WWE HIAC 2010 - John Cena vs. Wade Barrett - Nexus Disbands or Cena Joins Them

Has everyone here forgotten about Darren Young???

A month or so ago on Raw, he came back and interfered with Wade Barrett/Nexus so I can see two things happening from this:

1) Barrett dominates at some point and/or Nexus interferes leading to Cena getting the crap kicked out of him and Darren Young interferes and distracts Nexus, leading to SuperCena coming to life and winning the match


2) To prove himself to Nexus and to throw everyone off, Darren Young interferes and runs in with a chair, just when everyone thinks he's going to fight off nexus....BAM! He nails cena and Barrett gets the win.

I think this match will be a huge disappointment. With the current Bragging Rights poster (and commercials), The Nexus is going to play a huge part in the PPV. It's extremely obvious they will play a part in the PPV but not sure how that will happen. With that said, I highly doubt Cena will lose because it would ruin his character and be completely obvious since that is what everyone will be thinking after seeing the BR poster.

My prediction is that the match will somehow have no winner or that the Nexus doesn't disband if they lose and that will have something to do with the nonexistent GM.
Has everyone here forgotten about Darren Young???

A month or so ago on Raw, he came back and interfered with Wade Barrett/Nexus so I can see two things happening from this:

1) Barrett dominates at some point and/or Nexus interferes leading to Cena getting the crap kicked out of him and Darren Young interferes and distracts Nexus, leading to SuperCena coming to life and winning the match


2) To prove himself to Nexus and to throw everyone off, Darren Young interferes and runs in with a chair, just when everyone thinks he's going to fight off nexus....BAM! He nails cena and Barrett gets the win.


The Darren Young thing is the perfect way for Nexus to get around the limitations set by the GM. I can already imagine raw starting with Darren Young being reintroduced into the fold (they need him with Skip Down).
Cena will probably end up being a member but one that sabotages them at all levels, this won't be the heel turn everyone wants.
Am I the only one that finds the stipulation that if Barrett loses, the Nexus will be forced to disband, or if there is any outside interference from the Nexus, again they will be forced to disband, a little bit silly?

How do you force a rogue faction such as the Nexus to do anything? They haven't exactly been playing by the rules for their entire existence, why would they start now? I would think that a faction that has been running wild throughout the WWE for months now would come out and say: f**k you, no one is telling us where to go or what we can or cannot do, we'll do what we want when we want. They'd interfere anyway, and who could force them to disband if they don't want to? Or if Barrett loses, then what? They want to remain a cohesive faction, but oh well they can't now because that would be against the rules? Hardly consistent with their actions for months now.

That aside, I think other posters on here have it right. Darren Young is no longer a part of Nexus, so he could interfere with no repercussions. He could become involved and cost Cena the match, forcing him to join the Nexus (which technically doesn't make sense either) and getting Young back into the fold as well, restoring their numbers. He could get involved and cost Barrett the match, ending the Nexus and setting up a Young/Barrett feud. Or he could try to get involved but be a non-factor. Either way, wouldn't be surprised to see the "missing link" get involved in some capacity.
I'm honestly not sure how this will end. On the one hand, Cena is a superstar on a far higher tier than Wade Barrett and should obviously win, and turning him heel when he makes up a significant proportion of sold merchandise is not a good idea. On the other, Wade's being pushed HARD at the moment and going down clean to Cena wouldn't help that push. Also, they're still putting new Nexus stuff on WWEshop.com and including them in promotional material.

The middle course would be to have Barrett win in an unclean manner, but if Young was the one who enabled it that'd make no sence because he got beaten up by Nexus and cost Barrett a match against Orton. Nexus obviously can't do it (it'd defy the point of having Barrett win). I'd actually prefer it if there was no outside interferance, because this ultimately the end of Cena vs the Nexus and I feel it should end with there being no room for arguement with the result. Even if the finish is dirty (e.g. ref gets destracted, Cena gets hit with brass knuckles) there's still no room for arguing with the result. Because Cena still ended the match on his back as a result of Barrett's actions. Another option is to jump Cena in the back and "injure" him before the match.

My money is Cena to win clean though.
Is this going to be the main event?

