WWE HIAC 2010 - John Cena vs. Wade Barrett - Nexus Disbands or Cena Joins Them

WWE on their website is not recognizing the "fans" that ran in. I looked at the pictures from the match and the one of Barrett pinning Cena has the caption "following an attack on Cena from a mystery assailant, Barrett gets the pin"

I guess we will just have to watch RAW to see what happens. I dont want MORE members in Nexus with Cena joining. Although it will be interesting to see another Nexus team on Smackdown.
GameOver - guy with the red shirt that hit Cena was Husky Harris. The first guy was pretty big. I don't think that was McGillacuddy.

edit: also if they were actual 'Fans' they wouldn't have shown them over and over again.
and would've been arrested instead of lightly escorted out, also to note when has a fan ever actually jumped the ring and got involved, that wasn't part of the show anyway. Answer Never!!!

There is security at ringside and he came in from the corner walkway where there was security standing :P obvious it wasn't unplanned

I was thinking the Darren Young at first but he had a beard and didn't have the goofy hairdo

Guess we'll find out tomorrow night for you Americans and Wednsday afternoon for us Aussies.

I stick by my choice :) If i'm wrong so be it....
First of all, a big LOL to the wwe shop thing above. Secondly, idk why everyone is so sure that was Husky Harris. I'm watching some replays of it, and it doesnt look too much like him to me....but then again it's all low quality. I swear his hair wasn't that color though....a wig maybe?
Anyway, wouldn't be too surprised if this was a NXT S2 thing. I'm kind of hoping it is. But as far as where this angle is going, let me put down my-


Nexus will start the show tomorrow night showcasing the armband they promised Cena (and now that it's been brought up, they'll probably showcase the hat and necklace too). Cena will do the face thing and stick by his word, allowing the Nexus to take him into the group. The GM will send a message saying that Barrett didn't win cleanly, and therefore he is ordering the stipulations that were set forth to be erased from the record.
Cena Stays Face
Nexus Stays Intact
Fans Stay Pissed.
As a side note: If your going to bill them as 3rd generation stars...why dont you have them using names people could recognize? I mean: WTF? Seems like common sense to me!!

It is a noodlescratcher on one hand they don't want them to get over purely on name like Cody Rhodes who had next to no in ring talent but was son of Dusty Rhodes so he got over.

And not just a name.

On the other hand having there actaul name, those that know them it doesn't matter what theya re called but those that dont might recognize the name of ther forefathers

I don't mind name changing but why chose some rediculous names. like Bryan Danielson vs Daniel Bryan. wth difference does that make :P

Husky Harris i could understand, his actual name Whindam Rotundo sounds more like two surnames of HOF'ers than a person's name :P Barry Whindam and Mike Rotundo (former WWF tag team champs)
First of all, a big LOL to the wwe shop thing above. Secondly, idk why everyone is so sure that was Husky Harris. I'm watching some replays of it, and it doesnt look too much like him to me....but then again it's all low quality. I swear his hair wasn't that color though....a wig maybe?
Anyway, wouldn't be too surprised if this was a NXT S2 thing. I'm kind of hoping it is. But as far as where this angle is going, let me put down my-


Nexus will start the show tomorrow night showcasing the armband they promised Cena (and now that it's been brought up, they'll probably showcase the hat and necklace too). Cena will do the face thing and stick by his word, allowing the Nexus to take him into the group. The GM will send a message saying that Barrett didn't win cleanly, and therefore he is ordering the stipulations that were set forth to be erased from the record.
Cena Stays Face
Nexus Stays Intact
Fans Stay Pissed.

Good prediction but I doubt it. All this new Nexus merchandise is coming out now and just blowing off this whole thing would be stupid. Cena will probably mention that he didn't win fairly but the rules were A Nexus member couldn't get involved and none of them did. Therefore a win is a win and Cena has to stick with his word.
Pleasantly surprised by this result and if booked anyway correctly it could make for some good television. There could be dissension between Barrett and Otunga while Cena himself could be the origin of much internal strife for Nexus.

Even though it is unlikely that he is turning heel in a true sense, seeing Cena wear the Nexus shirt, hat, necklace and armband could be one for the ages.
I would have loved if Darren Young probably rejoin the Nexus by screwing over John Cena at Hell in a Cell, and technically since he's not on Nexus, Cena won't win automatically. :lol: :p
Cena joining the Nexus could turn into something similar to the Shawn/ JBL thing. JBL owned Shawn and made him do the dirty work until he had enough and quit. Not exactly the same thing but eh--there is really no way to call this. It could go a few ways.
What I hope for this angle is for Cena to hate being a part of Nexus at first...then slowly start really enjoying it. The numbers being in his favor for a change, not having to defend WWE and the fans by going in there and giving his best shot but taking his licks, all while half the crowd BOOS him anyway.

WWE has potential for greatness here...lets see where it goes. Cena could be the biggest heel in over a decade.
I was there live last night and I was sitting on the side attacker 2 ran in from. I am 99% sure that it is Husky Harris. I was slightly distracted by attacker 1 because we thought it was a real guy trying to run in. But i turned and saw Mr. Red Shirt hit Cena and I immediately yelled "that was husky harris" He had all the right mannerisms and moved the way Husky did on NXT. I think the first guy was Joe Hennig as well. but man what a great match live..
I loved it! all those kids sitting there, jaws hanging in disbelief....classic!!! not to mention quite a few ugly broads doing the same thing! 2 thumbs up, WWE creative!

as i see it, hes gonna honor his word, but be a pain in Wade Barrett's ass til Wade Barrett and him finally have that next match for leadership of Nexus.
Okay. Last time I am gonna rave about this match.. For now. :shifty:

This was the only match I got the PPV for. I was not anywhere near disappointed. I know it is too early in his career to call it his career making match, but Wade Barrett finally has that "credibility" as a main event so many people here was bitching about. The guy could send Orton packing to The WasteLand tomorrow, when the belt and wouldn't look out of place. He would in fact look more like a champion than Orton. That is how fantastic he looked in this match.

