Bret Hart- General Thread discussion

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Nice long post.

a lot of these younger fans cheer DX, but don't remember what they used to be. Even when DX came back in 2006 they were pretty tame compared to 97. What I am getting at here is that a lot of these younger kids just cheer because they are cheering what's popular. DX is a prime example of this. I love DX because of what they used to be, and will watch anything with HBK in it, but how many of these new fans do you think actually remember the formation of DX in 97? Luckily HBK and HHH both were top stars when they reformed DX so it wasn't hard getting support back for it.
They cheer for what they (DX) do NOW. Why do you cheer them? Of course, they are more tame because the product dictates it. As I said before about the younger generation having more media outlets to "stroll down memory lane" when it comes to Bret's legacy. Same about '97 DX, or anyone from the past for that matter. Who's to say what the younger generation is aware of. Certainly, the channels are available for them to learn.

but in Dayton? How many of those young fans are really going to remember his great career?
Time will tell. I really am not concerned because I think everyone from all over will remember and embrace Bret's return. He was involved in the biggest controversial story in pro-wrestling. Unless someone became a fan shortly after he retired, I can't see how they wouldn't know of his existence. Even still, he's been mentioned on programming and the Montreal incident has been alluded to often. I don't mean to harp on this point, but technology isn't what it was when we were growing up. Since we are older, we know the history. Younger fans have a video encyclopedia, almost, at their fingertips on the internet. They WILL KNOW BRET and his storied career. However, the fear we older fans may be feeling is that they won't care because he wasn't around when they became fans. Now, just to follow my train of thought. Take those young fans. What is their perception of Hogan? An old wrestler that was the Babe Ruth, Michael Jordan, Johnny Unitas, of his profession, but retired and irrelevant. I'm willing to bet that most of the these same young fans that "won't know or care about Bret's return" also think of Hogan as nothing more than a reality star.

Now to WWE's credit I am sure they will announce as early as Monday that the Hitman is going to host RAW on 1/4. If they are smart someone (Shane is a great idea, or possibly Linda) will do it since it's best for bussiness, and over the next 2 weeks they will have a bunch of hilights of the Hitman's career to catch everyone up to speed.
This is a great idea.

(if you haven't read his book I suggest you do) .
I'm sorry to say that I haven't, but anticipate receiving it next week for a gift.

If he isn't willing to work with 2 of the biggest star's on raw and in the company's history I don't think he should come back. You can't tease your long time fans with having him on the same show as HBK and not have them have a confrontation.
I agree 100%. It wouldn't be tolerated.

Another thing that I want to comment on is that in your #3 comments you have said you don't think HBK is going to be a heel again before he retires. You also comment in your predictions that HBK and Bret might team up and HHH turn heel.I am sorry but that just won't work. Fans have been waiting to see the HBK Bret Hart confrontation for far to long for WWE to try to pull that foolish idea. One of them is going to have to go heel, and IMO it's gonna be Shawn.
I don't think we're ever going to see the old dastardly heel HBK ever again. Only heel-ish tactics, but never full blown. I do think both HBK and Bret will be presented as 2 guys with a different opinion about an incident. It will be up to the fans to take sides. That's more fun. They will do and say heel-like things to each other, but stay face in any other aspect of their character. I believe they will confront and "battle" each other weekly up until possibly WM26, but when this is all said and done, they will shake and be on the same page for a common goal. If Bret's return amounts to him facing his nemesis' just for the sake of confrontation and doesn't close the chapter on it, then it was a waste. I don't want to see Bret leave with an open ending where you think Bret and Shawn still despise each other. (personally)

Like I said in another post in this thread HBK has done very short but very great stints as a heel since he came back in 2002.
Very true. But when HBK went "heel" vs. Hogan, it was just towards Hogan. He was still a face, but against a bigger face, he was the heel. The very next night on RAW, he was a full fledged face when Masters attacked him.

