WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

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  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

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I'm having to deal with the same idiocy in the LD thread, so I might as well deal with it here.

1) Team WWE SHOULD have defeated Nexus. Team WWE features 30 World Championships, to say they would lose to a bunch of rookies is BEYOND stupid. So quit saying it. Team WWE made the Nexus look like gold tonight.

2) The Nexus has plenty of options from here.

3) All of you complaining about Super Cena, obviously didn't watch the match. So kindly shut the fuck up until you do.

Cena got the shit beat out of him the entire match. To use the same example I did in the LD, if you watch a movie, how often do you see the good guy get his ass kicked by the bad guy, only to later, with his last gasp of energy, find the will deep down to get out of his predicament and get the bad guy.

That's EXACTLY what happened here tonight. Cena got his ass kicked, and with his last gasps of energy, managed to pull out the win. Or, if you'd like to use a more "real" example, compare Cena's win to Anderson Silva's win over Chael Sonnen. Silva got his ass kicked for 23 minutes, only to pull out a win in the last 10 seconds.

It's the same thing, and people need to quit bitching about things they are obviously wrong about.
Ok Cena didn't turn heel and upset all the haters and Kane Vs Rey was a bit shit but the rest of it I thought was great. Soon as Cena came out in a new shirt you knew he wasn't turning heel. That main event was quality, Bret looked good and everyone seemed to bring their A game and Bryan got pushed HUGE I thought, makes up for all the NXT BS a few months ago.

I hope all you who say your not gonna watch WWE again follow through with it as you won't get anything better from small-time-clusterfuck TNA thats for sure.
I fully agree with everyone tonight. I'm done, I will never watch another Raw, SD! or WWE PPV event ever again. We have been let down for way too long and way too many times.

TNA you just got an exclusive brand fan tonight

Yeah Ive heard that before:lol:. Anyway I thought Summerslam was pretty good and the Main Event was good. Just because Nexus lost doesn't mean they are done or "buried" at all by any means. If anything they looked strong in the Match and came off looking good.
It was inevitable the moment Cena turned up with a new shirt on. That stuff needs to get sold, people!

I 100% agree with beefthelegend just because Nexus lost doesn't mean their done. I think this gives them the perfect oppurtunity to bring in their leader if they have one and reveal greater plan that they still havent said.

Now I'm not saying I agree with the ending because i hated the ending i was hoping the Miz was gonna join Nexus when he took out danielson.

But whatever I'll give WWE the benefit and believe that they wont bury Nexus because I believe they have a plan to keep it goin from this.
I've now rewatched that ending 5 times. It was the crowd reaction I was most interested in. I've never heard such a half assed cheer in all my life. They were all a bit numb by it. Really? He's won? Oh... Shall we stay, maybe something will happen after the match. Oh. No. Nothing.

Let me just get on Cena's side. I think there is a misunderstanding going on on the IWC. We don't hate Cena. We hate SuperCena. Cena had been speared and beaten so badly at the point where it was 3 on 2 that he just lay outside not moving for 5 minutes whilst Bryan showed the world what a class act he is. Bryan was then eliminated and even then Cena was still out of it. Rolled in the ring by Barrett, he and Gabriel spent over a minute frequently tagging in and out in their corner delivering stomps. After a bit more beating, seperated by a few failed attempts at the metamorphosis of Super Cena, he was then DDT'd onto the concrete.

It was at that moment I knew something was up. A DDT? Why? Why not the Forward Samoan Drop he uses? Surely that'd be more 'despicable.' My second clue was the placement by Barrett for the 450... on the other side of the ring. I knew there was recovery time for Cena there. I was on my feet, praying with everything crossed. I pretended that all the airplanes in the night sky were indeed shooting stars because I really had a wish that needed to come true at the moment and that wish, like the rest of you was... HIT IT! PLEASE HIT IT!

1 - 2 - 3. Supercena Is Here!

