Flashback: Batista rants on Daniel Bryan & his fans

Who deserves to win the Royal Rumble match more?

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Batista

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I love how to make your point against me saying that having muscles and SIZE makes a difference to the average person U posted a picture of U FLEXING YOUR MUSCLES to show that U arent weak.....

And that is all I am saying....

Now funny boy I say I can bench over 300 lbs now COLD....

That means without a warm up and I have wrestled, boxed and took some martial arts. That does not change perception....


People RESPECT SIZE.....

The Gracie clan is AWESOME and I wouldnt want to fight ANY of them but if people had to choose between fighting a guy who looks like Pee Wee Herman or a guy who looks like LEX LUGAR in his prime....

Guess who gets the nod?

Oh and to U bums claiming how dumb I am.... Well I graduated with my Bachelors in June made the deans list 6 times and am currently going for my MBA but once again FACTS do not mean much over the NET....

Oh and like I said I have no problem saying anything to anyone....

I am born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana and anyone can find Me..... I aint hiding....
Oh and how come only Messiah and Kidpolean seem to address what my point is....

My major is Marketing....

U cannot market Bryan to the casual wrestling fan and he will not appear to the NON FAN AT ALL.....


No one would care. He lacks everything that is marketable...

Oh and Dagron.... Fedor was and is tough but who besides MMA fans have ANY idea who he is....

Yet the WORLD knows who the ROCK is....

The world knows who Hogan is....

Ric Flair gave a speech to the 49ers that hit ESPN.....

Larger than life characters are what sells in the WWE.... That is not disputable!!!!
Oh and how come only Messiah and Kidpolean seem to address what my point is....

My major is Marketing....

U cannot market Bryan to the casual wrestling fan and he will not appear to the NON FAN AT ALL.....


No one would care. He lacks everything that is marketable...

Oh and Dagron.... Fedor was and is tough but who besides MMA fans have ANY idea who he is....

Yet the WORLD knows who the ROCK is....

The world knows who Hogan is....

Ric Flair gave a speech to the 49ers that hit ESPN.....

Larger than life characters are what sells in the WWE.... That is not disputable!!!!

I dont think you get it that what would make him marketable is that he's the "underdog" that represents the Everyman. People aren't as obsessed with looks as some of you like to think. Bryan has presented a likeable personality in any interview he's been given as well.

So again, the Selling point would be that he's different from everyone else. People like rooting for the underdog..It's plain as day

Just like Stone Cold represented the blue collar workers with his rebellious attitude. People who always wished to tell off their boss looked up to him.
Oh and yeah I also dont know how MMA has surpassed BOTH boxing and wrestling when they have only had 7 PPV sell over a million.....

Boxing has that regularly with fights that have Miguel Cotto, Floyd, Pacman, Canelo, and the Klitschkos (Yeah they such here but in EUROPE they R money makers) and didnt Vince himself laugh and say that the UFC numbers compared to the Es are trash....

Even Dana conceded that....

Dont U remember when Dana put a UFC fight up against Floyd that time and Floyd got over 1 million buyrates easily and the UFC got like 300,000...

Notice Dana stopped ranting that Floyd cant sell....

Sorry but MMA is actually a SMALL AND SPECIFIC demographic and they really cant go any higher than they already have... They dont have any stars... The fighting style doesnt appeal to ANYONE who is not a fan of MMA and they dont have any MARQUEE fighters at this time.....

U can deny it but those are the facts....
I'm not sure that you guys understand, but you have to pay really close attention here. People like to root for an underdog. Even if he's undersized. It makes them feel great about themselves. But then, when he wins, he's no longer the underdog. But definition, he can't be an underdog while being the champion. 100% of the actual true selling power that DB has comes from being the underdog. Putting a strap on him kills every bit of that, his push, his drive, his momentum. If he becomes champion, he becomes another small guy that no one believes should actually be able to successfully defend it. If you smarks paid attention, you'd realize that you are the ones calling for DB to get buried, not the WWE.
I'm not sure that you guys understand, but you have to pay really close attention here. People like to root for an underdog. Even if he's undersized. It makes them feel great about themselves. But then, when he wins, he's no longer the underdog. But definition, he can't be an underdog while being the champion. 100% of the actual true selling power that DB has comes from being the underdog. Putting a strap on him kills every bit of that, his push, his drive, his momentum. If he becomes champion, he becomes another small guy that no one believes should actually be able to successfully defend it. If you smarks paid attention, you'd realize that you are the ones calling for DB to get buried, not the WWE.

This is the thing though, Even if he wins the title, the smartest thing to do would be to put "Goliaths" in his way. So the question can remain that while Bryan may have won the title, can he keep it?

The best way to do that would be to make each "Goliath" bigger and bigger whether it's Mark Henry, Sheamus, Batista or Brock Lesnar..you make sure it raises the question of whether or not he can CONTINUE to be champion.

If by being WWE Champ you are no longer the underdog, then why does ever feud Cena is in(with exceptions of course) make him the underdog?

I love how to make your point against me saying that having muscles and SIZE makes a difference to the average person U posted a picture of U FLEXING YOUR MUSCLES to show that U arent weak.....

And that is all I am saying....

Now funny boy I say I can bench over 300 lbs now COLD....

That means without a warm up and I have wrestled, boxed and took some martial arts. That does not change perception....


People RESPECT SIZE.....

The Gracie clan is AWESOME and I wouldnt want to fight ANY of them but if people had to choose between fighting a guy who looks like Pee Wee Herman or a guy who looks like LEX LUGAR in his prime....

Guess who gets the nod?

Oh and to U bums claiming how dumb I am.... Well I graduated with my Bachelors in June made the deans list 6 times and am currently going for my MBA but once again FACTS do not mean much over the NET....

Oh and like I said I have no problem saying anything to anyone....

I am born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana and anyone can find Me..... I aint hiding....

Ok tough guy, I'm not in junior high; I know what cold means. You don't see me sitting here bragging about what numbers I can put up (I guarantee I can rep your max on a few lifts) or my athletic achievements. They're irrelevant to the subject. I merely did it to point out how idiotic you sound bragging about something you have not and will not substantiate.

