WWE HIAC 2010 - John Cena vs. Wade Barrett - Nexus Disbands or Cena Joins Them

I think Wade will actually win just because they are gonna freshin up the Nexus angle by having Cena join and to keep Cena occupied for a while instead of going after the title. I also think Wade will win due to the current promo pic for Bragging Rights which has the Nexus "N" in the title.
He's in the ring with WWE's best wrestler at the moment, and he's got to live up to his potential.

LOL wtf.... Cena is no where NEAR WWE's best wrestler. Cena is WW's best cash cow, not wrestler. Also the way to build up new stars is not to have them look like they can't make it in the ME....

Having all of Nexus beaten 1 by 1 against Cena then there leader losing in his big PPV match makes it look like any of the NXT guys (besides Bryan...) can't cut it in the WWE. They need to build these guys up, having Cena on there team would help build them up. They can use this to get Cena to try and end Nexus from the inside and have him start convincing the members of Nexus who where faces on NXT that they don't need Barrett and can get them to leave Nexus with them and take down the Heel members.

Having Cena win this will make all of Nexus look weak and make Barrett look weak, then Cena will just go back to having the title and all we will see r Orton vs Cena matches again...
I dont see Cena losing.. WWE made a mess at Summerslam with RAW Team winning and now Barett losing his title shot, Nexus getting dissolve (If Barett loses, which i could sense).. The positive is Barett moves on to singles division and can be promoted from now on but with whom he will feud to put him over?

Else If Cena loses, it will be like HBK-JBL fraction where HBK served for JBL and finally got released.. So Cena wil job Nexus for few PPV's, cost Barett and other members their matches. Irrated Barett asks him "career vs release" match which eventually Cena wins..
To me, this match is interesting because of its storyline implications but the match itself sounds like a snoozer. Barrett is just not good enough in the ring to carry a match by himself. So I'm assuming that either somehow other members of nexus get added to the match or it becomes no disqualification or something because barrett just is not ready from a technical in-ring standpoint to do it on his own or to make this an entertaining match.

On the other hand, if it really does end up being barrett vs cena 1 on 1, then I suppose the majority of the match will be little more than barrett clumsily beating down cena with his limited repertoire.
First of all, this match is taking place at Hell In A Cell but i dont not believe it is an actual Cell match. Only the two title matches will be in the cell.

I see Cena losing and become a reluctant member of Nexus. Nexus isn't ready to go off on their own just yet, and with Orton as the top babyface fighting the likes of Sheamus, Cena really doesnt have anyone to work with in a major program for the forseeable future.

Once Cena is a member, here is what I feel should happen. At first, Cena is a reluctant member. But at Bragging Rights, I'd like to see Cena fully embrace the group much the way an undercover cop sometimes becomes friends with the very biker gang he's spying on. And to show his loyalty to the group, Cena ditches the t-shirt and jean shorts look for a more traditional Nexus ring attire.

At this point, Cena has earned the trust of the other members of Nexus and, if the story has been done right, perhaps even convinced some fans that he's become a full fledged heel. Cena becomes so entrenched in the group that he starts to surpass Barrett as the leader causing dissention between Barrett and the rest of the team. Then Cena convinces the others in Nexus, aside from Barrett, to accept some sort of a "winner take all" match against 5 RAW guys at Survivor Series. Perhaps if Nexus wins the other 5 RAW guys also join Nexus, or something to that effect. Then at Survivor Series, Cena sabotages his own team and Nexus has to disband, thus allowing Cena to finally leave the group and return to his old familiar ring attire and babyface persona.

Basically, it would be very similar to the Kurt Angle/Alliance storyline from 2001. Back in October of 2001 Kurt Angle joined the alliance only to sabotage their team at Survivor Series thus resulting in the disbanding of the Alliance. I see the same thing happening with Nexus, only with Cena playing the Angle role. Much like The Alliance, Nexus formed in the summer and will likely end at Survivor Series. Perhaps they could stretch it a little longer, but I feel that Survivor Series is the perfect time to end it. Plus, they can't have Cena undercover (so to speak) for too long or it could damage his character long term.
Why is everyone forgetting the character he has had for the past year as the face of the WWE just make a very stupid business decision? If Cena turns heel, who takes his spot as the cash cow? If Cena turns heel, who will be guy that does all of his charity events? It would be such a hard sell to try to tell all the kids that "Hey, John Cena hates you now. You can go back to being unimportant."

