Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member

Last night on Raw, Vince McMahon goaded Bret Hart into a match against him at Wrestlemania. It’s good to see that the evil Mr. McMahon has returned. I never thought I would see the day where Bret Hart returned to the WWE, and I SURELY never thought I would see him wrestle again, and against Vince of all people. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 12 years, everyone should know about what went down 12 years ago at Survivor Series 1997, and the fallout after that ppv.

To tell you the truth, I don’t care about the quality of this match. I’m just excited to see Bret wrestle again. I wonder how WWE will work the broken leg angle into this match? Will Bret gut it out or will he spend the entire match limping around? No matter what, I think it’s a lock Bret comes away with the win here. Everyone wants to see the Hitman get his revenge, and I find it hard to believe that he will lose this match.

What are your thoughts about this match?

Does the whole broken leg angle bother you?

Who’s your pick to win?

Edit: This match is now officially a no holds barred match.
I think they are doing the broken leg angle to cover for him in case he comes off looking slow and labored. He is 52 and has been away from this type of action since 2000, not to mention a stroke. I'm pumped about this match. I don't know exactly what Bret is capable of doing. I hope its not all punches and kicks. I'd like to see Bret throw a European uppercut or 2. I don't know if he can do the Russian legsweep, any types of suplexes, a neckbreaker, I doubt he could pick Vince up to do a backbreaker, or any other trademark moves of his. I know its a street fight, but Bret always liked to pull of those moves and I'm sure he wants to do some of his old stuff if his body allows him to.
Bret will win by making Vince tap-out to the Sharpshooter - I think that scenario is the most predictable thing to call for this year's Wrestlemania and Vince will give the fans what they're all expecting to see.

As for the match itself, I think it's going to be a quick one, i.e. around 5 mins if that. A few scuffles, a few punches, Vince tries to attack Bret's leg, Bret gets the better of Vince, Vince's back-up comes out to save him (whoever that is) and then Bret's comes out to help him. I'd mark out if The Anvil came out and he and Bret did the Hart Attack on Vince!

The selfish part of me is regretful that this angle didn't take place a few years earlier, but for the most part I'm happy that Bret made it back because it's likely that his final match for the WWE will be a win at Wrestlemania instead of the screwjob in Montreal. It will be a nice moment for Bret and his fans.
I agree that I don't care if this is a great match. I don't care how well either of the two can move in the ring. This is going to be a brawl. Bret is going to whip Vince around like a rag-doll, and it will be amazing to watch. Can either of these two do anything remotely close to what they could have done ten years ago? No. And if you were watching in hopes of seeing that, you are going to be disappointed.

I think this match will last longer than 5 minutes, as someone said earlier. All of this build up for a five minute street fight? I don't think so. If it goes over 20 minutes I would be shocked, but it needs at least 15 minutes. This is going to be a performance, not a wrestling match. Sure, we are going to see some of the Hitmans most famous moves, and that will be enjoyable regardless of quality. But for the most part, I see this being a punch-fest, and I am more than ok with that.

I am sure we are going to have to hear from the spot-monkeys for the next few weeks. They are going to complain that this is taking up time at THEIR Mania, and blah, blah, blah. But I don't care. I don't care if both of them wheel themselves out there in wheel chairs. This is going to be PERSONAL.

Remember, these two have hated each other for over 12 years now. I wouldn't be surprised one bit to see a few REAL cheap shots thrown, from both sides. Vince would be way more careful than Bret, because Bret could die from a stiff shot. But I wouldn't put it past Bret to slip in a good face shot once or twice.

So, if you're looking for some kind of 25 minute, 5-star match...look elsewhere. This is happening, regardless of some younger fans not wanting it to. This is a treat for the OLDER fans who have watched for 20+ years, and I thank Vince and Bret for making it happen.
I think Bret is gonna come out better than people expect. Think about it guys...Bret has said for years and years that even if he wanted to wrestle again, he would never do it unless he felt like he could perform at a level that he was comfortable with.

He doesn't want to be like Hogan or Flair, who can barely move around the ring. He's said that before. So the fact that this is happening tells me Bret figures he can put together a good match, or else he wouldn't do it. Plain and Simple. Bret isn't going to trash his legacy with a horrible match.

There have been rumors of Bret staying on after Mania, and i don't know if that's true. Someone on one of the other threads said that Bret has been wrestling with students at a training school recently, and said that he moves fine in the ring, and goes through the moves, except he is extra careful with his head and neck.

