WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

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all i have to say is can michael cole please stop blowing the miz
its f*****g annoying

one minute the guy is goofy face

then in the blink of an eye he turns into some obsessed heel that just wants miz's crutch in his face

seriously am i the only one who thinks miz sucks

the miz really really sucks

if he joins nexas i will personally go slap the creative team right in the mouth
WOW...WWE Writing is SO BAD....they underestimate how unpopular Cena is. Also it would have been better if Daniel Bryan betrayed them...
LMAO at same old predictable WWE. Superman Cena wins out of nowhere and saves Raw. No twist and Nexus is dead.

Vince, you are and idiot.
i missed the last 5 mins, what happened? the last i saw was Wade Barrett DDTing Cena on the outside floor. Did Cena heel turn or anything actually decent happen next?

Never mind, the above poster answered my questions. WWE had so much going for it with this match and as always apart from Brian Danielson coming back they fcuked it as always, NO ONE wanted Cena to win this thing nor did he need to.
Worst PPV ever. Goes to show how WWE makes Cena, SUPER CENA. I can't believe it. They had a great chance to make him heel here and they didn't. GG people. We wasted 3 hours watching that terrible PPV.
i missed the last 5 mins, what happened? the last i saw was Wade Barrett DDTing Cena on the outside floor. Did Cena heel turn or anything actually decent happen next?

Same old shit really. Cena pins the other guy in 3 seconds then slaps that weak submission on 2 minutes later n Barrett and comes out looking like Hecules.
That was a massive kick in the balls from WWE once again. The Miz setups a feud with Daniel Bryan seems to be the only 'result' from that match.

Cena giving Bryan the Attitude Adjustment and letting Nexus win would've been an amazing end to the match as the Cena Sucks chants were the loudest tonight. However, killing off the Nexus seems to be the best thing to do right? Especially after they started the show so well.
Seriously, a terrible end to the PPV. Forget Raw tomorrow. This was just bad writing. Daniel Bryan comes back, ok some light but then to finish with the same old Super Cena crap??? Why does Vince ok these things? Has he just gotten lazy or what?
Really liked how they used Bret on the plus side. He looked strong and got a conveniant DQ to get him out without taking any bumps.
Really? REALLY?

Fuck me I've wasted three hours of my life watching same old shit again, thanks God I don't pay to get PPVs.

Whats the point of the fucking NEXUS angle if it was going to finish like this, my brother who watched with me was right, when it became two on one I told him that Cena will elminate Young and then he & Barrett will fight till Cena was going to finish with the refree knocked out due to a bump and then HHH returnes, screws Cena and heel HHH comes again revealing that he was the mastermind behind the whole thing to take this buissness to the next decade with these youngsters, my brother looked at me and told me that this makes too much sense so WWE won't do it and will indeed go with the same old Cena no sell, where he'll make the usual comeback in seconds and win easily.

So mad at the WWE.
Doesnt WWE realise by finishing this way it makes Cena look a complete twat rather than make him stronger, it would have been alot better if Danielson won the match, or better still keep the best thing WWE has had going for a while a bit longer and had Nexus win and throw in a swerve while they were at it like everyone predicted they should. WWE is getting worse :(

Well they we got our cena heel turn i guess, but not the way we were expecting. He was a asshole going into the match and after the match the whole world hates him 100x more than anyone ever to grace a WWE ring.
Sorry dude. Cena did the superman. It ruined the whole angle. :(

Agreed, this PPV was crap and though I loved that Brian made his return back to WWE which was unexpected. The ending was crap, what a waste of a build up. You spend all this time building up the Nexus just to have them lose to the guy that is "indestructible". The build up to this PPV had a bunch of people online talking about how plausible it was for Cena to turn heel. I hope those people realize that tonight was a clear example that they're not going to do it even in the near future. A horrible, horrible ending to a lackluster show.
PPV was awesome... besides the ending of the main event.
When Daniel Bryan came out a lot of his moves and styles reminded me of Chris Benoit.
I was literally thinking, HE IS THE NEXT BENOIT (Minus the tradegy)
His finisher is the cross face, and he does suplex's and is very technical aswell..
The best ending would have been if Cena eliminated Gabriel, then all of a sudden.
Him and Barret shake hands and what not.