Shawn came in as a heel as a singles competitor and I think he might go out as a heel when he retires.
I disagree with you on this. I don't see HBK leaving the sport as a heel.

Overall I am as stoked as you are, but wanted to give you my feedback on all of your comments. Regardless I can't wait for 1/4!
Right on. Should be extremely exciting no matter what.
Bret Hart's age aside, I am probably the happiest person on earth who can't wait for him to return. It doesn't matter to me how old he is or if he can carry Vince in a match or not I just happy to hear he's returning. I truly thought that I wasn't alone but it looks as if the fans of today just want to look at the negative side of everything. People throw around the issues of money and redemption. BRET HART IS COMING BACK YET PEOPLE WANT TO FOCUS ON WHY HE IS COMING BACK! Maybe Bret doesn't care about money. Maybe Bret doesn't care about redemption on Vince or Hogan. Have we forgotten that Bret's family is in the WWE today. Awhile back Bret claimed that he tried patching things up with Vince because he knew that there would be future generations of the Hart Family looking to work for the WWE. Well, ladies and gentleman that time is upon is. When Bret tunes in to watch his family compete, he's probably tired of seeing them job out (example: Smackdown Christmas Night). Maybe just maybe Bret Hart is coming back to help his family get over. Money does not always motivate people. For my money I say Bret Hart is returning to help the Hart Dynasty!
this could be a dissapionting, the only thing that could make this good is to confront dx,punch triple h in his mouth, put the sharpshooter on michaels, ring the bell himself, and tell vince to stick it where the sun don't shine, other than it will be great to see how he looks,and what he does holla.
I gotta say, I'm so fuckin stoked about this.

Hart hosting Raw and possibly continuing until Mania has completely pushed TNA and Hogan out of my head. I swear to God, Vince McMahon is a genious! He has brought in the one man that is going to take away any of TNA's momentum. Yeah the Rock would have been great but he would have been there 1 night, Hart is going to stay for a while.

TNA is going to die in it's arse on Jan 4th, there's no way they are topping WWE on that night.

Having Hart at WWE is going to be so amazing, they are going to bring closure to the whole HBK/McMahon/Hart bull shit once and for all and I am so God damn excited!!!
Personally, I think Bret would not be hosting Raw, but Rock could. I mean, in the Real world and in your company as CEO, would you give someone who hates you for screwing him a job? Im not saying that Bret hates Vince in the real world, but im saying in the fictional world of wrestling that Bret hates Vince. Therefore, for this reason, its a much more smarter decision to not let bret host Raw C=
No showed the 1/4 Raw. All these years he has been ticked at WWE for Survivor Series 1997. Well the 1/4 episode is supposedly going to be a big to combat TNA's live Impact. Well this would be a good way for Bret Hart to screw the WWE. Screw them on a night where it could possibly hurt the company. If TNA can make good numbers that night it could potentially start a new head to head war.

I am in no way saying that TNA is even a threat to the WWE but I just think if Bret Hart got some revenge on the WWE and McMahon that night.
I wonder if Bret and Shawn have been talking behind the scenes and trying to bury the hatchet enough to work together. They can't have Bret come back and not have an HBK confrontation. It wouldn't be right. I've been wondering if the interviews Bret has been giving in which he's been bashing WWE TV, HBK, HHH, and DX have been a work to build up the story line. Bret has always been kayfabe, especially with the sheets up until the screw job. He still is old school compared to the guys today. If they really have Bret and Shawn not appear together once on the air and don't finish the angle from 1997 it will be a total let down (that's my opinion, no one has to jump on me for that one). They are older, wiser, more mature and I hope they can out the past behind and work together for the sake of the WWE.
I wonder if Bret and Shawn have been talking behind the scenes and trying to bury the hatchet enough to work together. They can't have Bret come back and not have an HBK confrontation. It wouldn't be right. I've been wondering if the interviews Bret has been giving in which he's been bashing WWE TV, HBK, HHH, and DX have been a work to build up the story line. Bret has always been kayfabe, especially with the sheets up until the screw job. He still is old school compared to the guys today. If they really have Bret and Shawn not appear together once on the air and don't finish the angle from 1997 it will be a total let down (that's my opinion, no one has to jump on me for that one). They are older, wiser, more mature and I hope they can out the past behind and work together for the sake of the WWE.