Bret could be a part-time wrestler kind of like Steamboat did, but ONLY if Bret wants to. He's a grown man, and he knows the risks better than anyone. IF the fans are into it, and Bret can do it, it will happen.
How do they get around the whole broken leg angle? This is about as simple as it gets. Bret's leg isn't broken. He faked it to goad Vince into a match, knowing that Vince would never agree to it unless he thought he had no chance of, his opponent has a serious injury. Bret reveals his leg isn't broken by taking his cast off after Vince is already in the ring, and the match is on. This is a no-brainer. The storyline is simple...its based on the premise that in 1997, Vince screwed Bret, and now in 2010, Bret is going to screw Vince.
I think they are doing the broken leg angle to cover for him in case he comes off looking slow and labored.

Completely agree with this.

At first I hated the leg break angle (I still hate how sloppy the whole thing was). I orgionally thought they would do the whole Bret faked it to get Vince to agree to a match thing, which I gues they could still end up doing. But it makes sense for them to have done it to stop Bret looking bad when he is in the ring. If he falls over like he did a few weeks ago on RAW or if he looks slow and stiff, they can blame it on his leg.

Smart move if you ask me despite how shockingly bad the whole leg break thing was done.

It also makes Bret look even better when he wins with a bad leg in his 1st match for 10 years during which time he has suffered a career ending concussion and a stroke.
I think they are going to come with an angle where Stone Cold somehow becomes the ref for this match and than I think they will make it a street fight.

I predict that Stone Cold will stunner McMahon and than Bret will apply his sharpshooter because the whole leg broken thing is obviously just an act.

He will win than at the end, he will finally have his goodbye or just wait untill the monday after that.
I think the broken leg thing is purely cover for 12 years of ring rust, because it was even predictable fir something like that to happen when I saw that cars lights on. I think this march might be a mistake, as Bret or Vince at their ages could get legitly hurt in this match. But, IMO, if they don't get hurt, it'll be a somewhat short match, won by Bret with the sharpshooter.
i said last year that Ricky Steamboat was going to steal the show at Wrestlemania, and for the most part, I think he did. Now will I go on the limb and say that Bret Hart will steal the show this year, I'm not sure.

This match is going to be a street fight, or a No DQ, something along the lines to cover up for the age and ring rust that both men have. I'm guessing that Steve Austin might be added to this at some point as a guest referee to spice it up a little bit, but still not holding my breath on it.

As a long time fan, I'm happy to see this match finally happen. I think people need to have reasonable expectations for this match. No, Bret Hart is not going to put on one of his clinics, but the man is good enough to get a street fight out of Mr. McMahon. I think peopel will be surprised to see Hart do fairly well in the ring.
I legitimately marked out for this on Raw last week. Don't get me wrong, I knew it was going to happen in some way or form but I had never imagined that it was actually going to be both of them that were wrestling. I always thought that it would be a representative that they chose, as was the case for the Donald Trump/Vince McMahon angle. However, it will be both of them that are wrestling and I am very excited about the prospect of it. I mean, both of these guys could really put on one hell of a match in their day and I even think back to Vince's match with Shane at X-7. Or his match with Michaels and it shows me that this old guy really can put on a good show. I mean sure, they are not wrestling for all of the match and you can bet that they are going to have tricks up their sleeves to ensure that the match is not performed at a frenetic pace and things get in the way to allow them to rest.

However, baring all of that in mind, I think that this will be a good match with plenty of swerves and drama. I think Wrestlemania needed a match like this and the history alone is enough to make your head spin. I think the only way this is going to finish is Bret making McMahon tap out to the sharpshooter but that's what everyone thinks. If this is actually the case, then I will be happy with that.
The build up has been nice and any wrestling fan that grew up watching wwe in the 90's knows the story behind this. It a little too late from a wrestling stand point, but they will compete in some sort of fasion, so lets hope it's not a total clusterf$#%. The match won't be anything special, but it will be a real close at last to the hatred these two have had for so many years. I say Bret wins it and finally gets to go out of the WWE on his terms.
I have a feeling that Michaels will lose in a Squash Earlier on in the Night then come begging to Vince for a Re-Match. Vince then Tells Shawn that he has to help Vince win later ETC. ETC. ETC.