Outcome of the match:
The Miz vs Bryan Daniels for US Championship
A nicely ruined angle...
EASILY the worst PPV the WWE/F has put on in quite some time. Ive been a pretty loyal fan for about 20 years, and ive never turned off a ppv before. I did today, about midway through (during the SES match, and then again during the orton match). i figured when I saw daniel bryan come out, MAYBE they had a shot at saving themselves. No, instead, they have hart eliminate himself, miz eliminate bryan who was the only part of the PPV worth a damn... and then one of cena's patented against all odds comeback. Disgusting. Where do they go from here? Nexus, which was a rare homerun by the creative team, is done. thank god i streamed this on my tv or id be throwing a shit fit about getting my money back. The world of "sports entertainment" that is the WWE is offically in trouble. I'd love to hear any rebuttals to this; any semblance of arguement that this was at least a "C" rated PPV.
I fully agree with everyone tonight. I'm done, I will never watch another Raw, SD! or WWE PPV event ever again. We have been let down for way too long and way too many times.

TNA you just got an exclusive brand fan tonight
They had 5 matches tonight... first three are instantly forgettable (although I did enjoy the first match - Kofi fan - and the Diva's looked entertaining for once), fourth predictable but the last one had the chance to completely change the WWE...

Na screw it. Super Cena wins again! There's a reason wrestling fans aren't buying your PPV's anymore Vince and it's not because of gimmicks it's because of terrible writing.
Total bullshit ending.

This whole "Super Cena" nonsense has to stop. Even if they didn't turn him heel, they should have had team WWE lost. Now they have basically buried the Nexus and once again, Cena reigns supreme.

Yeah, Cena's great for the kiddies, but it's getting to the point where WWE are risking losing their adult audience for good, while this bullshit goes on. At the end of the day, kids don't buy the PPVs or buy tickets to see live events....their parents buy for them. In truth, although kids watch wrestling, it's really adult entertainment and should have stayed that way.

To say that Cena's current persona is stale would be an understatement. For the record, I like and respect Cena and totally blame WWE for this, rather than Cena himself. I just wish for the day that the current WWE creative team would actually get CREATIVE, rather than go for predictability 90% of the time.

If WWE continue down this road, they may as well transfer Raw to the f**king Disney channel and be done with it. Adult fans are going to be switching to TNA fast at this rate....hopefully TNA get their act together and capitalize on WWE's alienation of its adult audience and its complete and utter lack of creativity.

The Nexus angle is in big, big trouble after this.
Match looked good. The Superstars didnt bury Nexus and the core of the group showed strength.


Cena for crying out loud had to go over them? really? That was horrible booking. I hope Night of Champions tanks in PPV buys.
I know this will make every Cena hater mad but…I have let out a huge LOL :lol:. I said it multiple times Cena was not turning. Everyone tried to draw comparisons to Hogan joining NWO but there was one blaring difference the NWO never touched Hogan, where as Nexus beat the holy crap out of Cena every week.

Just to throw more salt on the wound, Cena did promise something huge and you all got your Daniel Bryan back.
And just to be “that guy” when you saw Cena come out with a new shirt did you really have to watch the entire match to know he wasn't turning heel. :p
It had been a good match too... High impact moves... I thought it was shaping out well...

Horrible idea to have Miz hit Bryan! Now they are gonna feud!? They could push both of these guys separately from each other and build the future. A feud down the road with these 2 would have been HUGE. I would have liked to see Bryan feud with a member or all of Nexus. It's obvious he still will, but it will be a bit different now because The Miz has to be factored into Bryan's plans.

Bryan was on fire in the match. He really looked good. I wouldn't say I had doubts about him before, but I am much more sure now of his ability to Main Event. Dude has it!!!

Skip Sheffield looked awesome too... Great push for that guy! He was a force out there at one point! It even took chair shots from Bret Hart, a Codebreaker from Jericho, AND The Spear from Edge to take him out. That was something WWE did that was really smart! They made him look believable! I think Sheffield was one of the only Nexus members to take a step forward in this match!

