Orton is worse then Cena...

I get what you mean.... Orton getting beaten the cr*p out of him and then suddenly doing the RKO to win the match. I am neither a cena fan, nor an Orton fan, but I still feel an out-of-nowhere RKO is better than an out-of-nowhere AA/ FU/ STFU.

The problem with both these guys is that (I hate to admit it, because I was high on Orton in early 2009 and had predicted that he will win the Rumble and soon become champion with a great push) - they don't know how to tell a story properly in the ring and how to carry others to a good match. When you put a youngster like Barrett or Otunga in the ring against cena or Orton, you expect cena/ Orton to guide/ carry them through the match. But they just don't know how to do that.

They always need somebody else to carry them. Hell, when was the last time cena had a better match than his Mania 23 match (or 1 hour Raw match) with HBK? When was the last time Orton had a better feud/ match than he had with Taker in 2005 (and the 30 minute Hell in a Cell)? They are not yet in the league of Austin, who could carry an era and could carry a feud or even a match in the ring properly.... they need to do a lot of work before getting there. This is precisely why I am more in support of pushing guys like del Rio, Bryan, Ziggler, Punk to the top rather than cena because they can work better matches and even tell better stories.
I get what you mean.... Orton getting beaten the cr*p out of him and then suddenly doing the RKO to win the match. I am neither a cena fan, nor an Orton fan, but I still feel an out-of-nowhere RKO is better than an out-of-nowhere AA/ FU/ STFU.

The problem with both these guys is that (I hate to admit it, because I was high on Orton in early 2009 and had predicted that he will win the Rumble and soon become champion with a great push) - they don't know how to tell a story properly in the ring and how to carry others to a good match. When you put a youngster like Barrett or Otunga in the ring against cena or Orton, you expect cena/ Orton to guide/ carry them through the match. But they just don't know how to do that.

They always need somebody else to carry them. Hell, when was the last time cena had a better match than his Mania 23 match (or 1 hour Raw match) with HBK? When was the last time Orton had a better feud/ match than he had with Taker in 2005 (and the 30 minute Hell in a Cell)? They are not yet in the league of Austin, who could carry an era and could carry a feud or even a match in the ring properly.... they need to do a lot of work before getting there. This is precisely why I am more in support of pushing guys like del Rio, Bryan, Ziggler, Punk to the top rather than cena because they can work better matches and even tell better stories.

Yeah but guys like Austin and Michaels were in the biz longer than Cena and Orton when they became mega stars. I think has something to do with it. Plus those guys came from a time when you traveled the world to hone your craft and Orton and Cena came from a WWE sponsored developmental program. Sure they had great mids around them but didn't become as well rounded or seasoned. They were bred in the "WWE style" which is kind of dull.
completely disagree. Orton should be made to look strong.THats his character. Going to far is goldberg, how they put the streak on him and made him look unstopble pissed me off. I hope orton buries goldberg in a future match. WHoever says that Orton and Cena cant be as good as the rock and stone cold should shutup. Raws getting better and better and as new talents come along the stories and matches get better and better. Orton and Cena have what it takes so dont judge them yet
I don't doubt Orton has the talent.. he was my favorite wrestler back when he was a heel afterall, but I too feel he's being booked too strong. I don't see anything other than an Orton victory at WM, unless there is a non-nexus person who interferes (like when Wade beat Cena) then joins nexus or whatever then I just can't see him winning.

I really hope that is Mason Ryan and CM Punk jump Orton next week before Ryan vs Orton that Orton doesn't beat Ryan... it's just so unrealistic to be able to beat someone Ryan's size after getting the hell beat out of you back stage shortly before.
We're talking about a wrestlemania build-up, they have to make him look strong going into this match, sure he gets a beat down, but to show he can hold on his own, he has to do these comebacks to show he is the viper, hitting the RKO at anytime is what that move is all about, it's not like the AA where it takes 5 seconds to carry out, the RKO is a 1 second thing, Also this new nexus isn't as strong as the original nexus IMO, and also the original had more members so you can't say Orton is doing what Cena couldn't in 3 weeeks.. Also remember Orton is number 2 right after Cena in the WWE..
Cena was a face in the feud, faces don't take other superstars out. Orton isn't so by all means he's allowed to do it. I didn't like the miraculous RKO, he should of actually do some more then just his finishers. "a weak looking kick to the head" if I punted you in the head... You'd be dead. Besides the punt is like the only realistic move in Pro Wrestling today, he pulls it off so well, and the superstars sell it amazingly.
Ortons gimmick is one of the lamest ive ever seen imo. The silly overdone glaring looks and temper tantrums, spinning around like a snake lol, and the kick to the head thing, I seriously just laugh, and cant take him seriously because I know that gimmick has no relation to the real person, plus its dumb. Wrestling is fake but its still important to try to suspend the disbelief a bit.

