WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

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<cracks knuckles>

<adjusts fly>

Survivor Series 1991 - Hogan gets tombstoned onto a steel chair. He doesn't no-sell that shit.

And that was a TITLE MATCH. Not a 7-on-7 elimination tag with a 50-year old stroke victim as one of the participants.

Didn't that happen after Hogan no-sold Taker's notmal tombstone? You know, the move that NO ONE was able to get up from back then? Also during a time period when steel chair shots to the head, being thrown through plate glass windows, ringbells to the throat, and DDT's onto concrete put wrestlers out for weeks and months at a time, but nowadays they're just a nagging injury when the next television show happens?

Oh, and Team WWE had a 50-year old stroke victim but Nexus had Heath Slater AND Darren Young. Check mate.

You know, I was watching a NatGeo special the other day on the Manatees and they were discussion the natural predators and the effects that the cold water had on the manatee population. And come to think of it, when the cold water threatened to kill the manatees, from out of nowhere they just hulked up and turned the water warm, thus surviving at the last second.

No, wait, they didn't. They actually died.

Not all TV has to follow the same formula. I realize I'm using an extreme here, but the point is that not everything has to follow the same formula just because its on TV.

Exactly. But doesn't this entire statement support BOTH of our claims?

And yet some of the most memorable moments in history consisted of the heel coming out on top at a Big-4.

Taker over Hogan @ Survivor Series.

Yokozuna wins the Royal Rumble.

Shawn Michaels wins his first Rumble over Davey Boy Smith.

Triple H wins Wrestlemania 2000.

Ric Flair wins WWF Title at Royal Rumble.

Lulz. And some of the most memorable moments happened when babyfaces came out on top:

Hogan's team wins @ WM1
Hogan beats Bundy @ WM2
Hogan def. Andre @ WM3
Savage def. DiBiase @ WM4
Mega Powers def. Mega Bucks @ SSlam
Hogan/Beefacke def. Savage/Zeus @ SSlam
Davey Boy Smith def. Bret Hart @ Wembley Stadium SSlam
Austin defeat HBK for the title @ WM14
Ultimate Warrior defeats Hogan @ WM6

My hands are getting tired so I'll stop there.

Dude, it does them no favors. Now, they go into Raw tonight having eliminated most Raw rosters members with cheating, and still coming up short against John Cena - how am I to believe they are actually any type of a threat?

I don't know... maybe two months of beatdowns on everyone that worked for the WWE (including the IC championship match participants at the start of the PPV last night) all the way up until the main event last night when Team WWE BARELY squeaked by??

That's right, you do love it.

I love you.
First off, first post so go easy on me guys :)

I just had to come on and say something after what I saw last night ans what I have read here today.

Yep I hated the SuperCena stuff, always do. However, the result (WWE winning) was actually the right way to further the story. Let me explain.

A lot of people assumed that last night we were going to see the true leader of Nexus revealed, via a heel turn or appearance or whatever.... but why? Why would there need to be if Nexus wins? Nexus have been doing just fine on their own. Why would they need a leader behind the scenes? It wouldn't be plausibly necessary.

And this is why WWE had to win - so that tonight we can get the reveal. If we assume that there is a mysterious someone behind the Nexus, (not sure why there needed to be myself, but always assumed there would be) then for it to be necessary to do the reveal, Nexus had to have a setback. Otherwise it would make no sense.

And the reveal and the next level is needed. Another month or two of beatdowns and the angle would go stale. Now becasue they have begun to fail, we can get the reveal to reinvigorate Nexus and carry the storyline on for the next few months.

Well, thats my take anyway.. we'll see if I'm right tonight :)
Another thing that made this match really good was...wait for it...Bret Hart.

I came in to this match expecting one of two things from Bret. 1. a basic striking offense or 2. running some sort of angle during the match. But we got more from him. He came in pretty hot going after the Ginger Ninja. We got some falling elbows and an atomic drop. Not much, but more than I was expecting. I was smiling the entire time he was in the ring because it was nice to see him do more.
First off I want to say is I KNEW Bryan was coming back, its obviously been a work from the very beginning, not even WWE is stupid enough to get rid of a wrestler who got over with the crowd as quick as anyone in WWE.