If Stone Cold is the ref this match could go two ways.

1 Stone Cold Will Stun Vince allowing Hart to Pick Up The Win,

2 Stone Cold Will Invite everybody who Vince has Screwed and Raise Hell

Personally I would like to see a 1 On 1 Match between the two. But I truly believe that neither Hart Or Vince have the Wrestling ability to Steal the Show.
I guess the old saying "Better late than never" falls here.

The only thing that worries me is Bret's health. His age, ring rust, past stroke. He probably will be very excited within the last days leading to the match and might not get much sleep and whatnot. Imagine how good of a match this would have been 10 years ago, when both were younger and in way better shape. Vince has taken some serious ass-whoopings from the best in the business, such as Austin, Taker, and Michaels. 10 years ago they could have done a TLC match or some hardcore stuff. But I know this is not 10 years ago, this is today, and they'll have to work with what they still have.

I hope Bret ties Vince up in the Sharpshooter for a good 3 or 4 minutes straight after the match whether he wins or not. That'll be great!
I think Bret is gonna come out better than people expect. Think about it guys...Bret has said for years and years that even if he wanted to wrestle again, he would never do it unless he felt like he could perform at a level that he was comfortable with.

He doesn't want to be like Hogan or Flair, who can barely move around the ring. He's said that before. So the fact that this is happening tells me Bret figures he can put together a good match, or else he wouldn't do it. Plain and Simple. Bret isn't going to trash his legacy with a horrible match.

There have been rumors of Bret staying on after Mania, and i don't know if that's true. Someone on one of the other threads said that Bret has been wrestling with students at a training school recently, and said that he moves fine in the ring, and goes through the moves, except he is extra careful with his head and neck.

Bret could be a part-time wrestler kind of like Steamboat did, but ONLY if Bret wants to. He's a grown man, and he knows the risks better than anyone. IF the fans are into it, and Bret can do it, it will happen.

i also thought that bret was going to be better than we expected. It almost reminds me of when hbk was going to face hhh in a street fight. I thought it would be short and ok [i mean wrestling wise, i would have marked out if it was a minute], but it was 30 minutes and great. I hope this is the case for bret.
Man, gosh damn.

I think its been difficult for me to sum up how I feel about this into words, becuase it is all just so utterly surreal. A lot of members of this forum likely werent watching wrestling when Hart was in his prime, or recall how everything went down with the screwjob, or all of that.

For SO long, I have had to just accept that this is this huge wrestling tragedy. Vince fucked over my favorite wrestler, and then idiot Goldberg injured him so he could never wrestle again.

Never. Again.

He will NEVER be in the WWE AGAIN. He will NEVER wrestle AGAIN.

and here we are, with a match that in honesty, could NOT be bigger. It seems like the build doesn't do justice to just how fucking HUGE this match should be to anyone my age. This, is literally as big as it gets. Just incredible.

Obviously, in his condition, Bret won't be doing much but a total fucking ass beatdown. I hope nothing embarassing happens, and I hope Bret doesn't hurt himself. Lord willing, this will go down magnificently, and Bret will get the send off he so very much deserves.
Bret Hart has stated that, while he obviously isn't able to do the things he used to be able to do, he feels that he can put on an entertaining match that won't disappoint his fans. I believe him. Bret has never minced words and has always very clearly said exactly what he's thinking. Bret HAS to win this match, or i'm fairly certain a lot of people in Glendale, and around the world will be pissed. I can't see any other finish than the sharpshooter, vince tapping out, Bret is redeemed, everyone goes home happy.
I can not wait for this match especially after Mondays Raw. I think the build up has been fantastic and I think we will all get a pleasant surprise at Wrestlemania. I've got a feeling that Bret will be a lot more physically capable than what we are expecting. I thought on Raw he looked fitter, younger and in better shape than when he returned and I have a really good feeling about this one. I am really looking forward to seeing Vince tap out to the sharpshooter at the Grandaddy of them all.
bret is my pick to win... Because Vince NEVER wins and it is a little obvious. They wouldn't haveBret come back to lose a Wrestlemania to a 64 year old man.
I don't care if this is going to be a bad wrestling match. I want to see Bret beat the hell out of Vince for revenge and send Bret out on the high note he should have had all those years ago. This is probably one of the matches I am looking forward to most on the card, purely for story.

