WWE blew it again-- Bret Hart's return has been completely ruined.

You are crazy the Bret Hart comeback is not ruined at all. This guy is a legend. The mention of him being on the show will draw up the ratings. He could have just stood in the ring and said HI and left. The guy is a legend. WWE is doing something right for a change. They are building a storyline. Bret is limited in what he can do so he would be limited in the stuff they could do over 12 weeks. 12 weeks is along time to be on tv when you are limited in the stuff you can do.

They are building the story. Remember most people just like to see Bret Hart and we will be smiling when he does come down the ramp once more. Its like seeing Hogan they are the legends. No matter if you hate them or not they draw your attention and create great momments and conterversary
I can understand where you're coming from in certain aspects of this Sid, but I find myself siding with those who have been appreciative of the idea that this is a longer term feud.

On the night, I did get a sense that amongst the cheers from the older fans, the majority of the kids in attendance would be pulling on their parents' clothing to ask them who this guy was and as such the pop was a little under-whelming. However, I didn't mind the fact that over the course of the evening that Bret was rarely seen. He needn't constantly be in front of the camera after each match speaking to another member of the old guard or talking to a young gun. The saying, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder' comes to mind.

While I can see why Michaels and Hart burying the hatchet would be annoying to some, the tension at the end where Michaels was in a position to potentially deliver the super-kick was pretty well done.

I don't really understand why there is disappointment in the way Vince struck Bret when there is just supposition that they will wrestle at Mania. As crazy as some people envisage Vince being, do they take Bret to be as crazy to have gone through all his documented health problems and agree to fight Vince because Vince says so? Bret can think for himself and I really hope that they are both going to share the stage in a non-wrestling capacity. If we cast our minds back a couple of years, remember Donald Trump 'managing' Lashley? Though that was over an unimportant hair match, what if Hart and McMahon are in the corners of certain wrestlers. At this moment in time it's unclear to say which wrestler they would back, but if they can tie it into the Undertaker - HBK 2 match then would that really be such a bad thing? Their match last year took a lot out of each and they still don't look back to their best, so why not install a sub-plot to proceedings this time around in a simple way to make things grander? This is purely speculation of course as week by week it seems the line-up is altered slightly.
I don't think I really answered the questions, but figured I'd share my thoughts nonetheless
You are crazy the Bret Hart comeback is not ruined at all. This guy is a legend. The mention of him being on the show will draw up the ratings. He could have just stood in the ring and said HI and left. The guy is a legend. WWE is doing something right for a change. They are building a storyline. Bret is limited in what he can do so he would be limited in the stuff they could do over 12 weeks. 12 weeks is along time to be on tv when you are limited in the stuff you can do.

They are building the story. Remember most people just like to see Bret Hart and we will be smiling when he does come down the ramp once more. Its like seeing Hogan they are the legends. No matter if you hate them or not they draw your attention and create great momments and conterversary

First of all, watch your mouth in how you speak to me. Newbies like you need to pay your dues before you address me as such.

Secondly, Bret Hart being a Legend has nothing to do with WWE dropping the ball on a storyline, which is what I maintained they have done.

They hyped him up on his first appearance in 12 years on the 4th, and they did Jack Shit with him. They did absolutely nothing that one couldn't predict was going to happen between him and Vince. So after all this time and after 12 years, his first appearance back ... the best they could come up with and build to during the entire show was a kick to the gut?

Give me a break. And this is why TNA is owning WWE in every way, shape, and form in the Creativity and Unpredictability department.

As far as the whole program, they have pretty much left the air out of the tires by not having him appear 2 weeks in a row. You can claim that they are building the storyline all you want, but the fact is that Vince did a quick, lousy promo the week after when Hart didn't appear, and last week, was a quick mention on the part of Taker. It means nothing if Bret Hart isn't appearing.

He was hyped as to signing a deal from the 4th until Wrestlemania, so fans expect to see him on TV for that period. He obviously isn't injured from a simple kick, so his lack of appearance to get some sort of revenge on Vince makes him look cowardly or disinterested. It's inexcusable.
I think it's too early to say that it's completely ruined but I do think his comeback was a little lackluster.