I think it should be, regardless of who ends up winning. While no title is on the line there are monumental implications of this match. By going on last it leaves the door open to a controversial ending. Thus forcing people to tune in to RAW to find out what happpened or what's going to happen.

I mean no offense to Sheamus-Orton or Kane-Taker, but Cena-Barrett is what people want to see. I hope the GM makes this match a Hell in a Cell to only further the importance of this match!
Yeah, they need to put this in the hell in a cell to add more importance to the match. Has anyone else seen the bragging rights poster? The N is the Nexus logo, so either Wade Barrett beats Cena forcing Cena to join Nexus or Cena wins but the Nexus refuse to leave and continue raising hell over the next few months or WWE will be back to its old boring crappy self!
There seems to be two threads on the exact same topic, so I'm not sure which one to post on. So I'll cut and paste it here too.

This whole match is a head-scratcher for me. It doesn't make sense for cena to join nexus, from a storyline perspective. I've mentioned that in an earlier thread so I won't go into it again. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like a good time for nexus to disband yet. If nothing else, they are a logical team to have for survivor series.

So we're left with a conundrum--how to keep nexus together and yet keep cena off nexus. And while this may be far-fetched, I think a good option at this point would be to have cena win, and instead of nexus disbanding, as a unit, they move to smackdown (as far as I know, their disbanding must occur only if they stay on raw). I think moving the nexus to smackdown may breathe new life into this group, which is arguably starting to enter the "life support" stage on raw, and with the whole barrett being a friend of the network president (yeah, that's plausible, whatever) this could actually work out well.

I'd like to see this happen, and the door is open for it, but we'll see I suppose.
There was a lot of rumours that Nexus will disband in October, and it maybe now or later on this month...I hope Barrett wins, I don't know why, but it would be good seeing him get 1 over Cena, and plus because at Bragging Rights it could come to an end..but now WWE have advertised Nexus for their Survivor Series poster, so I don't know what to think..

Heres to a Wade Barrett win! :)
Most intriguing match of the night, I'd say. Clearly a Barrett win is the most intersting outcome here, but I don't see any way that happens. They seem to be done with Nexus at this point, I believe it was slated to end in October originally. Cena isn't losing to Wade Barrett in a one on one PPV match, at least not cleanly.

It should be pretty solid here, as Cena has consistently delivered in big matches this year. Some people are worried about Barrett, but I think he'll be just fine out there.
The one and only match on this PPV that I truly am interested in. Hell in a Cell is a bad gimmick PPV that is bottom tier in terms of importance out of all the yearly PPV shows, so they stick a "really important" match on there to generate interest. It caused me to think "hmm, ok that's interesting, but I'm still not wasting 40-50 bucks on this show." WWE are truly run by idiots if they waste Cena's heel turn on a show like Hell in a Cell. That's a moment for the big 5 (Wrestlemania, Summerslam, Rumble, Survivor Series, Night of Champions).... not a show that few people even care a tiny bit about.

Now, with that little rant out of the way.... The match itself will be alright and it's Barrett's chance to prove himself in an important match. Will Cena win? Obviously. Cena's not joining Nexus. It's a stable to put over the NXT guys. Some type of complication will occur to where they don't disband when Cena wins because they aren't going to have Cena join Nexus OR disband the stable. So I'm giving the predicted win to Cena due to the stipulations.

John Cena will defeat Wade Barrett.
It would work a lot better if the Cell was used to fulfill it's purpose of keeping these guys in and everybody else (Nexus) out, especially with so much on the line. However, on the bright side, the fact that this isn't HIAC makes it more likely Barrett will win, which will help my enjoyment of the match as it is slightly less predictable. I still can't see them putting Cena in Nexus but we'll see what happens. It should be a good match and I imagine Cena will sell a lot for Barrett and make him look a real force considering WWE are obviously high on him. Cena has had a lot of the momentum as of late and Nexus hasn't. WWE will most likely want us to think Cena will win because of the momentum he has, however, I think they'll use the old "fans are stupid let's trick them" method and have Barrett coming out on top.