I came on here to say that I did not like the booking of the main event. Now my issue wasn't so much that WWE won the match (even though I thought nexus deserved the victory) it was how it was handled. 1st off 2 members of Nexus got eliminated in the first 3 minutes in the match when they've been destroying people both individually and collectively for 2 months, they shouldn't be getting eliminated that quickly, it just made it look like these guys can't do shit unless they are together.

Now Sheppfield actually looked really good getting rid of Morrison and R-Truth before getting eliminated, but he was really the only one that got a solid build in the match (Gabriel didn't look to bad either). Take for example the winner of NXT Wade Barrett, when he went 1 on 1 with Cena he lost in like 10 seconds, THATS RIDICULOUS. This guy is supposed to be the strongest member of the Nexus and he looked the weakest by the end of the match. The only time he was in the match was beating on guys who were already hurt, yeah he sure looks like a real threat.

Now I was glad to see Daniel Bryan return, but it seemed very Anti-Climatic for some reason, not only that we have Cole burying the guy the whole match. I know he's been doing it for a while, but he eliminates 2 members of the nexus, only gets a disadvantage when Miz hit him with the briefcase and Cole still treats this guy like he has no business in a WWE ring. Now isn't the announcers job to PUT OVER THE WRESTLERS NOT BURY THEM? JR had issues with HHH, but he always put over HHH as a phenomenal wrestler, he just didn't like how he treated people. Cole, your job is to put over all wrestlers, not just the ones you like.

Lastly, all that say Nexus looked strong, I say that's crap. These guys came back into the match only because of Shepfield, then we see Bret eliminating himself, Jericho and Edge get eliminated because of egos (then they proceed to beat down Cena), Miz eliminating Bryan, and Cena doing super Cena on both Gabriel and Barrett to win the match. So Nexus eliminated (or should i say Shepfield) eliminated 2 members of RAW and the other 4 got eliminated by other means. How is it looking strong when you can only eliminate the 2 weakest members of the team and basically get schooled by the rest? Thats not strong, WWE got a disadvantage but it wasn't because of Nexus, it was other factors. If WWE was going to win then they should have cheated, or at least give Nexus a real chance to look strong (like HHH did with Sheamus) but instead they all looked weak instead of Shepfield.

So WWE faces every adversity during the match including facing supposedly the biggest threat in WWE history and still win cleanly. GIVE ME A BREAK!

It would have been fine if WWE beat Nexus clean, IF THEY LOOKED LIKE A COHESIVE UNIT, but they looked like a bunch of individuals more concerned with working out their own personal vendetta's. The reason Nexus looked so strong was because they ARE a cohesive unit and because they are 7 guys working as one they can take out anyone, therefore it should be impossible for anyone to beat Nexus unless they put their differences aside and work together to defeat a greater enemy. WWE didn't really do that, even though the whole team was in shambles they still pulled off a clean victory. No matter how good your players are, you ain't gonna win the big one if you don't work together as a team, that should have been enough reason for Nexus to win, BECAUSE THEY WORK AS A TEAM, NOT AS INDIVIDUALS LIKE TEAM RAW. Team RAW (if you could call it a team) had every obstacle in the way and was still able to beat what was called the biggest force in WWE History. My issue isn't that Cena pulled a super cena to win (lots of wrestlers do it, its a proven commodity so its not a big issue. Also with all Cena went through, if anyone should have got the win it should have been him) or that Team RAW won, its how it was handled. For the simple fact that RAW didn't act like a team, they shouldn't have won, if they were actually ABLE to put those differences aside for a whole hour to do what needed to be done I wouldn't of had any problem. Does this mean Nexus is done? No, but it certainly doesn't do them any favors. The only redeeming quality was the RAW roster building Miz as the future during Summerslam, which would make him the perfect leader for Nexus, and because of that Nexus has somewhere to go. I also feel a Nexus victory would have been right because it builds more sympathy for the WWE for when they finally DO beat Nexus, it would have made Nexus look strong and RAW look weak, but at the end when RAW wins it would have made them much more sympathetic and easier to get behind when the final confrontation happened.

