A Reunion of Sorts


The ONLY Franchise
Alright…this is my first thread, and it probably won’t be very popular. If this has been done recently, I don’t care because mine is better. But I’ve just been thinking lately, so I decided to share my ideas. Some of you may agree with me, most of you won’t. But all of us can agree that WWE, Raw especially, needs that “something special” that attracts viewers and makes a good show. Several of you visit the board everyday to discuss different ideas to make the shows and overall product better. Some ideas are good, most are awful. And you know what...I think my idea is probably better suited for the “awful category.” I would, however, absolutely LOVE to see this happen (if it was done right, of course). So what is my bright, yet awful idea? Let this Guest Host thing run its course, get passed Wrestlemania XXVI, or maybe even make it happen the night of. “Make what happen?” you ask. I’m talking about something that shook the foundation of the business over ten years ago, something that was an unstoppable force for a year and a half, something that was the starting point of the “Wrestling Boom of the 90s.” I’m talking about “getting the band back together.” Yes, I do mean the return of the New…World….Order.

All that build up and my bright, awful idea is another nWo incarnation? Some of you have stopped reading to reply how horrible it would be, how over-done it was, and how you can’t recreate a good thing. But those of you who are still with me, I ask that you stick with this to the end. Anyway, I have been watching a lot of old nWo footage on YouTube this week, and what nostalgia-galore it has been. From Bash at the Beach 96 – Starrcade 97ish, the New World Order of wrestling was just plain dominant, and as a nine to twelve-year-old boy, I hated them. But I watch now, I see the way they carried themselves, hear the way they spoke, feel what they represented, and I couldn’t help but think, “This is awesome.” They did whatever the fuck they wanted to do because they didn’t give a shit about rules, morals, or tradition. They are without a doubt the most influential group in wrestling history.

So what does this have to do with WWE today? How can bringing back the nWo turn things around? Simple…don’t “bring back” the nWo, start a new one. “What?! That’s almost as blasphemous as recreating ECW!!” Yes, I’m very serious. When Vince McMahon “brought back” the nWo in ’02 (and I, along with several of you I’m sure, marked the hell out), it just didn’t have that old “nWo feel.” I was extremely pissed when they “kicked out” Hogan, and even more so when they fired Hall; these two occurrences, however, could have been the beginning of something great. The addition of Sean Waltman was a good decision and made sense given the history with him, Hall, and Nash. But I could have done without Paul Wight sporting the black and white for the third time in his career. And Booker T. joining because Ric Flair…RIC FLAIR…says it’s ok? That’s not the nWo way of doing things. So we had Kevin Nash as the leader along with X-Pac, The Big Show, and Booker, in this group that was a mockery of its former self, and it really seemed pointless (like this thread is becoming, right?...again, stay with me). Enter Shawn Michaels. He kicked out Booker T. and started recruiting Triple H to join. As we all know, Nash was injured again, and we never got to see this play out. If I were to guess, Helmsley would have turned down the offer if the storyline had continued. But…what if he accepted? If Triple H joined, if the group went back to terrorizing (pardon the pun) anyone they pleased, if they kept adding new stars (Orton, Cena, Edge), or maybe even brought back some of the old band (Eric Bischoff debuted shortly after the disband, Scott Steiner returned in ’03), the New World Order could have been a dominant force once again. But we’ll never know what could have been. It probably worked out for the best anyway.

I know I’ve been going on and on. Please forgive the rambling. But my bright, awful idea is this: do what they failed to do in 2002. Have a select number of guys resurrect the idea of the old New World Order, and have them dominate. This is the situation I came up with if it was a sooner rather than later thing:
It’s the main event of Wrestlemania XXVI…rematch from last year…Triple H vs. Randy Orton (c) for the WWE Title. About midway through the match, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes calmly make their way toward the ring, leading us to believe that it’s part of a plan to help Orton retain. This, of course, is assuming that Ted Jr. doesn’t turn face for the sake of The Marine 2 release (that’s dumb by the way). As soon as Priceless (or Legacy…whatever) gets to the ring, the camera cuts to the stage once more to see Shawn Michaels on his way down, leading us to believe he’s there to prevent any interference. Priceless could tease helping Orton by getting on the apron, or maybe attack Triple H on the outside, which causes Michaels to chase after them…you know, the usual. In the end, the referee is knocked out outside the ring, and Dibiase and Rhodes get in the ring with chairs and, along with Orton, begin to stalk Helmsley. Then Shawn Michaels, who was “trying” to revive the ref, hits the ring with a chair. So we have Legacy on one side of the ring, DX on the other. Michaels is in front of Helmsley mouthing off to Orton, then in one motion he turns around and whacks his best friend across the skull! Orton is shocked; Rhodes and Dibiase are “shocked.” Michaels points to Priceless and says, “Now,” and both hit Orton with their chairs. The three then continue to beat up their former allies pretty badly, and yes, people, there’s blood involved. Rhodes then goes to look under the ring, and brings out…you know where this is going…a spray-paint can. After the trio writes “NWO” on Randy and Hunter’s backs, the all too familiar low-pitched “N….W….O” blares across the arena. The pay-per-view ends with the picture of Orton and Triple H face down on the ring canvas.

Maybe not the best idea, but I don’t think it’s too bad. But why would Shawn Michaels, Ted Dibiase, and Cody Rhodes decide to bring back the colors of the nWo? Well, Shawn Michaels and The Big Show are the only remaining former nWo members left in WWE now. Cody and Ted Jr….both second generation nWo members. The New World Order could come out on Raw the next night, HBK could talk about how WWE was taking him for granted and not treating him like the star he is, and that he wants the WWE Title yada yada yada. And since nobody was giving anything to him, he is now going to take it. And when thinking about who could help him, he turned to two guys who had “nWo blood” in them. And after this promo, the shit hits the fan. They start terrorizing anybody and everybody.