Ignoring all that, who actually takes Cena's place as the guy who can virtually have a good/great match with anyone? Cena's matches are designed to help the other dude(s) look strong and/or important. Or for you guys complaining about how Cena sucks in the ring because he doesn't do a lot of moves.. Well, how do you think he will be when as a heel, heels are much more offense orientated?

If people would start watching wrestling instead of just reading about it, then said people would know how important Cena is to the WWE. There's more to John Cena's presence than just some ugly t-shirts and people bitching about him winning all the time.
Personally, I cannot see anything other than a Cena victory, which saddens me.

Not because of any hatred of Cena but because I like Nexus. Barrett, while somewhat hit and miss in the ring, has been great at drumming up heat. Him being eliminated at NoC was one of the better pops all night. Gabriel I find to be more than adequate in the ring. The fact that he and Nexus can get a 450 splash booed means that someone is doing something right. Slater is underrated in the ring; Tarver/Otunga I see as a potential tag team (although Otunga/Sheffield would probably have been better).

I don't see any need for them to be disbanded after they fall out of the main event picture. Why can they not formulate a new plan of building power rather than striking straight for the WWE Title? Maybe go after the Tag Titles and US Title; the latter is a ready made feud seeing as how DBD is the current champion.

I just don't see this happening as we have been left with either Cena in Nexus or no Nexus and the former is highly unlikely, especially when the last "face being forced to act heel" story between HBK and JBL was not considered all that great, although I for one enjoyed it.
I wouldn't put it past WWE to have Cena go over Barrett assuming the summer reports have been claiming that Nexus will be disbanding sooner rather than later. I really hope that doesn't happen as I feel this storyline can still be drawn out longer if booked correctly. Having Barrett go over Cena at NoC was a good way to start. Cena really doesn't need the win here while it would do wonders for Barrett if he can go over Cena especially cleanly one on one. It would make some great storyline ideas having Cena side with Nexus (albeit reluctantly but siding with them nonetheless). I'm kinda on the fence about this but I hope Barrett takes this one. But I won't hold my breath.
I am personally against a John Cena heel turn because financially and storyline wise it makes absolutely no sense.

Financially, maybe not. But if there was a time to turn Cena heel to date, storyline wise, now makes sense.

First off, Legendary was a flop. I don't like bringing outside sources into wrestling storylines, but this could add some fuel to the fire (as long as it's not the entire basis of the storyline). The same audience who embraced The Rock's films rejects Cena. Hell, that might even give some gratification to the internet wrestling community, as in recent interviews John Cena has taken jabs at Rock's newer career choice.

Now, considering the latest Raw, Cena was in high spirits in part due to "Randy Orton winning the WWE Title". I couldn't help thinking, really? That's all he has to say? No expression of disappointment? No regrets on failing to capture the WWE title? Just a congratulatory punch to Orton's shoulder? And yeah, that's another thing. Cena failed to capture the WWE title and not disturbed by it is one thing, but of all people, to Orton? The ying to his yang, the Austin to his Rock. The man who he feuded with countless times in recent years and, oh yeah, put him through a table two weeks ago, and sneak attacked an RKO on him within the last month. And not to mention, still gets cheered?

You'll have to excuse me during that last part, I was imagining how John Cena could use that in a heel promo.

So yeah, have Cena join the Nexus. Have him be a reluctant flunky face or a partnered heel. Or how about a mutineer to the Nexus? The fact is, I think Wade Barrett winning has a wide variety of fallout options which are all potentially interesting. I want to see how that goes. Barrett has my call.
Financially, maybe not. But if there was a time to turn Cena heel to date, storyline wise, now makes sense.

Okay. I am game for reading..

First off, Legendary was a flop. I don't like bringing outside sources into wrestling storylines, but this could add some fuel to the fire (as long as it's not the entire basis of the storyline). The same audience who embraced The Rock's films rejects Cena. Hell, that might even give some gratification to the internet wrestling community, as in recent interviews John Cena has taken jabs at Rock's newer career choice.