Terrible booking, simply terrible.
Nexus were made to look weak at SummerSlam with Heath Slater and Skip Sheffield the exceptions.

Darren Young might has well not turned up as he was eliminated within thirty seconds.

Michael Tarver got battered by John Morrison.

David Otunga looked awful in the match. He tried for his spinebuster finisher and failed then submitted to the Walls of Jericho, the first time in a long time it has beaten anyone.

Justin Gabriel had a few good moments but most people could tell that Cena was gonna move out the way of the 450 splash.

Then the way the WWE had Wade Barrett in the match made him look like just another average performer. He didn't have any real impact on the match and was made to look especially weak in tapping out to Cena in about 10 seconds.

Skip Sheffield was probably the stand out performer for Nexus as he looked impressive and had two eliminations to his name with Truth and Morrison and had to take a chair shot, codebreaker and spear to be elimated.

Heath Slater also looked good and he eliminated both Edge and Jericho which may boost people's opinion's of him now.

Good move by the WWE to bring Daniel Bryan back. No one really expected it (until they spoiled it themselves) and he looked as good as anyone in the match.

In the end Cena was always looking like he was going to win and like someone else said when he came out in his new t-shirt he was never going to turn. Cena is getting to be more and more like Hulk Hogan in the late 80's and early 90's. Takes punishment, somehow recovers and finds enough energy to do his four or five moves he has.
If you want to look at the specifics of the match, I have to agree. Although I am happy WWE won for the reasons I stated previously, they didn't book Nexus strong enough in my opinion:

Darren Young - looked a waste of space, pretty much is a waste of space. Ok maybe this was booked ok :)

Micheal Tarver - come on, he is okay on the mic, has a decent look, can't wrestle for cr@p. Ok maybe they booked this one ok :)

Skip Sheffield - looked incredibly strong. For pities sake, he took out JoMo and Truth, two solid mid card title holders. He needed two ME finishers to take him down. Hmm, booking doesn't look too bad so far actually :)

Heath Slater - Was always going to be fodder. Anybody remember what his finisher is? Anybody? After Young probably been the weakest booked of all Nexus the last few months, and frankly you can see why. Again not awfully booked seeing as he was made to look strong for a change - why his pins werent given to Barrett or Gabriel god only knows :)

David Otunga - Lol - he tapped out to the Walls.... lol... noone taps out to the walls anymore...well one person every 6 months or so maybe. Yeah, could have been made to look stronger.

Justin Gabriel - weak weak weak. Come on, surely we could have had him pin someobody after a 450. Poorly booked.

Wade Barrett - Very poor. This guy has such a great future, but not if he gets sold down the river like this. He didn't look that bad apart from one thing. Seriously woudl it have hurt to have had him strain and try to move and really take the STF for like 45 seconds or even 1.30. No change to the outcome, but just long enough that everyone watching thinks... christ this guy is really tough. Would it have hurt. This is the one piece of booking I hated. They did the same thing to Randy Orton last year as heel against Cena. What the hell is wrong with making heels look strong in defeat???

So overall, the booking in the match wasn't atrocious but wasn't brilliant. Certainly there were a few things I would have tweaked, but generally.. it was okay.
Cena got knocked out by concrete.

Looked like rubber to me.

That DDT would be harder than any punch

I think you fail to realize that wrestlers do the moves, so that it doesn't hurt as much.

Cena looked fresher than he did when he started the match. His one handed holding of the head after the bell didn't see it at all.

He used his last breaths. Buddy, he's the top guy in the company with a super hero gimmick. Of course he will be super hero like, and do the impossible.

Cena should have had stretcher treatment.

