Bret Hart's return-- after last night, it's apparent-- a big to-do about nothing

It was also my hope that WWE would put together some form of Hart vs McMahon match. But really, neither man is likely able to wrestle. And i doubt either wants to. The storyline is still good. Last weeks promos by both were stellar. I was not a huge fan of Bret's first promo. But his promo last week redeemed him. I thought it was excellent. All in all, This storyline will allow there to be interest in John Cena vs. Batista II. Not from me because I absolutely HATE both of them as they are horrendously stale and terrible overall. But hey, WWE always disappoints me with the rumoured cards and the potential matches they can put on. The actual card always ends up being worse. But I don't write the program so I guess I can't get my way.. In any event. I just hope Bret doesn't injur himself or worse by doing whatever it is he will do... Which will likely result in a sharpshooter to Vince in the middle of the ring at Wrestlemania.. Big deal. PEASH!
Tedy Bruschi, former linebacker for the Patriots suffered a stroke after the 2004 season, took a year off from pro football and rehabilitated. He returned to the violent contact sport of pro football after only a little over a year. He was a linebacker so he was hitting people and always making hard contact. I think Bret might be a little better off than a lot of people think. The concussions might be more of a concern to him. looked and talked 10x better last week as opposed to his first appearance. The guy hasn't cut a promo in front of a sold out crowd in 10 years, suffered a stroke that he had to recover from and concussions, as well as held a lot of negative feelings toward the company. Give the guy a break and a little time. He had to basically relearn to talk, so I'd say he's doing fine.
it has been disappointing. but any story/feud with Vince usually is. Bret should have just simply hosted and made peace. if he has wrestling ability left the best match would be with hbk. but yea i agree, it's been a weak uninteresting storyline like most Vince are involed in

anyone else here feel Vince having a match at each WM is just a waste? he can't wrestle, and the matches are usually pretty bad, and basically slop fests
Ok Sidious, I don't know why you're a moderator on the WWE forums when you so obviously hate everything they do, no matter what. That said, let's get into the meat of the matter.

From a STORYLINE point of view, Bret wasn't brought back to wrestle, he was brought back to settle old scores and to put this behind him. He's decided he wants to take the high road, let bygones be bygones and reconnect with the fans that always supported him.

HBK accepted his apology and that long standing fued has been buried. Apparently Bret only hated VINCE for the wrongs that he endured years ago. But in trying to be the bigger man, and reach closure, Bret decides to reach out to Vince, bury the hatchet and move on with their lives. Maybe even start a friendship/partnership that will benefit both of them. However, VINCE is vindictive and only likes the flavor of the month. Bret CANNOT wrestle anymore, that was made apparent both kayfabe and reality. Therefore big bad chairman Vince has no more use for this "piece of used up chewing gum". He cheap shots Bret and walks off.

Now, after being called out publicly, Vince brings him back to try to work things out, or so we think. But instead, he brings out his hired muscle to degrade and beat down Bret, because obviously Vince can't do it by himself...even to this used up piece of chewing gum.

They never once alluded to Bret returning to the ring in competition. They never once tried to make ANYONE believe that Bret would be challenging for the title and they've delivered what they promised so far.

So I ask you, Sidious, WHY can't you get your head wrapped around that storyline? Why do you hate it so much? You weren't promised the next coming of the Hitman legacy, you were promised Bret Hart returning to the WWE and that's what you're getting.

I just don't get could you have possibly expected anything else with Bret's documented health problems? And judging by the TNA I've seen, Hogan's not in the ring either....but that's ok somehow because he's on the "cool" show, the rebels, the small guys, the underdogs.....and WWE is oppressing them???? Get real. Same deal, different roles....
i think the Bret thing is going over well. It'll lead to Cena/Batista at WM with Bret in Cenas corner and Vince in Batistas corner. if you want proof about the bret story look at the amount of heat Batista got on SD 2 weeks ago compared to the heat he got this week. he almost beat vicky out in heat. I usually go by the rule that if you want heat just "punch" Jim Ross (it worked for Austin and Taker) but jumping Hart seemed to have worked just as well
I think the Bret vs Vince angle is going over pretty well when you consider just how different the WWE audience is now from the WWF audience in 1997. Let's face a lot of them wouldn't have the first clue who the Hitman was, so the fact he is getting a good reaction is a major plus.

I also don't understand how anyone ever thought Bret would be in the ring. The guy has suffered multiple strokes and was wheelchair bound for quite some time. To say that Vince or Shawn could kick his ass now is a no-brainer, of course they could as he's been severely weakened physically in the past ten years. Add to that that Bret has already been paid out close to a million dollars from his Lloyds of London career insurance policy on the agreement that Bret could NEVER set foot in a ring again (and these guys are very much notorious for keeping an eye on this stuff and suing people when they think they've been defrauded) then he was never gonna be in there.

So the WWE had two choices. Bring Bret back as a heel manager with the Hart Dynasty to take on DX at WM for the tag titles, or do what they are doing now and lead all this up to something similar to Trump & Lashley vs Vince & Umaga. No offence to the Hart Dynasty but I'm sure HBK and HHH would like a bigger part of WM than that match, I'm sure Bret wanted to be face as well, so they've gone down the right route. Also I'd like to say that the Vince of today wouldn't be of the same street fight calibre as the Vince who took on Hogan & Shane at WMs past in my opinion, so even if Bret did manage to get in the ring with him it would be a disaster.

All in all I think they're doing just fine with the limited deck they have.

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