I'm gonna be a lot more open and honest than I really should be right now. I've just had a lot of KFC. I need to take a huge crap and within the next five minutes I'm gonna be racing to the toilet. I feel the need to tell you that I haven't actually done anything physically draining today and despite it being 4 in the morning I'm feeling surprisingly fresh. However, When I do race to that toilet, believe me I will not be moving anywhere near as fast as Cena did after all the punishment he'd took topped off with a nice concrete DDT.

You've got to be impressed at that really.

So remember. It's SuperCena we hate. Not Cena.
Ok having taken a moment to actually think about things and let my Cena hatred die down a little. The Nexus do have somewhere to go with this.

Remember what Barrett said about "bigger picture" type thing. Well that's where this kinda has to go. Not to mention how impressed I was with Skip Sheffield and Heath Slater tonight. They looked brilliant in my eyes and Sheffield required a Codebreaker and a Spear to get taken out... after eliminating two men very quickly as well.

Nexus looked great as always and even though I didn't like the ending - it's all part of the bigger picture for Nexus and Cena.
I'm having to deal with the same idiocy in the LD thread, so I might as well deal with it here.

1) Team WWE SHOULD have defeated Nexus. Team WWE features 30 World Championships, to say they would lose to a bunch of rookies is BEYOND stupid. So quit saying it. Team WWE made the Nexus look like gold tonight.

2) The Nexus has plenty of options from here.

3) All of you complaining about Super Cena, obviously didn't watch the match. So kindly shut the fuck up until you do.

Cena got the shit beat out of him the entire match. To use the same example I did in the LD, if you watch a movie, how often do you see the good guy get his ass kicked by the bad guy, only to later, with his last gasp of energy, find the will deep down to get out of his predicament and get the bad guy.

That's EXACTLY what happened here tonight. Cena got his ass kicked, and with his last gasps of energy, managed to pull out the win. Or, if you'd like to use a more "real" example, compare Cena's win to Anderson Silva's win over Chael Sonnen. Silva got his ass kicked for 23 minutes, only to pull out a win in the last 10 seconds.

It's the same thing, and people need to quit bitching about things they are obviously wrong about.

Someone obviously don't understand what Super-Cena means because that's the exact definition you gave there. He get his ass kick for all the match and then comeback like nothing happened. Just like Cena vs Orton in the Iquit match where Orton beated him all match asking him to quit 30 times then Cena turn around BAM stf and Orton quit.
Actually what confuses me the most about this pay per view is that outside of the women's championship, the other 3 championships ended in no contest. That just seems to me to be terrible booking at what is supposed to be one of the biggest pay per views. One is forgivable. For example, one can excuse the mysterio/kane ending in no contest because that matchup wasn't really built up as being about the championship anyway. But 3 no contests is just laziness to me.

Makes me glad I didn't bother with this one.
the credibility of nexus as being a credible stable in the wwe went dont the drain tonight... you give a guy a ddt on the concret floor and he gets up ten seconds later like nothing ever happened and eliminates two healthy guys.. also these were two of the most promising memmburs of the nexus stable.. what is going to happen with the nexus stable now that no one was revealed as their leader? hopefully wwe ties in this mystery gm with the nexus stable cause they need some momentum back
Actually what confuses me the most about this pay per view is that outside of the women's championship, the other 3 championships ended in no contest. That just seems to me to be terrible booking at what is supposed to be one of the biggest pay per views. One is forgivable. For example, one can excuse the mysterio/kane ending in no contest because that matchup wasn't really built up as being about the championship anyway. But 3 no contests is just laziness to me.

Makes me glad I didn't bother with this one.