We have a difference of opinion on this subject. Try to stick to facts, correlations and anecdotes to make your point. Being a little keyboard warrior with your make believe bad ass athletic 'cred' makes you look even worse than your grammar when trying to make your point.
I know that 99% of all of you ant DB to win the rumble but we all know the WWE and how they do things by now. The chances of Batista winning are EXTREMELY high. I personally am cheering for Batista since I have always been a fan of his. Will DB go to WrestleMania? That's a guaranteed fact. Will it be for the World Title? Seeing Batista's big chances I'd say probably not. But seeing his popularity he will undoubtedly be in one of their main events.
Still LMAO @ Dagron.....

U actually keep making my point for Me.... I appreciate it... U say U can rep my max and hey maybe U can.... If so I am impressed.... But that is my point as well.... I know that anyone can be DANGEROUS.... Hell some guys who fight in bars are WAR VETERANS... I am not... They would wipe the floor with Me but at first glance I dont know that... He is just a little Dude... If U are standing there and I see U have some Size I INSTANTLY see U as a bigger threat....

How can this not make sense to U....


Nope I am not NEARLY as ripped as U....

But I am 280 pounds and to the average guy on the street I AM A BIG DUDE....

I out weigh the average guy buy about 80 pounds.....

This earns respect... And U having SIZE knows it... So what R U arguing against.....

I am saying to the average person seeing a ripped 6'6 Randy Orton gets way more reaction than a slightly short kind of in shape Bryan....

Oh and hippie beard does NOT help... He just doesnt DEMAND repesct and that is why he is NOT pushed....

Now we can both play the tough guy game if U want and NO U CANNOT INTIMIDATE ME....



It still wouldnt change the points I am making
I know that 99% of all of you ant DB to win the rumble but we all know the WWE and how they do things by now. The chances of Batista winning are EXTREMELY high. I personally am cheering for Batista since I have always been a fan of his. Will DB go to WrestleMania? That's a guaranteed fact. Will it be for the World Title? Seeing Batista's big chances I'd say probably not. But seeing his popularity he will undoubtedly be in one of their main events.

Here's the problem; how the WWE does things is shockingly WHY DB has such good odds of being the Rumble Winner. These guys are PAINFULLY OBVIOUS storytellers, especially when engineering that immortal Wrestlemania Title Match. Stone Cold's Rumble Wins, Rock/Cena II, Benoit's '04 win... and DBs story has been told since Summerslam, and would be a Hogan-esque slap to the face if they deviated at the last minute, regardless of who they deviate for.

As great as it is to have Batista back... he's actually more of a red herring to the plot. Better yet, he's a smark magnet. Because you say 'what WWE has always done' and you mean endorse the Muscle-Bound behemoth over everyone else, even when it makes positively no sense at all. And crazily enough, WWE has never butchered a storyline for the Hulk of the Month.
Db is liked by CURRENT fans but he has absolutely nothing appealing to an outsider looking in. He isnt attractive, has no charisma, cant talk on the mic, and is small. I dont know how many others ways I can explain that. DB got over on a silly chant and wrestling skills. Nobody outside of hardcore wrestling fans cares about in ring ability. Look at Cena, Hogan, Rock, and Austin, non of them were particularly great in the ring. DB CANT draw anything besides people that already watch wwe and Vince understands this. Everybody on here completely ignores this concept. DB will never be on a show focused on mainstream media, he wont be on SNL or anything like that because he doesn't have the personality for it. He is the opposite of what is popular in mainstream media.

If Daniel Bryant can't draw, then why did the WWE issue refunds at their house shows last weekend when he was pulled from the card due to injury? If the WWE doesn't think Daniel Bryan is a big reason fans attend their live events, then their response to his not being there is akin to McDonalds issuing you a refund for being out of Big Macs when you'd only ordered a McChicken. It makes no sense to give refunds to people just because you can't provide them something you know they didn't even want. So don't tell me I'm ignoring what you think is going on in VKMs head when very recent evidence says your opinion on the matter is incorrect.

You're entitled to your opinion on Daniel Bryan, but it's baseless. There's no actual evidence to support it. It's ridiculous to say a guy can't bring in the mainstream fans when he's never been given an opportunity to do so. He's never been given the ball and told to run with it. So how can you so definitively say he couldn't run with it if given the chance? And please, don't tell me that constantly being screwed out of the title, and never once overcoming the odds before being pushed aside is your idea of giving Daniel Bryan a chance to take the ball and run with it.

You know who has been given the chance to take the ball and run with it over the past decade? John Cena. Randy Orton. Batista. That so many former wrestling fans decided to turn off their televisions during that time should tell you that your opinions on Daniel Bryan's inability to connect with the mainstream actually applies to those three superstars. Ratings are down, buy rates are down, mainstream attention is almost zero. If those three had the ability to connect with the mainstream, then explain why these three key pieces have suffered so dramatically during their time on top.

Over the past decade, the WWE has gotten mainstream attention for four reasons. 1) Wrestlers died. 2) Some random celebrity was getting in the ring. 3) Multiple sports personalities were interested in the CM Punk angle in 2011. 4) Daniel Bryan's Yes Chant caught on at sporting events.

Well, let's ignore the first two since one brought negative attention and the second one doesn't have to do with any type of long-term plan to keep fans watching once those celebrities leave the ring.

In the case of the first one, it piqued the interest of the current fans and caught the attention of former fans. So let's say they tuned in to see how this played out... Here's what they got. Punk, an anti-authority figure, called out the executives after being screwed out of the title by Kevin Nash - a Triple H crony - at SummerSlam. This led to Punk vs Triple H, and who won? Triple H. Now did Punk ever get his heat back from multiple beat downs by Nash? Nope. Did he ever get his heat back from his loss to Triple H? Nope. In fact, the WWE sacrificed Punk's heat multiple times in order to build the "long-anticipated dream match" between Nash and Triple H.

