*Merged* John Cena Joining Nexus discussion

Your obviously reading way too much into this statement. All Cena is saying is that a lot of the WWE fans think he may lose his match at HIAC in a couple of weeks. Those people who think this are preparing to see him in a black and yellow T-shirt. This does not give anything away. It means nothing. If he loses, he ends up in a black and yellow T-shirt. He's not saying it will happen. He's simply saying that a lot of people think it will happen.

Plus, he has been known to toy with people in advance of PPV matches by way of twitter or whatever. He did the same thing a couple of PPV's ago when everyone thought he was going to turn heel (Summerslam I think it was). He made some cryptic comment on twitter, and everyone jumped on board and speculated he would turn heel that night, which of course he did not.

I wouldn't be too quick, though, to discount the possibility of a Cena loss resulting in his affiliation with the Nexus. A distinct possibility if you ask me.
Did u read the part right after where he said dont throw me to the wolves just yet and u can never count me out?

Just looks like he is hyping the ppv in his twitter not spoiling anything, he could still very well lose more than likely he wont but this twitter really says nothing.
I see nothing wrong with what he tweeted. Remember when he tweeted before Summer Slam that it would be an epic night? He didn't give anything away and it was pretty epic with the return of DB. We all knew someone was returning we just weren't sure who.
Did you read your post before you wrote it, because it makes absolutely no sense.

NEXUS HAS BLACK AND YELLOW TEE'S! I'M SO HAPPY FOR CENA FINALLY............... trying to convince us he will win at Hell in a Cell. It won't happen. Y'know why? Because SuperCena will never lose. And I hate it. VKM probably told him to Tweet that so he could get us to believe Cena will lose and become a part of Nexus, just like he got some of us to think Daniel Bryan wasn't coming back.

You say he is trying to convince us he will win at hiac, and then say it won't happen. But its because he is supercena and never loses??? How does this make any sense. I believe he is trying to convince us he can lose, but it probably won't happen because he is supercena, not whatever crap your spewing.

Anyway like said above, you are reading way too much into this, its a tweet where he gives no info. He says people are sizing him up for black and yellow, but also you can't count him out. So what, that's what he would say on a live raw show anyway, its all about cena fighting the odds.

I hope this post gets deleted because it is absolutely ridiculous!
He isn't really implying anything, just stating how many people think he is going to end up wearing the Nexus colours. Other than that your posting structure is horrible and hard to follow. Your reading way too much into this dude, if it's anything John Cena is trying to create some more hype for the PPV.
Cena is doing his job as a superstar in the WWE. He is trying to get people INTERESTED in the outcome of the match. If they are interested they are more likely to BUY the PPV. Thus increasing WWE's PPV buys...It's simple business. Someone please delete this pointless thread. The Creator couldn't even make sense of his own post how can we expect them to formulate an intelligent topic for us to talk about?

And who did he convince that DB wasn't coming back? 99% of the wrestling world knew that eventually DB would end up back in the WWE. He's too hot a talent to let go.
I don't care, Cena needs to revamp himself up IMO a joining Nexus could REALLY help him, he'd be a face but put in a heel faction so people will boo him yet his CeNation fans will cheer him, he'd be staying true to himself and joining Nexus because he HAD TO due to match stips.

if anything I'd bet on Cena loosing not turning heel, but being forced to join Nexus and when HHH returns I wouldn't be shocked if he's the leader, the name Nexus reminds me of Evolution single word with a meaning and it's not a generic name it's different, and HHH having Cena under his thumb would be good for their Wrestlemania 22 rematch come WresleMania 27.
Your obviously reading way too much into this statement. All Cena is saying is that a lot of the WWE fans think he may lose his match at HIAC in a couple of weeks. Those people who think this are preparing to see him in a black and yellow T-shirt. This does not give anything away. It means nothing. If he loses, he ends up in a black and yellow T-shirt. He's not saying it will happen. He's simply saying that a lot of people think it will happen.

Plus, he has been known to toy with people in advance of PPV matches by way of twitter or whatever. He did the same thing a couple of PPV's ago when everyone thought he was going to turn heel (Summerslam I think it was). He made some cryptic comment on twitter, and everyone jumped on board and speculated he would turn heel that night, which of course he did not.

I wouldn't be too quick, though, to discount the possibility of a Cena loss resulting in his affiliation with the Nexus. A distinct possibility if you ask me.

^^ ^^ ^^

This person has a brain. Cena is just doing his "overcoming the odds" spiel and saying that a lot of people think he's going to lose. It's the same thing he always does. At first I figured that he would lose and turn heel, but really that doesn't make sense. It wouldn't really be a heel turn, it'd more like a face character being forced to do bad things.

If WWE were planning a Cena heel turn they should have done it at the Team WWE/Nexus elimination match where Danielson returned. I'm sure him needing to promote his movie had much to do with them not pulling the trigger and turning him then. I think WWE is finally ready to accept that Cena's face run is nearing its end and that's why they had Orton go to a more face/tweener character.