Kane beat Mysterio clean, so that match did not end in a no contest. The PPV wasn't bad. Daniel Bryan as the 7th man was great, & now we have a Miz/Bryan feud set up. I just don't get the ending to the tag match. I feel like Nexus really had to win in order to be taken seriously. Edge & Jericho turned on Cena, Miz eliminated Bryan, they had Cena down 2 on 1, & Nexus still couldn't win? I know people say Nexus is still strong & can still go a few different ways, but I don't see it. They needed to win, or lose by DQ but have their leader revealed. Remember, the NWO didn't win @ Bash at the Beach. There could've been a finish like that, but there needed to be something more than what we saw. I think the WWE blew a big opportunity here.
I'm having to deal with the same idiocy in the LD thread, so I might as well deal with it here.

I spent $45 on a ppv that had two no-finish title matches. How can you defend this? Plus, the main event had such a long build to it. Did it deliver considering it had a 2 month build? Most people believe that the angle didn't pan out well. At the very least WWE dropped the ball and will have to scramble to recover. Nexus will have to create another shocking moment to keep any momentum they have left. You may be right, maybe Nexus will change the game again on tomorrow's Raw. But if they don't do something big, something drastic, then they will quickly fade into the shuffle. Expect releases to follow soon.
Someone obviously don't understand what Super-Cena means because that's the exact definition you gave there. He get his ass kick for all the match and then comeback like nothing happened. Just like Cena vs Orton in the Iquit match where Orton beated him all match asking him to quit 30 times then Cena turn around BAM stf and Orton quit.

So "Super" Cena is the World Champion making a couple rookies look great and getting his ass kicked, and the very end, with his last possible chance to steal a victory, taking advantage of rookie mistakes and beating them with no energy left?

That's just fucking stupid. Hell, that's what Ric Flair did for 15 or 20 years, and I don't see anyone saying "Super Flair". The fact of the matter is this "Super Cena" shit is Super ******ed.

Perhaps instead of trying to lecture me on what Super Cena means, you can go out and learn a little about pro wrestling and see why I now think you're an idiot.
LOL at people who will "never watch another WWE event again." - Bullshit, their gonna watch tomorrow.

I thought SummerSlam was awesome. So what if Cena didn't turn heel? Hey, I thought he was gonna turn too, but he didn't. That doesn not mean I'm going to cry in a corner because WWE "let me down". Cena is way to popular to be turned heel at this point. Maybe sometime this year or next year. But not now. So quit crying and suck it up buttercups.

The match was pretty good. The match made Jericho look amazing. Team WWE looked strong and they made Nexus look strong too. The ending was okay, I was expecting a twist but I don't mind it too much.

I love that Daniel Bryan reminds me so much of HBK. Very good wrestling by Bryan tonight.
the credibility of nexus as being a credible stable in the wwe went dont the drain tonight... you give a guy a ddt on the concret floor and he gets up ten seconds later like nothing ever happened and eliminates two healthy guys.. also these were two of the most promising memmburs of the nexus stable.. what is going to happen with the nexus stable now that no one was revealed as their leader? hopefully wwe ties in this mystery gm with the nexus stable cause they need some momentum back

Did you watch the match? Cena was totalled at the end and won with a desperation reverse into an STF. He looked like he was lucky to win. Which is right. Nexus didn't come out looking weak, what the hell did you expect from 7 guys who have never main evented a PPV,a clean sweep?

In the end it was right, there was 6 eliminations apiece and both teams came out looking good in my opinion.

Most of you are just pissed Cena didn't turn heel when you never had a proper reason to think he would. Come on! Nexus have been beating up Cena for weeks why would he join them? that would be stupid TNA style booking and if that is what you like I suggest keeping to TNA then.
You know, I was going to wait for tomorrow to do my posting on the event, but after seeing all this, I couldnt help myself.

Just stop it. Now. Anyone who says this match was complete shit is obviously ******ed. Just like Sly said, it would be stupid for a bunch of rookies to beat team WWE. And yeah the ending wasnt the best, but thats Cena. Coming back like he did is his thing. Get fucking used to it.

