Bret Hart- General Thread discussion

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Shapy you and I talked in this thread before the whole thing went down about what we wanted to see. Are you happy just with Vince vs Bret for a 3 and a half month build up? To me Vince just doesn't have the staying power and if it's just a battle of words until Wrestlemania then in my opinion it's going to get extremely stale.

They need to involve some other characters.

I doubt it will be just Vince vs Bret in a battle of words for 3 months. I don't think either one of them would be for that idea. I also don't think we will see Bret again until Rumble or RAW the night after. Story line wise, it wouldn't make sense for Bret to just show up this Monday and be pissed for Vince's low blow. It took 12 years for him to confront him about the screwjob, how would it seem if now all of a sudden it only took 1 week for him to confront him? (No matter what, I would like to see Bret every Monday night from now on, but as long as it makes sense to the story, I can wait a few weeks in between.)


I hear that Jericho teamed with the Hart Dynasty and were victorious on Smackdown this week. It seems like he may be their leader, and Smith and Kidd said they were embarrassed for Bret. So.....

Since Bret didn't help Jericho this past Monday, I believe we'll see Jericho taunt Bret. (similar to Steve Austin before the '96 Sur. Series.) The Hart Dynasty will indeed play a part with Bret to take some time away from just Vince and Bret battling in words. Bret doesn't necessarily have to be aligned with them to help get them over.

I'm so happy to see the embrace and reconciliation between Bret and Shawn, though I wish it had happened later, maybe at Mania. I'd like to see more Bret and Shawn, perhaps HHH, involved together in the weeks to come. I predicted this would all end with Shawn and Bret shaking hands; not begin that way.

All in all, I think this will have its up's and down's, but I'm leaning mostly towards up's only because Bret's long absence opens many doors of opportunity for possible encounters with the new, younger talent. I still think we'll see Orton confront him. Even 'Taker should get a share of TV time with Bret.

I think I'll have a better formed opinion this time next week. Until then, I'm watching Bret's return over and over again.

2 things I wanted to ask, but forgot in my previous post...

1. Bret said in the opening segment that he tried to come back a few times in the past few years, but Vince denied him. I'm under the assumption that's just to get more heat on Vince and not true at all. Right?

2. Shawn told Bret that Bret disrespected him and the business (alluding to Bret not wanting to drop the belt to Shawn at '97 Sur. Series), but didn't Shawn do that to Bret first before Mania 13 when Shawn "lost his smile?" I thought Shawn was asked to drop the belt to Bret at Mania but refused. I could be wrong, but thought I heard that a few times. So in retrospect, didn't Shawn disrespect him first?
does anybody else think that the bret hart hbk feud isn't really over? i mean, two weeks ago HBK told vince that only good things would happen out of bret harts return. last week hbk said bret deserved what happened at montreal and didnt regret taking part in it...i for one wouldnt be surprised if this wasnt over yet.
The Bret Hart / HBK feud is over because it needs to be over. For one, the whole Bret-HBK-Montreal angle has been done to death. It was time for Shawn to move on. Two, the eventual outcome would be a match. Having, say, Bret / Hart Dynasty Vs Vince McMahon / DX could save the quality of the match but would diminish the magnitude of the match. Bret, as good as he was, can't compete at the same level, or perhaps even a passable level, to face HBK due to his stroke. That's a fact. It is far better to have Vince / Bret and HBK / Undertaker, thereby having one match of huge magnitude and another of nearly huge magnitude as well as quality.

I feel Bret returning at the Royal Rumble is the best idea. However, let him return at THE Royal Rumble event. The storyline could be as follows:

No one knows who the number thirty entrant is. All everyone knows is a GM of Raw made the decision a few weeks ago and placed the name in an envelope that no one was allowed to open. That includes Vince McMahon. When number 30 is suppose to arrive, no one shows up. hear Bret's music as he comes down the ring to the shock of everyone. Bret knocks one person out of the ring (so he looks a bit better for his upcoming match with Vince) but quickly gets nailed in the head by...say.....Jericho. Jericho and someone else begin going at it, with Jericho finally getting the upper hand and eliminating the person, leaving it to Bret and Jericho. Bret, meanwhile, is just starting to recover.

Jericho is about to turn around when he sees someone jump out of the crowd, who is none other than Edge. Jericho and Edge have a stare down, allowing Bret to recover and use all his strength to throw Jericho out of the ring. That will add major fuel to Jericho and Edge's feud, while shocking everyone with Bret Hart winning.