No, again, wrestling isn't all that real. Wrestlers do the moves so that it doesn't hurt as much. You fail to realize that kids believe in this super hero gimmick, and anyone over the age of 12 know that wrestling isn't that real. You sound like you're thinking this is a real fight, like MMA. (I'm not a fan, don't give me MMA examples.)

BTW, I'm not criticizing the fact the wrestling isn't real. I totally agree with Slyfox, if you don't like wrestling, don't fucking watch it.

Why is it that the smarks of the IWC always feel that wrestlers need to WIN in order to get pushed? Once any new star loses a match, everyone automatically digs into their bag of smark lingo and pulls out phrases like "He was buried!! There goes his push!! Why does SuperCena have to squash him??" Wrestlers that lose matches get pushed just as much as the winners... sometimes even more. The same thing happened with Sheamus, Randy Orton, John Cena... all of these men lost MANY matches in the main event scene before they were pushed to the moon.

What is wrong with you guys? Nexus just spent TWO MONTHS kicking the living shit out of everyone in their paths. They showed no prejudice; referrees, superstars, midcarders, the company's CEO... no one was able to stop them or even slow them down. So the WWE decides to put together a team of veteran wrestlers with over 20 championships between them and all but one of them get eliminated by the Nexus... some members eliminated multiple members of Team WWE. But just because Cena pulled a pin out of his ass after getting pummeled for 20 minutes of that match you all think that the WWE is "burying" Wade Barrett and the Nexus?? Come on, people... if you all had half a brain in your heads you'd realize that this angle and feud with NExus is far from over.

Seriously everyone, shut the fuck up and just enjoy the show.

Thank you. Finally a voice of reason. All the people bitching about the ending need to relax. Nexus isn't going anywhere. You think it would have added to the storyline to just have them come out on top again? The same thing that has happened for 2 months? Having them lose addes another twist. How will they react? Will there be division? Daniel Bryan coming back. Edge and Jericho turning on Cena after they get eliminated. Bryan vs. The Miz. So many things can come from this storyline going forward and you all focus on "SuperCena".

I for one am looking forward to Raw tonight.
Personally I think Nexus should've won...dirty. But just because they lost doesn't mean it's over for them. I was disappointed however that no one turned heel or something big like that happened. Yeah, Bryan returned. Some of us called that. I said before that WWE is the one's who enforced his no appearance clause or whatever they called it, so they can release it. Possible Cena/Bryan vs Jericho/Edge ME tonight...? But one loss does not bury the Nexus. Like any heel they can make some stupid false excuse for anything and play off that. But we'll see tonight.
So "Super" Cena is the World Champion making a couple rookies look great and getting his ass kicked, and the very end, with his last possible chance to steal a victory, taking advantage of rookie mistakes and beating them with no energy left?

That's just fucking stupid. Hell, that's what Ric Flair did for 15 or 20 years, and I don't see anyone saying "Super Flair". The fact of the matter is this "Super Cena" shit is Super ******ed.

Perhaps instead of trying to lecture me on what Super Cena means, you can go out and learn a little about pro wrestling and see why I now think you're an idiot.

And calling someone an idiot makes you what exactly? I've been following wrestling for 20 years I know how it work, genius. I know Hogan always did that, I know The Rock always did that, hell even Austin did his fair shar of amazing comeback, but I can be sick of it and I can wish that a face get more offense move than that, because it's dumb and it shows that no matter how much you beat him it wasn't enough because he is superman, and for your info, don't be pissed that you didn't know what Super-Cena meant.
That was an overall amazing pay-per-view. And yes, the ending of the WWE vs. Nexus match was far from perfect, but it was a great match.

First of all, DANIEL BRYAN! When Cena said his name, I marked out for 10 minutes straight.

Second, it was intense. The Nexus went up against a group of veterans, and came pretty close to succeeding. The crowd also did their part in adding to the intensity.

Thirdly, Jericho landed a lionsault and got someone to tap to the Walls. Neither of those things have been happening too much recently, but he showed that he's still one of the best wrestlers in the world. Viva la Jericho!

