WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

Results are only viewable after voting.
Collective titles won individually do not mean that Team WWE could coexist.
No, but it DOES mean the caliber of wrestlers on Team WWE were FAR superior to the ones on Nexus, so Team WWE SHOULD have been the favorites in the match, especially since Team WWE all had their hatred of Nexus in common.

Aside from that, this storyline has legs and could run up unto Survivor Series. Summerslam should have been Nexus' night of arrival leading to the climax, and eventual WWE revolution, at Survior Series.This has weakened them as a group because they lost despite throwing everything they had at Cena.

Nexus has fucked up EVERYONE on the Raw roster. They've been running unchecked on Raw for months. Their "arrival" was made the night they first joined forces. The storyline can still go to Survivor Series.

Finally on this point, the fact that rookies can't beat superstars is a flawed point to make straight away.
Can't and shouldn't are too different words. And when you have 7 rookies taking on 5 former World Champions, a former Midcard and Tag Champion and supposedly the best the Indy scene has to offer, they are clearly behind the 8 ball.

Your examples are pointless. Films, first of all are make believe and are usually no more than 3 hours long.
As opposed to a WWE PPV which is....all make believe and usually no more than 3 hours long?


What the fuck is your point here?

Generally, a lot of stuff happens in those three hours, ending with a happy ending of sorts.
Again, just like wrestling. :lmao:

You're kicking your own ass here.

That is because there isn't going to be any more to watch afterward. WWE however is a serial. In 4 months time we'll still be tuning in to watch Raw and Smackdown and the monthly PPV and this Storyline could have easily continued there.
And it still can.

As for the Sonnen/Silva fight. Yeah. It was a great fight. I loved it. It was so good to see something so shocking and unexpected. Doubly so. Who'd have thought Sonnen would be able to do that for 4 rounds? And then, shock again, Silva managed to get a submission on and proved that he is the best in the world and we should never have counted him out. Yeah. I know my UFC. But, perhaps I'm mistaken on something... I've been watching for a while now but maybe I'm wrong. Isn't MMA real? Yeah, I'm pretty certain it is. And WWE is the fake one right... the one with storylines? Sonnen was not scripted to do any of that. Cena was. That is what is bullshit.

Find another example to state your case because your last two failed.
Wow...I've never seen someone miss a point so badly. Well, I have, but you missed it badly here.

My point was to show that what Cena did happens in real life. So to say it's "unrealistic" or "super Cena" is absurd, because this stuff really does happen. Yes, wrestling's scripted, yes wrestling borders upon unrealistic, but at the same time, what Cena did WASN'T unrealistic, and to criticize it is absurd because it HAS happened before.

That was my point.

You know what. I'm glad you're happy and are still content with the WWE product. I'm glad because you're exactly who Vince is catering for with this trash. The young guys or the simple minded who lap up all this shit.
I'm neither young nor simple minded. I'm someone who watches wrestling to be entertained, and I have intelligence.

That's why I'm different from most of the IWC. They watch to criticize and be stupid.

You're clearly an MMA fan. You've seen guys get knocked out with a fist or a submission. Cena was dropped on to concrete head first. Those MMA guys recieve immediate medical attention when they get clocked.
Did you see the Gomi vs. Griffin fight? Gomi knocked Griffin out with one punch, and Griffin fell flat on his face. He was out cold on his feet. One second later he was back up (on wobbly legs, but still up) and saying he could fight.

Again, to use MMA as a real life example, you can get knocked out, and be back up willing to fight only a moment later.

Your criticisms here are just illogical, as if you intentionally WANT to not enjoy wrestling. Why the fuck are you even a wrestling fan then? When you try this hard to dislike something, when everything that happened was COMPLETELY realistic...why bother watching wrestling?
The first title match was quite enjoyable and the second featured the return of the Undertaker. And they weren't even the main-events. What more can you want?

The first match was great. Dolph is my fave in all the WWE. Having Nexus interfere in the match did nothing for anybody. It didn't necessarily make them look stronger heading into the match. They followed this up with a Sheamus DQ. If they were gonna book this as a dq finish, why not have Miz involved in some way.