My Prediction
Wade Barrett wins.
For me as a more interested in teh face guys than heels I would normal go with Cena winning, but not this time I really want Barrett to win and have Cena join Nexus. If Cena did join Nexus I can see it happening in several ways, he ever so relucantly joins in the beatings and this continues through to Survivor Series, where he and Nexus are in a Survivor Series match with a Team Raw and there is a stipulation that if Nexus and Cena lose, Nexus disbands and Cena is free of them. It comes down to Cena versus Orton when Nexus show up again and with the Referee down they interfere by beating down Randy Orton with Cena directing traffic and Cena pins Orton and then gets on the mic to reveal he's embraced the Nexus philosphy fully and he along with them will control Raw
What this angle needs is to be revitalized. Should WWE choose not to kill the angle like reports have been suggesting, Cena joining Nexus would give the storyline a renewed interest that it's been lacking (IMO) for a little while now. In addition, Barrett picking up the win (cleanly) over the face of WWE would really do wonders in cementing him as a true Main Eventer especially given the stipulations (Nexus not allowed to interfere). I'm still kinda on the fence about this but either way, this should result in something good. If Cena loses, we get renewed interest in the angle. IMO, I think the angle can still be drawn out through Bragging Rights and Survivor Series. This would also test the waters to see if a Cena heel turn would be a feasable idea in the future.

If Cena wins, then I'm not sure what happens next. Personally, I think some of these guys still need each other to get over. But on the other hand, they can all go make individual names for themselves (namely Barrett and Gabriel; I'm still iffy on the rest of them). Regardless of the result, I can only see good things coming after the end of this match.
Am I the only one who thinks this match will reveal who the "Higher power" Barret had claimed Nexus were working for? They have gone away with the "higher purpose" and that someone else is backing the Nexus thing for awhile. Is that because they have just dropped the storyline or they have wanted fans to forget for a surprise?

Is the person behind Nexus/The GM the same person? It could make sense in a way as the GM has always been helping the Nexus. Maybe the reason he/she has booked this match is because he/she knows Cena is going to lose? Nexus are one of the biggest thing in the WWE right now possibly tieing Miz/Bryan.

With Nexus banned from ringside, this makes sense as for months the Nexus has tried to make it seem like they are justified in what they doing so why not reveal that person? I don't want it to be somebody obvious like Triple H.

Either way whether Barret will be able to have a good match with John Cena is something i'm wondering. We've seen from NXT and some RAW matches that Barrett can work to an extent but will he be able to work a most likely 15-20 minute match? I see Barrett wining this as Nexus are one of the better things in the WWE right now.

Wade Barrett wins.
WWE Need A Spicey Kick To The Nexus Know .. Cause I Think It Would Prove Intresting If Cena Was Yellow And Black ... Yet I Think He Is To Big Of Superstar . I Think It Would Be Good To See Cena Get Beat Though ... But I Think Cenas Ego Is To Differnt Of Nexus .

I Think ..

Wade Barret Is The Next World Champion . No Doubt The Next Chris Jericho I Think ..
A Shew In Hall Of Famer .

Justin Gabirel Will Change His Ego To Like A Rey Mysterio Type Wrestler .

Heath Slater Will Also Change His Ego And Be A U.S Champ/Interconterial .

Skip Sheffiled Will Depend On His Return ...

Tarver Will Be A Power House Man Like Batista . But Not As Big Has Batista Was .. In Size And Popularity . And If Lashley Come Back We Have A Tag Team .

Otunga Will Be A Good Undercard Type Wrestler .
I just thought of an idea as to what could happen even though I know it's quite far-fetched. WWE has been exaggerating so much that the Nexus is Banned from ringside and if they are caught interfering then it's automatic disbandment , that got me thinking, then who will interfere in the match? I know this might sound stupid but I'm guessing that there will be another Nexus type stable (Like NXT Season 2 rookies) who will interfere in the match to make Cena join Nexus.