It's going to be violent. It's going to be brutal. It's going to be satisfying. And I will love every minute of it.
This match is going to be awesome. Not because of the wrestling in it but the emotion surrounding it will make this match perfect. The added stipulation is going to do this match wonders and will be so entertaining. Vince will do what he does best and get the living shit kicked out of him and I know i'm hoping for a lot but their maybe a possibilty of blood. I doubt it will happen but I could see it happening. The winner of this is easy, it has to be Bret. Just so he can get closure for all of these years. If Vince wins I will feel totally cheated and pretty pissed of actually. To make this story complete they need to end it with Bret locking the sharpshooter on a beaten down Vince. That is the perfect way for this match to end.
I guess I'm certainly in the minority here, because I honestly don't really care about this match. I'm not sure why.

I did watch bret wrestle back when he was previously with the company, but I'm not really nostalgic enough about it to really need or want to see him in the ring again. Perhaps it was because while I didn't dislike his persona or his matches, nothing about them really blew me away either.

Or perhaps I don't care because this whole buildup since bret's return just hasn't really resonated with me. I've found the in-ring routines and promos from both sides stale and predictable.

Or maybe in the end I don't care about this match because we all know how it's likely to end. Honestly, I can't imagine any reason why bret would agree to return at all if he was going to lose this wrestlemania match. Especially why he would allow his return to be tarnished so far by being humiliated each week (last week's raw excluded), only to lose at wrestlemania as well.

So yeah, all things considered, I'm not really interested in this match and I'd say there's no chance of bret losing this one.
They made this a No Disqualification Match. So I'm sure Batista and Cena will get involved. Mcmahon will probably have backup come down and help like he did at Summerslam 2006 vs. DX. Hart Dynasty will come down and help Brett. Brett gets the win and theres a huge celebration. This will turn into a rivalry between Vince and the Hart Dynasty somehow and hopefully a push for them.
This Wrestlemania looks set to be one of, if not the, best of all time. This match is huge. As a big Hart mark, and a big McMahon fan, I'm unbelievably excited. It's so unbelievable though - like I expect something to happen at the last minute that drags the carpet from underneath us and doesn't allow this to happen, because very, very rarely does something like this happen. This is nothing short of a dream match for thousands of people and something, just a year ago, I was 100% sure I would never see.

Regarding the broken leg, maybe this was just a ruse to get McMahon to wrestle him? Come Wrestlemania, Hart might admit that his leg ISN'T broken, and will absolutely kill McMahon. Although, yes, simply covering up 'ring rust' is probably the most realistic, practical reason for the broken leg as many have stated, I'd just like to believe he won't have any of that rust, and won't have to pretend he's injured, therefore being able to put on the best show he can. As for who wins - will it end up anything other than Hart putting McMahon in the sharpshooter?
This Wrestlemania looks set to be one of, if not the, best of all time. This match is huge. As a big Hart mark, and a big McMahon fan, I'm unbelievably excited. It's so unbelievable though - like I expect something to happen at the last minute that drags the carpet from underneath us and doesn't allow this to happen, because very, very rarely does something like this happen. This is nothing short of a dream match for thousands of people and something, just a year ago, I was 100% sure I would never see.

Regarding the broken leg, maybe this was just a ruse to get McMahon to wrestle him? Come Wrestlemania, Hart might admit that his leg ISN'T broken, and will absolutely kill McMahon. Although, yes, simply covering up 'ring rust' is probably the most realistic, practical reason for the broken leg as many have stated, I'd just like to believe he won't have any of that rust, and won't have to pretend he's injured, therefore being able to put on the best show he can. As for who wins - will it end up anything other than Hart putting McMahon in the sharpshooter?

Becca, without sounding harsh, did you watch Raw last week? They did the ruse element and Bret has been revealed to be 100% to get Vince to wrestle. Here's the segment to show you.


In regards to the angle of the injury, naturally I thought the reason they did that was to give Bret some leeway given that he hadn't wrestled in nearly a decade and that he was noticeably slow when he tried to do beatdowns on Vince back in February. I think the No Holds Barred will help these two out for sure because Vince is usually the pin cushion for chair shots and assaults from Legends while Bret isn't going to be able to be the technical Excellence of Execution as he once was. The match may not be the best one, but it's one of the matches I'm certainly hyped for, I'm just looking forward to the iconic moment of Vince McMahon in the sharpshooter, an image we've waited over twelve years for!
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