Now most definitely these matches will be re-booked for the Night of Champions card. Having paid $45+ for this ppv, I'm not too happy about shelling out another $45 to watch 2 repeat matches from the previous card. It's like WWE is saying, "Thanks for ordering the ppv, but in order to see what you paid for last time you'll have to order the next one." Now if they rematch these two bouts on free tv before the ppv, that would kind of make it right. Having a no contest to a title match on ppv is never a good idea under any circumstances. I mean, if you advertise it you gotta give it to the fans.

Plus, everyone calling the Danielson return brilliant, well I'm glad he's back but that's a little much. He shouldn't be returning to begin with is the way I look at it. Never should have been fired. Now if WWE had kayfabe taken him off of tv untill now, ok that would be brilliant. It was simple convenience. I don't agree that Miz needed to do a run-in on Danielson to spark a feud. They already had a history and Danielson had just taken Miz's spot on the team. That's more than enough to work with.

The stuff about Nexus not going over the vets, I agree with this but with a big "but." Nexus were not facing a team that was focused. They were facing a team of Superstars that were in complete disarray. This put things on a level playing field and gave them not just a shot at winning, but maybe even an edge.
I thought it was a great show, great performances, non-stop action. I really like the Kane/Mysterio match and the aftermath. This is going to be an awesome rivalry between Kane and Taker. I was really excited when Bryan was the seventh guy and at that point I knew Miz was going to interfere, everything made sense and it looked like Miz was going to emerge as the leader of the nexus. Everything started going wrong when Miz came out to take out Daniel Bryan, instead of waiting for the one on one between Barrett and Cena, and then Cena winning on top of all it made no sense. If Cena's team is going to win, don't bring out miz at all, especially to take out a nobody like Daniel Bryan win we will never see a feud between Miz and DB. They should have just ended Nexus tonight. Now Nexus is just a pack of losers and I have lost interest(I would like to see Barrett and Gabriel in singles though). I was actually pulling for them, but now, I hope Smackdown and Raw team up on them and expel them for good. This can clear the way for Miz to go with a "f*ck the WWE" angle and say he stands for no one but himself and just cares about the title. But overall, Smackdown is the better show now. I will make a point of watching it each week, where as Raw, I might watch it if I have the time.

So in conclusion, the performance in the last match was great, but the WWE creative staff totally f**ked up the Nexus/WWE story line. They might as wel have had a bunch of nine year old Cena fans write this story line because it made as much sense as something concocted in the mind of some little kid, and the result was the one they wanted. The WWE is really screwing up pushing Cena as this superman, and in the long run, going the Cena superman route and pushing this PG crap is going to lose the WWE money in the 18-35 demographic, no one over 15 will watch it because they know what will happen before it started, and only little kids with pea brains will wall for the swerves and end up happy when Cena wins.
This match was awesome. We had Daniel Bryan returning which was fucking sick. The Nexus looked really strong at times, especially slater, sheffield, and barrett. It created a Miz/Bryan feud.

The nexus angle isn't over because they have yet to reveal the "bigger picture" barrett was talking about. just wait it out instead of being a bunch of impatient idiots.
How can you miss so many points?

How did you miss the WWE is not a film it's a serial which means that something can happen later in WWE whereas in a film it can't. You can't compare the two which you did. Yes they are both make believe but time passes truly in WWE. In a film, Hours, Weeks, Years can go by in 3 hours.

How do you miss the point that in MMA, a fighter does get knocked out with a punch and is, in your words, wobbly at the very least. Cena got knocked out by concrete. That DDT would be harder than any punch and Cena was not wobbly. Cena looked fresher than he did when he started the match. His one handed holding of the head after the bell didn't see it at all. I hold my head like that if I accidentally hit it off the car boot. Cena should have had stretcher treatment. Guys like The Rock, Stone Cold and Triple H have. Cena is clearly better than all of them? Is that believable?

My arguements are because I WANT to love wrestling again like I did a few years ago. This isn't about wanting Cena to turn heel. This isn't about wanting there to be a traitor and this isn't about none of that happening. It isn't even about Nexus losing. Fine, they can lose. I accept your point that in a fair, real fight... like in MMA... the rookie doesn't really stand a chance but, come on, this is WWE and my rookie success stories earlier, added to the magic of the undertaker and kane, prove that realism isn't a required element. It's the arrogance of Cena that gets me. Or if it wasn't Cena who decided that was the best way to end it (I expect it was) then whoever booked that finish.