I recall when Bret Hart had his comments with The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels match at WM25, Bret Hart was praised the match even saying that he was proud for both of them. It looks like whatever grudge he had with Michaels in the past kind of died down in recent years.
I recall when Bret Hart had his comments with The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels match at WM25, Bret Hart was praised the match even saying that he was proud for both of them. It looks like whatever grudge he had with Michaels in the past kind of died down in recent years.

True, but Bret has always praised Shawn's work in the ring, just not as a person outside of the ring work. He's said for years he'd never take anything away from Shawn in the ring, calling him a great and gifted athlete.
When Shawn told Vince that if Bret comes back "only good things will happen," I tried to figure out what he could mean and where he could be going with this.

Better ratings? More money? Closure for Vince? for Bret? for Shawn? Revenge for Bret? Outshining Hogan on TNA?

What do you think? What did Shawn mean when he said "Only Good Things Will Happen?"
When Shawn told Vince that if Brett comes back "only good things will happen," I tried to figure out what he could mean and where he could be going with this.

Better ratings? More money? Closure for Vince? for Brett? for Shawn? Revenge for Bret? Outshining Hogan on TNA?

What do you think? What did Shawn mean when he said "Only Good Things Will Happen?"

Well I think Vince will end up using HBK's desire to face Taker as a way to get HBK on his side vs. Bret. Hopefully setting up an angle that was posted previously that would have Vince vs. Brett with HBK as ref and Vince having Brett in the sharpshooter and screaming for HBK to have the bell rung. HBK sells struggling within himself to screw Brett again and his desire to get the Mania match with Taker. HBK them goes the ropes like he is going to call for the bell to be rung but changes his mind and superkicks Vince.
Originally posted this in a different forum;

What I would like to see happen is this;

- Bret Hart comes back next week on RAW as guest host. Bret's focus is on Vince rather than Shawn Michaels but there is some animosity in the air between the two but it's mostly on Vince rather than on Shawn.

It doesn't really matter what happens between the 4th and the Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble

They build up the Royal Rumble as Shawn having to win the Rumble match so that he can get his rematch at the Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXVI. Shawn Michaels enters the Royal Rumble at #14 and is doing very well. When #26 comes out there are only three wrestlers left in the ring. Shawn Michaels, Christian and Chris Jericho. #26 is Bret Hart. Christian and Jericho go at it at in one part of the ring but the focus is squarely between Shawn Michaels and the Hitman who is coming to the ring. Bret Hart eliminates Shawn Michaels. #27 is William Regal (or another ECW contender) who immediately goes at Christian. Chris Jericho eliminates Bret Hart. Regal and Christian could end in a double-elimination or Christian could be one of the final four/five with Jericho.

Why? Bret can claim to have gotten his measure of personal revenge against Shawn Michaels by eliminating him from the Royal Rumble and thus taking his opportunity away from fighting Undertaker at Wrestlemania (for the time being). If the WWE want to build something further from that then that would be fine, otherwise they can put it down to Shawn being outsmarted on one occasion and have him leave it at that.

Of course I think so, but it's a smart way to handle the Michaels - Hart rivalry without having to have it be the focus of Bret's time back in the WWE. If they want to go on with Vince Vs Bret then they can do that but at the very least they'd have addressed Bret Vs Shawn to a degree.

It also builds the whole theme towards the Royal Rumble. Will Shawn get his rematch? While keeping the winner a complete surprise. It could be Jericho winning the Royal Rumble and taking the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania so that he can get back on RAW permanently. Though it'd be hilarious (and I could see the WWE doing it) in having Jericho win the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania only for the night after Wrestlemania to be drafted back to Smackdown. That'd give Jericho an angle to work with as champion. It could/would also lead into the program that Edge and Jericho want to work over the summer of 2010.

