*Merged* John Cena Joining Nexus discussion

This storyline is just awesome. Cena pulled off the role perfectly as the unwilling member of Nexus, and the "Do it or get fired" angle is just perfect and a great reason why Cena had to follow Barrett's orders and truly be a part of the Nexus. The staredown between Barrett and Cena at the end of the battle royal was just full of suspense, and I really think this might be THE storyline to change Cena into a massive, massive face. Either that, or turn him heel. He's forced to work for Nexus and they could either continue to play up the "Against his will" angle or he could slowly learn to love it and become a wrecking machine.

So much potential! So much intrigue! I love it already!
He played the role of unwilling member but he also was looking out for Barrett when he threw Otunga out of the Battle Royal, I couldn't exactly make out what he was saying but it looked like he said "he doesn't respect you", the report came out I think last month that in October we wouldn't see Nexus in the form it was in before. So does Cena start to show Barrett the weak links and in the end Cena forms Nexus into a supergroup or does he eventually breakout of all of this and become the poster boy once again.

I'd like to think he would end up working with Barrett and forming a new yet stronger version of the Nexus.
It would be interesting to see a Cena heel turn come from this. Imagine if the Nexus started backing him, as they do Wade Barrett...Or maybe a power struggle where he takes over leadership of Nexus, and instead of disbanding Nexus he uses Nexus to win the World title back and cuts a true heel promo about over the years the fans cheer and booed him and normally he would say he didn't mind, but now he is sick to his stomach about it. That none of them could help him achieve his goals any more than the nexus is, and promote the Nexus as a true Stable, band of brothers etc etc.
This is fast becoming one of my all time favourite storylines.

Nexus since it started has been very patchy. When they initially showed up, everyone was stunned by their debut which was, to put it mildly, amazing. Everyone loved it. Over the weeks afterwards, our interest began to wane slightly but with the build to SummerSlam, it increased again. We were excited to see all 7 (at the time) members of Nexus in action against Team WWE. We loved the pay-off.

Then came to injury to Skip Sheffield & the exclusion of Darren Young. Things appeared to be going down-hill afterwards and for the first time since their debut, Nexus weren't the main focus of people's attention. Then came the game changer. You all know what happened and despite most people assuming Cena would win, Barrett was victorious. Cena is a part of Nexus.

Cena is now the slave of Wade Barrett in his quest to win the WWE Championship and make the Nexus the most dominant force in WWE history. Now this angle has so many directions in which it can go, and most look good. Cena now faces a choice, his job or his principles. It's a situation that many find themselves in every day. What Cena will do, is an intriguing question and one that we'll just have to wait to hear the answer of.
There is so much potential with this storyline now. Nexus had stalled somewhat after an excellent showing at Summerslam and the following RAW but despite the rumours of its demise in October I can easily see it reaching new heights with Cena onboard albeit reluctantly.

RAW this week further enhanced its potential. The GMs threat to fire Cena (although not quite explained properly) makes it all the more interesting as logic dictated that Cena would just keep fighting Nexus despite wearing the armband but now he has no choice. A Cena-backed Barrett could easily win the WWE Title at Bragging Rights and then defend it for a month or two all the while stoking the flames of dissension between Barrett, Otunga and the rest as Wade focuses solely on his own glory rather than that of Nexus.

There is another area of potential in this storyline. Clearly Cena is going to remain a face throughout this Nexus story but should the pin be decided to be pulled on a heel turn, perhaps with a showdown with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 27 then I think it is easy to write. Maybe at Survivor Series many of the top superstars band together to try and free Cena from Nexus as they have become so dominant and just when say Orton is about to win Cena his freedom, Cena turns on him and then reveals that he has come to accept and even like being in Nexus as it has brought success without the trappings of having to worry about what the fans think
Nexus is the best thing going in wwe right now. They've provided an interest and unpredictability we haven't seen in a long time and are showing off the abilities of new talent and new faces on TV.

I agree with what Барбоса said about building Cena from a face and slowly turning him into a heel through wanting to stay with Nexus. I really hope though that Husky and McGuillicutty join, Tarver stays and even maybe Darren rejoins and they're still around for Skip to return. 10 may be a little ridiculous but one of the main reasons I loved Nexus was the whole pack mentality and seeing this huge group of young wolves standing dominant over whoever they chose and now with Cena they'll have the one man that knows everything, has done everything and solidifies them as a unit.
This storyline is amazing. They don't even have to force a heel turn for Cena. If Cena continues to begrudgingly help Nexus members win matches and purposely loses matches for himself like he did, the Cena fans will probably start to boo him. Eventually he blows up at the fans for not understanding and not having his back, and then he embraces his heelness.

