WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

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I think the Nexus has to pick up the win here, because they haven't yet shown us what the "bigger picture" is. I for one am ultra excited for this match and I cant wait to find out what the Nexus' agenda is, which we'll likely find out the RAW after summerslam.
I wish that the WWE would have left jericho and edge off the team because HHH and taker would have been a better choice for the whole as far as pride for the company they work with angle goes
i think khali is out of the game, and the miz is more interested in the title picture at the moment.

i think daniel bryan will come back on wwe team, be the last man in against barret and double cross team wwe and just lie down for the pinfall.

As much as I loved seeing Bret beat the hell out of Vince at WrestleMania, this guy just needs to stay out of the ring. The only reason it makes sense for Bret to even be in this match is so he can turn on team WWE, and turn out to be the main person behind the Nexus faction. I'm not sure how they would explain it, but it could work. Cena turning would kind of make sense, but it's probably not the best direction to go. Triple H returning and turning on WWE would make more sense. Sure, he's not ready to get back in the ring, but as long as he's able to hold a microphone and talk, that'll be just fine for a while. But then again, how would they be able to explain the whole Sheamus and Nexus truce thing? Hmmm.. Anyway, someone's definitely going to turn here. Not sure who it'll be, but a turn will happen and Nexus will win this match, thus continuing the war.
While it makes sense to gather some of the best to take down the team, it doesn't do much for any of the faces that could've been on there (Evan Bourne, Golddust, Mark Henry, or who knows). They could've benefited from it more, however I guess it makes for a better match with a mixture of people that now seems united.

You really think Evan Bourne, Goldust, and Mark Henry would be better chocies to main event a ppv? Mark Henry has been stale for the last few months and Goldust isn't in a position at this point in his career to be in the main event. An argument could be made for Bourne based on his recent push but even that is a toss up.

As far as those guys "benefiting" from it more, that is ludicrous. Like I said, at this point Henry and Goldust are never going to be main eventers again. Having them would just take away from the star power in the match and really hurt the main event as a whole. What looks better? The Nexus beating Henry and Goldust or the Nexus beating Jericho and Edge? I could see Evan Bourne being better then the Great Khali for the main event and he definitely would have benefited from being in the match but at this point I'm not even sure Khali will be in the match and if he is I can understand why he was picked over Bourne. If you're trying to make the Nexus look strong, taking out a 7'3 monster looks better then taking out a high flying cruiser weight.
I believe Nexus will win this match, with Cena and the mystery Team WWE member as the final 2 Team WWE members and Barrett as the final Nexus member, when The MIZ comes out and takes out the mystery member, costing Team WWE the match. Then later on in the night after the WWE Championship match the WWE Champion is in the ring celebrating, when the GM email noise plays, Cole gets up and the camera focuses on the stand. Cole announces that from this moment on Nexus will no longer be barred from any Championship matches, and that Barrett will be having his WWE Championship match right now.

The camera goes back to the ring and barrett is standing behind the WWE Champion, the bell rings and barrett hits his finisher and wins the WWE Championship.
You really think Evan Bourne, Goldust, and Mark Henry would be better chocies to main event a ppv? Mark Henry has been stale for the last few months and Goldust isn't in a position at this point in his career to be in the main event. An argument could be made for Bourne based on his recent push but even that is a toss up.

As far as those guys "benefiting" from it more, that is ludicrous. Like I said, at this point Henry and Goldust are never going to be main eventers again. Having them would just take away from the star power in the match and really hurt the main event as a whole. What looks better? The Nexus beating Henry and Goldust or the Nexus beating Jericho and Edge? I could see Evan Bourne being better then the Great Khali for the main event and he definitely would have benefited from being in the match but at this point I'm not even sure Khali will be in the match and if he is I can understand why he was picked over Bourne. If you're trying to make the Nexus look strong, taking out a 7'3 monster looks better then taking out a high flying cruiser weight.

So you would rather see a giant mixture of faces and heels on a team, that would make much more sense to be faces vs heels, rather than faces and heels vs heels?