Well, as someone who has seen all of the Rock's movies and only 12 Rounds, it could very well be because the Rock is a better actor? Sure, the basic reason for a heel turn is jealous, but what in the blue hell does Cena's movie flopping have to do with Wade Barrett and his goons? I know Barrett has talked about wanting to take Cena's career to the next level, but how much higher can Cena get at this point?

Now, considering the latest Raw, Cena was in high spirits in part due to "Randy Orton winning the WWE Title". I couldn't help thinking, really?

Isn't Cena always in a good mood at the beginning of every Raw? Well, not exactly "good", but he is usually composed and game for anything Raw can throw at him.

That's all he has to say? No expression of disappointment? No regrets on failing to capture the WWE title?

Cena has had his hands full with Barrett and his goons since June. With that being said, I think Cena was just glad he prevented Wade from winning. Kinda like a revenge thing.

And yeah, that's another thing. Cena failed to capture the WWE title and not disturbed by it is one thing, but of all people, to Orton?

There have been weirder plot holes. After all, this is a company that constantly pairs up to rivalries as tag team partners very often.

You'll have to excuse me during that last part, I was imagining how John Cena could use that in a heel promo.

And it would make sense if.. If.. Cena has never exhibited any jealous tendencies. I think that is what people are forgetting; Cena turning heel would really really be hard for the crowd to believe considering everything the guy does just screams "babyface". From saluting the troops to screaming like someone cut his arm off each time he is in a submission.

So yeah, have Cena join the Nexus. Have him be a reluctant flunky face or a partnered heel. Or how about a mutineer to the Nexus? The fact is, I think Wade Barrett winning has a wide variety of fallout options which are all potentially interesting. I want to see how that goes. Barrett has my call.

To be honest, I think either win can opens a lot of doors.. Without Cena turning

Barrett wins:
- Cena remains face, 'converts' the other members to the good side
- Cena remains face, Barrett 'punishes' him for not following suite
- Cena remains face, annoys the piss out of Barrett
- Cena remains face, still fights with Barrett
- Cena remains face, (and here's a nutty one) he convinces Barrett that he is on the wrong side of the coin

Cena wins
- The Nexus goons turns on Wade for letting them down
- The Nexus goons all but one (prolly Gabriel) turn on Wade
- The Nexus goons do something like in The Dark Knight in which all of them turn on each other
- Cena and Barrett continue their very heated rivalry..

Okay, I admit that Wade winning would prove some more choices that I can think of right now. I just think Barrett vs Cena still has a lot of legs. Its just a matter of the booking letting it. Whenever they are in the ring together, Cena is getting cheered like mad until Wade does something to him. Then Barrett gets booed like crazy.

I also still think if Cena turns heel, it will take away from Barrett. As great as I think Barrett is, there's no way I can believe he is at the same level of Cena.. yet. ;)
Cena has to win this. This kind of reminds me of the CM Punk VS Rey Mysterio feud not too long ago. You just knew Rey joining the Straight Edge Society wasn't going to happen, and I have the same feeling about this match. I've been waiting for Cena and Barrett to finally lock up, and it's about time the leader of Nexus takes on John Cena.

I was at the America Airlines Arena, and I witnessed the birth of Nexus. I've enjoyed this stable. Barrett was a good choice to play the leader role, but I think WWE is ending this stable at the right time. What else can Nexus do? They've already beat up Cena, Hall Of Famers, and other members on the Raw roster numerous times. The gang attacks can become stale after a while. Nexus had a nice run, and now it's time to move on.
Cena has to win this. This kind of reminds me of the CM Punk VS Rey Mysterio feud not too long ago. You just knew Rey joining the Straight Edge Society wasn't going to happen, and I have the same feeling about this match. I've been waiting for Cena and Barrett to finally lock up, and it's about time the leader of Nexus takes on John Cena.