Keep in mind that after losing to Triple H, Punk joined forces with him. So now, this anti-authority figure that was catching fire with the fans was teaming up with the authority figures to take on the real rebels - Miz and R Truth. And who won? Awesome Truth - two mid-card talents that went on to lose a squash match a month later against the real stars, Rock and Cena. Of course, none of this even goes on to mention that Punk returned to a watered-down, sophomoric anti-authority figure in early 2012 by feuding with John Laurinaitis in an epic program that culminated in a main event pay-per-view match between Lauriniatis and... John Cena. WTF?

Now we know there are old wrestling fans that refuse to watch the programming. Furthermore, we know there are wrestling fans that refuse to watch because the programming is stale, that the WWE hasn't been able to build new stars since John Cena in 2005. So imagine telling a friend, a former fan, that he needed to start watching again after the Punk "worked shoot." And he agrees to your request. Now, if he's only giving it a chance because you told him he needs to see this Punk character - and this Punk character is continually having his heat taken from him, continually getting involved in programs with people only to have John Cena or Triple H go over in that program, then why in the hell is he going to keep watching? It's just more of the same stuff that he turned off years ago.

Now on to Daniel Bryan. Here's a guy that has been white hot for a long time, and it looked like the WWE actually pulled the trigger on him at SummerSlam ... that is, until Triple H turned on him and allowed Randy Orton to win the title. That's a great heel move, though. Part of being a great heel is making fans want to see you get your ass kicked - and there's no question that we wanted to see those two guys get their ass kicked. So then what happened? We spent the next several months watching Daniel Bryan get screwed by Triple H and Orton. Bryan won the title only to have the decision reversed. The Big Show caused a no-contest at the next pay-per view. And finally Shawn Michaels screwed him out of the title in late October before Bryan simply moved on.

So again, imagine you told your friend who stopped watching in 2007 to turn the show back on because he has to see this Daniel Bryan guy. What does he see? He sees multiple beat downs from Triple H and Randy Orton. He sees the wrestler fail to overcome any of the obstacles in front of him and continually get screwed at every corner. Basically, he sees a white hot wrestler whose heat has been sacrificed to benefit Randy Orton and Triple H. And you know what your friend does at this point? He turns off Raw again because this is the exact reason he stopped watching in the first place.

And therein lies the problem. When the WWE gets the tiniest bit of mainstream attention, when they have the opportunity to bring back fans whose interest might be piqued by that mainstream attention, they use it as a chance to push the same tired superstars down our throat - John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H and now Batista.

Now you say Daniel Bryan only got over because of the Yes chant and his wrestling ability. I disagree with that. Daniel Bryan got over because the live crowds got tired of VKM continually pushing the same type of guy down our throats, and when they perceived it happening again at WM 28 with Sheamus's squash match, they revolted and started chanting Daniel Bryan's catch phrase. That's why the Yes Chants have seemingly gotten louder over the past several months and why fans chanting Daniel Bryan's name is almost deafening. The more the WWE has screwed this guy and pushed him aside, the more the WWE fans have revolted with the chants. Now, there's a chance this was the plan all along. If you keep screwing a guy, and the fans keep cheering louder for him as a result, then the best course of action is to milk it by continually screwing him until the chants have reached a crescendo, at which point you pull the trigger, give him the title and watch as the crowd explodes.

I can't say for certain right now whether the WWE is doing that or not, but we'll likely know tonight. If Daniel Bryan wins the rumble, then it's possible this was the plan - at the very least, it's an acknowledgement that they're listening to the fans. If Batista wins, then it's pretty obvious that they accidentally stumbled on to this phenomena. Furthermore, it's also a nod to the idea that the WWE brass just doesn't get it. Think about this - if the fans in attendance are revolting for Bryan - if every time the WWE overlooks him, the crowd chants grow louder - then what do you think is going to happen at WrestleMania 30 when two guys - Batista and Orton - who have been pushed down the fans throat, square off in favor of the guy they want to see in the match? It'll be a deafening response, and a likely embarrassment for both performers, as 70,00 people chant during the main event match at the biggest pay-per view of the year for a guy who isn't even in the ring.

Now funny boy I say I can bench over 300 lbs now COLD....

That means without a warm up and I have wrestled, boxed and took some martial arts. That does not change perception....


People RESPECT SIZE.....

The Gracie clan is AWESOME and I wouldnt want to fight ANY of them but if people had to choose between fighting a guy who looks like Pee Wee Herman or a guy who looks like LEX LUGAR in his prime....

Guess who gets the nod?

Oh and to U bums claiming how dumb I am.... Well I graduated with my Bachelors in June made the deans list 6 times and am currently going for my MBA but once again FACTS do not mean much over the NET....

Oh and like I said I have no problem saying anything to anyone....

I am born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana and anyone can find Me..... I aint hiding....

Yeah, and I'm an astronaut. And I nailed Angelina Jolie. And I traveled back in time and fought dinosaurs once. Just shut up. Anyone can claim anything they want on the internet. And nobody gives a damn. Even if your claims were true, it doesn't detract from the immaturity of your posts. You are in a forum where the only thing that you present to the world that anyone gives a damn about are your words. And yours sound like they were written by a twelve year old. And really, the only way I'd believe that you made the deans list 6 times is if you attend clown college (although marketing would be a close second). But I'll make sure to never visit Indianapolis anyways, just on the off chance that they actually let people like you graduate from high school.

U may not REALIZE u ****** but ppl who have SMART THINGS to say dont
write like this DAWG!!!

Really, I stopped reading your first post after the first sentence. That you took so much time out of your day to write that pile of caps-lock, insults, spelling errors and irrelevancy and actually expect people to give you a "real rebuttal" to it, when they are far more likely to immediately conclude that you are just some dumb kid mouthing off and ignore you, is the funniest thing I've seen all day. That you just keep posting is the saddest.