Personally, I loved the match. A lot of that love comes from the return of Daniel Bryan Danielson. I cant remember anything from the first 5 minutes because I was marking out so hard. What also made the match great was the crowd. They were incredible. I'm pretty sure everyone was standing for the whole match. They gave the match a great atmosphere and I applaud the Staples Center for that. When you add the build that the match had, the tension and excitement was off the charts. And dont worry, this isnt the end of the Nexus.
I spent $45 on a ppv that had two no-finish title matches. How can you defend this?
The first title match was quite enjoyable and the second featured the return of the Undertaker. And they weren't even the main-events. What more can you want?

Plus, the main event had such a long build to it. Did it deliver considering it had a 2 month build?
Oh without a doubt. What more can you want from a main-event?

It had intrigue, it had big surprises (Danielson), it had suspense, it put over 5 rookies (Sheffield, Barrett, Slater, Gabriel and Danielson), it furthered three separate feuds, you got to see Bret Hart kick ass, and all the fans got sent home happy.

What more could you POSSIBLY want from a main-event?

Most people believe that the angle didn't pan out well.
Most people in the IWC are idiots who think wrestling should be nothing but heels and chain wrestling.

At the very least WWE dropped the ball and will have to scramble to recover.
Didn't drop the ball at all. You now have the continuation of Cena vs. Barrett/Nexus, you have Miz vs. Danielson, you have Edge and Jericho fitting in somewhere, and Bret Hart is obviously not done, else he would have been given a better send off. I can't think of a better way that match could have gone.

You may be right, maybe Nexus will change the game again on tomorrow's Raw. But if they don't do something big, something drastic, then they will quickly fade into the shuffle. Expect releases to follow soon.
What do you expect? I mean, do you really believe that a bunch of rookies should be able to run roughshod over an entire veteran lockerroom? Nexus has been given a GREAT boost through this angle, and it's clear that 4 or 5 of those guys have benefited greatly from it.
Someone obviously don't understand what Super-Cena means because that's the exact definition you gave there. He get his ass kick for all the match and then comeback like nothing happened. Just like Cena vs Orton in the Iquit match where Orton beated him all match asking him to quit 30 times then Cena turn around BAM stf and Orton quit.

Idiot, Cena didn't act like nothing was wrong in this match. He was laying down the whole time from when he pinned Gabriel to when he submitted Barrett. He sold all of his injuries and never superman'd up like so many people are accusing him of doing.

I don't get how anyone could have disliked this match. It was absolutely awesome, full of drama and emotion. Daniel Bryan returned and looked fantastic, the Nexus got put over HARD, and it had a great, exciting ending that saw Cena pull out the win at the 11th hour.

The Nexus angle is going to continue. There's plenty of life in the storyline and they looked like beasts even in defeat.

An incredible main event to an incredible PPV.
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Nexus lost a match!!!!! That means they're finished!!!!!!!!!

Jesus H. Christ, what a buncha whining little piss pots. Seriously, why the blue frig does so many within the IWC only care about instant and immediate gratification? Sooooooo many of them have certain set scenarios and ideas as to how they not only think things should play out, but that's how they want them to play out and they'll criticize the hell out of anything else. Tonight's main event for SummerSlam is a prime example judging by most of the posts I've read thus far. The IWC wanted to see Cena lose tonight, it didn't happen so they criticize. Some wanted to see a heel turn, it didn't happen so they criticize. Some wanted to see Bret Hart wind up joining The Nexus, it didn't happen so they criticize. I would have preferred to see Team WWE lose tonight, but what happened tonight isn't the end all and be all of this.

When someone loses a match, it must mean their push is ending. Or if a faction loses a match, it means that they're finished or that they have no credibility or that they're splitting up. This is the mentality and line of thinking among so many internet fans. It's little wonder that a lot of wrestlers look down their noses at us. The obsession with instant gratification that the IWC has is one thing that's ruined wrestling for many of them. The main event was a great match to watch overall. Why is it so difficult to actually allow yourself to be entertained when the outcome of a match doesn't come about exactly the way you want it? Far too many within the IWC want what they want, exactly the way they want it and exactly when they want it to actually try to enjoy anything.
I have watched some horrible WWF/E PPVs in my years and that was not one of them!