Fourth, it set up and furthered plenty of feuds. Miz vs. Danielson, Cena vs. Barrett, Edge and Jericho vs. the World, and of course Striker and Danielson vs. Cole.

Fifth, Bret Hart in rare form. I wasn't expecting him to fight that good. He even got the sharpshooter in there.

Sixth, the roll-up pin reversed into a crippler crossface, that was awesome! If you didn't enjoy that match, then you're out of your mind. It was great. And RD_21, it's probably not a good idea to call out SlyFox, especially since he's right. Cena's gimmick is his resilience. He makes comebacks. Deal with it.
How am I wrong to call him out. He said in his first post why if is he taking a beating if he is Super Cena, meaning he clearly didn't understood what people mean by Super Cena as a way to bash his gimmick. Then he call me stupid just because I showed him that he didn't know what super Cena meant.

And whether it's in Cena gimmick to never give up it makes other wrestler looks week and it's cheesy and people have the right to say it's dumb and that it's getting old.

I was there live in Montreal when Cena faced Orton in an I Quit match. Orton beat the shit out of him and asked him to quit all the time, of course Cena doesn't quit since it's in his gimmick and to a certain extent I am fine with it, but then he turn around get a cuffed stfu on Orton and BAM Orton quit, it was like the first time Cena really had an offense and Orton quit. When you look at it it makes Orton look weak.

I am also annoyed by the fact that Cena beated Miz the first timed they faced each other (a DQ beat down by the Miz would have been fine) because Cena is at the top of the world and a cheating defeat for The Miz would have mean a lot for him and it wouldn't have hurt Cena.

But this Super Cena who never lost, never quit and never back down is getting old and people are tired of it. Get me straight I am not an idiot who think Cena can't wrestle because as Prototype and in the beginning of his WWE career he was wrestling just fine, but for a reason when a face is getting over, Vince make them use only 5-6 moves and win and maybe it's still fun and fresh for kids but for me it's lame. I want a good match back and forth for 20 minutes then in the last 5-10 the face can lose until he makes a magic comeback to send people home happy, but not all the match.

The Rock had the same problem, when he was a face he was only doing 5-6 moves to win the fault is not on the wrestler who obviously know who to wrestle since they make it there but on Vince's idea of what a face should be, that idea could and should evolve a little imo.
So wow Summerslam sure sucked a big fat cock of mediocrity until the main event, eh? I jumped up and down like I was ten years old watching HBK and Austin again when I saw Danielson come out. And then when he came in towards the end of that match and just lit the whole fuckin' place on fire with the crowd chanting his name and freaking out or every awesome move he was hitting, that was so damn awesome.

Great main event, and I just had this big grin on my ace thinking to myself "So, when are all of the Danielson haters going to eat their words and shut the fuck up?. Dude was off TV for months, shows up out of nowhere and has the crowd chanting his name and popping like crazy for him. Took him, what, 3.5 seconds to get back over with the fans after being gone for months? Just pure awesomeness.
Quite honestly I don't see either side of it, or maybe I see both sides of it.

From the perspective of it being a "bad ending" I can see it, because Nexus in a way could've used the victory. They were on a momentum roll, and something that could've continued for a long time had they defeated Team WWE.

However, they did not. And from that perspective, I can see it ending in a good way as well, because Team WWE really did need to finally conquerer their enemies. I didn't feel that it necessarily buried anybody. Because The Nexus still looked strong, and they served the purpose of being put over, while allowing Team WWE to come out victorious.

However, I must say the match in itself was pretty epic. Bryan Danielson finally got to display his abilities, which I'm thankful for. I can't help but wonder where this will take the feud. If Nexus will disband, whether they'll continue to try and wreck havoc, or if they will feud with numerous various members single handedly under the Nexus banner. So many questions, only so many RAW episodes.
Arch mediocrity from the PPV entertainment wise pre-main event but this is hardly surprising as there have been very few PPVs that have been so built around one particular match.