As to the actual topic, which seems to have been derailed, a lot of people seem to be missing the point that WRESTLING IS FAKE. Everyone KNOWS that its fake. Does anyone seriously think that people are going to suddenly believe it's real, or suddenly be more capable of suspending disbelief, if the main guy in the company looks like a bodybuilder? "Oh, honey, you know that show with the oiled up men in tights doing somersaults and super elaborate combat moves? The one that has that one guy who might be a zombie, and the other who makes fire come out of the ring with magic? Well, I didn't believe it was real before, but now that this here Barista fella is main eventing, I'm totally on board." That's about as stupid and pointless as arguing that nobody will believe that Spiderman can beat Venom because he's just too short. Its fake, scripted entertainment, and everyone with half a brain realizes that.

And even if they didn't, it's 2014 and nobody believes that being a 6'5 bodybuilder is necessary to be a professional athlete anyways. The UFC proved that bodybuilding has nothing to do with how tough or talented an athlete is (as though the rest of professional sports hadn't already done that years ago). If anyone gave a damn about bodybuilding, Vince's pro bodybuilding league would have been successful. Bobby Lashley would have been a bigger star than CM Punk. And every leading man would be a 6'5 gorilla. They aren't, because it doesn't matter. In fact, it might actually hurt. Chicks are into guys that look like CM Punk more than guys who look like Batista. Go look at any "sexiest man of the year" list and see how many guys that look like Batista are in the top 10, versus guys like Robert Pattinson or Tom Hiddleston. Daniel Bryan is engaged to Brie Bella for fucks sake. Get with the times.

As for the arguments that Daniel Bryan isn't over, just his chant is...then why the hell wasn't the WWE able to pass that chant over to the Big Show? Why didn't Diego Sanchez become an overnight sensation when he introduced it to the world? Why do fans also chant "DANIEL BRYAN", even when other (supposedly more popular) superstars are in the ring? Daniel Bryan is over. Get over it.

The bottom line is, in any form of entertainment what counts is telling a good story with identifiable characters, not how much the leading man can press or how tall he is. That's why a movie about midgets walking through the woods to fight a dragon makes more money than anything WWE films has ever produced. People identify with Daniel Bryan. That's why he's the most over wrestler in the world right now, whether you like it or not.
Just to add to this, if yes is more over than Bryan, why didn't ADR get over with his Si chants. Basically the same concept, same chant, yet didn't translate. Face it, Bryan has a legit connection to the crowd that the WWE will cash in on.

See that is the difference between Myself and most of U Bitches on the NET....

I am REAL....

I dont have to make up a fake life because I actually accomplish REAL THINGS....

Now am I the toughest Dude on the planet? NOPE.... But I bet U I would towel U the fuck up pretty easily.... The thing is in your HEART OF HEARTS U KNOW I WOULD AS WELL....

So U can be BILLY BAD AZZ over the NET.... I will continue to laugh....

Oh and as far as my college education... Well only 30% of the nation has their bachelors and only 9% has their MBA so whether mine is from YALE, STANFORD OR CHUCK AND EARLS SCHOOL Of education... It still ranks higher than most of you guys who do not or in all honesty will not EVER have anything....

Fake Dean's List and all.....

Im just sayin though....

Now since we have cleared that up lets get back to my original statement which is....

DB cannot be the Man because he does not reach the mainstream crowd....

Oh and nope every leading man may not look like Batista but isnt it strange that most go through EXTENSIVE weight training to look the part.... As far as him being engaged to Brie... LOL.... That proves to Me that U dont have game or get women... If U did then U would realize that Bryan works with Brie and they are almost always stuck together.... If U have any type of talk game U should pull these Girls but then again U dont get women... LMAO....

Why didnt the chant work for Diego Sanchez.... Well like I said MMA just appeals to a specific and small demographic of people so therefore how could it transfer past that demographic....

I know U guys want to bring up all the chants fr him but that is only in the WWE... CASUAL FANS STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHO HE IS... That is the point that U keep skipping....

So I still stand by the one point I have been making all along that DB will NEVER appeal to the casual fan and the only way for Me to believe otherwise is to see it and that has not happened yet....

Not by ratings, merchandise sells, or an increase in arena attendance...

These are the facts and they cannot be disputed....


Ric Flair didn't reach the mainstream yet he was the man.....

Sting wasn't mainstream yet he was still the man.....

Batista has charisma but my cat can out wrestle him........

Why in the hell does anyone post like this.....

It is really hard to take anyone serious who posts like this......

It really makes me laugh when they claim to be educated yet their posts reeks of stupidity....


If anyone maintains that people don't want to see Bryan on top after watching the Rumble, they're seriously, seriously deluding themselves.

As for Batista's rant, he's still from the time when big men still largely reigned supreme. It's an outdated concept, that guys without the usual look can't be the top guy in the company. That's why it's largely older wrestlers like Batista, Nash who have that opinion.

Personally, I can't take any grown man who uses the term 'in your bitch ass faces' seriously. He sounds like a bitchy high school cheerleader.
After watching the Royal Rumble, I really hope someone brings up the tweet to him.

"Ummmmm World Heavyweight Champion? Ummmm Okay." Yeah Daniel Bryan, the same Daniel Bryan that people were chanting for while you won the Rumble Match. Kinda ironic. At the time, Bryan wasn't as over, so it showed that Batista didn't have faith in Bryan becoming what he is today.
Batista winning the Rumble to headline WM and become the face of the WWE is what's best for business. That term is so played out, but its exactly why things are happening the way they are. Think about this: Batista is starring in Guardians of the Galaxy, which comes out later this year. The trailer is being shown during the Super Bowl. The Avengers and all the Marvel movies have made boatloads of cash for all parties involved. You must be crazy if you do not think these facts have played a part in the direction that WWE has been going. Batista is going to have his face, painted in green and red, on friggin 7-11 cups, at Disneyland, and everything else. Better believe old Vinny Mack wants to get a piece of that pie. The person that will more than likely become the WWE Champ in a couple of months could end up being a house-hold name thanks to him starring in this film. It is no different then the Rock.
If Daniel Bryant can't draw, then why did the WWE issue refunds at their house shows last weekend when he was pulled from the card due to injury? If the WWE doesn't think Daniel Bryan is a big reason fans attend their live events, then their response to his not being there is akin to McDonalds issuing you a refund for being out of Big Macs when you'd only ordered a McChicken. It makes no sense to give refunds to people just because you can't provide them something you know they didn't even want. So don't tell me I'm ignoring what you think is going on in VKMs head when very recent evidence says your opinion on the matter is incorrect.