Seriously, if anyone thought that Summerslam was that terrible then you should reconsider what you watch to get your fix!
I think this entire PPV is one where hindsight will come into play and actually make you interested in what happens tomorrow night.
While I do think that a couple members of Nexus looked kinda weak (Young especially) it actually benefitted the others and now I can think "in 5 years Skip Sheffield might be the next Batista" or "Heath Slater looks like he could make a solid IC Champion someday".
After I actually went back over it - Summerslam earned a B+ in my books. 'Cause any reasonable fan would be sat in their armchair thinking - what do Nexus do after this?

They'll come back even stronger - I bet you.
Really I dont understand why so many people are mad the Nexus lost. It was a 7 on 7 fight with one team being all rookies and the other team being 3 main eventers to upper mid-carders 1 legend and bryan danielson. I think they did a good job at making Nexus looking strong I think sheffield looked really good in their and most of the Nexus got a chance to show they could hold their own in a match.

So in no way did they bury Nexus if you want to be mad about a stable getting buried you should complain about what they did to the SES.
I'd give Summerslam a "C" at best if I had to give it a grade and that's mainly because of the ending to the Team WWE vs Nexus match. I wanted to see Cena turn heel just as much as the next person, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. I will admit Bryan returning was awesome. He looked great in the ring.

I also didn't expect Nexus to win, and considering the "star power" that team WWE had, it wouldn't have made much sense for Nexus to win. They still looked strong for most of the match.

But can someone please, please, please explain to me how it makes any sense at all after getting DDTed on cold hard concrete to turn into Super Cena within just a couple minutes and then fly around the ring like he didn't just get the top of his head drilled into concrete and then beat the last two members of Nexus within just a couple short minutes? It doesn't make sense at all. Team WWE winning made sense, but not clean. Orton/Sheamus should have ended clean so this match didn't have to. Cena getting the win by DQ would have made a lot more sense, would have kept Nexus still looking strong as well and would have been a lot more creative then the Super Cena hulk up finish.

I'm still interested in seeing where they take the Nexus angle from here, but they got to do something major in order to save it.
Having calmed down a bit, I'll say this.

I don't think people are unhappy because Nexus lost, per se, but because nothing of note really happened. Out of all that was hyped going into the main event (Nexus' higher power, the leader of Nexus, etc) the only thing that was revealed was Team WWE's 7th member (which wasn't even a surprise by the time it happened). Considering SummerSlam is arguably the second-biggest WWE event of the year, to me, it felt a regular PPV and, at times, an episode of Raw. NOTHING was resolved the entire night. Two no-contests, Big Show and CM Punk didn't get resolved (expected), the outcome of Kane/Mysterio was predicted over a month ago, and nothing was answered in the main event. I think that's why a lot of people did not like SummerSlam tonight.
1) Team WWE SHOULD have defeated Nexus. Team WWE features 30 World Championships, to say they would lose to a bunch of rookies is BEYOND stupid. So quit saying it. Team WWE made the Nexus look like gold tonight.

Collective titles won individually do not mean that Team WWE could coexist. There were cracks and egos in the way, egos that have been created by winning those titles. The reason Nexus have been so dominant is because they are relative rookies and they are all on the same rung of the ladder with nothing to come between them.

Aside from that, this storyline has legs and could run up unto Survivor Series. Summerslam should have been Nexus' night of arrival leading to the climax, and eventual WWE revolution, at Survior Series.This has weakened them as a group because they lost despite throwing everything they had at Cena.

Finally on this point, the fact that rookies can't beat superstars is a flawed point to make straight away. Our current WWE champion could be refered to as a rookie. Randy Orton and Batista came through Evolution as rookies to become main eventers. There have even been Rookie Vs Pro matches on NXT which have ended with the rookie victorious. There is a saying in WWE... Anything can happen.

) The Nexus has plenty of options from here.