The match was FULL of things you want as a pro wrestling fan:

- The little things I've notice made me go "Wow." Cena kidney punching Wade like he really wanted to make one of them explode was great. Wade's hair is always impeccable, but not in this one. Both guys having respect for the rules of the match because so much was at stake. In the power struggles, both guys playing off the dueling chants (Cena would get weaker if they said Barrett and vice versa, Wade did as well). Cena signally that the match was still one-on-one after Nexus got taken care of. Wade's facial expressions were great. He went from confident in his first pin attempt to frustrated to completely worried. He took moments to actually think what he has do to.. But it didn't look like "oh crap, what's the next spot". Those moments actually looked like someone really trying to think of what he needs to do to put Cena away.

- I am not one of those people who complains at great lengths about the amount of movez in a match. Never have been. But how many suplexs can f'n Barrett and Cena have? Each move looked crisp and impactful because they took time to actually see the moves. Cena's top rope leg drop made its return and man, did he nail that sucker.

- The crowd completely ate this match up. They were never not responding and both guys adjusted on the fly to elevate the crowd emotion. Their epic like stand offs or whatever it is called when the two just stop and stare at each other ACTUALLY got a response.

- The drama was as much in the front row as any of those fans. Like I said, both guys carefully respected the rules of the match. Wade even yelled at the other Nexus guys, which is something he hasn't done.. Cole said since Young got the boot. I believe it. The near falls close to the end of the match really had suspense to them. Heck, people were even talking about being on their edge of their seats in the LD thread. Cena kicked out of the Wasteland, it was a good moment in the match. However, Barrett kicking out of the AA was a GREAT moment in the match. Despite what the internet thinks of it, the AA is treated as holy as Hogan's leg drop or Austin's stunner or [insert stop star's name and finisher here]. When Cena lost, little kids and women were crying and everyone was stunned. Cena hugging the little kid after the match was like perfect.

- I didn't care for the run in finish. However, after listening to someone's opinion on how if Cena would've lost clean.. There would be no reason for Cena to try to argue with the outcome (aka rematch). The finish on its face made sense.

Bottom line, I am a Wade Barrett mark in every sense of the word. BUT, this match was that fucking awesome. If you are a pro wrestling fan, you need to see this match. "Match of the Year" stuff from someone who was never put in that match environment before and someone who stupidly gets labeled as "bad wrestler".
I've got one thing to say before I go into my thoughts on this match - Mister Awesome. I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!

This match was by far the best of the night. Wade Barrett looked great against Cena, and I must admit I was genuinely shocked to see Wade kick out of the Attitude Adjustment. Especially considering the fact that John Cena had been dominated, and pretty much was dead set on putting Wade Barrett down at that point. However, we were clearly proved wrong. And it made the match so much better.

Both of them got to hit their finishers, and both of them got to look great with some good back and forth action that would've made either one of them be the best choice to win. It was pretty much a 50-50 between the two in terms of predictability. Nexus could legitimately end going into this, and going through the match, as well as John Cena could legitimately join Nexus all the way through this.

Wade needed to win however, and so he did. With a bit of interference, but hell we've seen that before haven't we? This one was done rather well, and without any major buzz-kill. Overall just a generally great match.
A great match b/w both men and match of the night imo. I like the back and forth action and both guys came off really strong as you really questioned who could win this match. I thought it played off perfectly with the rest of Nexus acting as a distraction until the WWE guys showed up to take them out which showed the unity in the lockeroom. I also thought the inteference made perfect sense as Barrett isn't on the level to cleanly beat Cena yet. I thought this was the right way to go for Cena as this angle shows much promise and can be great if booked correct. An enjoyable match and I'm looking forward to the aftermath.
That result was fucking awesome! There you have it!

Let me just start off by saying that although logic told me that the Wade Barrett would somehow be victorious in his match with John Cena, my gut told me that the WWE was finally going to stick the Nexus to the wall and cut its loses with a stable that has, some would say, lost most of its momentum over the last couple of weeks.

However, my worries were unfounded and the fact that Wade Barrett came out as the winner just excites me in my trousers. Seriously, this is just what both Wade Barrett and The Nexus needed to get them to the next level. Although it was anything but a clean victory, Wade Barrett can now say that he defeated John Cena and made him join the Nexus. The Nexus look stronger because of theirt most recent acquisition and perhaps more.

Really, this is a win-win scenario for the WWE and all the parties involved. Cena and Barrett will continue to feud until Cena finally puts the nail into the coffin of the Nexus over the next couple of months and Barrett comes out looking like a fucking champ. Brava WWE. You took me by surprise but a good surprise… Not a TNA surprise!
Just had to add to a comment that it wasn't Michael McGuillicutty that was the 2nd assailant

The Wrestling Observer has confirmed that NXT Season 2 rookies Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty were indeed the 2 men that attacked John Cena at the end of last night's Hell in a Cell match between Cena and Wade Barrett.

WOOT i win :P

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