You're entitled to your opinion on Daniel Bryan, but it's baseless. There's no actual evidence to support it. It's ridiculous to say a guy can't bring in the mainstream fans when he's never been given an opportunity to do so. He's never been given the ball and told to run with it. So how can you so definitively say he couldn't run with it if given the chance? And please, don't tell me that constantly being screwed out of the title, and never once overcoming the odds before being pushed aside is your idea of giving Daniel Bryan a chance to take the ball and run with it.

You know who has been given the chance to take the ball and run with it over the past decade? John Cena. Randy Orton. Batista. That so many former wrestling fans decided to turn off their televisions during that time should tell you that your opinions on Daniel Bryan's inability to connect with the mainstream actually applies to those three superstars. Ratings are down, buy rates are down, mainstream attention is almost zero. If those three had the ability to connect with the mainstream, then explain why these three key pieces have suffered so dramatically during their time on top.

Over the past decade, the WWE has gotten mainstream attention for four reasons. 1) Wrestlers died. 2) Some random celebrity was getting in the ring. 3) Multiple sports personalities were interested in the CM Punk angle in 2011. 4) Daniel Bryan's Yes Chant caught on at sporting events.

Well, let's ignore the first two since one brought negative attention and the second one doesn't have to do with any type of long-term plan to keep fans watching once those celebrities leave the ring.

In the case of the first one, it piqued the interest of the current fans and caught the attention of former fans. So let's say they tuned in to see how this played out... Here's what they got. Punk, an anti-authority figure, called out the executives after being screwed out of the title by Kevin Nash - a Triple H crony - at SummerSlam. This led to Punk vs Triple H, and who won? Triple H. Now did Punk ever get his heat back from multiple beat downs by Nash? Nope. Did he ever get his heat back from his loss to Triple H? Nope. In fact, the WWE sacrificed Punk's heat multiple times in order to build the "long-anticipated dream match" between Nash and Triple H.

Keep in mind that after losing to Triple H, Punk joined forces with him. So now, this anti-authority figure that was catching fire with the fans was teaming up with the authority figures to take on the real rebels - Miz and R Truth. And who won? Awesome Truth - two mid-card talents that went on to lose a squash match a month later against the real stars, Rock and Cena. Of course, none of this even goes on to mention that Punk returned to a watered-down, sophomoric anti-authority figure in early 2012 by feuding with John Laurinaitis in an epic program that culminated in a main event pay-per-view match between Lauriniatis and... John Cena. WTF?

Now we know there are old wrestling fans that refuse to watch the programming. Furthermore, we know there are wrestling fans that refuse to watch because the programming is stale, that the WWE hasn't been able to build new stars since John Cena in 2005. So imagine telling a friend, a former fan, that he needed to start watching again after the Punk "worked shoot." And he agrees to your request. Now, if he's only giving it a chance because you told him he needs to see this Punk character - and this Punk character is continually having his heat taken from him, continually getting involved in programs with people only to have John Cena or Triple H go over in that program, then why in the hell is he going to keep watching? It's just more of the same stuff that he turned off years ago.

Now on to Daniel Bryan. Here's a guy that has been white hot for a long time, and it looked like the WWE actually pulled the trigger on him at SummerSlam ... that is, until Triple H turned on him and allowed Randy Orton to win the title. That's a great heel move, though. Part of being a great heel is making fans want to see you get your ass kicked - and there's no question that we wanted to see those two guys get their ass kicked. So then what happened? We spent the next several months watching Daniel Bryan get screwed by Triple H and Orton. Bryan won the title only to have the decision reversed. The Big Show caused a no-contest at the next pay-per view. And finally Shawn Michaels screwed him out of the title in late October before Bryan simply moved on.

So again, imagine you told your friend who stopped watching in 2007 to turn the show back on because he has to see this Daniel Bryan guy. What does he see? He sees multiple beat downs from Triple H and Randy Orton. He sees the wrestler fail to overcome any of the obstacles in front of him and continually get screwed at every corner. Basically, he sees a white hot wrestler whose heat has been sacrificed to benefit Randy Orton and Triple H. And you know what your friend does at this point? He turns off Raw again because this is the exact reason he stopped watching in the first place.

And therein lies the problem. When the WWE gets the tiniest bit of mainstream attention, when they have the opportunity to bring back fans whose interest might be piqued by that mainstream attention, they use it as a chance to push the same tired superstars down our throat - John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H and now Batista.

Now you say Daniel Bryan only got over because of the Yes chant and his wrestling ability. I disagree with that. Daniel Bryan got over because the live crowds got tired of VKM continually pushing the same type of guy down our throats, and when they perceived it happening again at WM 28 with Sheamus's squash match, they revolted and started chanting Daniel Bryan's catch phrase. That's why the Yes Chants have seemingly gotten louder over the past several months and why fans chanting Daniel Bryan's name is almost deafening. The more the WWE has screwed this guy and pushed him aside, the more the WWE fans have revolted with the chants. Now, there's a chance this was the plan all along. If you keep screwing a guy, and the fans keep cheering louder for him as a result, then the best course of action is to milk it by continually screwing him until the chants have reached a crescendo, at which point you pull the trigger, give him the title and watch as the crowd explodes.