You said it yourself. It has happened before. By Cena. Countless times. I felt that we were going somewhere new and we aren't. That finish was the problem. Someone said before; it may have been yourself , 'Cena appeared lucky to win'

I have to disagree with that. He seemed to just forget the injury. I was fine with the 450 miss getting Cena a pin fall but the One on One vs Barrett should have lasted longer with a mistake from the rookie leading to an FU and the win. It just made Barrett appear weak and as though he'd forgotten how to defend himself.

For me, the result was always flexible. I always felt that Nexus would be the better victors in this match but it isn't the result. It was the way it was done.
All in all, it was a great main event. Bret seemed to be getting in better ring shape...I even thought he was going to try a side russian legsweep. Of course the return of American Dragon was awesome...The only thing that left a bad taste in my mouth was the ending with the customary Cena comeback. Everybody came off looking good though and I can't wait for, hopefully, the Miz vs. Daniel Bryan for the US Title at Night of Champions.
On another note, I thought Daniel Bryan was awesome, and while he is a nobody now, I think he needs a couple months to build name to get a title shot. A year down the road, I would like to see him make a heel turn and go for the WWE title. But who knows, the creative staff might F up this guy to, like they are with Evan Bourne
The match was honestly way to long. I found myself bored out of my mind much of the time. Also I found it silly how some of the WWE stars were eliminated. Bret Hart with the chair. Seemed like the ref saw the chair. Aren't they supposed to pick it up or clear it out of the way? He basically let Bret pick it up and did nothing about it. Also Morrison (I think it was him?) getting hit from a weak kick to the back from a Nexus wrestler while the ref was distracted? That put him down for the 3 count? I don't know about that one. Besides the few things like that it was an enjoyable match towards the end.
well I didn't watch it was on guard duty but read online how the show went and IMAO I believe this to be one of the better PPVs this year they had quite a few good spots that went on. The whole Bryan deal leads to him getting in a good feud with MIZ and maybe just maybe taking the title from the Miz to allow him to cash in his MIB case later that night for the WWE title and fulfilling his mentally disturbed minds idea of his destiny LOL my mind says his destiny is to retire in two weeks after losing to Marella LOL
I have to disagree with that. He seemed to just forget the injury. I was fine with the 450 miss getting Cena a pin fall but the One on One vs Barrett should have lasted longer with a mistake from the rookie leading to an FU and the win. It just made Barrett appear weak and as though he'd forgotten how to defend himself.

I'm just going to respond to this part of your post, because when it all comes down to it, this is the problem you have. And I won't bother responding to the Film vs. WWE thing, because you're already getting mocked by many of the regulars, so I think that's enough about that.

But for this part of your post, I want to address the Cena vs. Barrett thing. While you may have wanted Nexus to win the match, the bookers obviously decided the WWE was going to. So, you can't change that fact for the sake of this argument.

So with that in mind, Cena taking Barrett out IMMEDIATELY makes more sense than having a longer 1 on 1 confrontation. Barrett took little damage in the match, and Cena took a lot more. If they had wrestled longer and Cena won i think you would have a BETTER point about a "Super Cena". But what happened was that "last gasp of energy" thing I keep talking about. Where Cena had JUST enough left in the tank to pull out the victory, over a rookie who perhaps lost his composure at the wrong time (something which happens a lot to rookies in the spotlight for the first time).

I think a longer 1 on 1 between Barrett and Cena would have made Barrett look worse than Cena pulling out the last moment victory. Not to mention, we ALSO have no idea who is the better man between Barrett and Cena, which builds for future shows and a probable main-event match between the two, which we were supposed to get in the first place with Barrett's victory in NXT.

I've read some of your posts before, and you're a decent poster normally. Hopefully, after my post, you can see why Cena getting quick victory over Barrett was the right booking move, for a variety of reasons.
In hindsight, booking Hart for the main event made no sense. I thought they were going to put him there for a heel turn, because as a wrestler he is boring and offers nothing. Evan Bourne should have been put in his place as he is more entertaining and had an angle to join the team as he was attacked by Nexus
As far as the sig thing is going, The quote is taken out of context and is unfinished and therefore portrays me in a bad light. From here, I'm leaving that in the PM's.