The next night Bret Hart comes out. He says that normally, he wouldn't be allowed out here. However, as the winner of the 2010 Royal RUmble, he realizes he is allowed the honor to go on any show, at any time, to determine who he will face at Wrestlemania. Bret says though he has not made his decision yet and will let us know next week.

Bret visits Smackdown! to add speculation. He also visits ECW. The next week on Raw, Bret will say he wants to do what he wanted to do in 1997. He said in 97, he wanted to retain his title and then forfeit it honorably in the middle of the ring. He said he doesn't have the title anymore but he has the very next best thing. He says he will therefore forfeit his title shot at Wrestlemania. Bret will then say he would have loved nothing more but to wrestle at Wrestlemania but he realized that he needs to do what is best for his fellow wrestler because honestly, he realizes he can't wrestler anymore. However, he can fight. And with that in mind, he wants a fight at Wrestlemania. He wants to fight Vince McMahon.

The GM (which I would like to be 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper) then comes out and says that he has seen a lot of things, but he has never seen someone willfully give up his title shot. In addition, Piper will say that he respect a man like Bret, and he respects a good fight. He'll go on to say that he, like Bret, has been fighting all his life. So, with that in mind, Piper will book the match, Bret Hart Vs Vince McMahon, in a street fight.

As for the title shots, well, we have the elimination chamber matches, right?
The Bret Hart / HBK feud is over because it needs to be over. For one, the whole Bret-HBK-Montreal angle has been done to death. It was time for Shawn to move on. Two, the eventual outcome would be a match. Having, say, Bret / Hart Dynasty Vs Vince McMahon / DX could save the quality of the match but would diminish the magnitude of the match. Bret, as good as he was, can't compete at the same level, or perhaps even a passable level, to face HBK due to his stroke. That's a fact. It is far better to have Vince / Bret and HBK / Undertaker, thereby having one match of huge magnitude and another of nearly huge magnitude as well as quality.

I feel Bret returning at the Royal Rumble is the best idea. However, let him return at THE Royal Rumble event. The storyline could be as follows:

No one knows who the number thirty entrant is. All everyone knows is a GM of Raw made the decision a few weeks ago and placed the name in an envelope that no one was allowed to open. That includes Vince McMahon. When number 30 is suppose to arrive, no one shows up. hear Bret's music as he comes down the ring to the shock of everyone. Bret knocks one person out of the ring (so he looks a bit better for his upcoming match with Vince) but quickly gets nailed in the head by...say.....Jericho. Jericho and someone else begin going at it, with Jericho finally getting the upper hand and eliminating the person, leaving it to Bret and Jericho. Bret, meanwhile, is just starting to recover.

Jericho is about to turn around when he sees someone jump out of the crowd, who is none other than Edge. Jericho and Edge have a stare down, allowing Bret to recover and use all his strength to throw Jericho out of the ring. That will add major fuel to Jericho and Edge's feud, while shocking everyone with Bret Hart winning.

The next night Bret Hart comes out. He says that normally, he wouldn't be allowed out here. However, as the winner of the 2010 Royal RUmble, he realizes he is allowed the honor to go on any show, at any time, to determine who he will face at Wrestlemania. Bret says though he has not made his decision yet and will let us know next week.

Bret visits Smackdown! to add speculation. He also visits ECW. The next week on Raw, Bret will say he wants to do what he wanted to do in 1997. He said in 97, he wanted to retain his title and then forfeit it honorably in the middle of the ring. He said he doesn't have the title anymore but he has the very next best thing. He says he will therefore forfeit his title shot at Wrestlemania. Bret will then say he would have loved nothing more but to wrestle at Wrestlemania but he realized that he needs to do what is best for his fellow wrestler because honestly, he realizes he can't wrestler anymore. However, he can fight. And with that in mind, he wants a fight at Wrestlemania. He wants to fight Vince McMahon.

The GM (which I would like to be 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper) then comes out and says that he has seen a lot of things, but he has never seen someone willfully give up his title shot. In addition, Piper will say that he respect a man like Bret, and he respects a good fight. He'll go on to say that he, like Bret, has been fighting all his life. So, with that in mind, Piper will book the match, Bret Hart Vs Vince McMahon, in a street fight.

As for the title shots, well, we have the elimination chamber matches, right?

I like a lot of your ideas there. Too bad WWE would never do anything such exciting anymore and is at times too predictable. I loved seeing Bret Hart on Raw again and getting some closure and respect he deserves but it turned out a little too predictable even to when Vince attacked Bret. I hope their are more good twists and turns in this storyline in the next few weeks. Your Rumble idea is really cool.
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