I can't say for certain right now whether the WWE is doing that or not, but we'll likely know tonight. If Daniel Bryan wins the rumble, then it's possible this was the plan - at the very least, it's an acknowledgement that they're listening to the fans. If Batista wins, then it's pretty obvious that they accidentally stumbled on to this phenomena. Furthermore, it's also a nod to the idea that the WWE brass just doesn't get it. Think about this - if the fans in attendance are revolting for Bryan - if every time the WWE overlooks him, the crowd chants grow louder - then what do you think is going to happen at WrestleMania 30 when two guys - Batista and Orton - who have been pushed down the fans throat, square off in favor of the guy they want to see in the match? It'll be a deafening response, and a likely embarrassment for both performers, as 70,00 people chant during the main event match at the biggest pay-per view of the year for a guy who isn't even in the ring.

omg...this will be my last post about this. If you don't understand it by now than you just won't ever get it. DB doesn't have a look that will attract mainstream media. He isnt anything "cool." He literally has no traits that are will bring mainstream attention and that is pretty obvious. Look at The Rock, he was tall, buff, women find him attractive, funny, and has a personality that draws people to watch him. DB has none of that. You don't need to give someone a chance to see if they will fail or not, sometimes its obvious. If I have a low IQ, than I probably won't win on jeopardy or a spelling bee. IF I'm slow and out of shape than I won't beat Olympic athletes in a race. DB is small, looks like a troll, has a messy beard, no personality, no charisma, NOTHING. Its not freakin rocket science!!! He is a good wrestler and popular among wrestling fans but he has major flaws that stop him from being any bigger than a upper mid card wrestler. The iwc has got to stop overrating wrestlers or every year we will see this same situation. First it was Punk, who is sloppy in the ring, skinny and fat at the same time, and looks like a drug addict that doesn't sleep. Now its DB, and next year it will be someone else. Vince and HHH know what they are doing. I like DB and Punk but I understand why they are not in the position that many people on here believe that they should be.
omg...this will be my last post about this. If you don't understand it by now than you just won't ever get it. DB doesn't have a look that will attract mainstream media. He isnt anything "cool." He literally has no traits that are will bring mainstream attention and that is pretty obvious. Look at The Rock, he was tall, buff, women find him attractive, funny, and has a personality that draws people to watch him. DB has none of that. You don't need to give someone a chance to see if they will fail or not, sometimes its obvious. If I have a low IQ, than I probably won't win on jeopardy or a spelling bee. IF I'm slow and out of shape than I won't beat Olympic athletes in a race. DB is small, looks like a troll, has a messy beard, no personality, no charisma, NOTHING. Its not freakin rocket science!!! He is a good wrestler and popular among wrestling fans but he has major flaws that stop him from being any bigger than a upper mid card wrestler. The iwc has got to stop overrating wrestlers or every year we will see this same situation. First it was Punk, who is sloppy in the ring, skinny and fat at the same time, and looks like a drug addict that doesn't sleep. Now its DB, and next year it will be someone else. Vince and HHH know what they are doing. I like DB and Punk but I understand why they are not in the position that many people on here believe that they should be.

I think you're letting your semi-veiled dislike for Bryan cloud the evidence in front of you. The WWE is never going to be the darling of the mainstream media. The Rock parlayed success for himself off of the WWE, and only by the grace of his return, did they get any back. The WWE isn't the star maker any longer. That's why it has gone back to stars like Rock, Lesnar, and now Batista: 3 guys that it hopes will boost revenues short term, at the sacrifice of long term revenues.

From everything I've heard and has been reported, the crowd went ape shit in a bad way once #30 turned out not to be Bryan.

How can you ignore that?
There are VERY few wrestlers who can cross over to mainstream. Less than ten to be exact. Right now instead of worrying about mainstream the WWE needs to worry about the WWE. Bryan is what people want and they should give them Bryan. I mean people swear how great HHH was yet he was never mainstream. Undertaker was never mainstream. Hello?

Okay I usually do not respond to U people because most of y'all are idiots who just want to seem cool so U just go against the grain so U seem rebellious and superior but I am going to FINALLY address ALL your why wont the WWE push Daniel Bryant questions....

R U READY? Here is why.....


Yeah it really is that SIMPLE....

U cornball ass NET NERDS try and make it more than that but honestly that is it....

# 1: Obviously U have NEVER ran a business, had a business or took a business class or U would understand that the "FACE OF A COMPANY" is just a Marketing tool...

(Sorry People Ronald McDonald really is not the Boss and Flo does NOT honestly work at the Progressive store)

The "FACE OF A COMPANY" is just used to try and entice People who were not aware of a product to become interested in the product....

That is the MAIN reason DB will NEVER be the FACE OF THE E.....

Who besides people who R already fans of wrestling would have an interest in DB? More importantly what about him is interesting enough to make them care? Please feel free to compile a list so I can read them.... OH I KNOW.... THERE ISNT ANYTHING? Absolutely NOTHING?

U guys dissed the work the ENTIRE time he was back in the E and I just shook my head....


*FREEZE chuckles at the outrage of the NET NERDS*...