You have good arguments when you base it all on realism and how things would really occur but this is Sports Entertainment which is supposed to entertain me. It fails because this Cena digging down deep thing happens far too often. It's dull and boring. Add that onto the hype the event was given and after a pretty disappointing show and I just was downright annoyed. Sure. I like a bit of realism from time to time but the reality is that sometimes the good guy loses. He can come back and fight another day.
daniel bryan absolutely stole the show tonight.

that FULL SPEED move he did, running, while hitting the top rope, and hitting some elbow looking move. that pinfall he turned into a tapout, and the dive.

he just killed it. it was an unreal showing if you didnt get a chance to see it. i will rate it as amazingly epic. im speechless at how awesome he was.
I thought the PPV was average at best (and worst)... I also couldn't believe I stayed up until 4am (uk time) for that finish but now I have had the chance to sleep on it I can say that it is all part 'of a much bigger picture'

Cena turning would have been an awful choice and I think deep down most of us know that. Logically it would have made no sense and IMO Cena would take away from Nexus as he is not on the same level as them. Nexus works because most of them are on a similar standing to each other. Put Cena with them and the rest simply fade into the background.

At the time he was announced I actually thought Daniel(son) Bryan might have been the traitor but I'm not sure that would have worked for anyone.

Now here's my thought as to how they go forward (I think I'm ok to put this here but if not just let me know)

Nexus plan from the start was to get Miz on team WWE and then he turns. The look they had as they huddled together when they found out it was DB instead was 'crap, we need a plan B'. Miz makes sense. He has told us the locker room hated him, he was dissed again last night by not having him on the team but they made such a big deal about the will he/won't he join storyline that it has to be more thank just to set up a feud with DB and gey his 'vengeance' on them all . He is a a young guy fast on the rise just like Nexus so he wouldn't over shadow the group.

I still think the Nexus angle has legs. If they had won how would they move on and why would they need to get stronger if they could already take out the best

Just my tuppence worth

Oh and for what it's worth - I HATE SUPER CENA
now im a big Cena fun but.......I FUCKIN HATED THAT ENDING!!!
it wasnt a bad PPV but then the superCena thing was taken on a whole new level that would leave the sweetest little member of the cenation abit puzzled.
a) he over sold the attack from Edge and Jericho - making it far to obvious he was gunna put on a "vintage cena" ending
b) he took a DDT to concrete, then moved out of the way of the 450, THEN got a pinfall from that bump
c) HE DID FUCK ALL THE WHOLE MATCH! - i know they were doin the whole edge jericho not wanting to tag him in, but u r in the main event of the second biggest ppv of the year and all u do is stay down after a small beating then used 3 out of your famous 5 moves!!!!????

again im a BIG Cena fan but sometimes he makes it hard to be 1.
Let me start off by saying I like Cena. I like his character (someone has to be the super good guy).. I like his promos and I like his ring work..

That being said, not sure about last nights ending..

I felt NEXUS should have won, or at least lost by cheating or something. There is still things that can be done. Like NEXUS goes on an attacking spree, beating up anyone and everything. They still have this "bigger picture" thing to do.

Unlike some of you.. I don't blame Cena or any other wrestler for their characters.. They are simply actors/entertainers that do what they are told to do.. thats all.. If you hate anyone.. hate the writing.
I'm having to deal with the same idiocy in the LD thread, so I might as well deal with it here.

1) Team WWE SHOULD have defeated Nexus. Team WWE features 30 World Championships, to say they would lose to a bunch of rookies is BEYOND stupid. So quit saying it. Team WWE made the Nexus look like gold tonight.

2) The Nexus has plenty of options from here.

3) All of you complaining about Super Cena, obviously didn't watch the match. So kindly shut the fuck up until you do.

Cena got the shit beat out of him the entire match. To use the same example I did in the LD, if you watch a movie, how often do you see the good guy get his ass kicked by the bad guy, only to later, with his last gasp of energy, find the will deep down to get out of his predicament and get the bad guy.

That's EXACTLY what happened here tonight. Cena got his ass kicked, and with his last gasps of energy, managed to pull out the win. Or, if you'd like to use a more "real" example, compare Cena's win to Anderson Silva's win over Chael Sonnen. Silva got his ass kicked for 23 minutes, only to pull out a win in the last 10 seconds.