The match itself did not disappoint. I thought it was about as good an elimination tag match as I have seen since perhaps the 10on10 match at Survivor Series 1988, one of my personal favourites. DBD's return and performance were fantastic.

Nexus looked very strong, particularly Sheffield and even Slater who got two big eliminations. I would have liked to have seen them win steal a win with outside interference but the way the finish panned out is not the major disaster that some seem to think as it still gives Barrett ammunition to justifiably claim that Cena got lucky and that this is far from over.

If it is the case that Nexus continues with their assault on the RAW roster, it will just be another in a list of feuds not to end for, rather strangely, despite being the second biggest show of the year, there was a lot of feud starting and building rather than actual blow offs at Summerslam.

Kofi/Ziggler will likely get another outing; Melina and Laycool may feud over uniting the two women's title; Punk was kept away from Big Show enough for me to think that there is a 1on1 contest coming between them; Kane overpowering Taker was a pleasant surprise and a bit of intrigue to the most obvious of feuds; Miz has a ready-made feud with Daniel Bryan rather than simply waiting to cash in and Orton will get another shot at Sheamus if only because he did not lose.
I just gotta say that SummerSlam was a bit of a let down...

...the DQ during Sheamus/Orton match was a giant letdown. I was hoping for a clear cut win....cheating or not....and even after the match I was waiting for Miz to cash in, which never happened.

Kane/Mysterio match was as expected, but having undertaker come back only to get tombstoned...kinda cool I guess...

7-on-7 match...while the match itself was kinda cool...I think having Miz hit Cena and having Daniel Bryan go on to win it would have been a much better ending since they weren't doing a Cena heel turn. Very lackluster ending with all the hype built up to this match.

Best match of the Night......Melina beating Alicia
Looked like rubber to me.

I think you fail to realize that wrestlers do the moves, so that it doesn't hurt as much.

He used his last breaths. Buddy, he's the top guy in the company with a super hero gimmick. Of course he will be super hero like, and do the impossible.

No, again, wrestling isn't all that real. Wrestlers do the moves so that it doesn't hurt as much. You fail to realize that kids believe in this super hero gimmick, and anyone over the age of 12 know that wrestling isn't that real. You sound like you're thinking this is a real fight, like MMA. (I'm not a fan, don't give me MMA examples.)

BTW, I'm not criticizing the fact the wrestling isn't real. I totally agree with Slyfox, if you don't like wrestling, don't fucking watch it.

So you read through this post and, I hope, all my other posts on this topic and then decided to inform me that wrestling isn't real? Are you serious? If you truly agree with Slyfox then you will also agree with his opinion that what happened last night was realistic. That is where the MMA scenarios came in. A scenario in a real fight was compared to something that happened in WWE. Despite the fact that in the MMA fight, concrete was not a factor in the entire match. I will talk about MMA. If you're not fast enough to keep up, that isn't my problem.

You fail to realise that I know a lot about Superheroes. I confess to being a comic geek and as a comic geek I've bought plenty of stories and followed many storylines in the DC and Marvel universes. Frequently I get to the end of a comic book and find Batman, Superman or Spiderman in a state where he looks to be beaten. The last graphic of one issue of a very famous Batman storyline was Bane bending Batman over his knee breaking his back in half. Guess what. I bought more comic books and eventually, I bought one which brought the Broken Bat series to an end and Batman won!

That's what Raw, Smackdown and PPV's are really. Comic books or episodes. All our favourite TV dramas have them. Week in, week out... they're just like what we get on Raw and Smackdown. Ocassionally, they offer us a two hour special or a double bill... in those episodes the major stuff happens and the storys either get finished or are taken in a new direction. WWE does this with their PPV's.

So it doesn't matter that the 12 year olds believe in Superheroes. Part of loving Superheroes is knowing that they will rally around and somehow get a win against impossible odds in the end. Except at Summerslam. It wasn't the end. This storyline can run and run for a good few more months now.