Yes its true…..
Rocky was the highest paid actor in holiday last year.
That means he made more money than ANY OTHER actor…. That means that people besides wrestling fans watched his movies. He is bigger than the E right now. He appeals to a bigger audience. So U NET Bitches who kept screaming that he was only back to promote his movies are just ridiculous. He out grossed EVER other actor. Do you guys really believe that the WWE has that much power and pull. If so then why didn’t 12 Rounds and the Call lead the box office? Easy answer my friends. THEY DON’T HAVE THAT MUCH PULL. People can outgrow their occupation. Snoop is bigger than hip-hop. Arnold is bigger than bodybuilding. Tyson is bigger than boxing and THE ROCK IS BIGGER THAN HE E!!! Hey Ricky Steamboat was a much better wrestler than the Rock will ever be…. Has had a better, longer and more acclaimed career and he has won more titles but I promise U ne day the Rock will have a star on the Walk of Fame… RICKY NEVER WILL!!!!
#2 : No people he really is NOT that over. It really is just the yes chants. SERIOUSLY! What does he do or say other than the chants that have him so over? Can someone please post a 5 star promo from DB? Anyone? I am not talking about him just leading the crowd in sayig yes but a legitimate promo that intrigued the crowd. You can hate on Randy Orton as much as U want but he has had a few REALLY AWESOME PROMOS…. I just want U to give ME one from Bryant. Cant can U? Its funny how U guys have revised history and requirements. U say so and so is a terrible actor and he cant cut promos yet at the same time let Bryant get over for just chanting “YES”. Oh and don’t give me that it is just his catch phrase because its NOT…. He has NEVER cut a great PROMO…. NOT ONCE!!!!! He got over screaming “YES”!!!
# 3: We don’t believe U need more people. U guys really overlook the fact that DB just doesn’t lok the part. PERIOD! Yeah U can get mad but it is TRUE. U have to look the part. U want to know why the fans loved Stone Cold bucking Authority? It was because U TRULY believed that SC is the king of guy who would just PUNCH his Boss in the face. It felt and looked REAL! U remember when SC pushed TYSON. People actually believed that SC may have had a chance of Beating Up Tyson…. LOL… Think about that. An untrained Pro Wrestler fighting a 2 time BOXING CHAMPION with some of the hardest hitting hands EVER…. SC would have gotten MURDERED but U didn’t feel that way. WHY? Because Stone Cold not only sold it well he LOOKED THE PART OF A BAD AZZ WHO JUST MIGHT BE ABLE TO WIN A STREET FIGHT WITH TYSON. Now can U see that with DB in any capacity? No. Why? Because he just does not sell…
#4 : Why wont the E put Daniel over? Because the FANS don’t want him as CHAMP!!!!
Okay show me throughout the History of the E a Champion that looked like DB. U CANT? Do U guys think it’s a coincidence that the E has always made the most money off of a BIG GUY with good looks…
Bruno, Backland, Billy Graham, Hogan, Stone Cold the Rock, John Cena and yes Triple H are all Monsters who knew how to draw in a crowd and LOOKED LIKE A CHAMPION!!!
Do U honestly think that if another body type REALLY sold to the fans that the E would not make adjustments? This is a BILLION DOLLAR COMPANY. They are merely following the formula that leads to their most success. If 5’9 200 pounders REALLY made them the most $ then that would be who they push. The funny thing is U can check the ratings. As much as U hate muscle head Batista he pulled in 5 MILLION viewers in one night. More than DB did the whole time CENA was out…. LOL!
DB does not draw ratings because honestly only U NET NERDS like him.
Oh and before U bring up the Michigan State game. Please note that they were chanting YES not Daniel Bryant….. WHY? Because most people still doesn’t know who IS!!!!

Now if anyone wants to respond with an actual REAL REBUTTAL that makes sense and not just I am a ****** who is just a loves Muscle bound Man than I will listen but to U Bitch azz SMARKS who R hiding behind their keyboards…

"The WWE has always made money off big guys with good looks".

You knock Daniel's look, and how he doesn't look like a champion.

I remember another guy who was extremely popular, who had long hair, a beard, and wasn't a good looking guy, yet he had three WWE Title reigns, and is one of the most beloved and respected Legends in WWE history, and a HoF to boot.

You may have heard of him, his name was :- MICK FOLEY or when he was champion, MANKIND.

Everything you said about Bryan could also have been said about Mick Foley, yet he had success, and if he didn't have to retire from numerous injuries, who knows if he would have added to his title tally.

Daniel Bryan is today's Mick Foley. He looks unkempt and is massively over. In fact, once Eric Bischoff spilt the beans and said that Mankind would win the WWF Title on "Raw", he lost viewers who switched over to see their hero win the title, and WCW never won the ratings again. That is how popular Mick Foley (Mankind) was.

Now, Bryan isn't Hardcore like Foley, and Bryan is a much better wrestler than Mick Foley was (and Mick would even concede this), but they both have similar levels of popularity and similar looks.

I remember Triple H telling Bryan that he doesn't look like a champion in a backstage segment on "Raw" one time. I think that Mick Foley should have walked up, said "Hi" and then walked off, to disprove Hunter's point.
I'm not sure that you guys understand, but you have to pay really close attention here. People like to root for an underdog. Even if he's undersized. It makes them feel great about themselves. But then, when he wins, he's no longer the underdog. But definition, he can't be an underdog while being the champion. 100% of the actual true selling power that DB has comes from being the underdog. Putting a strap on him kills every bit of that, his push, his drive, his momentum. If he becomes champion, he becomes another small guy that no one believes should actually be able to successfully defend it. If you smarks paid attention, you'd realize that you are the ones calling for DB to get buried, not the WWE.

The best example of this was Rey Mysterio. He was the ultimate underdog, and was massively over for being the underdog, because his opponents were almost ALWAYS bigger than him. Yet, once he became champion, people fell out of love with him, since he was no longer an underdog (the whole "getting the belt because he is Eddie's friend" didn't help, either).

Another example is Dolph Ziggler. I have noticed a vast drop-off on people crying foul on Dolph being buried. A year ago, he was an underdog, loved by the IWC. He won the title, lost it quickly, and barely a squeak since. C.M. Punk also doesn't get the love he once did, either. 14-month title reigns tend to stop "underdog" chants.
omg...this will be my last post about this. If you don't understand it by now than you just won't ever get it. DB doesn't have a look that will attract mainstream media. He isnt anything "cool." He literally has no traits that are will bring mainstream attention and that is pretty obvious. Look at The Rock, he was tall, buff, women find him attractive, funny, and has a personality that draws people to watch him. DB has none of that. You don't need to give someone a chance to see if they will fail or not, sometimes its obvious. If I have a low IQ, than I probably won't win on jeopardy or a spelling bee. IF I'm slow and out of shape than I won't beat Olympic athletes in a race. DB is small, looks like a troll, has a messy beard, no personality, no charisma, NOTHING. Its not freakin rocket science!!! He is a good wrestler and popular among wrestling fans but he has major flaws that stop him from being any bigger than a upper mid card wrestler. The iwc has got to stop overrating wrestlers or every year we will see this same situation. First it was Punk, who is sloppy in the ring, skinny and fat at the same time, and looks like a drug addict that doesn't sleep. Now its DB, and next year it will be someone else. Vince and HHH know what they are doing. I like DB and Punk but I understand why they are not in the position that many people on here believe that they should be.