It's the same thing, and people need to quit bitching about things they are obviously wrong about.

i agree with every word that you said SlyFox, as much as a roll Nexus Was On, having rookies beat a team with 30 world championships between them is beyond idiotic, im not saying nexus arent talented, but having them win wouldnt have made any sense at all.

Why is it that the smarks of the IWC always feel that wrestlers need to WIN in order to get pushed? Once any new star loses a match, everyone automatically digs into their bag of smark lingo and pulls out phrases like "He was buried!! There goes his push!! Why does SuperCena have to squash him??" Wrestlers that lose matches get pushed just as much as the winners... sometimes even more. The same thing happened with Sheamus, Randy Orton, John Cena... all of these men lost MANY matches in the main event scene before they were pushed to the moon.

What is wrong with you guys? Nexus just spent TWO MONTHS kicking the living shit out of everyone in their paths. They showed no prejudice; referrees, superstars, midcarders, the company's CEO... no one was able to stop them or even slow them down. So the WWE decides to put together a team of veteran wrestlers with over 20 championships between them and all but one of them get eliminated by the Nexus... some members eliminated multiple members of Team WWE. But just because Cena pulled a pin out of his ass after getting pummeled for 20 minutes of that match you all think that the WWE is "burying" Wade Barrett and the Nexus?? Come on, people... if you all had half a brain in your heads you'd realize that this angle and feud with NExus is far from over.

Seriously everyone, shut the fuck up and just enjoy the show.
I want to preface my statement on last night's main event with this disclaimer:

I consider myself to be a casual "fan" of John Cena's. I like the guy. I feel he's genuine, hard working, entertaining. He can flat-out 'go' in the ring, gives his everything to the business, and will retire a top guy in WWE like Michaels, Taker, and H's.

That being said...


I can totally understand if the Cena haters of the world were furious last night after the conclusion - the BALL DROPPING - of the Main Event last night. With all of the momentum SummerSlam managed to build in the final two matches after a lackluster first hour and a half, they managed to inexplicably derail it in no time flat.

Let me get this straight - John Cena takes a hellish beating, takes a DDT on CONCRETE, and 20 seconds later storms back and pins arguably two of the top three guys in Nexus - including its leader and NXT season 1 winner Wade Barrett - in less than 15 seconds - to win a match WWE didn't need to win.


The idea of Cena managing to come back and beat Gabriel was fine with me, though D-Man, J-Goose, and I all felt that having two surviving Nexus members would have worked great. There was nothing on the line for WWE anyway, as opposed to the Invasion matches.

Wade Barrett was fresh, and he lost to a guy who was worn down and fresh off - let me not understate this - a DDT ON CONCRETE. This may be the biggest travesty of no-selling since, well, Billy Gunn's career.

Huge mistake. I don't care if SummerSlam is a "big-4" pay-per-view and the idea is to have a payoff that "send everyone home happy." Half of last night was about creating storylines heading into Night of Champions anyway. The Seamus DQ finish (which led to everyone thinking the Miz would cash in), the Undertaker's return, the IC Title no-finish, the Melina / LayCool encounter. Why did the booking team feel the need to wrap up last night for the babyfaces?

Had Cena lost, it would have led to some EPIC heat for The Miz as the guy who essentially cost the WWE its match at SummerSlam, and set up Daniel Bryan as an even BIGGER face in his inevitable NoC U.S. Title match with Miz. It would have set the stage for a long-standing Cena / Barrett feud, with Cena maintaining credibility.

I'd also like to point out - Barrett throws a chair into the ring, and Bret figured "well, their guy threw it in, I'll use it?" Tough rookie mistake there by Hall of Famer Bret Hart. He'll work the kinks out with a little more ring time...

1) Team WWE SHOULD have defeated Nexus. Team WWE features 30 World Championships, to say they would lose to a bunch of rookies is BEYOND stupid. So quit saying it. Team WWE made the Nexus look like gold tonight.

That went both ways. The Nexus guys stepped up HUGE. I was especially impressed with Skip Sheffeild.

But it's not like the WWE Vets with the 30 titles would have lost outright and clean, so kindly climb off of that bullshit. It's a team of rookies that would have won because of:

1. One of the opposing team members (Hart) being DQ'ed.

2. Two of the opposing team members (Jericho and Edge) being distracted from running into John Cena and arguing, then being surprised and beaten.

