No, but it DOES mean the caliber of wrestlers on Team WWE were FAR superior to the ones on Nexus, so Team WWE SHOULD have been the favorites in the match, especially since Team WWE all had their hatred of Nexus in common.Collective titles won individually do not mean that Team WWE could coexist.
Bullshit.Aside from that, this storyline has legs and could run up unto Survivor Series. Summerslam should have been Nexus' night of arrival leading to the climax, and eventual WWE revolution, at Survior Series.This has weakened them as a group because they lost despite throwing everything they had at Cena.
Nexus has fucked up EVERYONE on the Raw roster. They've been running unchecked on Raw for months. Their "arrival" was made the night they first joined forces. The storyline can still go to Survivor Series.
Can't and shouldn't are too different words. And when you have 7 rookies taking on 5 former World Champions, a former Midcard and Tag Champion and supposedly the best the Indy scene has to offer, they are clearly behind the 8 ball.Finally on this point, the fact that rookies can't beat superstars is a flawed point to make straight away.
As opposed to a WWE PPV which is....all make believe and usually no more than 3 hours long?Your examples are pointless. Films, first of all are make believe and are usually no more than 3 hours long.

What the fuck is your point here?
Again, just like wrestling.Generally, a lot of stuff happens in those three hours, ending with a happy ending of sorts.

You're kicking your own ass here.
And it still can.That is because there isn't going to be any more to watch afterward. WWE however is a serial. In 4 months time we'll still be tuning in to watch Raw and Smackdown and the monthly PPV and this Storyline could have easily continued there.
Wow...I've never seen someone miss a point so badly. Well, I have, but you missed it badly here.As for the Sonnen/Silva fight. Yeah. It was a great fight. I loved it. It was so good to see something so shocking and unexpected. Doubly so. Who'd have thought Sonnen would be able to do that for 4 rounds? And then, shock again, Silva managed to get a submission on and proved that he is the best in the world and we should never have counted him out. Yeah. I know my UFC. But, perhaps I'm mistaken on something... I've been watching for a while now but maybe I'm wrong. Isn't MMA real? Yeah, I'm pretty certain it is. And WWE is the fake one right... the one with storylines? Sonnen was not scripted to do any of that. Cena was. That is what is bullshit.
Find another example to state your case because your last two failed.
My point was to show that what Cena did happens in real life. So to say it's "unrealistic" or "super Cena" is absurd, because this stuff really does happen. Yes, wrestling's scripted, yes wrestling borders upon unrealistic, but at the same time, what Cena did WASN'T unrealistic, and to criticize it is absurd because it HAS happened before.
That was my point.
I'm neither young nor simple minded. I'm someone who watches wrestling to be entertained, and I have intelligence.You know what. I'm glad you're happy and are still content with the WWE product. I'm glad because you're exactly who Vince is catering for with this trash. The young guys or the simple minded who lap up all this shit.
That's why I'm different from most of the IWC. They watch to criticize and be stupid.
Did you see the Gomi vs. Griffin fight? Gomi knocked Griffin out with one punch, and Griffin fell flat on his face. He was out cold on his feet. One second later he was back up (on wobbly legs, but still up) and saying he could fight.You're clearly an MMA fan. You've seen guys get knocked out with a fist or a submission. Cena was dropped on to concrete head first. Those MMA guys recieve immediate medical attention when they get clocked.
Again, to use MMA as a real life example, you can get knocked out, and be back up willing to fight only a moment later.
Your criticisms here are just illogical, as if you intentionally WANT to not enjoy wrestling. Why the fuck are you even a wrestling fan then? When you try this hard to dislike something, when everything that happened was COMPLETELY realistic...why bother watching wrestling?