Shawn could still go on to fight Undertaker at Wrestlemania without it being a championship match (Taker drops the belt in the SD Elimination Chamber match) or they would have something to work into an undisputed tag-team championship match featuring DX & VKM Vs The Hart Dynasty (including Bret).

That's just the way I'd handle it.
True, but Bret has always praised Shawn's work in the ring, just not as a person outside of the ring work. He's said for years he'd never take anything away from Shawn in the ring, calling him a great and gifted athlete.

But if you look at Bret Hart's comments with WM19 regarding Shawn Michaels' and Triple H's match he just summed them up with one line "to be fair ... matches were very good".

So you can definatley see a change in tone between his WM19 and WM25 comments.
As excited as I may be for him to come back, I am much more afraid for his health. After you have a stroke, it doesnt take much for another, and you can die from those, in short order. If there is a plan for them to lead this into WM, possibly a street fight, then we are talking an immense amount of danger involved with this.

Of course, I think positives are many, and variant in range. He can coach up the new guys, give brilliant ideas on match booking and angles, and cut awesome promos weekly. For all of this, I am very exicited. Physical, in ring action? Not so much. I hope the guy stays safe, and knows what he is doing here...
Hello all....I'm new to this site and have been a Bret Hart fan since I was about 9 years old (i'm 34 now). So, first and foremost, let it be said and known that I am a true Bret fan.

I'm sure I'm gonna get some bad feedback for what I'm about to say...but it needs to be said.... here goes nothin'!......

....It seems difficult to continue the same degree of admiration for Bret Hart that I've always had. When Bret won his tag titles I was for him. When Bret won the King of The Ring, I was for him. When Bret won the Intercontinental Championship, I was for him. When Bret won the WW(F)E Championship, I was ALL for him. When Bret got "screwed" in Montreal, I was ALL for him and the stance he took against the WW(F)E, Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels and HHH. When Bret vowed never to set foot on WWE soil again, I was for him.....even though he returned to do the Hall of Fame. He didn't "sell" out and appear at Wrestlemania that year as ALL of the Hall of Famers in years past, and since, have done. Brets origins were with the WW(F)E and showing up for the HOF, in my view, was the right thing to do.

Bottom line...Bret kept his integrity for some 12 or 13 years in refusing to work for Vince McMahon again. To me, turning down Vince McMahon's money and keeping his word never to work for WWE again, is what set Bret apart forom ANY other wrestler from past to present. Now, Vince McMahon finds himself with another wrestling organization slowing making it's name known to prime time. This organization, TNA, COULD HAVE had the potential, with the proper spark, to be a serious contender with the WWE.

Enter Bret Hart....there's no doubt in my mind that, with Bret's debut on 12/4/10, that the TNA "spark" will be estinguished before the fire catches. And while the Bret Hart "fan" inside of me lept with joy upon hearing of his return to Monday Night Raw, I could now help but ask myself, "Why, Bret? Why?"

Why help Vince McMahon squash the potential competition from the beginning? Why not call Bischof and ask the newer generation, "How can I help YOUR company." All these years, myself and countless others who have stood behind Bret Hart, have loved him for the sole reason that he kept his integrity. He stood up for what was right. He refused to bend...refused to be broken. If his fans meant/mean so much to him....why "sell out" now. I'm shocked that I can even THINK let alone WRITE these things about Bret Hart!!

When I think of the screw job, all the interviews, the books, with all of the WWE bashing, the death of his brother, the animosity between Bret, HHH, HBK, Vince and countless others, all I can say is......"Why Bret?"

