Financially, maybe not. But if there was a time to turn Cena heel to date, storyline wise, now makes sense.
Okay. I am game for reading..
First off, Legendary was a flop. I don't like bringing outside sources into wrestling storylines, but this could add some fuel to the fire (as long as it's not the entire basis of the storyline). The same audience who embraced The Rock's films rejects Cena. Hell, that might even give some gratification to the internet wrestling community, as in recent interviews John Cena has taken jabs at Rock's newer career choice.
Well, as someone who has seen all of the Rock's movies and only 12 Rounds, it could very well be because the Rock is a better actor? Sure, the basic reason for a heel turn is jealous, but what in the blue hell does Cena's movie flopping have to do with Wade Barrett and his goons? I know Barrett has talked about wanting to take Cena's career to the next level, but how much higher can Cena get at this point?
Now, considering the latest Raw, Cena was in high spirits in part due to "Randy Orton winning the WWE Title". I couldn't help thinking, really?
Isn't Cena always in a good mood at the beginning of every Raw? Well, not exactly "good", but he is usually composed and game for anything Raw can throw at him.
That's all he has to say? No expression of disappointment? No regrets on failing to capture the WWE title?
Cena has had his hands full with Barrett and his goons since June. With that being said, I think Cena was just glad he prevented Wade from winning. Kinda like a revenge thing.
And yeah, that's another thing. Cena failed to capture the WWE title and not disturbed by it is one thing, but of all people, to Orton?
There have been weirder plot holes. After all, this is a company that constantly pairs up to rivalries as tag team partners very often.
You'll have to excuse me during that last part, I was imagining how John Cena could use that in a heel promo.
And it would make sense if.. If.. Cena has never exhibited any jealous tendencies. I think that is what people are forgetting; Cena turning heel would really really be hard for the crowd to believe considering everything the guy does just screams "babyface". From saluting the troops to screaming like someone cut his arm off each time he is in a submission.
So yeah, have Cena join the Nexus. Have him be a reluctant flunky face or a partnered heel. Or how about a mutineer to the Nexus? The fact is, I think Wade Barrett winning has a wide variety of fallout options which are all potentially interesting. I want to see how that goes. Barrett has my call.
To be honest, I think either win can opens a lot of doors.. Without Cena turning
Barrett wins:
- Cena remains face, 'converts' the other members to the good side
- Cena remains face, Barrett 'punishes' him for not following suite
- Cena remains face, annoys the piss out of Barrett
- Cena remains face, still fights with Barrett
- Cena remains face, (and here's a nutty one) he convinces Barrett that he is on the wrong side of the coin
Cena wins
- The Nexus goons turns on Wade for letting them down
- The Nexus goons all but one (prolly Gabriel) turn on Wade
- The Nexus goons do something like in The Dark Knight in which all of them turn on each other
- Cena and Barrett continue their very heated rivalry..
Okay, I admit that Wade winning would prove some more choices that I can think of right now. I just think Barrett vs Cena still has a lot of legs. Its just a matter of the booking letting it. Whenever they are in the ring together, Cena is getting cheered like mad until Wade does something to him. Then Barrett gets booed like crazy.
I also still think if Cena turns heel, it will take away from Barrett. As great as I think Barrett is, there's no way I can believe he is at the same level of Cena.. yet.