WWE NoC 2010 - The Miz (c) vs Daniel Bryan - US Championship Match

Just looking at the match card picture of The Miz and Daniel Bryan together almost makes me want to jizz. It's quite literally a dream come true. I'm really hoping that Daniel Bryan wins because I want his career to elevate to tremendous heights...I just don't want it to go up so fast that it ruins him forever; if that's the case then he can pack his bags and go back to ROH.

However, the fact remains the same.. this match should be a show-stealer and be great in the aspects of match quality, entertainment and outcomes because lets face facts, no matter who wins; there's going to be happy people. I like Daniel Bryan and I'm rooting for him, but I'm not going to be mortified if he loses, it's just something else for The Miz to add to his ever-growing repetoire.
I agree with Doc, this is a PPV seller for me and I’m wetting my e-pants in anticipation of this fight. To see someone like Danielson going for a WWE title is something I’ve been wanting to see for a while and at the same time get to see Miz defend his championship against someone who will seriously give him a run for his money.

I’m really not concerned with who wins because I’m hoping the feud will continue past NoC. I’d like to see their program continue as it’s probably the most interesting happening on Raw right now apart from the Nexus angle. I wonder how Cole will react if Bryan wins? I’m just super excited for this match and can’t wait to see where they go after NoC is all over.

I’m looking forawrd to this and I hope they get some decent time to work a great 4 star match... Hopefully.
I predict that we'll see the Miz tapping out to the LeBelle Lock and a NEW United States Champion: Daniel Bryan

Thats what i was thinking but this would hurt the Miz's progress and delay his jump into ME scene while it would be good to see DB as US champ Miz's credibility is brought down a notch and if this does indeed happen then i wont want to see him cash it it later on in the night it'll be like dude you lost to DB you aint deserving of the wwe championship
I am looking forward to this match. I believe it's time for Miz to lose the US title and move into the Main-event scene full-time. I'm also looking forward to hearing Michael Cole's commentary during the match, that has the potential to be more entertaining than the match. I feel that Daniel Bryan would be a better off in the US title/IC championship unification match.
This could be the match that is a show stealer, yes we have a big match like the 6 pack challenge, which is exciting on its own, but you have an indy star and accomplished wrestler vs the/a future face of WWE as the IWC puts it and also next big main eventer, it will be the match i will want to watch the most along with the WWE Title match.

But this whole feud has been great, lots of good moments, and The Miz improves week after week in the ring and oozes charisma, thats why he's exciting to watch, same with Danielson, he excites the crowd and is very good in the ring too...plus his mic work has gotten better.
I know this match will be a show stealer, hopefully though, this match also becomes the end of Miz's US title run and also gets Alex Riley off of RAW and to Smackdown where i want him. I think Miz will become WWE Champion really soon, maybe even at NOC if Triple H returns. As for Daniel Bryan, i hope he wins the US title and then starts feuds with guys like members of Nexus for his US title and then with Ted Dibiase
This could easily be match of the night. I definitely want DB to get the win here. He deserves it, and he could just about carry the mid-card on his own. The problem is that it probably shouldn't be clean, for Miz's sake. He'll probably be champ soon, and can't have this loss hanging over him. Maybe Riley accidentally costs Miz the match? There seemed to be some tension between them on RAW. Maybe a roll up? Either way, go Bryan.
You know, after last night, I'm not so sure DBD is walking out of NoC the USC. After seeing him getting the upper-hand several times these past few weeks on RAW, an idea struck me. Miz has been weaseling his way out of matches with Bryan for some time now. What's to say he won't somehow find a way to just leave and retain on Sunday? Some people think this feud should continue just a little longer. And two weeks after NoC is Hell In A Cell, a match that Miz can't escape from. I think that there is a possibility the Miz/Bryan feud is stretched to HIAC, where Bryan actually beats Miz after using the Cell to weaken Miz enough to make him tap. That way Cole and Miz can claim it "wasn't fair" because of the cell, and Miz's credibility doesn't take a huge hit.

Just a thought.
Miz is on a roll, but you can't deny how popular Daniel Bryan is getting. Miz has the MITB, but I think one more feud with a main eventer should happen first. That said, I see Bryan winning this. Miz tapping out may hurt him, but I think he can redeem himself if he cashes in the MITB later in the night. This should be a great match up and down, start to finish. I just want to see how Miz can keep up with Bryan.
Maybe Riley accidentally costs Miz the match? There seemed to be some tension between them on RAW. Maybe a roll up? Either way, go Bryan.
know what's funny, i like that idea and now think it should happen. Alex Riley accidently hits Miz with the US title belt, Bryan rolls him up, wins with a 1,2,3 and then Alex Riley gets in the ring, says sorry and Miz nails him and Alex Riley and then hopefully that leads to Alex Riley going to Smackdown to shine.
Seems like the general consensus here is that we all want Bryan to win. I just really don't think that it's going to happen.

I really can't see them putting a title around Bryan's waist before Wade Barrett has even had his shot. This is the man who was eliminated from NXT first. It would completely dampen the Buzz gained from winning the competition.