Bret had a golden opportunity to stick it to WWE soooo good. NO-ONE could convince me that TNA would not have done ANYTHING to get Bret on board. If you're gonna return Bret, do it in a fashion that will make the fans LOVE you! None of this makes ANY sense at all to me. Call me nieve, but I don't believe Bret's return to WWE is right in ANY sense....will I still watch RAW over TNA on 12/4/09?? Bet your A$$ I will! I don't agree with Bret's decision, as it seems to go against EVERYTHING he has preached over the last 12-13 years, but like I said from the onset....I'm a Hitman fan to the end! I just never saw "the end" ending like this....

...My last hope...yes, i'm still holding out hope, that Bret has some "plans" of his own (apart from the script laid out for him by the WWE) for fans and the WWE! Here's his chance to stick it to the WWE and leave on HIS terms! I haven't seen Bret speak out on his return to WWE. I sure hope Bret has something up his sleeve. Remember wrestling fans, Bret has supposedly signed on to the WWE for just some time after Wrestlemania....I believe (I HOPE) Bret is scheming up something good....something even the Rock couldn't smell cooking! Can Bret end this once and for all, on HIS terms, and ride off into the sunset, having kept his integrity intact? Or will he be another Hogan type puppet of Vince McMahon and sell out COMPLETELY, collecting that last check, doing "the job" and selling out to his TRUE fans? I'm watch with the utmost anticipation!

Mikey G
Hello all....I'm new to this site and have been a Bret Hart fan since I was about 9 years old (i'm 34 now). So, first and foremost, let it be said and known that I am a true Bret fan.

I'm sure I'm gonna get some bad feedback for what I'm about to say...but it needs to be said.... here goes nothin'!......

....It seems difficult to continue the same degree of admiration for Bret Hart that I've always had. When Bret won his tag titles I was for him. When Bret won the King of The Ring, I was for him. When Bret won the Intercontinental Championship, I was for him. When Bret won the WW(F)E Championship, I was ALL for him. When Bret got "screwed" in Montreal, I was ALL for him and the stance he took against the WW(F)E, Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels and HHH. When Bret vowed never to set foot on WWE soil again, I was for him.....even though he returned to do the Hall of Fame. He didn't "sell" out and appear at Wrestlemania that year as ALL of the Hall of Famers in years past, and since, have done. Brets origins were with the WW(F)E and showing up for the HOF, in my view, was the right thing to do.

Bottom line...Bret kept his integrity for some 12 or 13 years in refusing to work for Vince McMahon again. To me, turning down Vince McMahon's money and keeping his word never to work for WWE again, is what set Bret apart forom ANY other wrestler from past to present. Now, Vince McMahon finds himself with another wrestling organization slowing making it's name known to prime time. This organization, TNA, COULD HAVE had the potential, with the proper spark, to be a serious contender with the WWE.

Enter Bret Hart....there's no doubt in my mind that, with Bret's debut on 12/4/10, that the TNA "spark" will be estinguished before the fire catches. And while the Bret Hart "fan" inside of me lept with joy upon hearing of his return to Monday Night Raw, I could now help but ask myself, "Why, Bret? Why?"

Why help Vince McMahon squash the potential competition from the beginning? Why not call Bischof and ask the newer generation, "How can I help YOUR company." All these years, myself and countless others who have stood behind Bret Hart, have loved him for the sole reason that he kept his integrity. He stood up for what was right. He refused to bend...refused to be broken. If his fans meant/mean so much to him....why "sell out" now. I'm shocked that I can even THINK let alone WRITE these things about Bret Hart!!

When I think of the screw job, all the interviews, the books, with all of the WWE bashing, the death of his brother, the animosity between Bret, HHH, HBK, Vince and countless others, all I can say is......"Why Bret?"

Bret had a golden opportunity to stick it to WWE soooo good. NO-ONE could convince me that TNA would not have done ANYTHING to get Bret on board. If you're gonna return Bret, do it in a fashion that will make the fans LOVE you! None of this makes ANY sense at all to me. Call me nieve, but I don't believe Bret's return to WWE is right in ANY sense....will I still watch RAW over TNA on 12/4/09?? Bet your A$$ I will! I don't agree with Bret's decision, as it seems to go against EVERYTHING he has preached over the last 12-13 years, but like I said from the onset....I'm a Hitman fan to the end! I just never saw "the end" ending like this....