Even if they don't do that and keep Cena as a superface, this storyline has actually made his character interesting to me for the first time.
Wow its a lot but i do see this working. I always said that they would have to work cena's heel turn so well that the kiddies who cried would believe it. I like what u said though but we will have to see where wwe takes it.
The interesting thing about Cena joining Nexus and being "forced" to do exactly what Wade Barrett tells him to do is that as Barrett is going to be facing Orton for the WWE Championship in a few weeks, Cena is most likely going to get involved, assisting Barrett in winning the gold. Of course, this is going to p*ss Orton off royally, leading to a possible non-title Cena/Orton feud.

A Cena/Orton feud is the direction that I feel WWE are going to take. Orton is going to lose the belt and want revenge on Cena. WWE are going to use the feud to see if Orton gets the biggest pops, to determine if they can turn Cena heel at some point in the future. If Cena gets the bigger pops during their feud, it's obvious that WWE cannot risk turning Cena heel, but if the opposite is true, it leaves them open to all options. It would also be interesting to see Nexus's involvement in such a feud.

This scenario would be good as it'd allow Barrett to feud with other competitors for the belt, such as JoMo or even a returning Triple H (when he's done dealing with Sheamus).
I think this would be somewhat good for a possible Taker vs. Cena match at WM. WWE could keep Cena in Nexus up to WM and because Cena is in Nexus, it could either turn him heel for a match with Taker at WM who would remain face, if not heel then tweener at least cause WWE has problems with turning Cena heel as he would lose the kiddy fanbase, so at least being half face & half heel he would have the kiddy fanbase intact.

Plus with Cena being in Nexus, could help them sell some Nexus merchandise if they make Cena like being a part of Nexus and have him wear Nexus merchandise cause with kids & Cena, it's monkey see, monkey do.
Ok so I wanted to add something to this and compare it to Hogan Joining the N.W.O. Ya I'm sure it has been compared before but I wanted to give a non spam post and if you dont like what I have to say then dont read it. But im going to compare the fans reaction and how which company at that time was targeting for their audience. W.C.W at the time was going towards adults. When hogan joined the N.W.O fans threw tons and tons of trash in the ring and it was crazy.

Now to when John Cena joined Nexus they are targeting kids. Sure Cena was forced to join then but the reaction was just as big as it was with Hogan. Kids crying all over the place. Jaws dropped to the floor. Their where reports that parents had to take their kids out the arena because they where crying to so much.

So what do you think? The reaction from the crowd from both events where something that will never be forgotten and very epic in their respective times.
Some things about this Cena joining Nexus just does not make sense to me. First of all, while Barrett is the leader, no one else in the group is forced to do everything Barrett says, so why should Cena? Second, no one else in the group is going to be fired from the WWE if they leave Nexus, so why would that apply to Cena? And third, since when does the Raw general manager have total control over someone's contract and have the power to prevent someone from going to smackdown?

Now I know that logic does not always apply to stories in the WWE, but it just doesn't make sense that such extreme circumstances would apply to someone who merely joins the nexus.
First of all, while Barrett is the leader, no one else in the group is forced to do everything Barrett says, so why should Cena?

The other members weren't forced to join the group. And the only times that someone came anywhere near close to questioning Wade is when he had Gabriel do the second 450 to the Big Show and the recent stuff with Otunga.

Second, no one else in the group is going to be fired from the WWE if they leave Nexus, so why would that apply to Cena?

Because Cena LOST A MATCH where the stipulation was that if Cena was to lose he would be a member of the Nexus, therefore if Cena would be have a "breach of contract" sort of thing.

And third, since when does the Raw general manager have total control over someone's contract and have the power to prevent someone from going to smackdown?

Maybe it is in Cena's Raw contract? Who knows.

Now I know that logic does not always apply to stories in the WWE, but it just doesn't make sense that such extreme circumstances would apply to someone who merely joins the nexus.

Come on. This ain't rocket science.

Cena is being a man by doing what he said he was going to do. He never said he was going to go "Fuck the kids" like everyone thinks he should have done. He simply said he would join Nexus if he lost. How many times have you found yourself in a shitty situation you didn't want to be in, but still tried to make the best of it?

I really doubt Cena would turn heel to please a bunch of guys on the internet. If he turns, who takes his spot as the face of Raw?

But more importantly, why would ANYONE want to kill the reactions that Barrett and Cena have gotten in the past two weeks? I know its been a while since the WWE built up to a "big time" moment, so it might be hard to grasp.. But really?

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