That doesn't make much sense to me Big Sexy, it really doesn't. I would much rather see actual faces to be on the team, Evan Bourne could use something like this, and let's be honest, golddust and Mark Henry was gonna be on there anyway if they needed faces.

Sure The Nexus would benefit more from beating more experienced guys, but The Nexus can beat those up any given time, but can Evan Bourne be put in a position like this at any given time where he could potentially make a difference for the whole show in a kayfabe manner? Should that not make for him to be a much better choice for kayfabe as well as backstage benefits? Edge and Jericho doesn't need the accolades of beating Nexus, and Nexus can get the accolades whenever they want.
So you would rather see a giant mixture of faces and heels on a team, that would make much more sense to be faces vs heels, rather than faces and heels vs heels?

That doesn't make much sense to me Big Sexy, it really doesn't. I would much rather see actual faces to be on the team, Evan Bourne could use something like this, and let's be honest, golddust and Mark Henry was gonna be on there anyway if they needed faces.

You have the concept of this feud completely wrong. This isn't a faces vs heels feud. This is a RAW vs Nexus feud. Therefore you want the best 7 guys you can come up with (that aren't in the world title picture) to take out the Nexus.

Sure The Nexus would benefit more from beating more experienced guys, but The Nexus can beat those up any given time, but can Evan Bourne be put in a position like this at any given time where he could potentially make a difference for the whole show in a kayfabe manner? Should that not make for him to be a much better choice for kayfabe as well as backstage benefits? Edge and Jericho doesn't need the accolades of beating Nexus, and Nexus can get the accolades whenever they want.

How can the Nexus get put in this position whenever they want but not Evan Bourne? The Nexus isn't going to last forever and this may be one of the only chances some of the weaker members like Heath Slater and Darren Young have to make a good impression. Bourne was just recently given a push on RAW and obviously management wasn't too happy with the way it was going or he would be in this match.
Personally I see Mr. McMahon being the 7th member and then being the one to turn on team WWE saying how he saw the light when Nexus attacked him and how these guys are the future of the business and he will side with them rather than side on a team with Bret Hart
I thinks its either Cena or HHH behind this whole Nexus thing,but I wouldnt be surprised if it was Bryan Danielson. That 90 days thing with his contract is almost up I think so it might be him.
It could be Cole too or Bret.There are a lot of possibilities here.
As for the match,I see Cena turning on his team thus making Team WWE losing.IDK its just an opinion.
I think if anybody interferes, it is either Cena, Hart or a complete random. It wont be any of the other Raw members, because that would just be completely stupid., they would just be destroyed. But then again, Kahli might :rolleyes:
You have the concept of this feud completely wrong. This isn't a faces vs heels feud. This is a RAW vs Nexus feud. Therefore you want the best 7 guys you can come up with (that aren't in the world title picture) to take out the Nexus.

I know that perfectly well Big Sexy. However I don't see why WWE would pair it in a heel face vs heel thing. At least not the way it has been going, seeing as Edge and Jericho pretty much left the team until this week, where they took a stand as the only thing. Who knows, they could very well leave again.

And all in all, the team is primary faces, dominated by the faces. So if Edge and Jericho is indeed off, I don't see how Evan Bourne, Golddust and Mark Henry can not be on the team. To actually make it along the original formula of heel vs face.

How can the Nexus get put in this position whenever they want but not Evan Bourne? The Nexus isn't going to last forever and this may be one of the only chances some of the weaker members like Heath Slater and Darren Young have to make a good impression. Bourne was just recently given a push on RAW and obviously management wasn't too happy with the way it was going or he would be in this match.

The Nexus has already been put in the position to beat up numerous people. They do it on every single episode, and they have beaten up the majority of the people on the team right now. With exception of R-Truth (I don't recall that one at least). And Evan Bourne, Mark Henry and well Golddust hasn't been attacked, but then put someone who has in there.
ok am i missing something here? there is already 7 members

Khali was taken out by Nexus on Raw this week. At least I think. That's why they were asking Miz to join on RAW.

My guess is Miz joins just so he can be in the main event but then does something selfish that costs team RAW the win.

