*Merged* John Cena Joining Nexus discussion

Here's what I think will happen. Cena will destroy Nexus from the inside and they will all turn on Barrett when Cena convinces them that after what they did to Darren Young why wouldn't they do it to whoever. In the end of all this Cena will be a face, Nexus will be done and Cena and Barrett will face off eventually, possibly at Mania if the angle makes it that far. But this should be very entertaining to watch, Cena being a heel, it'll be kind of like when HBK was JBL's bitch in late 2008-2009, only way, way better.
so barrett won the match 2nite. but now the question is, how long is this going to last? hers my prediction.

tomorrow night, raw opens up with nexus in the ring. they are saying that they were strong, but with cena, now they will be unstoppable. they call cena out for his shirt sizing. cena comes out saying that he is a man of his word and now will join Nexus. as they hand cena his new attire, annonymous gm interrupts. he says that since the win was not clean, the deal is off. nexus gets angry and argues while cena stands there and smiles. nexus turns around and attacks cena, allowing the feud to continue.

your thoughts and comments please.
I hope that Cena becomes a member of Nexus. Please annoying computer, don't overturn this decision tomorrow. I also hope Cena joins and turns heel. If he doesn't, it will be similar to the HBK/JBL storyline from a few years ago. I hated that storyline. Looks like Nexus replaced Skip tonight too. Dirty or not, thank you WWE for finding a way to keep Nexus together and have Cena join them. Now finish him and turn him heel.
They are probably going to continue testing Orton's drawing ability as the top face in the company, probably for at least another PPV or two. If he does well, Cena will probably full on turn heel, help Nexus win something, have a Orton Cena feud, Cena as the heel this time leading Nexus.

If Raws ratings continue to slide, I'm guessing they'll lose trust in Randy and probably take the belt off him, put it on face Cena quick.
Cena not gonna turn heel he gonna stay face and he not gonna be Barrert's bitch either. Its gonna be like how Sting was apart of the MEM yet did not be in beatdowns and styed out of way. Thats how its gonna be with John Cena in Nexus.
My prediction for tomorrow:
The show will open with Nexus in the ring. Barrett brags about how he won and a win is a win no matter what happened. Then he will explain what happened with the two interferences. He'll say "Guys come out here" It will be Husky Harris and another person.(Hopefully Mcgilicutty). They'll walk into the ring with the Nexus clapping and shaking there hands. Barrett will say Congratulations on your task, these are the two newest members of Nexus. Then hes gonna call out Cena and say "Wait but there's one more member, and Barrett will make him wear Nexus attire. Everyone is surrounding Cena and eventually he puts it on and they all smirk at the Camera with there entrance music playing and goes to commercial.
I can't believe people are even entertaining the thought that this is going to be a heel turn. This is obviously going to be like the HBK/JBL storyline of a few years ago, with Cena the unwilling member of the Nexus. Look at the way Cena reacted when he lost, or the fact that he's been trying to destroy the Nexus since their inception. How can Cena suddenly forget all that and be happy he's with the people he once considered his most bitter enemies? I know we're supposed to forget past alliances in wrestling, but come on!

This was just what Nexus needed to make them interesting again after they lost all that momentum. I can't wait to see what comes of this storyline!
I really am intrigued by this storyline and am satisfied by the ending. I hope this Nexus group lasts til at least WM
so barrett won the match 2nite. but now the question is, how long is this going to last? hers my prediction.

tomorrow night, raw opens up with nexus in the ring. they are saying that they were strong, but with cena, now they will be unstoppable. they call cena out for his shirt sizing. cena comes out saying that he is a man of his word and now will join Nexus. as they hand cena his new attire, annonymous gm interrupts. he says that since the win was not clean, the deal is off. nexus gets angry and argues while cena stands there and smiles. nexus turns around and attacks cena, allowing the feud to continue.

your thoughts and comments please.