I enjoyed the segment with Shawn but was dissapointed that Bret wasn't used more on his return to RAW. I think he was being eased in to a certain extent, I don't think Bret was ever 100% at home on the mic and after being away from the WWE for 12 years he was never going to be completely comfortable.

With regards to him not being on TV since; I guess they are going for a slow build which I kind of understand as Jan 4th until Wrestlemania is a long time for 2guys who can't really go at it week in week out to keep a feud going and keep it hot.

While I do believe that the WWE are more than capable of messing what should be one of the hottest feuds in WWE up, for now, I still have faith...
Really it's far too early to say. If his comeback is to end up at Mania as is the rumour that we've heard so much then why build it up before the Royal Rmble's even built up properly? The fact of the matter is, the next few weeks should be the point when you build up Bret's return, not when the focus is on the Rumble, but in the push up until mania. This gives plenty of opportunity to plant seeds (as has been seen since the 4th Jan) as well as going said seeds to grow with some sort of involvement during the Royal Rumble PPV, then it can be harvested at Wrestlemania. Logic is good sometimes.
My whole problem with the kick to the gut thing was, that it just felt like such a let down. Vince did it so quick, and the kick it self really didn't seem to have any force behind it. Bret did a pretty good job of selling it, but still it was just a let down to me. Also, the promo Vince cut on Bret a couple of weeks ago didn't really help this whole situation either.

I think there's a chance Bret's return can still be saved. If WWE can build this up the right way, it could be a huge angle. I'm waiting on The Hart Dynasty to get involved in all of this. They could use the push, and I think they would be great as Bret's allies. Then, who would Vince call to his aid? There is still time left to save this angle.
I don't have a problem with what they did and I'm still looking forward to seeing how this plays out. They can't rush through this quickly because they've got to run this angle until Wrestlemania. If Bret and Vince were on screen together every week for the next two months, it would get old quick because there are only so many things Bret can do.
I don't have a problem with what they did and I'm still looking forward to seeing how this plays out. They can't rush through this quickly because they've got to run this angle until Wrestlemania. If Bret and Vince were on screen together every week for the next two months, it would get old quick because there are only so many things Bret can do.

Okay. Now we are getting somewhere.

Then perhaps the problem was that they put Bret Hart on at the wrong time, and put him on as a Guest Host way too early.

Essentially that is what the root of all of this is, and as a result, people keep saying that they have to stretch it out until Mania. Well, that's a long time away still, as they have to go all the way to April.

So I would suggest that they should never have debuted Hart so early because him not appearing on Raw after a simple kick to the gut is making him look extremely weak as a person. If they would have debuted him at some point on February, they wouldn't have to painstakingly try to stretch it out as much as they have to do now.

Now, they are going to have to come up with some sort of explanation why he took so long to return.
My guess is that bret hart came back when he did because that was the night that raw was going to go up against TNA. The reason he hasn't returned yet is probably because of presigned contracts with the other guest hosts.

I'd be willing to bet that if it wasn't for the TNA monday night premiere, that bret hart's return would have come later in the year, when there could be more stability and not such a long break between his appearances.
I want to address just two main points that you've made through the course of this thread Sid.

Frankly, some of you disgust me with your absolute ignorance in thinking Bret Hart can "just barely" take a kick to the gut, and that's about all he supposedly can take. I have no idea how some of you honestly expect him to be able to have a match, if he is as absolutely fragile as some of you claim.

So I would suggest that they should never have debuted Hart so early because him not appearing on Raw after a simple kick to the gut is making him look extremely weak as a person. If they would have debuted him at some point on February, they wouldn't have to painstakingly try to stretch it out as much as they have to do now.

Now, they are going to have to come up with some sort of explanation why he took so long to return.

First of all, at what point on television has it ever been said that Bret hasn't been back because he was "too injured" by the kick to the gut? You act as if this is the explanation given to why he hasn't come back, when in reality the reason he hasn't been on TV since Jan. 4th is because, from a storyline perspective, he has no reason to be there.

