bret's condition apparent now, and the likelihood of an actual match being reduced to about a 1% chance .... personally I think this is going to kill pretty much all intrigue in his return since everyone can now see what type of shape he is really in, because it's going to sink in that he can't really do much of anything at all.
Oh they have something alright, they have plenty. I know that the harsh reality of where Bret really is at is sinking in and it is a little disappointing. Of course we would all love to see him come back for one more actual match, but it just isn't so. Don't let it all get you down. I'm sure they are still going to have a match, believe it when I tell you, you will see Bret perform in some capacity, and you will at least, at the end of it all, get to see him finally put McMahon in the Sharpshooter. I think that his condition is much better than we had thought, and that what we have seen so far is an indicator that Bret is better than they are letting on. Notice, he was in way better shape this time, than the last time he was on Raw. Something is going to go down, he isn't preparing for nothing. I bet at the end of this everyone is going to be shocked at what they see. I think people are going to see something victorious and inspiring as Bret Hart delivers his last match of some kind to his loving fans.
And yes, people are going to say "but he can still participate at ringside and do x, y, and z", but as we know, that just isn't the same as wrestling or even taking bumps for that matter. It just isn't the same, and that is why I think all the intrigue with his return is going to pretty much die.
You've now heard what I have to say and I hope it gives you some change of heart. No, he might not be able to take a bump, and no it's not the same. But who ever said it had to be to still be good? The intrigue is obviously not gone at all in any way. Look at the forums man, everyone is talking about it, everyone is still interested despite the negative things they have to say, you included. Just try to not be so negative about it, look at the positives instead of letting your desire for more create negatives. This is history in the making, happening before our eyes. I think everyone should be excited, happy, and eager for what is to come. I hope that you and others who read this can take away from it, a new outlook on the situation, as it is brighter than many of you are seeing it. I do not wear rose colored glasses, and I am only telling you and the others what I think you need to hear. Have a little more faith, and just keep watching. At some point you will be satisfied.