That would be a horrible way for them to keep the feud going mainly because they already side stepped the Mysterio joining the SES in a similar way earlier this year only to have a second pay-per-view match in which Mysterio for no apparent reason won and stayed the same stale face character that he's been for the past 7 years in the WWE and who knows how long before. In my opinion when they do a swerve like that it not only pisses off a great deal of fans but it also insults our intelligence by basically saying that the match that they hyped up as being a can't see event was completely pointless. Cena needs to go out there tomorrow night and reluctantly follow the orders of Wade Barrett. He could easily stay face by doing a promo about how he doesn't like being a part of Nexus but since he lost at HIAC he will join them because he is a man of his word. Sure there was interference during the match but the only stipulation that was added involved the known members of Nexus and as they were shown fighting the random members of the WWE roster that came out to stop them it is easy to say that nobody that was affiliated with Nexus interfered during the match. If they write it in the correct way it can come off as a couple of rookies (Harris and Perfect Jr) trying to win over the support of Nexus and join with them. Now if they decide to continue with the GM being an annoying doucher that likes to stick his nose into everyones business then there is a chance that the Mysterio/SES angle will be rehashed only to have Nexus break up at the next PPV but the GM seems mainly focused on Edge at the moment.
This is obviously going to be like the HBK/JBL storyline of a few years ago, with Cena the unwilling member of the Nexus.

Yes, my thoughts exactly, except it will be a little different. HBK actually DID serve JBL, though he did in a very unique way. He helped JBL get a disqualification victory against someone (I want to say Batista) by slapping JBL in the face, and then, correct me if I'm wrong, but he helped JBL win in a fatal-4-way match. Eventually Shawn was all, "Enough of this shit," and challenged JBL to a match at No Way out where if he won, he'd get paid without having to be JBL's running boy, but if he lost he'd have to work for JBL for ever and ever.

I don't think it's going to come down to this. Cena, like HBK will be an unwilling patsy, but even more unwilling than HBK. HBK did JBL's bidding with a displeased look on his face the whole time. I think Cena will flat out refuse to do anything Barrett tells him to. Nexus will attempt to beat Cena into submission, but he'll continue to resist them. John Cena will be wearing the Nexus garb and therefore be a member of Nexus, even wrestle alongside Nexus, but he will not play any role in their evil-doing.

This will all come to an end at Bragging Rights. I think there will be a RAW vs. Nexus tag team match, and I think Cena will help to cost Nexus the match by refusing to tag in. Nexus will be pissed, and they'll kick Cena out, who will then lead a Survivor Series team against Nexus for their final battle.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how John Cena stays a face through all of this... which he will.
I presented the two options before the match, and I will present them again.

1. Cena is not an unwilling member of Nexus. He fights under this banner, but ultimately hates the idea of helping these guys and ends up costing Barrett a match again Orton (I'm thinking Barrett gets a shot). Even if he doesn't, Cena just never relents and eventually he gets a match to get out of the group, which he wins. It's quite possible, logical, but not so fun.

2. Cena is against an unwilling member of Nexus.........at first. Keep in mind that in both scenarios, Nexus treats him well, because they will. They know what kind of prize they picked up and they want him to be welcome in the group. Cena starts to pick up victories with Nexus' help. At first, he hates it because he feels he doesn't need anyone. He never has needed help before (well, not since B2 and Red Dogg) and feels he doesn't need it now. However, over time, he starts realizing the potential of having Nexus by his side. He realizes he can literally accomplish anything with Nexus helping him, so he ends up making the big turn at I'm guessing survivor series, joining the Nexus for real as a heel. For those of you who wonder why a man would join those who beat him up, understand that he knows their powers and realizes that it's a lot better to have them working FOR him than AGAINST him. That is the story and it's quite logical. In fact, I would guess it's what is going to happen. You can take me at that word because I'm not one of the guys on here who has called for the heel turn for years. I just know a good story when I see one, and the turn in this way has a lot of possibilities. The landscape is changing around the WWE and this will be a major component of it.

Of course, scenario 1 could still play out, but ultimately, it doesn't lead to anything all that exciting. A Cena with Nexus backing him could take the title easily and end up challenging Taker to unify the belts at Mania.......or something like that. Just throwing out the possibilities, start guessing!
The Nexus are all still rookies – Cena is a multi time World Champ. For this reason I don’t think him being second in command would work…As it was fans that attacked it would make sense to me for Cena’s character to see this as justification for embracing the Nexus, becoming leader and also becoming one of the biggest heels in about a decade in the process.
As we all seen last night, Cena lost his match to Barrett at HIAC with the stipulation that he must join Nexus. How will it all pan out from here? There are several interesting scenarios that I could see happening

John Cena stays face and tries to take out Nexus from the inside out
This might not be noticeable at first, it could start with Nexus members being inexplicably taken out backstage one by one, or Cena costing them key matches with an eventual confrontation between Barrett/Cena leading to one last match with Cena's release from his obligations on the line.