Agree completely Mitch. I hate to admit it, but there's no way that Cena is going to join Nexus. I mean, even if it happens, I'm sure that ain't going to be interesting to watch. Yet the question remains, what else can do the WWE with Nexus. As the OP stated, Nexus hasn't been on fire for the last few weeks. Yet, Nexus NEEDS to be part of (either way) Bragging Rights or Survivor Series, they fit perfectly there!

My prediction, Cena wins, nevertheless, Nexus finds a way to exist with or without Cena.
This is an interesting scenario to say the least. There really isn't a correct answer when it comes to this storyline as either option can do some good for everyone involved. The work put into this angle has done wonders and is really paying off, evident in this match.

If we have John Cena disband the Nexus, everyone can part on their own ways and make names for themselves individually (or if it seems fit, as a legit tag team). Wade Barrett has made a big name for himself, along with Justin Gabriel and before his injury, Skip Sheffield. Tarver/Otunga/Slater can do well for themselves if they are given a complete revamp. Cena can continue to be the proverbial "cash cow" of the WWE and be the backing face character to Randy Orton's push. Hell, some of these guys can get transferred over to the blue brand and make themselves into face characters with a little push if the WWE actually needs it. Gabriel has done well as a heel but could do much bigger things as a face due to his style.

If we have Wade Barrett force Cena into the Nexus, the entire storyline will be revitalised with this shocking twist where the audience will be questioning whether Cena will turn. There are quite the number of options that the E can take here, all of them will provide for some interesting television. Although it is highly unlikely that this storyline will see the heel turn of Cena, it could be an interesting way to go if the E can find someone as financially reliable as him. Personally, if Wade wins, I see Nexus either treating Cena like complete shit that gets the crowd sympathising with him (considering the crowd loathes Nexus) or Cena decides to destroy the Nexus from the inside out... either way, it'll end up with a blow-off match between Wade Barrett and John Cena. It allows the Nexus and John Cena to be involved in storyline for a while and semi-away from the main event.

Good options either way, but I think the safest bet would see John Cena winning and taking out Nexus. It is dwindling down now and the best way to lay the angle to rest is at HIAC... it will be remembered as a great storyline. I wouldn't put it past the E to give Barrett the win though, considering out of the two he (and Nexus) needs it the most. Cena is a megastar, so he'll bounce back much easier than Nexus will... we've got Bragging Rights/Survivor Series coming up too... I really don't know here.
I really don't know which way this match is going to go, but it does have me incredibly interested. The fact that we may end up seeing a Cena heel turn would be a nice sign of fresh air. I am a huge fan of the Nexus. I think a long drawn out program with Cena not wanting to really be in Nexus followed by a heel turn where it was all a cover is the way it should go. If a heel turn does happen it should be at a Big 4 PPV, either the Royal Rumble or WrestleMania. But in order for a heel turn to seem credible I think Orton needs to dominate the title scene for a while. Becoming a dominant champion that is almost unbeatable. This will lead to Cena needing Nexus to beat him and the heel turn complete.

I for one would really like to see Wade Barrett get the win.
Epic, fucking epic, especially given the stip if Cena loses. That would be TEN Fucking times the story they could produce if Cena were to win. I have a feeling an Orton - Miz program starts up soon, so Cena should be freed up from the title scene for the struggle against Nexus. Also, Nexus needs to pick up a decisive victory, and it hardly gets any more decisive than this. Im thinking Barrett is the dead on favorite, since they get tons more mileage and great tv out of Cena losing.
With the stipulation being announced, I want Wade to win now instead of Cena. It would be interesting to see Cena join Nexus and I don't think he will be booed any more than he is now. When HBK was forced to join JBL, you can see a sympathy reaction from the crowd because they knew HBK didn't want to do it but he had to. This will not lead to a heel turn from Cena but it does make for an interesting dynamic. Cena has always spent a few months out of the title picture for the past few years and this will be a good way to do just that.
I think Cena is going to go over. Like Doc said, Orton is the true face of RAW right now, so there really is no room for Cena. It could make for some interesting storylines, maybe even having Cena destroy Nexus from the inside a few months down the road. Also, I have been reading reports that even WWE Officials are thinking that Cena's run as a face is getting stale, so a heel turn is definitely possible here. Have Cena join Nexus, sort of play off that segment where Cena took a Nexus armband back at the MiTB PPV. So, I'm hoping that Barrett comes out on top here. Not only does Nexus need it, the WWE as a whole needs it.
How dumb would it be for the faction WWE is touting as the most destructive group in it's history to be disbanded without their leader Wade Baruh ever revealing to us what's the higher pawpus he's been going on about? Barrett has to win this one and the payoff storyline-wise is well worth Cena laying down for the 1-2-3.