If Miz doesn't join then perhaps they'll just go with 7 vs 6. In reality, 7 rookies shouldn't be able to beat 7 WWE regulars. But if there was a one man advantage for Nexus, that makes there win more believable while at the same time not making the RAW team look weak since the odds were against them. Everyone comes out looking strong. Either way Nexus has to win the match. It's their first major pay per view match as a stable. If they lose it will bury them.
so the whole. man down for raw thing is fine, i like the whole nexus idea and its a great storyline, but i dont see how it is as awesome as everyone has made it out to be, the only one that is really any good so far is barrett.. i mean seriously.. it just makes me mad to think that the top guys are all being threatened by a buncha new comers, if that was to happen in any other situation it wouldnt be like that, the veterans would be kicking some oklahoma ass.. seriously though, i think the 6 on 7 ( technically 5 cuz of hart wrestling ability these days) is just to even it out a little bit... i think they should of approached this storyline as the Nexus as faces and got some heels (besides cena) to bully around the new guys, where the new guys had to prove they can hold their own and their gunna do it at summerslam, that to me would of been way more interesting. i understand the new guys trying to make a name for themselves but, if new guys tried to take over anywhere else, they would be destroyed, the wwe guys are way better, more established they should be able to handle these guys no problem. pretty sure if Austin was still around he would go out there and stun them all at the same time and kick some ass, same with taker or HHH, anyways should be interesting nontheless
I thinks its either Cena or HHH behind this whole Nexus thing,but I wouldnt be surprised if it was Bryan Danielson. That 90 days thing with his contract is almost up I think so it might be him.
It could be Cole too or Bret.There are a lot of possibilities here.
As for the match,I see Cena turning on his team thus making Team WWE losing.IDK its just an opinion.

LOL I was just going to post the same thing sort of. Think about it that 90 day compete clause can easily be taken away by the wwe.I think it will go like this
The Miz goes to say he'll join the team to Bret and Cena but they'll say they found a better replacement.Then when everyone is waiting to know who the 7th member is BOOM It's Daniel Bryan.It would go perfect with the angle where he was feeling sorry for his actions and it would also continue his feud with The Miz.Also I have an idea that i think could bring great ratings to raw A Double Swerve in the match it comes down to John Cena and Daniel Bryan against only Wade Barrett and out of nowhere Daniel Bryan punts John Cena in the head and leaves the match so Wade Barrett wins and then rejoins nexus. Hey It could be a great idea.
Why the hell does ANYBODY have to be the bad guy? Why would WWE go all this time building up a power stable who has taken orders from NOBODY only to have them become "slaves" to another person? Think people, it doesn't make any sense at all.

As for who I say will replace TGK, I'm going into the hat of Daniel Bryan. Correct me if I'm wrong, but his 90 days clearly stated that he couldn't compete for OTHER companies on televised events. WWE isn't an other company, it's the same as before. And if you stop and think... he's got motive to team with Raw.
I know that perfectly well Big Sexy. However I don't see why WWE would pair it in a heel face vs heel thing. At least not the way it has been going, seeing as Edge and Jericho pretty much left the team until this week, where they took a stand as the only thing. Who knows, they could very well leave again.

And all in all, the team is primary faces, dominated by the faces. So if Edge and Jericho is indeed off, I don't see how Evan Bourne, Golddust and Mark Henry can not be on the team. To actually make it along the original formula of heel vs face.

The Edge and Jericho thing was done to show turmoil in team WWE and make it look as if the Nexus was the stronger of the two teams. The angle leading up to the match at times has seemed confusing but it ended up turning out very well.
The Nexus has already been put in the position to beat up numerous people. They do it on every single episode, and they have beaten up the majority of the people on the team right now. With exception of R-Truth (I don't recall that one at least). And Evan Bourne, Mark Henry and well Golddust hasn't been attacked, but then put someone who has in there.