What I could see happening is Cena winning the match, disbanding the Nexus but forming a new heel stable with Barrett and a couple of other guys or something along those lines. The only problem is that for a good heel turn, Cena actually needs to turn on someone and beat them down.

Another good idea would be to have Cena win the match, disband Nexus, then on Smackdown, since it'll be their first show on SyFy, have Nexus show up and say something like they won't be disposed of so easily. Then Cena and other WWE guys come out, a fight break out, yadda, yadda, yadda, Cena ends up turning on the WWE guys...

I think the heel turn is coming... I'm curious to see how the writers go about doing it.
^^ ^^ ^^

I think the heel turn is coming... I'm curious to see how the writers go about doing it.

They won't make Cena a full heel he's to over with the kids. He'll just be a reluctant member and do what he is told until a point like HBK was with JBL.
No, you're deffenitly just looking too far into the situation. All Cena is saying is that there are alot of people that think he's going to lose at Hell in a Cell. Furthermore, you adding the same sentence 3 times, just shows that you've looked to far into it. Personally, I just think this thread is a fan-boy thread.

Finally, no. I don't think 'WWE is trying to trick us'. If Cena was to give away part of a storyline on Twitter then WWE'd knuckle down and ban social networking for their superstars and probably give him a temporary ban from the business. I remember reading a magazine a while back that featured an interview between Edge and Lita saying that they weren't allowed to play the PSP in the locker room because it made the superstars un-focused. Which is understandable.

You're just looking too far into it. Cena isn't giving away anything.
Cena's gonna lose. He can't beat the Nexus. The only way he can get rid of them is by joining them and take them down from the inside.
Cena's gonna lose. He can't beat the Nexus. The only way he can get rid of them is by joining them and take them down from the inside.

Wouldn't that start becoming suspicious though? All of a sudden you recruit John Cena, the baddest man in the WWE; and your other members start dissapearing one by one? It'd be like watching a Jason Voorhees movie.

That said, I don't think John Cena's going to lose at Hell in a Cell. If he does, I'll take back what I said. There seems to be more of a storyline to use if he does be apart of The Nexus though. The only thing I can see from him if he does win at Hell in a Cell is another title run and more Sheamus jokes.
So what do you think? Is this a real indication of what's to come? Or is it just another trick WWE is trying to play on us? Other thoughts?

What on Earth makes you think this is the "E" playing a trick on us???? It seems pretty straight forward that this is Cena saying that people think he is gonna lose to Nexus at HIAC, but that isn't gonna happen. How you got anything other than that is :wtf:

On a side note CENA IS NOT GONNA TURN HEEL. I will repeat, CENA IS NOT GONNA TURN HEEL. It doesn't take a genius to see how much money they make off his merchandise sales. Hell would have to freeze over before they would ever shoot themselves in the foot and loose all that revenue.
I see nothing wrong with what he tweeted. Remember when he tweeted before Summer Slam that it would be an epic night?.

this is the tweet that made me order the ppv, hoping some epic was gonna happen, but nothing epic happened super cena won and his tweet was misleading.. whatever these wrestlers say on twitter always seems to be a bunch of bull, same goes with dixie as well
I'm guessing he did that for the buyrates because being that the Hell in a Cell PPV is the 2nd PPV in a 5-week stretch of 3 WWE pay-per-views. Last year, Hell in a Cell's buyrates were pretty bad. I'm guessing Cena's comment and the match that's going to happen at the PPV can boost up the buyrates a tad bit.
They apparently have plans for Nexus going into Survivior Series...so that should tell us the outcome of this match.

I feel that Cena SHOULD lose though. Mostly because it's too predictable if he wins. Him losing would shake things up a bit. Make things interesting. And if it works then they could turn him fully. Have him say that he's tired of not getting the respect he deserves etc.
I think Cena should lose, to me it makes more sense for all involved. The storylines the monkeys in creative could come up with Cena in Nexus alone could benefit every one of them. It would give us a new look at Cena, playing the reluctant, perhaps in a power struggle that could lead all the way to 'Mania, where he would face perhaps a then world champion Wade Barrett. His win there not only gets him another title, but his long awaited freedom from Nexus, and his "return to the light".
I think this would be a great test to see how strong the character of Cena really is. Can it survive a heel turn, even if it's a forced/reluctant one? If so when he wins his freedom he might be more over than ever before.
If not, and he doesnt return to the spot he has now? Then this will give him the time he needs to create himself again, and see how good he really is.
Hear me out on this one.........
Cena faces Wade Barrett at HiAC, if he loses he must join Nexus. This couldn't possibly happen.... Or could it?

We all know Vince loves making money. Cena makes him loads of money through his mercandise sales. Apparantly Vince is less than happy about the poor sales of Nexus merchandise.

Could putting Cena in a Nexus shirt boost their sales? Almost certainly.
He could even put his own twist on it (like he has done with everything else in WWE lol) by making it into a 'ceNa' shirt, using the Nexus 'N'.