This will be your last post about this because you know you're wrong and fighting on the losing side. If tonight wasn't further evidence for you that the WWE has absolutely no clue, then I don't know what more you need to see. The Royal Rumble was nothing short of an embarrassment for this company. How many more of these guys with "the look" need to get embarrassed by the crowd insulting them before the WWE finally caves and listens to its damn audience? So what if Daniel Bryan is a vanilla midget with no personality? The crowd is telling you they want him. It is your job to satisfy them. When you don't satisfy them, they eventually turn off the channel - which, in case you hadn't noticed, they've been doing in droves over the past 7 years as guys like Cena, Orton and Batista have been shoved down our throats.

The fact that you continue to harp on this mainstream appeal is completely absurd since - short of Cena's pre-paid morning show appearances - none of your guys with "the look" actually bring any mainstream attention to the table. So how in the hell does it make sense to hold back Daniel Bryan for a lack of mainstream appeal when Batista and Orton have ABSOLUTELY NONE themselves? What you're suggesting is that the WWE continue to shit on their current fans in favor of guys who don't bring mainstream attention out of fear that giving their current audience what it actually wants might provide the exact same result of the mainstream not caring. How the hell does that make any sense?

You bring up guys like The Rock and Steve Austin. And those are nice names, but they have nothing in the world to do with this argument. They aren't preventing Bryan from reaching the top. They aren't even actively working for the company. Sure, if Austin and The Rock decide to come back tomorrow, then they can have the top spot for their mainstream appeal. Until that happens, the WWE should try to concentrate on satisfying its own fans. The longer they ignore them, the more risk there is that the WWE will lose them.

Do you ever feel like you're being trolled by the WWE? I got that feeling tonight when Damien Sandow gave a pre-Rumble interview. Granted, he butchered the quote, but what he meant to say was "Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result." My God if that doesn't describe what's happening.

Did the WWE expect the crowd to react favorably during the Cena/Orton match? In case you missed it, and I'm guessing you might have since you're still in the boat of thinking they know what they're doing, the live crowd shit all over that match. They chanted almost the entire time. There were multiple chants for Daniel Bryan - between fans chanting his name and chanting Yes. There was even a chant for The Undertaker. What there wasn't was a chant for Orton or Cena. In fact, the only chant that was even directed toward them was a "This is awful" chant. The crowd was so opposed to that match that they didn't even deem it worthy of a "Boring" chant, instead rating it lower with a "This is awful...This is awful." You know why? Because it was awful. Listen to the crowd. They DO NOT want to see that match.

They furthered the insanity possibility when they let Batista win the Royal Rumble, and refused to give the fans what they wanted by keeping Daniel Bryan out of it altogether. The embarrassing part of it was how predictable the reaction would be when the crowed realized they weren't going to get Bryan.

Again, they wanted Bryan. They made their voice heard. And the WWE ignored them. Did they think the crowd would just let that slide? Just out of curiosity, but was the 15 minutes of the crowd alternating between moments of being dead and booing enough to make you realize that VKM and HHH either have no idea what the crowd wants or that they just don't care?

So now what? We're on course for a WrestleMania 30 main event of Batista vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title - two guys who bring ZERO mainstream appeal to the table. Why? Well, it's certainly not what the fans want to see, but hey - 10 years ago, Triple H predicted these two guys would be the future of the WWE and look at them now! They're main eventing WrestleMania 30 together! That's what this match is about. It's about validating an opinion Triple H had in 2003. The only reason I'll watch this match is because the crowd is sure to entertain. Look what happened in the Cena/Orton match, how the crowd responded to Bryan NOT being in the Rumble, how they responded to Batista's entrance and victory ... then figure the crowd will be 5 times larger and filled with the snarkiest wrestling fans in the world. The "This is awful" chants will be tame by comparison, and the WWE will flat be embarrassed during the main event of its biggest show. And you know what? They deserve it ... because they're absolutely insane.

They keep shoving these big guys down our throat, and no matter how much people tell them to stop, no matter how many people turn off the TV or shit all over their matches, they keep doing it and expecting a different result. The smart thing to do would be to try something different ... give the crowd what it wants and see where it goes. You don't think Daniel Bryan can bring mainstream appeal? Well, there's only one way to find out. And while you say it's obvious that he can't, I'd like to remind you that the only obvious thing in this situation is that Randy Orton and Batista clearly don't.
I think you're letting your semi-veiled dislike for Bryan cloud the evidence in front of you. The WWE is never going to be the darling of the mainstream media. The Rock parlayed success for himself off of the WWE, and only by the grace of his return, did they get any back. The WWE isn't the star maker any longer. That's why it has gone back to stars like Rock, Lesnar, and now Batista: 3 guys that it hopes will boost revenues short term, at the sacrifice of long term revenues.

From everything I've heard and has been reported, the crowd went ape shit in a bad way once #30 turned out not to be Bryan.

How can you ignore that?

ok I lied about that being my last post lol.

dude I don't dislike Bryan, he is actually my favorite current wrestler. Just try to understand what I'm saying. The reason WWE was huge in the AE is because it broke into mainstream media. So now the WWE will try out different guys that have potential to help them break into mainstream media once again. DB has NO mainstream media cross over potential at all. Guys like Cena had a look and a personality that potentially could break the mainstream media barrier and that is why he was pushed and put on top. DB is popular but the WWE understands that DB can only retain current fans because he has no traits, or any qualities that suggest that he will bring in a new audience. Orton had a look that ladies like, HBK had a look that attracted ladies as well. Cena has the personality that made WWE see his potential but DB has nothing. DB and Punk are very similar. They both cater to hardcore and current fans while having nothing to offer that might bring in new viewers. I really enjoy both Punk and DB but like I said earlier, I understand WWE's thinking. DB will get his title reign just like Punk did, but he will play second fiddle to Cena and others the same way Punk did. As far as main evening Mania...it ain't gonna happen.

You don't have to bring in mainstream media, you just have to have something that leads to the potential of it.

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