3. The opposition's surprise member (Bryan) being pinned after getting clubbed in the back of the head with a breifcase.

4. The opposition's leader (Cena) being DDT'd on a concrete floor.

That's 5 guys out of the 7 who were eliminated by less-than-clean-means. It would have made perfect sense for the WWE to lose against those odds.

2) The Nexus has plenty of options from here.

Of course they do. Barrett may continue with Cena, though without the heat that would have come from Barrett pinned a prone Cena who's head would have presumably been caved in, once again, by the CONCRETE FLOOR.

3) All of you complaining about Super Cena, obviously didn't watch the match. So kindly shut the fuck up until you do.

I did so. D-Man was there and he'll tell you I watched the match. In fact, I watched the match while HE infracted people. So I'll kindly speak the fuck on...

Cena got the shit beat out of him the entire match.


To use the same example I did in the LD, if you watch a movie, how often do you see the good guy get his ass kicked by the bad guy, only to later, with his last gasp of energy, find the will deep down to get out of his predicament and get the bad guy.

Didn't realize we were watching a movie. I thought we were suspending disbelief for an athletic competition.

That's EXACTLY what happened here tonight. Cena got his ass kicked, and with his last gasps of energy, managed to pull out the win.

His last gasp of energy should have been pinning Gabriel.

Or, if you'd like to use a more "real" example, compare Cena's win to Anderson Silva's win over Chael Sonnen. Silva got his ass kicked for 23 minutes, only to pull out a win in the last 10 seconds.

That's true, after Chael Sonnen drove Anderson Silva's head into a CONCRETE FLOOR.

It's the same thing, and people need to quit bitching about things they are obviously wrong about.

I'm not wrong. You're wrong. Your face is wrong.
That went both ways. The Nexus guys stepped up HUGE. I was especially impressed with Skip Sheffeild.

So was I. Skip really showed that he's the muscle of Nexus. And he showed that he could hold his own with anyone on WWE's roster.

But it's not like the WWE Vets with the 30 titles would have lost outright and clean, so kindly climb off of that bullshit. It's a team of rookies that would have won because of:

1. One of the opposing team members (Hart) being DQ'ed.

2. Two of the opposing team members (Jericho and Edge) being distracted from running into John Cena and arguing, then being surprised and beaten.

3. The opposition's surprise member (Bryan) being pinned after getting clubbed in the back of the head with a breifcase.

4. The opposition's leader (Cena) being DDT'd on a concrete floor.

That's 5 guys out of the 7 who were eliminated by less-than-clean-means. It would have made perfect sense for the WWE to lose against those odds.

All I saw after reading this dribble was a group of heels acting like heels and eliminating members of a babyface team by using heel tactics. God forbid.

But none of that means that WWE should have lost the match. In your logic, the match still could have gone either way.

Of course they do. Barrett may continue with Cena, though without the heat that would have come from Barrett pinned a prone Cena who's head would have presumably been caved in, once again, by the CONCRETE FLOOR.

You act as if this kind of no-selling has never been seen by WWE fans. *AHEM* Hulk Hogan *AHEM*...

I did so. D-Man was there and he'll tell you I watched the match. In fact, I watched the match while HE infracted people. So I'll kindly speak the fuck on...

Yes, he watched. Very attentively, actually. And he was making fun of me because I decided to clean up the site during the match. Good thing I did... the forums were a mess.

Didn't realize we were watching a movie. I thought we were suspending disbelief for an athletic competition.

We were watching television. Isn't that almost the same thing?

His last gasp of energy should have been pinning Gabriel.

But why did it HAVE TO go that way? You should know by now that this is pro-wrestling. During the big four PPV's, most of the time, Vince wants us to go home with the hero coming out on top despite the odds. You make it as if this loss completely discredits Nexus. They'll be just fine after this and Cena's "no-sell" will be forgotten. It's not the first time and it won't be the last time.

I'm not wrong. You're wrong. Your face is wrong.

I love when you say that to people. :lmao:
I liked the match and the ending. Still, we all knew that we weren't going to see the end of Nexus, despite Cole and Lawler spouting for weeks that Team WWE was going to destroy them as a force. It seems to me that a regulation 7 man tag team match wasn't going to bring that about; the only thing that would was if all 14 men were in the ring at the same time and the only ones left standing after the brawl were the 7 "good guys."