This wouldn't have to mean a heel turn, he could join Nexus and remain as a face, similar to how HBK was when he was working for JBL.

Before any moderators say this has been done before, this isn't a 'Super Cena can't lose' thread, nor is it a 'Cena will lose and turn heel' thread. This is a 'This could be possible because of Vince's love of money' thread, and I Have not seen one like this yet.

Do you guys think Vince would consider doing something like this?
the stupidest thing to do is to put cena in the nexus. he i sthe face of the company and should be a face. turning him heel would destroy what the wwe is going for and thats to entertain the kids. only way that would work is if cena loses on purpose to destroy the nexus from the inside to pretend to be a member for few months then pounce and end it.
This whole match is a head-scratcher for me. It doesn't make sense for cena to join nexus, from a storyline perspective. I've mentioned that in an earlier thread so I won't go into it again. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like a good time for nexus to disband yet. If nothing else, they are a logical team to have for survivor series.

So we're left with a conundrum--how to keep nexus together and yet keep cena off nexus. And while this may be far-fetched, I think a good option at this point would be to have cena win, and instead of nexus disbanding, as a unit, they move to smackdown (as far as I know, their disbanding must occur only if they stay on raw). I think moving the nexus to smackdown may breathe new life into this group, which is arguably starting to enter the "life support" stage on raw, and with the whole barrett being a friend of the network president (yeah, that's plausible, whatever) this could actually work out well.

I'd like to see this happen, and the door is open for it, but we'll see I suppose.
This whole match is a head-scratcher for me. It doesn't make sense for cena to join nexus, from a storyline perspective. I've mentioned that in an earlier thread so I won't go into it again. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like a good time for nexus to disband yet. If nothing else, they are a logical team to have for survivor series.

So we're left with a conundrum--how to keep nexus together and yet keep cena off nexus. And while this may be far-fetched, I think a good option at this point would be to have cena win, and instead of nexus disbanding, as a unit, they move to smackdown (as far as I know, their disbanding must occur only if they stay on raw). I think moving the nexus to smackdown may breathe new life into this group, which is arguably starting to enter the "life support" stage on raw, and with the whole barrett being a friend of the network president (yeah, that's plausible, whatever) this could actually work out well.

I'd like to see this happen, and the door is open for it, but we'll see I suppose.

We could all be overlooking the fact that Cena WILL probably win, but instead of completely disbanding, Nexus will probably move to Smackdown to create havoc on that show instead?

As much as I'd like to see Cena turn heel, this really isn't the way I'd envisage it happening.
Should Cena lose and join Nexus, this would give the storyline a renewed interest that it's been lacking for a little while now. It would open up new storyline possiblities and I thnk the Nexus angle can be drawn out for awhile longer (assuming the reports of a Nexus breakup are false). It was mentioned earlier but this could also be the perfect way to test the waters to see if a Cena heel turn could be possibility in the near future. IMO, I only see good things out of Barrett going over Cena here. Renewed interest in the Nexus angle, Cena putting Barrett over (presumably cleanly given the stipulations), and a test for possible Cena heel turn. Besides, I'm not sure what most of these guys would do should they get broken up. I still think they need each other to get over with the crowd and that a breakup is still just a tad bit too early. But that's just me.
I still remember back when Cena began in the WWE feuding with the likes of Kurt and then JBL those were some great classic Cena feuds. I do thinK this is the time for him to go heel.

If Cena becomes a heel after tonight I can see him and Barrett continuing their feud to Survivor Series for leadership of Nexus.
Since Cena is basically WWE's poster boy Supercena could start a feud with the mystery GM, this would be a really good story line into revealing the mystery GM. The GM could be the Rock that would bring the ratings way up.
Cena tweeted a while back before Summerslam that [Summerslam] was going to be an epic night and he said thanks to all his fans.

After SS was over, there was an internet report saying Cena was told he was going to turn heel that night, but it wasn't sure, so just in case, Cena wrote that tweet. But, I also believe Cena just wrote that because he wanted people to watch SS. (Also, internet reports are usually not true, therefore I usually don't believe them.) Just thought you all should know that... :)

Someone said this earlier but I can't remember who, since I just skimmed through this thread, so sorry, to that person....I think Cena will loose and do what he is told to do like when HBK had to do with JBL. There could be a chance that Cena hates it at first, but then he starts liking it, thus, changing his character a bit more and more everyday. If Vince doesn't like the direction it's heading into, he can make Cena be face again and turn on Nexus, if Vince likes it, then go ahead and turn Cena full heel.

There is also a chance that Cena will do the exact thing HBK did, he will do what he is told up until a point, creating a longer feud for Nexus.

Over all, there are many possibilities for Nexus and Cena. WWE's got to choose the one they thinks is best.
I do not think Cena leading Nexus is a good thing. He should be solo whn he turns and becomes a heel. Nexus doesn't even have to be around that long. I say the group should end at Wrestle Mania. That way they would had een together for a long time.

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