I still can't believe WWE won this. Nexus really needed this bad. They needed to look unstoppable as a team for a while! To really, really get over! As they are not OVER yet!!

They managed to even make Barrett look bad. After all the damage Cena took (DDT on the damn concrete!), he STILL disposes of Barrett rather quickly. He pins dude after he misses The 450, THEN Barrett comes in and Cena IMMEDIATELY puts him in the STF and Barret fuckin' taps!! Jesus! WTF!

Super Cena!? Are you fuckin' kidding me!!?? What do they do now with Nexus!?

To me, momentum is stopped and I no longer care about them interrupting matches anymore. I hope it is over or is about to stop. Because I just don't believe it anymore!

addendum: this is clearly the result of this PG bullshit, with cena the top face always coming out on top. can linda just drop out the fucking election or something? this shit isnt going to end and can you imagine if she actually wins??? Oh my fucking god. you say hes a cash cow and whatever, but top heels (HHH, HBK, Austin, Rock) can still be top draws if its done right. fuckin gross. im guessing the nexus gets weeded out.. with tarver, sheffield, and young probably getting their pink slips tomorrow, as they were taken out pretty quickly. then they'll probably split the rest up on raw/sd and eventually ruin their careers slowly.
What a waste of $50. An absolutely horrible ending to a horrible pay-per-view that did nothing but make the last several months completely irrelevent. It had THE worst-booked IC title match in history (seriously, did Nexus really need to interfere? I guess they COULD have attacked people on SmackDown, but the way the main event ended, I don't care anymore. and what was the point of even building up the Ziggler/Kingston fued??) and the worst-booked main event in history (Nexus lost killing all momentum the storyline had AND nothing was revealed about who the Nexus leader is... and it's NOT the Miz...) It's like deja vu. WWE obviously didn't learn anything from the debacle that was the InVasion.

Jesus Christ. Take it easy people. Nexus is far from dead. I believe this is only the beginning.

Do i agree with the Super Cena finish? Hell no. Makes Barrett and Gabriel look super weak. But hey, it makes Cena look Super Awesome! He saved the WWE! Despite being speared by Edge, and beat down by Jericho and Edge, he overcame, and he won!


It was a stupid finish, but team WWE proved that they can't work together. NEXUS should be stronger than ever. If wins really mattered, then Danielson wouldn't have been brought back (what, like 0-9 on NXT?) and the Miz would be so far buried, and probably released. But they don't. The Nexus just needs to rebound, which they will.

And i think that this may foreshadow a Cena Heel turn in the future. I just get that feeling.

WWE kind of wrote themselves into a corner- Kofi didn't win, Orton didn't get the title, Kane dominated Rey...really, the WWE needed this to be a "feel good" moment on a bleak PPV (both spiritually weak, and booking wise).

So take a shot yall, and calm down. Unless you spent 50 bucks on that PPV. Then you can be as upset as you want. it looked like it was pretty much garbage otherwise.
Nice post above, I totally agree.
We are all mad because we fueled our own fire.
As much as I wanted a Heel turn, We wouldn't get it although..
That would help, he would come back with a different attitude?
Maybe the Rapper gimmick, or even just attacking a top face and saying
That match that night made him think, and he doesnt to be back stabbed again,
Hell make him a tweener. Freshen him up. I for one am NEVER buying PPV's again.
I will only watch smackdown for now..

Btw we all expected Kane to get beat by taker? Kane tombstoned him MUAHAHA
The only thing to come out of this PPV is a future Danielson vs Miz feud, it was obvious Kane will be the one behind Undertaker's vegetative state, Kofi vs Dolph was done to fill, nobody gives a fuck about the divas (unless they are featured in bikini photo shoots), we knew Edge and Jericho will be return to being heels after this match, and Sheamus still struggle to have a clean win in his career against big timers, and the finish against Orton was done to extend the feud.

Now what happens now is that we'll see same old, same old again with maybe Jericho and Edge reuniting and having a feud with the Dynasty while the likes of Orton and Cena and a returning HHH dominates the mainevent, there is no way for Nexus to regain credibility after this match.

Really poor show in hindsight considering the Bryan Danielson stuff leaked beforehand.

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