After all, the whole concept of Nexus involved a group of cowardly rookies who could do damage only by ganging up on individuals. It angered us when Barrett called Cena a coward; we knew the opposite to be true..... that it was Barrett that was helpless without his friends.

Instead, we now have Nexus as credible individual wrestlers in their own right. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but I definitely wanted Nexus to continue so it's all good.

Even though it accomplished little, I enjoyed seeing Cena beat Barrett to win the match for the "heroes." Jericho and Edge aside, it was a great night for the home team.
<cracks knuckles>

All I saw after reading this dribble was a group of heels acting like heels and eliminating members of a babyface team by using heel tactics. God forbid.

So you're saying that what you saw...made perfect sense. Ok. Now what?

But none of that means that WWE should have lost the match. In your logic, the match still could have gone either way.

Really? If you told me going into the match that 5 of the 7 members of the WWE team would be eliminated with heel tactics and that zero of the Nexus members would be eliminated as such, I'd have said "okay, I assume WWE will make it close and just come up short, giving them motivation to come back on Monday Night seeking to 'right the wrongs' that had been committed." Specifically, The Miz costing them the match.

You act as if this kind of no-selling has never been seen by WWE fans. *AHEM* Hulk Hogan *AHEM*....

Survivor Series 1991 - Hogan gets tombstoned onto a steel chair. He doesn't no-sell that shit.

And that was a TITLE MATCH. Not a 7-on-7 elimination tag with a 50-year old stroke victim as one of the participants.

Yes, he watched. Very attentively, actually. And he was making fun of me because I decided to clean up the site during the match. Good thing I did... the forums were a mess.

I <3 the non-wrestling sections...

We were watching television. Isn't that almost the same thing?

You know, I was watching a NatGeo special the other day on the Manatees and they were discussion the natural predators and the effects that the cold water had on the manatee population. And come to think of it, when the cold water threatened to kill the manatees, from out of nowhere they just hulked up and turned the water warm, thus surviving at the last second.

No, wait, they didn't. They actually died.

Not all TV has to follow the same formula. I realize I'm using an extreme here, but the point is that not everything has to follow the same formula just because its on TV.

But why did it HAVE TO go that way?

Because I f'ing said so.

You should know by now that this is pro-wrestling.

Awfully cheeky for a guy with zero basis.

During the big four PPV's, most of the time, Vince wants us to go home with the hero coming out on top despite the odds.

And yet some of the most memorable moments in history consisted of the heel coming out on top at a Big-4.

Taker over Hogan @ Survivor Series.

Yokozuna wins the Royal Rumble.

Shawn Michaels wins his first Rumble over Davey Boy Smith.

Triple H wins Wrestlemania 2000.

Ric Flair wins WWF Title at Royal Rumble.

You make it as if this loss completely discredits Nexus.

Dude, it does them no favors. Now, they go into Raw tonight having eliminated most Raw rosters members with cheating, and still coming up short against John Cena - how am I to believe they are actually any type of a threat?

They'll be just fine after this and Cena's "no-sell" will be forgotten. It's not the first time and it won't be the last time.

So you're saying the finish last night worked because of its - forgetability? Seriously?

I love when you say that to people. :lmao:

That's right, you do love it.
Team WWE winning leaves a lot of options on where to go from here. Nexus looked strong in defeat and I believe it's time to start featuring guys like Sheffield and Gabriel more in singles matches so they can be even stronger. I'm not too keen on the idea of having the same kind of match at Survivor Series so most likely that's the route they're going to go. It was a good match and Daniel Bryan returning was a nice surprise although I wish it would have been Batista.

Sly's got the Cena thing covered already.
Hey, i didn't know where to post this because cant make my own thread so i thought i'd post it here.

Did anyone notice something about the eliminations of the nexus? If you think back to the first ever NXT poll, then look at the eliminations, if you take out bryan u will realise that it was done in that exact order.

Young eliminated 1st (8th in the poll)
Tarver eliminated 2nd (7th in the poll)
Sheffield eliminated 3rd (6th in the poll)
and so on...

I noticed this last night whilst watching but i never made it to the forums because it was 4 o clock and i near enough passed out...

Couple of questions.
Was this set up on purpose by creative?
If so, where does that leave the likes of Young and Tarver? surely they wont get far if the group does eventually break up.

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