Now, I realize that may be a little difficult for you to grasp, so I'll explain. Yes, getting screwed over by McMahon again, getting a limp kick to the gut, those are both reasons that would set up Bret for coming back out and getting his revenge. If he were John Cena, or HBK, or HHH, or even freaking Santino, it would make perfect sense for him to come down to the ring the following week and demand retribution. The difference between Bret and all of those guys, though, from a storyline perspective, is that he is not an employee of WWE, or a member of any roster. It would be akin to Jeremy Piven coming out and demanding revenge against John Cena for the Attitude Adjustment, or Jon Heder demanding a rematch against Hornswaggle. Forget for a moment that it's Bret Hart we're talking about, from a storyline perspective its a weekly guest host who has no further tie to the show after his week is up. Add to that the fact that Vince publicly banned him from ever appearing in a WWE ring again the following week, and his absence right now makes perfect sense.

Given some of your comments throughout this thread, the only conclusion I can draw is that you wanted a big confrontation that night, either between Hart and Michaels, or between Hart and McMahon. Its obvious from your Mod comment at the beginning of this post that you feel that the people who believe Bret is limited by his health concerns are all a bunch of idiots and morons. But even you, Sid, have to admit that Bret is going to be limited in how much he can do. More than likely, he can have a decent, if not spectacular, fight, as long as all precautions are taken to protect his head. And if you think that protecting his head isn't vital, then I've given you far too much credit.

So let's look at that, shall we? Bret has it in him to give a limited performance, but can still probably put on a pretty decent fight. Why in the hell would you do it on that Jan. 4th show? Why blow your wad at the beginning of the feud, knowing that the ultimate showdown at the end is going to be...about the same, really? It makes no sense from any perspective, be it that of a business trying to build an angle, or a fan hoping for a huge climax.

I for one, if I saw the two go at it on Jan. 4th, would be quite disappointed if they had that final fight at WM or wherever, and it ended up being the exact same fight they had at the beginning of the feud. The kick to the gut was, as Norcal said, symbolic, and was the first shot in what promises to be a long (by today's wrestling standards) war that will eventually culminate in one final battle. So no, perhaps Bret doesn't need to be coddled as much as some people seem to believe, but at the same time, he also doesn't need to be exposed right away either.

Oh, and one final point:

First of all, watch your mouth in how you speak to me. Newbies like you need to pay your dues before you address me as such.

Hmmm...so "newbies" need to pay their dues before they dare to disagree with Sid? I suppose I can understand that. After all, you are the moderator of the WWE section. You craft well thought out, well written posts telling everyone why you hate the current WWE product so much, and you vehemently defend your position. You ridicule anyone who dares think that their opinion is as valid as yours, and defend to the death the idea that your view of how the WWE should be run is the only correct view. So yeah, a "newbie" like that shouldn't dare to challenge your views, because he's probably not prepared for the ridicule he is going to receive.

I, however, am no newbie. I may not have the highest post count in the forums, but I've damn sure paid my dues, and I will say for the record, right here and now, that just because you don't like what's on TV right now does not mean it's not worth watching. If you don't like what you see, go watch TNA. You seem to enjoy it more anyway.
Now, dont get me wrong, I marked out like crazy on 1/4/2010 when Bret Hart made the improbable return the Monday Night Raw, and when him and HBK made amends, I was even a little excited when Vince kicked him in the guts, making me and I am sure many others believe that he would be back the next week or two to respond to the attack.

But in typical present day WWE fashion, all we have really gotten, IMO, is Vince basically repeatin himself, saying that Blah Blah Bret screwed Bret, he will never be allowed on Raw again, Blah Blah Blah. Even in the make believe world of WWE, how realistic is this that Bret would only come back after Vince "invites" him back?

Why wouldnt he do some kind of sneak attack, or even sneak into the building for crying out loud? I know that Bret is limited right now, but couldnt they have at least done an injury angle of some sort to better explain his 1 month absence ?