Judging by how it's worded, someone has to assist Barrett in that match to get Cena to join Nexus, either the 'higher up' power or the 2nd season of NXT rookies. Plus, that would also make it easier for WWE to sell that a newcomer Barrett actually beat a main-eventer like John Cena in one of the most 'brutal' match types.
Well holy shit, he lost. The way he left the ring leads me to believe he is not turning heel although anything can happen tomorrow night. I was actually surprised at the crowds reaction of shock and awe. Not sure why..
Well holy shit, he lost. The way he left the ring leads me to believe he is not turning heel although anything can happen tomorrow night. I was actually surprised at the crowds reaction of shock and awe. Not sure why..

Well three quarters of the crowd shots they showed after the match were clips of kids and teenage girls standing with their mouths wide open. Personally, I think this could be a great thing for WWE if they play their cards right with this and don't screw it up in the writing department. :suspic:
That was an AMAZING match. The drama, the action, the emotion. Everything was there. Barrett looked like an f'n stud in the match and Cena was his usual awesome self. It really should have been the main event since it totally killed the crowd.

I didn't care for the two guys running it.. But we shall see what they do. Otunga said that his plan; he didn't run it past Wade.
Wow, wow, wow, WOW!!! WHAT a match! Both men put on some great performances (Of course, it's Cena. He always delivers.), the drama was fantastic, and the ending was shocking. I mean, Husky Harris joining Nexus as well as Cena? Barrett actually winning?! That was great! One of the best matches on the PPV with a legitimately surprising and exciting ending.

I can't wait to see where the storyline goes from here! This was just the kick in the pants the Nexus needed to make them interesting again. Tomorrow night is going to be incredible.
Just cause he lost doesn't mean he would have to turn heel. Rey mysterio lost a match against Eddie Guerrero years ago in WCW that said if he lost he would have to join the LWO, what happened? he lost and took the LWO out from within.

Never once did he do anything heelish, infact his character refused to

and the 2 people that interfered were from NXT season 2. Mike McGilacutty (or however its spealt) and Husky Harris. Was obvious as soon as they stepped foot near the ropes.

One thing i gott note though its for the first time in ages, i actually thought Cena pulled off a good match, how ironic given the stipulations that he finally pulls one off when he's gotta join a heel faction :P
Disappointment- Cena loses due to interference. Why can't cena lose I don't know but wasn't Nexus supposed to be banned from ringside and there were supposed to be no interference. Is WWe just screwing us.


Nexus didn't physically interfere. as i said the 2 guys that physically got involved were NXT Season 2 guys not nexus

Is a bit of wtf though, the anonymous Raw GM gets inolved all the time in restarting matches etc. but not in that case?
Such an interesting turn of events. I had Cena kicking on the gears and going Supercena on Barrett however this was relatively far from the scenarios I played out.

I dont think the 2 fans were anyone of note to be honest. Usually when a premiering wrestler(s) interfere their billed as "Someone just ran in blah blah". Striker and Cole distinctly billed them as "Fans". The first one made me think some idiot jumped the guardrail, the second one put together a story.

My thoughts being that a Cena heel turn IS imminent in the sense of maybe tomorrow night on RAW or Bragging Rights Cena will go heel saying that he is no longer going to listen to the fans berate him,cheer for his opponents and even now, interfering in his matches. He'll then find solice as a member/leader of the Nexus.

My thoughts.
I also agree that the guy in red was Harris. I couldnt tell who the 1st guy was, as it happend. But when I saw Harris- I thought: maybe it was McGillicutty. But then when they showed the replay of the 1st guy again- the guy looked like he had a pretty big belly & was much thicker then Hennig. So- im not sure. Plus- u never got a good view of the 1st guys face- like you did when they showed the replay of the guy in red. THAT was definately Husky Harris!

As a side note: if it was Harris & McGillicutty...I really hope they change thier names! I mean: If your going to bill them as 3rd generation stars...why dont you have them using names people could recognize? I mean: WTF? Seems like common sense to me!!

Now all that needs to be done is:
- Remove Slater & Tarver
- Get Skip back
- Possibly add Lucky Cannon
- Reveal HHH as their higher power & RAWs GM

I still have no clue what thier gonna do with this Cena thing tho. I gotta think Cena sabotages week after week until he gets another match- to get him out of Nexus again. Or it may be as simple as: there was interference...so Cena doesnt have to join Nexus.

Overall- good stuff tonite IMO

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