There is no way that Mark Henry and Goldust deserved to be or should have been in this match. At this point in their respective careers they don't belong there and would have been very out of place. A case can be made for Evan Bourne but seeing how the angle has played out recently I'm glad they went in the direction they did because Bourne doesn't really fit in. The way everything has been setup is designed to make the Nexus look as strong as possible and it has worked.
All I can say is thank god! Apparently Khali is out of the team! Maybe this Summerslam might be worthy of buying. Anyway Nexus need to win this match or most of the group members will be buried. I honestly think there will be no traitor, But the 7th member will come unexpectedly either when the match is about to begin, Or halfway through the match. That member will go by the name of Triple H. It is possible that he can come back. Remember when John Cena came back to the Royal Rumble when he was suppose to be out for months? And by the way Bryan danielson is not returning!!! Don't you know what a 90 day no compete clause is?
The Edge and Jericho thing was done to show turmoil in team WWE and make it look as if the Nexus was the stronger of the two teams. The angle leading up to the match at times has seemed confusing but it ended up turning out very well.

I know that perfectly well. And sure it created for a interesting storyline. However it doesn't mean that it wouldn't make sense to bring in Golddust, Bourne and Mark Henry. That way it would've become more of an equal thing in the way that they get along. And The Nexus might not have come off as the stronger team, but if they win at Summerslam, wouldn't that automatically seem otherwise?

This way it also kills all the heel turn, and messed up ending speculations. Which would make for a better match, because they would win legitimately.

There is no way that Mark Henry and Goldust deserved to be or should have been in this match. At this point in their respective careers they don't belong there and would have been very out of place. A case can be made for Evan Bourne but seeing how the angle has played out recently I'm glad they went in the direction they did because Bourne doesn't really fit in. The way everything has been setup is designed to make the Nexus look as strong as possible and it has worked.

How did they not deserve to be on the team? Really what qualifies someone to not belong on the team. Considering they're still someone who could serve very well at putting over talent, Golddust and Mark Henry does it to a pretty decent extend. They might not be legitimate threads to the extend of Chris Jericho putting someone over, or Triple H. However they are just fine.

And don't get me wrong, I'm just fine with the way the team looks now. I do however don't see how it could possibly have worsened if WWE had made Team WWE filled with faces.
I keep thinking that one of the NEXUS lot is going to help WWE win, really don't know why either. Just seems out of the ordinary, be great to see this story develop at SS though. Really hoping HHH makes a comeback aswell... and agreed with the earlier posts. Bret Hart really does ruin the WWE team.
And by the way Bryan danielson is not returning!!! Don't you know what a 90 day no compete clause is?

Yeah I do know what the 90 day no compete thing is but it was made by WWE so it can easily be taken down. Sure he may not return but all the ideas are ther think Daniel Bryan taking his mentor Miz's spot attacking Nexus for pretty much calling him soft the facts are there but we just have to wait and see.
And by the way Bryan danielson is not returning!!! Don't you know what a 90 day no compete clause is?

Yeah, I would think the WWE would have an experienced enough legal team that they would their chances of signing back one of their assets. Now, I haven't seen the contract, obviously, but I would think that the WWE would only make the NCC apply to other companies in case they decide they want to bring someone back. The precedent is there, as they have brought back several former wrestlers, i.e. Cryme Tyme. They were only gone six months when they were fired. I would think this alone would make the WWE realize that there may come a time when they want to hire someone back relatively quickly.

In any case, it's been two months, and I don't see the WWE giving TNA or anyone else much time to sign him away once the NCC expires so, at most, we maybe a month until he returns, assuming the WWE actually does want him back.
OK 1st thread ever I apoligize if there is another thread about this. Anyway there has been lots of speculation of who is the 7th member and people are saying its the Miz or Triple H but I honestly think it's Daniel Bryan. To me the idea that he could be the 7th membermight be already there with his 90 day no compete clause almost up which as far as I know the WWE can take it down anytime cause they set it up. I think that since The Miz saying to Bret Hart and John Cena that he'll tell them sunday if he will join and he will say he wants to join but Bret and Cena tell him they found somebody else. Then the last entry is Daniel Bryan himself coming back to help WWE defeat Nexus. The story could make sense with him continuing his feud with The Miz and returning cause the Nexus kicked him out and pretty much called him soft. So there's my idea on how Daniel Bryan could come back. Comment on if this could work or not or if you think he will come back or not or your own idea on how it could play out.
I know that perfectly well. And sure it created for a interesting storyline. However it doesn't mean that it wouldn't make sense to bring in Golddust, Bourne and Mark Henry. That way it would've become more of an equal thing in the way that they get along. And The Nexus might not have come off as the stronger team, but if they win at Summerslam, wouldn't that automatically seem otherwise?