I am interested to see what others think about this strange situation. Does anyone else really care how this continues at this point?
First of all, at what point on television has it ever been said that Bret hasn't been back because he was "too injured" by the kick to the gut? You act as if this is the explanation given to why he hasn't come back, when in reality the reason he hasn't been on TV since Jan. 4th is because, from a storyline perspective, he has no reason to be there.

Well, the reality is that I said it was one of two possibilities that I could come up with that make sense:

1) He is injured


2) He is simply avoiding going on Raw to confront Vince. And this makes him look cowardly, in the process. Because even though he may "not have been invited back to Raw", when did that ever stop Steve Austin or The Rock when they were "fired" when they worked for the company, from coming back and confronting Vince?

So Vince kicks Bret, and Bret is powerless to go back and get revenge (sneak in a building, etc.)?

So .... yeah.

Now, I realize that may be a little difficult for you to grasp, so I'll explain.

Oh, please do. Looking to try to make a name for yourself, huh? All to happy to oblige.

Yes, getting screwed over by McMahon again, getting a limp kick to the gut, those are both reasons that would set up Bret for coming back out and getting his revenge. If he were John Cena, or HBK, or HHH, or even freaking Santino, it would make perfect sense for him to come down to the ring the following week and demand retribution. The difference between Bret and all of those guys, though, from a storyline perspective, is that he is not an employee of WWE, or a member of any roster. It would be akin to Jeremy Piven coming out and demanding revenge against John Cena for the Attitude Adjustment, or Jon Heder demanding a rematch against Hornswaggle. Forget for a moment that it's Bret Hart we're talking about, from a storyline perspective its a weekly guest host who has no further tie to the show after his week is up. Add to that the fact that Vince publicly banned him from ever appearing in a WWE ring again the following week, and his absence right now makes perfect sense.

Sorry. Explanation not accepted. Here Bret is a face, and he was made to look like a chump from McMahon by the end of the show. And he doesn't even make an attempt to come back for revenge the next week or even the week after, simply because he "wasn't invited"?

Give me a fucking break. What that makes him look like is a gutless coward and that is why I criticized the booking to High Hell.

Given some of your comments throughout this thread, the only conclusion I can draw is that you wanted a big confrontation that night, either between Hart and Michaels, or between Hart and McMahon.

Something like that. And there was ample opportunity in both cases to do something much larger to actually live up to all the hype it got.

My God, it has been 12 years since the WWE has seen Bret Hart and the best they can come up with in terms of confrontation is a hug between Michaels and Bret and a limp kick from McMahon?

It's bullshit. And the people who justify only prove to everyone else how big a "WWE Universe Fan" (etc. WWE and Vince mark) they really are. To the casual person, that was absolutely disappointing given the tremendous hype his appearance got. And it is no wonder that Impact got the far better reviews that night, compared to Raw.

Its obvious from your Mod comment at the beginning of this post that you feel that the people who believe Bret is limited by his health concerns are all a bunch of idiots and morons.

Well, those are "Editor Comments" and not "Mod comments". That isn't Lord Sidious the Moderator speaking ... it's Lord Sidious the poster. And yes, from the ridiculous posts I have seen on here telling me how fragile and frail Bret supposedly is despite planning on actually having a match at Mania, yes, people are a bunch of idiots for trying to claim that "a kick was the best he could take since he can't take bumps".

It's bullshit, and bullshit is going to be called out publicly.

But even you, Sid, have to admit that Bret is going to be limited in how much he can do. More than likely, he can have a decent, if not spectacular, fight, as long as all precautions are taken to protect his head. And if you think that protecting his head isn't vital, then I've given you far too much credit.

When did I ever say that he had to be attacked in the head?

Yes he is limited, but the problem is that you are going from one extreme to the other.

Just because I may say "they could have done a lot more than a kick" .... you go to the complete opposite extreme and try to claim I am saying "they should have kicked him in the head repeatedly until he received a concussion".

Wrong. That is not what I am saying. All I am saying, again, is that they should have done more than a simple limp kick.