I sound like a fan who is upset with the current product. Just like I'm a fan of many sports. Manchester United are my football team. Tonight they won impressively with a 3-0 win. But who knows, next week they could lose after putting in a half arsed effort. And I will criticise them for it. That doesn't stop me being a fan. You're acting like you don't know what a critic is. Like you expect them to be all warm and fuzzy and understanding. Critics are dicks. And I should know, I'm one of them.
Really good main event but I thought the ending was horrible. I thought they should of gave Barrett the win. Most of nexus are just a bunch of midcarders but Barrett is someone they hope can be a future main eventer. Cena was outnumbered they could of still made him look strong even in a loss. It would of really help Barrett gain credibilty by getting the pinfall.

After all this time building up Nexus I thought they damaged their momentum by not winning. They no longer can be considered that much of a threat.
Are you serious?


If you truly agree with Slyfox then you will also agree with his opinion that what happened last night was realistic.

No, I don't truly agree with his whole opinion. Only the part where he said that if you don't like wrestling and all you do is complain about it then don't watch it. But, I'm guessing you do like it...? Whaat?? :shrug:

You fail to realise that I know a lot about Superheroes.

No. You just never told me that. It's not like I'm suppose to guess that out of the blue.

The last graphic of one issue of a very famous Batman storyline was Bane bending Batman over his knee breaking his back in half. Guess what. I bought more comic books and eventually, I bought one which brought the Broken Bat series to an end and Batman won!

Good example. You used comic books, I get to use drama shows. :)

When I watch those, I see that the villain, starts it's attack on the good guy. Much like Nexus attacked Cena, and then one day the good guy just has enough, I think this part is the climax, but no, It's not, it's too early. The good guy comes up with a plan, and defeats the villain at one point, the good guy thinks he's victorious, that it's all over, nada, but no, the villain keeps striking back, using whatever strength he has left. Much like Nexus did this past Monday. Using whatever strength the Nexus had left, and they got rid of their weak links. So, it's not too early for Cena to win. Sometimes Cena wins, most of the time Nexus wins, and then finally, after a long while, the good guy (Cena) wins it once and for all.

That's what Raw, Smackdown and PPV's are really. Comic books or episodes. All our favourite TV dramas have them. Week in, week out... they're just like what we get on Raw and Smackdown. Ocassionally, they offer us a two hour special or a double bill... in those episodes the major stuff happens and the storys either get finished or are taken in a new direction. WWE does this with their PPV's.

Thank you for explaining what WWE is about, I greatly appreciate it. :suspic:

Except at Summerslam. It wasn't the end. This storyline can run and run for a good few more months now.

Say whaaat? :confused: Okay then. You were just arguing about how the storyline can't continue. Don't confuse me.

Critics are dicks. And I should know, I'm one of them.


I will talk about MMA. If you're not fast enough to keep up, that isn't my problem.

You never did.
I don't actually recall a time where I said that this storyline couldn't continue. Of course it can and it has done on Raw. To be honest, after watching Raw I was pretty satisfied with how they'd continued it but prior to Raw and immediately after Summerslam especially I felt it had lost a little of it's intrigue.

I quite clearly wasn't the only one who wanted or even expected a Nexus win. Many others expected either the Miz revealing himself as their leader, Cena turning heel or both. I didn't really mind that neither of those happened. To be honest, I don't want Cena as a heel. I fear he'd be pretty terrible in that role.

So what did you actually do in your reply? Apart from reading between the lines and somehow figuring I don't like wrestling and I think the Nexus angle is over (both are very wrong) you chose not to respond to all the very good points I made and instead have decided to use this thread to tell me if I don't like something I should just go away, sandwiched in between your pointless and quite terrible attempts of comedic caption writing.

The only thing you actually did seriously talk about was storyline building. You didn't call my idea stupid, in fact you called it a 'good example.' You went down the line of the hero wins once and thinks it's over but then the villain comes back stronger route. Now normally I'd applaud you on such an idea but considering you posted that after watching Raw and witnessing those events actually transpire inside two hours, you get no such props.