...My last hope...yes, i'm still holding out hope, that Bret has some "plans" of his own (apart from the script laid out for him by the WWE) for fans and the WWE! Here's his chance to stick it to the WWE and leave on HIS terms! I haven't seen Bret speak out on his return to WWE. I sure hope Bret has something up his sleeve. Remember wrestling fans, Bret has supposedly signed on to the WWE for just some time after Wrestlemania....I believe (I HOPE) Bret is scheming up something good....something even the Rock couldn't smell cooking! Can Bret end this once and for all, on HIS terms, and ride off into the sunset, having kept his integrity intact? Or will he be another Hogan type puppet of Vince McMahon and sell out COMPLETELY, collecting that last check, doing "the job" and selling out to his TRUE fans? I'm watch with the utmost anticipation!

Mikey G

I don't know if you watched the 10th anniversary release of Wrestling With Shadows, but it's obvious by listenting to his interview on that from 2007 that Bret did what he should have done back when the screwjob happened. He stopped taking wrestling so seriously.

I am a Bret Hart fan as much as anyone, but it was obvious the man was seriously emotionally scarred by the screwjob and owen's death. The man was bitter, and that only hurt himself and his health. To see he has come far enough to actually return to the WWE is nothing but a great thing.
I think its really good that he is back.I think he was scarred for life,and I think Bret really need this,he need this closure.And im sure that Vince thinks that he also made a big mistake with how he let Bret leave the company.I thinks Vince is going to give the fans(and Bret ofcourse) what they want to see...Thats kicking Vince´s ass and maybe even Shawn Michaels too. :D
I was kind of surprised at how RAW with Bret went tonight. I kind of expected Shawn to be involved with Bret and Vince, so it was good to see that he and Bret buried the hatchet. I wasn't surprised at all by Vince giving Bret the low blow. I could see that coming before it happened. Vince completely telegraphed it. So it looks like some sort of angle between Vince and Bret is definitely in the works.
I was a little upset at the fact that NO ONE apologized to Bret. I'm sure the did off-air, but come on, he did get screwed. Shawn basically put it on Bret AGAIN, and then hugged him. SHawn is a jackass. But anyway, Bret was ok. He had some rust on the mic, but that will get better the more he comes around. But I firmly believe they (the WWE) will botch it up. They seem to botch up every good storyline now a days, and why should this be any different. This was their chance to bury TNA, and they didn't even try. EVerything besides Bret tonight was garbage in my opinion, and CENA wasn't even there to screw it up! I think Bret should have been the aggressor, with McMahon making a terrible apology that only pissed Bret off more. But no, Vince's ego got in the way once again. He just had to upstage Bret, show him who's boss. I swear to God, Vince is the best and WORST thing to ever happen to the wrestling business.
I was a little upset at the fact that NO ONE apologized to Bret. I'm sure the did off-air, but come on, he did get screwed. Shawn basically put it on Bret AGAIN, and then hugged him. SHawn is a jackass.

I kinda dug the fact that Shawn didn't come out and do some phony groveling and apologizing to Bret for something he's not sorry for. Him telling Bret that he deserved what he got...and that Bret disrespected the business was just so much more real... But they still managed to end on a good note. Hopefully its all put in the past and Bret can move on with his life.. I almost thought Bret was going to walk off into a blinding light Patrick Swayze at the end of Ghost...
Since I have been so active on this thread i wanted to give my impressions. I loved seeing the Hitman back, here are my thoughts on the two main segments.

Bret looked really emotional and nervous at the start until Shawn came out. I knew that Shawn and Bret had made peace or there was no way Bret would have been on Raw. I am pretty dissapointed that Shawn and Bret made up on TV.

What was the point of Shawn saying that only good things would happen if the Hitman came back? I realize they can't have a match but it was dissapointing. They at least could have done a secondary storyline with Shawn where he at least has to prove he's changed to Bret.