I see The Miz winning thanks to help from Riley. I see no MITB cash in at the end of the night and after Barrett has had his shot, win or lose, then and only then can I see them allowing Bryan or anyone else from NXT win a belt.
Well I'm excited for this. This match is a long time coming. I'd be surprised if Miz walked away with the US title. I'm almost positive that NoC will be the night when he cashes in the belt. Although I don't want to see this scenario I'm about to mention, I wouldn't put it past creative to book Miz to retain the US title and win the WWE title in the same night. I would hope Bryan wins the title and Miz cashes in later in the night but I guess that would be the end of their feud.

Should Bryan not win the belt, I can see Miz try to cash in to become a double champion but lose when Bryan costs him the match which would further their feud beyond NoC. Who knows though. Either way, I'm stoked for this.
We have been waiting for this match ever since February, when NXT started. I would take it personally if WWE did do this match absolutely on the money.

I sense a Riley run in, dont quite know how that will turn out. Im hoping for a DBD win here, as is most of the IWC. Both of these guys have nothing to lose and every to gain, if even The Miz does lose, he is still Mr Money in the Bank. But i do agree that this fued should stretch out further than just a one match deal
I don't care how much momentum Daniel Bryan has going into this match, he has to win. I don't want to see The Miz as United States Champion anymore as he simply does nothing with the title. Beyond this feud with Bryan and his little spat with R-Truth earlier this year when did he defend it or keep a good amount of attention on it? The answer is a whole lot of none. First it was the Unified Tag Titles, now it's Money In The Bank. The man just seems to have an agenda to big to put any kind of effort in being the US Champion. I truly hope that Bryan taps Miz out this Sunday because I am completely ready for a new champion.

Besides who's thought process isn't thinking of Miz losing one title earlier in the night, and then cashing in to win another later on? I'm sure thats not out of question is it? And even if Miz doesn't do that the feud could still continue after this pay-per-view but I'm sure this is just a way the WWE can let Miz drop the title to move onto bigger and better things like perhaps MITB cash in. I'm still pulling for and picking Daniel Bryan as the winner of this match and the next US Champion.
You know what? I'm trying really hard to care but I can't.

In WWE these days, it's the last match in a feud that matters. That match and none other. That said, we all know Daniel Bryan is walking out of this feud with the belt. So this match is either going to bring us to our obvious final destination or it will be meaningless. Meh? I think so.

If DB wins, I'll be thrilled to see him get his moment. But at the same time, there's some spark missing given how obvious it is that he'll get it eventually.
This has been built up quite well, if I do say so myself. Better than any match on the card? Likely.

It seems pretty clear that Bryan will be winning here, right? I mean, that's what should happen. Even if it is somewhat obvious, it'll still be a great moment. Really looking forward to it.

I'm am a little worried about this match though, since the name of the game when it comes to Miz PPV matches is being as average as possible. I have a feeling this is going to be a good one though. Cole is sure to be annoying as fuck as well. Cunt.
A Daniel Bryan win is SO obvious here. Miz won't shut up about his briefcase, so we know he doesn't need the US title anymore. Daniel does because it will establish him as a star in the midcard. Miz has held it for quite a while and there's no point in him holding both the midcard AND world title if/when he cashes in MITB. The feud has been belt up fantastically ever since NXT began, and continued onto Raw. I'm rooting for Daniel Bryan to get a big win here, and then the Miz will move on to the world title scene. Seriously, for Miz to retain here would make no sense at all. Bryan's got this one.

Daniel Bryan will win the United States Championship.
This one is really odd and I am willing to bet that the result of this one will have some effect on the way the rest of the night pans out.

People are already starting to talk about The Miz cashing in his Money In The Bank case at Night Of Champions and I could possibly see that happening. However, for that to happen, I think I would like to see Daniel Bryan take the US Championship away from him. Really, there is no need for The Miz to hold both of those Championships, if that is the plan for the night. Personally, I think that the US Championship would fall under the very large shadow of the WWE Championship and although it might add a little more to the Miz’s post-NOC character, I don’t think it is a risk worth taking.

Personally, I don’t know if Daniel Bryan is ready for a Championship run but I guess we will never know until he in that position. People said the same about Sheamus and Dolph Ziggler and both of them have gone on to prove themselves very capable. Personally, I would like to see Daniel Bryan win the Championship but I just don’t see it. I have no idea why I have the feeling that The Miz is going to screw Bryan out of his opportunity but as long as he doesn’t go on to cash in the MITB case, I will be OK will that result too.
The Miz (c) vs Daniel Bryan
I believe that Daniel Bryan will leave with the United States Championship so that The Miz can focus more on becoming the World Champion and the Main Event. Daniel Bryan will be able to defend the belt the way that The Miz didn't and it will bring some relevance back to the title. But I do believe that Alex Riley will be a major factor in this match. Alex Riley will interfere cost Miz the title and Daniel Bryan will become the U.S. Champion!
Daniel Bryan will win the United States Championship.

Right once again, but who didn't see this coming? The match was good but went on for far too long. I was glad that Miz lost and all 6 of us at my PPV party marked out for Daniel Bryan's win. I really enjoyed the match and the build up that it had. Miz actually looked like he could win for a moment there. My only problem was the length because, while it wasn't as long as Kane/Taker, it went on for a bit too long and began to risk getting boring. Good match though and the best result was the one that we got.

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