Storylines can work in a number of ways. I held up one example in Broken Bat. there are many more, many different ways to go about it.

Perhaps I should clear up that I am not attempting to say I could do a better job at Summerslam than the WWE Writers but for the hype the match was given, a tweet from Cena, that in hindsight appears overwhelmingly egotistical, claiming the event would be historic, It just fell flat. Sure, Bryan is back. That isn't THAT huge as great as it is. Nothing else really happened that has affected me in anyway. I should have been bursting from the end of the PPV to the start of Raw, eagerly anticipating the next stage. Instead I recorded it and watched it at 2pm today. I personally feel the writers let themselves down really for the first time since the Nexus angle began. That's the real shame.
I quite clearly wasn't the only one who wanted or even expected a Nexus win.

So are you saying you didn't want me to pick on you for saying that?

Many others expected either the Miz revealing himself as their leader, Cena turning heel or both. I didn't really mind that neither of those happened. To be honest, I don't want Cena as a heel. I fear he'd be pretty terrible in that role.

I think having The Miz would elevate him and make him a top star. But IMO, I think the WWE creatives should put him in a situation where he is getting ready to be the face of the company, therefore turning Cena heel. Not sure if it would happen, probably not, but still. I think Cena was a pretty good heel in his other gimmick though, so I think he can pull it off.

So what did you actually do in your reply? Apart from reading between the lines and somehow figuring I don't like wrestling and I think the Nexus angle is over (both are very wrong)

You implied it though, you were like confusing me. I gave a reply, which I thought was pretty good. :shrug:

you chose not to respond to all the very good points I made and instead have decided to use this thread to tell me if I don't like something I should just go away, sandwiched in between your pointless and quite terrible attempts of comedic caption writing.

Well, I kinda regret being funny. Since I'm not that funny. I still gave it a try. No, I'm not telling you to go away. I'm not telling you to give up. I'm telling you my opinion.

The only thing you actually did seriously talk about was storyline building. You didn't call my idea stupid, in fact you called it a 'good example.' You went down the line of the hero wins once and thinks it's over but then the villain comes back stronger route. Now normally I'd applaud you on such an idea but considering you posted that after watching Raw and witnessing those events actually transpire inside two hours, you get no such props.

Okay. But that's the only way I could've gave an example. I can't give you false facts, can I?

Storylines can work in a number of ways. I held up one example in Broken Bat. there are many more, many different ways to go about it.

Oh, crap. I forgot to put that in my reply. I actually know that very well, and I was gonna put it in my reply.

Perhaps I should clear up that I am not attempting to say I could do a better job at Summerslam than the WWE Writers but for the hype the match was given, a tweet from Cena, that in hindsight appears overwhelmingly egotistical, claiming the event would be historic, It just fell flat. Sure, Bryan is back. That isn't THAT huge as great as it is. Nothing else really happened that has affected me in anyway. I should have been bursting from the end of the PPV to the start of Raw, eagerly anticipating the next stage. Instead I recorded it and watched it at 2pm today. I personally feel the writers let themselves down really for the first time since the Nexus angle began. That's the real shame.

You know, I should clear up some things too. I was waiting for a twist to happen, so bad. I was very happy that Danielson returned, but I was still waiting for a twist. That Cena tweet was stuck in my head. But, then I remembered that WWE changes their mind all the time. Apparently, Cena and the creatives, along Vince, were talking about whether they should turn Cena heel or not during the whole PPV. I bet you they were gonna, but they didn't because they don't wanna risk all the money he brings to the company. I think Cena thought for sure that they were gonna turn him heel. Or, I could be looking to far into this, and he just did it to trick us.

I see that you aren't happy that there was not twist, and sure, I'm not happy either. But, I could care less anymore. The Nexus is continuing, and Cena's gimmick is as strong as ever. I was thinking after the PPV was over, and I thought about the good things about the ending. And to me, Cena's "super hero" gimmick being elevated was a great ending. I know, I sound like a kid. But really, it helps the company, and It still entertains me. So, I don't give a cows shit.

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