So let's look at that, shall we? Bret has it in him to give a limited performance, but can still probably put on a pretty decent fight. Why in the hell would you do it on that Jan. 4th show? Why blow your wad at the beginning of the feud, knowing that the ultimate showdown at the end is going to be...about the same, really? It makes no sense from any perspective, be it that of a business trying to build an angle, or a fan hoping for a huge climax.

Because it was a huge letdown. The fans have waited 12 years to see Bret Hart interact once again with Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon, and it was a huge letdown to see what transpired that night. So the bottom line is that Vince didn't give the fans enough that night.

And when you don't give the fans enough, you risk them losing interest in the feud.

And the problem is that he ALSO didn't give them anywhere near enough the following week and nor the week after that.

If you want to start a hot feud, you have to start off strong, then you can have your ups and downs in between, and then end on a high note at Wrestlemania.

Starting off what was expected to be a very strong feud in such a weak fashion is a recipe for disaster and disappointment.

I for one, if I saw the two go at it on Jan. 4th, would be quite disappointed if they had that final fight at WM or wherever, and it ended up being the exact same fight they had at the beginning of the feud. The kick to the gut was, as Norcal said, symbolic, and was the first shot in what promises to be a long (by today's wrestling standards) war that will eventually culminate in one final battle. So no, perhaps Bret doesn't need to be coddled as much as some people seem to believe, but at the same time, he also doesn't need to be exposed right away either.

Again, nobody is saying they had to wrestle each other on the 4th. You seem to like to put a lot of words in people's mouths with what they are saying.

Oh, and one final point:

What's that?

Hmmm...so "newbies" need to pay their dues before they dare to disagree with Sid? I suppose I can understand that. After all, you are the moderator of the WWE section. You craft well thought out, well written posts telling everyone why you hate the current WWE product so much, and you vehemently defend your position. You ridicule anyone who dares think that their opinion is as valid as yours, and defend to the death the idea that your view of how the WWE should be run is the only correct view. So yeah, a "newbie" like that shouldn't dare to challenge your views, because he's probably not prepared for the ridicule he is going to receive.

Pretty much. Keep in mind that my position as Moderator doesn't have as much to do with it as much as I feel I have consistently provided the forum with high quality, well-thought-out posts to contribute to the quality of the discussion. Me being a Mod has nothing to do with it.

If you want to challenge me, go ahead. Any are welcomed to challenge me. But I especially am not going to take it easy on new people that may challenge my opinions. Because I can defend my opinions to the death and newer posters need to show me how confident they are in being prepared to do the same ... if they are.

I, however, am no newbie. I may not have the highest post count in the forums, but I've damn sure paid my dues, and I will say for the record, right here and now, that just because you don't like what's on TV right now does not mean it's not worth watching. If you don't like what you see, go watch TNA. You seem to enjoy it more anyway.

I do watch TNA. However, the Staff apparently is content with me here overseeing the WWE section. It's a shit product, but liking it isn't part of the requirement of Modding the section. So we can all suffer through it, together.

And for the record, I do watch TNA, and I enjoy it a Hell of a lot more than WWE.
I don't think the Cena promo made Bret look weak so much as it made Vince look easily manipulated. That made Vince look weak, especially when he has spent the last twelve years making us think he is the master manipulator.

I do, however, feel that the WWE dropped the ball with Bret. Their first mistake was trying to use him to go up against Hogan. As big of a hero as Bret is to fans on an internet forum, he cannot compare to Hogan in mainstream success. The date of the Hogan show was announced well in advance, and Vince's countering with Bret was not enough. Only someone like The Rock or Austin could have stood a chance against Hogan, but even they would not have changed the rating much. Sure, Vince killed TNA in head to head ratings, but Vince stayed in the same range, while TNA was, and is still, up almost 30%.

The second death knell was giving away the HBK segment so early. Vince could have built intrigue in that angle and turned HBK heel instead of HHH to break up DX, giving us a real swerve. Bret Hart would be an amazing catalyst for a story like that.

Third, leaving Bret off of TV for a month was a mistake. Vince had some heat for the angle, and instead of capitalizing on it, he let it cool down.

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