John Cena joins as the reluctant enforcer of the group
This is probably the most likely as it is the route that WWE usually takes in this situation. This could breathe new life into Nexus and make them even more dominant. Maybe he will resist at first then come to accept his role, or maybe he will eventually turn on them

John Cena turns full heel and embraces Nexus
I actually think this makes sense and has a good chance of happening. Remember, that Cena was cost his match by the interference of two fans, combine that with the mixed reaction he always gets and it gives him perfect motive to turn on the fans who don't support him. From there he could become second in command or challenge Barrett for his position as the leader of Nexus.

How do you folks think it will/should turn out? Feel free to add any more possible ways it could go.
The Nexus are all still rookies – Cena is a multi time World Champ. For this reason I don’t think him being second in command would work…As it was fans that attacked it would make sense to me for Cena’s character to see this as justification for embracing the Nexus, becoming leader and also becoming one of the biggest heels in about a decade in the process.

First off, the people who attacked Cena were referred to as mystery assailants. Secondly, Cena knows the fans despise him, there are pictures of him posing with those people at Wrestlemania. and lastly (and most importantly), turning Cena into a full blown heel would upstage Barrett, which defys the point of Nexus.

Cena joining Nexus is pretty much a fatal wound to it. Not so much adding Cena to the group, that's pretty cool. But because Barrett doesn;t need it any more. Nexus has been all about making Barrett into a star. He just beat the top babyface in the company, kicked out of his finisher and didn't tap to his submission move of doom. That's enough to fix Barrett in the main event. After this match, Nexus is simply no longer needed and can be humanely euthinased.
As we all seen last night, Cena lost his match to Barrett at HIAC with the stipulation that he must join Nexus. How will it all pan out from here? There are several interesting scenarios that I could see happening

John Cena stays face and tries to take out Nexus from the inside out
This might not be noticeable at first, it could start with Nexus members being inexplicably taken out backstage one by one, or Cena costing them key matches with an eventual confrontation between Barrett/Cena leading to one last match with Cena's release from his obligations on the line.

John Cena joins as the reluctant enforcer of the group
This is probably the most likely as it is the route that WWE usually takes in this situation. This could breathe new life into Nexus and make them even more dominant. Maybe he will resist at first then come to accept his role, or maybe he will eventually turn on them

John Cena turns full heel and embraces Nexus
I actually think this makes sense and has a good chance of happening. Remember, that Cena was cost his match by the interference of two fans, combine that with the mixed reaction he always gets and it gives him perfect motive to turn on the fans who don't support him. From there he could become second in command or challenge Barrett for his position as the leader of Nexus.

How do you folks think it will/should turn out? Feel free to add any more possible ways it could go.

John Cena being an enforcer sucks and bascially makes him a midcarder and he a multiple time World Champion. He des not need to be an enforcer of the group. He needs however to be the leutinant of the group or the leader.
I was torn when i witnessed the car wreck of a match at HIAC between John Cena and Wade Barratt. I was hoping like the majority of you that Cena could win and rid the WWE of the Nexus. But, Cena was screwed by outside interference, surprisingly not by the other members of Nexus but 2 un named people who ran into the ring area and destroyed Cena with a foreign object. Now he got pinned, Barrat's hand was raised in victory and Cena lost. This is where im torn. Firstly im a cenation fan and watching Cena have to be aligned with the Nexus will not be easy to watch. But secondly, Ive thought what Cena would be like if he went heel now. Would he be a really dirty player or would he be a Randy Orton who does not align himself with anyone and does not really take sides unless he needs to. Either way it was a great match but the outcome stank. watch out Nexus, coz im hoping that Cena will destroy from the inside and make the Nexus weak and Wade to get pissed of with the others and disband anyway
Well this is certainly interesting. I was convinced this was the happening from the start of the match between Cena and Wade being announced. However, I sure as hell weren't certain it would've gone down like this, it was truly a shocker.

John Cena joining Nexus was really needed though for the faction to continue it's steam. This will get them good heat, and I can't help but chuckle a little bit to see all the children shocked out of their mind. Not because I like to see shocked kids. But because I know it'll work like a pearl. John Cena in Nexus now is just gonna be beautiful I'm sure of it. Not because it means a John Cena heel turn, because I don't want that. But because of the fact that John Cena as the HBK to the Nexus' JBL is just gonna be an absolutely great storyline.
Creative has to be very careful the next couple weeks, this could turn out to be one of the most interesting/awesome storylines that WWE has had in recent memory if done correctly.