Yes, I don't dispute that but tomorrow night on Raw leaves us only one. Regain dominance and that involves many, many beat downs and match interruptions. It's a little boring now, considering the last 3 months of that have been to build up this match. There is another option I suppose and that would be the disintegration of Nexus but I don't want or expect that to happen.

The promise of what could have happened tomorrow on Raw can be captured simply by saying they would have had the best ratings Raw has had since January.

) All of you complaining about Super Cena, obviously didn't watch the match. So kindly shut the fuck up until you do.

We did watch the match. Hell, I bet some people even paid for the privilege. It was a typical All-Star elimination Tag Match. The obvious ones were eliminated early (Truth, Morrison, Tarver and Young) and then there was tension in the good guys ranks as Edge speared Cena after he had 'cost' Edge and Jericho's participation. It worked well and everything seemed to go swimmingly. I was even happy with the way Miz was involved. I didn't want him to be the leader. I don't want anyone to be the leader. It is unnecessary. But he's set himself up a feud that's been waiting to happen for a while and many would like to see. What I saw, I explained in an earlier post. I saw Cena beaten and driven head first into concrete which would knock someone out in real life. He then moved faster than lightning to pin Gabriel and then tap out Barrett making him look terrible in the process. Also, asking a message board to shut the fuck up is a bit like telling fire not to be hot. We're allowed to say what we want. It's the way of the world.

Cena got the shit beat out of him the entire match. To use the same example I did in the LD, if you watch a movie, how often do you see the good guy get his ass kicked by the bad guy, only to later, with his last gasp of energy, find the will deep down to get out of his predicament and get the bad guy.

Your examples are pointless. Films, first of all are make believe and are usually no more than 3 hours long. Generally, a lot of stuff happens in those three hours, ending with a happy ending of sorts. That is because there isn't going to be any more to watch afterward. WWE however is a serial. In 4 months time we'll still be tuning in to watch Raw and Smackdown and the monthly PPV and this Storyline could have easily continued there. Lost was a serial. It took us 6 years until we got a conclusion. WWE is not a 3 hour film.

That's EXACTLY what happened here tonight. Cena got his ass kicked, and with his last gasps of energy, managed to pull out the win. Or, if you'd like to use a more "real" example, compare Cena's win to Anderson Silva's win over Chael Sonnen. Silva got his ass kicked for 23 minutes, only to pull out a win in the last 10 seconds.

As for the Sonnen/Silva fight. Yeah. It was a great fight. I loved it. It was so good to see something so shocking and unexpected. Doubly so. Who'd have thought Sonnen would be able to do that for 4 rounds? And then, shock again, Silva managed to get a submission on and proved that he is the best in the world and we should never have counted him out. Yeah. I know my UFC. But, perhaps I'm mistaken on something... I've been watching for a while now but maybe I'm wrong. Isn't MMA real? Yeah, I'm pretty certain it is. And WWE is the fake one right... the one with storylines? Sonnen was not scripted to do any of that. Cena was. That is what is bullshit.

Find another example to state your case because your last two failed.

It's the same thing, and people need to quit bitching about things they are obviously wrong about.

You know what. I'm glad you're happy and are still content with the WWE product. I'm glad because you're exactly who Vince is catering for with this trash. The young guys or the simple minded who lap up all this shit. You're clearly an MMA fan. You've seen guys get knocked out with a fist or a submission. Cena was dropped on to concrete head first. Those MMA guys recieve immediate medical attention when they get clocked. Cena just shook it off like his hair was out of place.I know the WWE Universe is a concept where these things can happen. Kane can manipulate fire and Undertaker can 'appear' inside a coffin. I'm fine with that. But Cena isn't magic. He's a man who sends the message to kids that if you are respectful, you too can be impervious to pain. Video games and Horror films are attributed to kids doing stupid things. Wait until the first kid slams another head first into the ground and is then shocked to find that the same kid is in a coma fighting for his life.

WWE Fans. Children until proven Adult.

That's the message.

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