Its like giving Goldberg a Cena rap gimmick. No matter how hard he tries you couldnt take him serious. Orton had some charisma as the arrogant heel, so he should just go back to that. historially if you have mic ability and charisma you dont need heavy gimmicks, and if you do they are just extensions of yourself, like the million dollar man.
The poster is soo right. Orton is supposed to be a legit star but his interviews/vignettes are unwatchable. Orton has a penchant for putting himself waaaaaaaay over and making everyone look weak. Guess that rub he got from HHH really went to his head. His music sucks--I personally prefer the old music (Burn In My Light). His in-ring repertoire also needs much improvement. He seems to be so satisfied with himself in the ring that he refuses to get better. The heat Orton had in the program with HHH before WM 25 has long burned off. To me, Orton is just a mean muggin, no talent jock sniffer. SOKTB:blush:
I personally like Orton's robotic Viper gimmick. Him getting a bigger push is also well deserved because I think he's the best superstar today in the WWE business. There's just something about his quiet, mean looking character that I like but yeah, the Legend Killer was a better gimmick though.

They need to give him the championship once again, the last one when he lost to Miz was pretty short and he didn't have a clean loss in the championship matches. In TLC, A-Riley kept on moving the table so Miz wouldn't be put through it and in Royal Rumble, Nexus interfered.
Randy Ortin isn't coming across as "Super" at all. The fact that he got beat down by the New Nexus and then RKO'd both Otunga and Mason was to get across the RKO more than anything.

Orton gets beat down the whole time. The Miz was made to look over on him at the Royal Rumble, Randy has been becoming more "human" if that's the way you wish to put if anything.

As for people questioning his microphone skills...


Randy Orton plays up The Viper gimmick, which is quentissentilly a loner, by not showing his charisma. He didn't fucking lose it, he just changed gimmick. When he was The Legend Killer he has nothing but Charimsa.

The Viper thing was cool at the start, but yes I agree, that now its getting a bit stale. Also, why the fuck won't he grow a decent head of hair instead of always shaving it? That way his veins wouldn't be popping out the top of his head.

Orton is also a great wrestler. Go watch his matches with Benoit, Jericho, Triple H, Ric Flair and others and you'll see that. Cena has nothing on Orton in that respect, this thread is quite irrational.
I'm not saying the guy doesn't have the talent, it's just not being packaged that way. I like nothing about him at his current stage. I hate the viper gimmick, I think the stupid looks and tantrums he throws in the ring look childish and foolish, his RKO looks pretty rough most the time (Not his fault all the times) and I really think that the punt looks weak, and is a stupid concept.

The point I was making was they really took the time and built up Nexus with the Cena fued and all they're doing with Orton is running them out of town... the punt's are getting ridiculous...

I really hope CM Punk wins at WM and Orton takes a break to film a "Funniest _____ of the year!" movie for the E... maybe then when he comes back he can have a personality and not look like a pissed off turtle.

I agree for the most part. I thought I would enjoy the one on one matches with the New Nexus but I'm not enjoying them at all. They are very short and formulaic and somehow Orton can spend a whole 2 mins hyping up the punt with Punk on the ramp just saying please no don't and no one ever stops him. I also think it's stupid to be "taking out" the entire Nexus week by week just how Cena did when he came back from having been "fired." And now each person that is kicked in the head is injured and won't show up until or after WrestleMania, leaving only Punk and Orton, coincidentally :banghead: . Give me a flippin break.
That is why I dislike the punt so much, we're supposed to believe that he is putting the members of Nexus on the shelf and out of commission by kicking them in the head... kicking them in the fucking head!

But why would WWE allow such a move to continue being used, where's the GM chiming in saying that he's tired of Orton injuring his roster? It's not believable to me because it's too violent of a move in theory.

I just hope no kids are playing around and try to mimic it.

Cena was a face in the feud, faces don't take other superstars out. Orton isn't so by all means he's allowed to do it. I didn't like the miraculous RKO, he should of actually do some more then just his finishers. "a weak looking kick to the head" if I punted you in the head... You'd be dead. Besides the punt is like the only realistic move in Pro Wrestling today, he pulls it off so well, and the superstars sell it amazingly.
I've really gone off Randy Orton. He bores me as a face doing 'good deeds'. He has the personality of a fish finger but he is very good in-ring. I dont like the way he is been booked either. The New Nexus are a joke.

For me, they should Orton to Smackdown. Smackdown needs some faces!
i disagree with the main idea of this thread. cena is a horrible wrestler and always looks like a underdog, at least randy is going strong, he looks good in-ring and is an awesome wrestler. i really enjoy it when he comes down to the ring and beats some people down. oh and i hope he crushes cm sucks at WM 27!!!
I think the viper thing is getting extremely lame. Its gone beyond an I can strike anywhere type and it looks like hes trying to act like he is actually part snake. Terrible. Seriously the looks and his mannerisms are ultimate warrior level ridiculous.

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