I think you're being far too critical. Perhaps Bret and Shawn just hugging was a missed opportunity, but what was supposed to happen? Was Shawn supposed to superkick Bret, a man who can't even take the slightest knock to the head anymore? And same with Vince, was Vince supposed to punch him? Was Vince supposed to go get a chair and bring it into the ring? Hmm, I'm quite sure Bret would've found that mildly suspicious.
If I was still a casual fan, I'd be quite into this. After seeing Bret get kicked by Vince and Vince "banishing" him, but Bret not coming back the following week or even th week after.... Well, I'd be dying for Bret to come back and kick Vince's ass. The thought that I don't know when Bret's coming back, but he will obviously come back would keep me tuned in every week until he did make his return to beat on Vince. But hey, that's just my logic.
Apart from Vince's weak performances, there is absolutely no problem with this angle. Bret's still fragile so he can't take bumps. And having Bret come back the next week surely would've been predictable, and isn't that what you hate oh so much, Sid? So unless you're suggesting that WWE research a surgery that makes stroke victims good as new, then this angle is going as well as it could.
You know, I was trying to stay away from this thread, but you crybabies brought me back, and I just can't stand seeing some of the bullshit that I am seeing in this thread.
You may notice that Mr. Eko started a thread in the Bar Room with the topic being that "Bret Hart IS NOT MADE OF GLASS". So, for all you marks that want to spout of your BS about how even the slightest tap is going to make Bret Hart a cripple for life, just please ... knock it off. This same BS was tried with Austin and given as the excuse on why he couldn't come back because he was such a "cripple", and low and behold, he even denied those rumors on a Canadian talk show.
If all Bret Hart can do is simply a "kick to the gut", then I sure as Hell don't know people like you Blade, honestly expect him to compete in a match at Wrestlemania, since he can't take bumps with him being so crippled and all.
They could have done so much more with Shawn Michaels, unless Bret Hart and perhaps even Shawn Michaels (in this day and age) are such crybabies that they can't distinguish between kayfabe on a TV show and reality. And I think they both had this problem back in the 90's as well.
Both of them were Egomaniacs and perhaps still are. Shawn thinking he was indispensable to the WWE, and Bret Hart thinking he was a National Hero in Canada (although this is partly the Canadians' fault for making him think he is and encouraging him with that mentality).
So much history between these two, and they meet for the first time in 12 years ... and POOF! Ruined in the blink of an eye with a simple handshake and embrace.
And for everyone saying this is building .... bullshit. They let it fell flat by Bret not appearing the next week. That is deflating interest in the storyline ... not building it. All Bret Hart took was a kick. He didn't take anything that would have put him out of action for weeks. So he has been off TV now for two weeks, and it looks to be at least 3 weeks now.
If they weren't ready for Bret to get involved in the Vince program for Mania and Bret couldn't commit to doing Raw for the next couple weeks, they should have held off on putting him on Raw on the 4th. They could have found something else to load that show with, and it still would have beaten Impact, if that was the concern.
So now, that Bret has been off TV because of a simple kick .... a kick that he got up from after a few moments that same night, and by him not appearing for revenge, that has made him out to be nothing more than a coward. And in turn, interest in the story is going down, despite their efforts to keep it alive with Vince (who made an awful and short promo the week after) and Taker's promo on Monday. Bret is the one that needs to appear, not others talking about him.