So there you have it…my bright, awful idea. I know it’s not perfect, but it’s cool to think about. Obviously they would need a big man to join pretty quickly to help them with beat downs. Or, this doesn’t happen at all. Let several more years pass and have John Cena be the one to resurrect it. If done the right way, it could work. None of these kids today remember the old nWo, and some weren’t even born yet. It’s all about how the members execute their promos, how matches and storylines are booked, and having that old nWo attitude. It CAN work.

If you read this whole damn thing, thank you very much. But I still can't help but think most of you will give negative feedback. I’ll probably even get one of those ultra-awesome “quote me, give a response, quote, respond, quote, respond, quote, respond” replies. But if you’d like, tell how you think it should be done. Who would start it? Why? Who would join? I ask that you don’t give responses like “HBK is a Christian…he would never go for that role” because first of all, that’s stupid (as a Christian, I can say that), and secondly, that’s not what I asked you to respond to. And please keep in mind; once you’re nWo, you’re nWo 4…LIFE!

P.S. If someone wants to take the initiative to make me one of those nWZo banners, I’d really appreciate it. I’m not sure who all is taken, but I don’t think I’ve seen Nash. “Big Daddy Sting” Kevin Nash…yeah I think it works.
I think this storyline will be great Hell put cena in their so they can sell merchandises. make a wolf pack with orton HHH Edge and christain . And the nWo needs a valet mabey beth or michelle and for the wolf pack mickie or melina . And for the body gaurd put ezikel or kozloff for the nwo and for the WP Mark henry or Khali cause they are the only 2 "HUGE" baby faces. but your idea is awsome
Not bad, not bad.

However................... I think the NWO idea still has some life in it. And reviving the stable, or any old stable for that matter, is always a good idea given enough time to let the previous, die completely down. But, in order for an idea like this to strive, I think you would need someone there that was with the "Original NWO." Lately, I read a post on WZ that said, Nash would like to come to WWE for Michaels last year. I think if Nash were to come to WWE it should be in a non-wrestling role. Like an Eric Bischoff, that leads a new version of the NWO. I like the idea of Rhodes and Dibiase being part of that group b/c of their ties with the old NWO.

If this group was revived, it needs to have more than 3 members. Legacy was supposed(I think) be a similar version of an NWO-type, but thus far, I am not impressed. I think Orton is a stronger character alone.

So, you could have Nash calling the shots. Rhodes and Dibiase as supporting characters, that way you have the tag division covered. But you need at least two more guys. And, they need to be main-eventers. One of the reasons NWO was very successful, is b/c it had a ton of main-event and upper card talent. You could have Nash, Rhodes, and Dibiase have a gang war, NWO vs. DX, where NWO gets the best of DX. So, DX says, "If you cant beat them, join them." So now you have Nash, Rhodes, Dibiase, HHH, and HBK. That would be a dominating group, big in numbers, but not TOO big. That was a big reason NWO got stale. Hell, they would come out one week and have 10 members and the next week have 25 members. Then, it just got stupid.

Dont know if my idea as any better, but idea nonetheless. Great thread though. Like it!!!

One can look at the recreated ECW and understand that when you bring something back its never as good as the original. The bar was set so high with the original NWO there is no way to recreate that excitement. Thats the problem with WWE in the first place, recycled storylines. Bring back the NWO, otherwise known as creative has no new ideas so lets repackage this old idea and hope the people are too stupid to realize that this is the same old shit they were watching 10 years ago.

The NWO is just like DX, it had a good run. No need to keep bringing it back just because you can't think of anything else to do.
Awesome Idea I would love to see an NWO reuinion if done right. But its not impossible like some people say it is.
A new nWo..........I'm already getting bored.

I'm all for stables, I'm a big fan of them and really hope that WWE start a few more to go along with Legacy, but enough is enough when it comes to raping the past. The nWo lost all meaning in 2000 when it become very aparent that the nWo was clearly not taking over anything. And the nWo in 02 was a great mark out moment, but as soon as Hogan was "out" and Hall had been shown the door, it once again lost any purpse.

A new generation Hart Foundation would work, without doubt, but a new nWo on WWE T.V would do nothing but prove that World Wrestling Entertainment has got no new ideas. That being said, I'm well aware that majority of new WWE ideas turn out horrible. Slam Master J. But continuing to rape and pillage through wrestling history ISN'T the answer.
The only was it could work is if we got a brand new WCW show ala ECW and had a new nWo on that. Although I very much doubt that will happen.

One older stable that could still work beside the Hart Foundation I think would be the NOD. When was the last African American WWE Champion? Having guys like Henry, Shelton, Killings and Cryme Tyme team up to fight "the man" could work, but it could be hard with a PG rating.

Having guys like "P.S" around certainly doesn't help either....
Let me repeat this...there is NO need for another reunion of the NWO of ANY kind. Even if it were possible, which it's not, because the WWE owns the copyright to it, it would simply be the nail in the TNA coffin. I'm already not big on the MEM, simply because they're old and pretty much useless now. If this were a faction 10 years ago, I'd say it'd go down as one of the best in history, now...it's downright comical.

The only other stable that I wouldn't be against is a reunion of the Evolution. With new members like Swagger, Miz, or Ziggler. Those guys would benefit from a rub off of Orton or HHH or even Baptista. But NWO? HELL NO!
I loved the 2002 NWO reunion because it was the return of Shawn Michaels, and that alone is enough to make anything great in my opinion. But a remake? I'm going to have to say no on that one. I mean, why? DX are currently about to make their return, which is good, but I was never a big fan of the whole NWO thing and I don't think it'd make a big difference to the WWE now.

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