The McMahon thing went pretty well. I liked where it is heading.

My predictions on what is going to happen in the near future.....I think we haven't seen the last of Shawn and Bret. I think that McMahon will force Shawn and Hunter to be involved and somehow they will fued with the Hart Dynasty.

I think Vince will use the fact that Shawn wants the Undertaker at WM and force him to get involved, that way they can quickly turn Shawn back to being a face and he can blame his bad actions on Vince. Also long term I think this will turn to a full HHH heel turn. Notice he wasn't ever on camera with Bret? Also notice DX wasn't in the ring after RAW?

So in the end I think Vince will force Shawn to get involved, and he will try to tell Hunter to stay out of it, and Hunter will actually play the evil heel who doesn't want to bury the hatchet and wants to help Vince.

If they just make it straight up about Vince vs Bret over the next 3+ months this is going to get extremely old extremely quick.
I loved seeing Bret again. Its been too long. You could see that he was also really emotional. And I liked the Shawn Michael Bret hart hug.I dont know,it seemed like really real the hug between them,and when they were talking about each other also.I had also the same feeling with the chairman Vince Mcmahon.When he spoke before the balls part,it looked like he was really emotional talking about Bret and that he really is sorry. I thought it was really nice,and i think its about time that the screwjob is left behind,Because it wasnt helping to nobody.My opinion is that they should do a final match at Wrestemania,but can Bret Fight after his stroke??
I thought it was funny when Shawn first came out Bret says "Shawn Michaels, actually I'll just call you Shawn" because Shawn used to break his chops on live TV back in late 1996/97 by responding sternly. "Yes, Bret Hart". Bret always addressed him by his full name and would constantly repeat it in their old interview segments.
I almost thought Bret was going to walk off into a blinding light Patrick Swayze at the end of Ghost...

HAHAHA, that would have been awesomely hysterical!!!!..... seriously, if Owen was a fuzzy image at the other end waving Bret toward him...ok, anyway....

I'm 26. Bret Hart is, was, and always will be my favorite wrestler. Met him at the '94 HoF in Baltimore when I was 11 and got a picture with him on his way to the bathroom. I still have it framed. Met him again when the DVD came out a few years ago @ autograph signing in Best Buy.

Anyway, I love the guy. I watched the "Monday Night War" with my brother and a friend that used to watch religiously in '97. We don't anymore, but had to last night. At 8:58, I took the remote and refused to switch to TNA until I said so, plus we were DVRing, so no big deal. If I had been watching all by myself and the embrace with Shawn, I know I'd have got teary eyed. It was so surreal. Awesome. Unimaginable. I loved it. "Well I guess hell froze ever." Perfect opening line. When he called Shawn's name, I popped out of my seat in awe. (The last time I did anything like that was KotR '98 when Taker tossed Mankind off the cell.) You true Bret Hart fans out there: you know exactly what I'm talking about. Can't really put into words right now...or ever.

ok, flash forward RAW...ok show. I liked Bret and Jericho's interaction but knew it had to be there at some point. I also liked how Vince refused Orton's offer of help and kept the animosity still between them that should story wise still be there. Kudos for not straying away from something that just happened less than a year ago.

Bret and Vince's interaction was good too. More rehearsed I thought, but good. It came off genuine and it's what I expected. But at the end, when they shook hands I knew then that Vince was gonna get him somehow. I think when Vince tossed his mic, it hit Cole or Lawler cause there's some feedback from the announcers end and Lawler makes a small comment. Then Bret just looks over there like, 'what the hell?' Funny.

Can't wait for what's to come. I'm being optimistic.
Shapy you and I talked in this thread before the whole thing went down about what we wanted to see. Are you happy just with Vince vs Bret for a 3 and a half month build up? To me Vince just doesn't have the staying power and if it's just a battle of words until Wrestlemania then in my opinion it's going to get extremely stale.

They need to involve some other characters.
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