The Best's Best Possible Outcome:
Barrett defeats Cena and we get some steam back into The Nexus as well as an entertaining forced allegiance storyline.
I've seen a lot of posts talk about how great it would be for cena to lose and join nexus. The problem with that scenario though is then that the whole "nexus" angle no longer is about a bunch of rookies trying to make a name for themselves and being this dominant force, the story then becomes about cena. Just like before when people were posting about hoping that someone, say HHH or cole or mcmahon, were the brains behind nexus. As soon as that is announced, then the whole nexus storyline is not about nexus anymore, but this "higher power."

Some in this thread have argued that it is necessary for cena to join to keep nexus strong, but as soon as it happens the spotlight switches away from nexus itself to cena, and if nexus is truly on its way out, adding cena to the mix is only going to put it on life support for a little while, with the same end result.
I'm pretty sure Barret is going to win.

The WWE needs to bring up more major faces as he won't be around forever, if he loses and does infact become one of the Nexus and turn heel it will give over wrestlers the chance to be where Cena is right now. Also, lets face it, Orton is the true face of RAW right now.
I also think Barrett will win. Barrett will win with the help from Darren Young. Darren Young is not a part of Nexus therefore he could help Barrett win against Cena. I think that Cena will be forced to be in Nexus and hate it. Later though, he'll probably lose to Randy Orton for the WWE Championship in some match and the next time they go head to head for the championship, Nexus helps Cena and Cena turns heel. Just a thought that could happen.
This match definitely seems to be one of the more intriguing matches of this Sunday's card and it really could go either way but I think Cena winning is the more likely scenario. The Nexus seem to be declining and this would be a reasonable (yet cheap) way of forcing the group to disband. Also if this does happen what will happen to the former members of the group who aren't Wade Barrett? I guess thats a little for food.

It would be quite interesting if John Cena did end up losing this match because the dynamic would change so much. As LJL alluded to earlier it would be similar to how Shawn Michaels was forced to align himself with JBL for that brief period of time. The crowd would be torn on how they felt about Cena and Nexus would definitely have a major advantage in their group with the company's face as a reluctant member. This out come would be my preferred one as well as obviously the more interesting but I just don't see it happening that way come this Sunday night.
Hmm, interesting thought above with Darren Young. That would be really good. It would be so much more interesting for Cena to lose here - not even cleanly, as suggested - and be forced into Nexus unwillingly aka Michaels and JBL a while back. Then he can take down the group internally. From a creative viewpoint I think it would be a really good way for them to test the waters of a Cena heel turn without Cena actually having to turn heel...

...unless he just lies down for Barrett. Now THAT would be on a level with Hogan and the NWO.
This match definitely seems to be one of the more intriguing matches of this Sunday's card

I think that is something that people forget when they rant about Cena or the "burial" of Nexus. For the first time in a long time, there is no absolute in a John Cena program. During June and July, no one really knew why Nexus was there and why Cena was the target. Before Summerslam, people were really going back and forth on who should win. At Night of Champions, Cena was in a 6 pack challenge.. And out of all people, the Nexus leader Wade Barrett was pegged to win the title before him. Now, there is some serious storyline ramifications with this match. The WWE's way of booking has always been like a meat machine for its top star. But when's the last time the booking of said guy was totally up in the air?

And I still think this will be a great match. These clips house show from Hawaii with Cena vs Barrett were really fun:





Wade got CLOCKED in that second clip. Damn.
My only question leading into this match is...

Where has Darren Young been??? Definitely not on TV and even more definitely not in Nexus. Seems like a pretty easy loophole for the WWE to jump through when he interferes in the match and (i think) inadvertently costs Cena the match (hence the "feel sorry for Cena" sentiment)

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