This way it also kills all the heel turn, and messed up ending speculations. Which would make for a better match, because they would win legitimately

The speculation is what has made this such a great angle and is a huge reason why this ppv is going to get a ton of buys. I guarantee less people would buy the ppv to see Goldust, Mark Henry, and Evan Bourne with no real speculation of some kind of heel turn. Summerslam is probably the biggest ppv next to Wrestlemania and you have to pull out all the stops and have the best names possible in the main event. Jericho and Edge are big names and top heels and to not have them involved would have made very little sense, especially considering they were attacked by the Nexus.

How did they not deserve to be on the team? Really what qualifies someone to not belong on the team. Considering they're still someone who could serve very well at putting over talent, Golddust and Mark Henry does it to a pretty decent extend. They might not be legitimate threads to the extend of Chris Jericho putting someone over, or Triple H. However they are just fine.

Listen, Goldust is one of my favorite wrestlers ever and a guy I find to be very underrated but what you are saying is just wrong. Goldust and Mark henry are fine for putting over young guys on the under card of an episode of RAW (like they did a few weeks ago when they were part of the team that got shut out by the Nexus) but no fucking way do they belong in the main event of the second biggest ppv of the year. At least not at this point in their careers. If this was mid 90's Goldust or 2006-2008 Mark henry then you'd have an argument but at this point they are nothing more then veteran jobbers used to put people over on shows like RAW.
The speculation is what has made this such a great angle and is a huge reason why this ppv is going to get a ton of buys. I guarantee less people would buy the ppv to see Goldust, Mark Henry, and Evan Bourne with no real speculation of some kind of heel turn. Summerslam is probably the biggest ppv next to Wrestlemania and you have to pull out all the stops and have the best names possible in the main event. Jericho and Edge are big names and top heels and to not have them involved would have made very little sense, especially considering they were attacked by the Nexus.

I guess I'm among the uncommon people, the people who really wouldn't have cared if Edge and Jericho was on the team. I would've actually seen more sense in Golddust, Bourne and Henry. Probably because I would've much rather seen Edge and Jericho work singles matches, or triple threats. Actual matches that requires them to be in the ring all the time.

However that doesn't mean I don't approve of the match, however I could certainly see other choices in there. Ones which I have already mentioned.

And sure they were attacked by The Nexus, but outside of that Jericho is the only one who had even a little bit of relation to the storyline in a way it would make sense. How does it explain Edge to be in there then? Evan Bourne and Mark Henry for one at least have reasons that goes beyond just one single attack. Mark has been targeted numerous times, and Evan Bourne as well.

Listen, Goldust is one of my favorite wrestlers ever and a guy I find to be very underrated but what you are saying is just wrong. Goldust and Mark henry are fine for putting over young guys on the under card of an episode of RAW (like they did a few weeks ago when they were part of the team that got shut out by the Nexus) but no fucking way do they belong in the main event of the second biggest ppv of the year. At least not at this point in their careers. If this was mid 90's Goldust or 2006-2008 Mark henry then you'd have an argument but at this point they are nothing more then veteran jobbers used to put people over on shows like RAW.

And R-Truth and Morrison are fitted to be in the main event? Yep, got it.

I don't mind the setup, I've already noted that. But it doesn't explain how come (Which is the first thing you quoted me on) Evan Bourne, Golddust and Mark Henry doesn't benefit more from being on team WWE, we've already covered that Nexus would earn more from beating Jericho and Edge than Bourne, Golddust or Henry, but in the end, wouldn't they benefit more from actually tasting main event time compared to Edge and Jericho, who really gets zero out of being in the main event, compared to the other guys?

I've said it before, I'll say it again, The Nexus can beat up Jericho and Edge at any given point whenever they want to, legitimately as well if booked like that, but Bourne, Golddust and Mark Henry would have to wait a long time to be featured in a high profile again, if ever.

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