I strongly believe that the 2 that attacked Cena were "nobodys" and not Hennig and Harris. Leading to an internal conflict in Cena like a tweener almost. Always questioning why his fans turn against him and can result in either A) him trying to win them back and stay face or B) him giving up and going heel.

But I guess the only thing we can do is wait, and pray creative doesn't screw it up!!
I was hoping like the majority of you that Cena could win and rid the WWE of the Nexus.

I wasn't hoping for that. I want Nexus around because their existence has caused a major change in the way RAW is presented. Their arrival got everyone on the roster (for storyline purposes) thinking about Nexus and who they might attack next.

The thing is, it was getting old simply watching them attack people; a change was needed and it's now here. John Cena being forced to join is a shot in the arm to Nexus and makes them exciting again.

At the same time, people have been speculating whether Cena would be undergoing a heel change in the near future. Now, Creative can watch the fans reaction to Cena in his new situation. If he joins Nexus in doing their dirty deeds, management can gauge if an "evil" Cena is working or not. If it isn't, they can have Cena destroying Nexus from within..... and he can go back to what he has been the past few years.

But if fans do enjoy seeing Cena as a bad guy, a permanent heel turn can be arranged. I think it's obvious that, one way or another, Cena isn't going to be a member of Nexus for long. He's got too much going as an individual superstar to keep him in a group forever.

Also, having him turn permanently bad while a member of Nexus would be a face change that makes sense. Big Show, for example, turned from heel to face overnight..... for no discernible reason. One day he was scowling, the next he was smiling. In Cena's case, we'll watch the turn as it happens.....if it happens. If he's becoming a heel, we'll see it coming.

I think this is great. Hopefully, they'll make a whole program out of it rather than getting Cena out of Nexus quickly. Some amazing possibilities abound.
The Wrestling Observer has confirmed that NXT Season 2 rookies Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty were indeed the 2 men that attacked John Cena at the end of last night's Hell in a Cell match between Cena and Wade Barrett.

Ok so for anyone that thinks it was 2 nobodys. That should clear it up about who it actually was.

Now for the topic at hand. First it wasn't that surprising seeing as the Bragging Rights Pay-Per-View, had the Nexus being involved at the Pay-Per-View, so it wouldn't have made any sense for Cena to win and disband

This does not mean a heel turn for Cena. I would bet that at Wrestlemania thats where the heel turn will take place. But as for now this smells of Cena breaking down the Nexus one by one from the inside. I see no big swerves going on with this. Like one poster said above this looks just like the JBL/HBK feud from a couple of years ago. I still don't believe anything big will come from this.
I think cena joining nexus was best thing to happen for nexus. Now i just hope he listens to orders and does full heel. and that the raw general manager doesn't get involved.
In all honesty, this is a "win win" situation for WWE. In joining Nexus as an "unwilling member", this allows WWE to truly test the water in relation to turning the top face in the company into a fully fledged heel. Now that Cena is in Nexus, WWE can see how this affects their income statement (merchandise sales, ratings, etc). If it works out for the better, i.e. ratings go up, they can really turn Cena heel for real. If it doesn't work out, they can break him out of this role at any time and bring him back as the #1 face of the company.

Either way, no one really loses...this is good strategy from both a business and storyline perspective.
I wonder if eventually, Cena will, after playing along for a while, turn against Nexus, and get "fired" by the Raw GM, and then show up on SmackDown.
I wonder if eventually, Cena will, after playing along for a while, turn against Nexus, and get "fired" by the Raw GM, and then show up on SmackDown.

.......another strong possibility. Having Edge and Cena on Smackdown would certainly beef Smackdown up to the point that it'd probably just beat Raw, in terms of star power.
Well, with the possibility of Undertaker and Rey Mysterio retiring soon, Smackdown will need a boost. Although, I guess Mysterio isn't much of a loss anymore. He's not as good as he used to be because of the knee injuries. But most likely Triple H will be returning to Raw soon, and SmackDown doesn't really have much to choose from right now for the World Heavyweight Championship spot. All they have right now is Kane, Undertaker, Big Show (?), and Jack Swagger (which I consider more of a mid-carder).
So Cena and Edge would definitely be good additions. Raw wouldn't be losing much. Raw would have Orton, Sheamus, Jericho (when he returns), HHH (when he returns), Wade Barrett and maybe eventually, The Miz.

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