Now the WWE is Ripping Off TNA; Snooki to Appear on RAW

Your post is absolutely stupid. Get a tissue. WWE has something called Wrestlemania coming up, and they're doing it for media exposure.

Your pathetic "vow" to never watch WWE again over something so stupid is useless. It's about as pathetic as a fat person going on a hunger strike to prove some useless point.

You make me sick.

I red repped you for not reading the whole post...mainly the last line. If you had, you would have realized it was a joke.

As for the Snooki thing, TNA marks are looking for things that aren't there. They should be more worried about how horrible the TNA storylines are and less worried about trying to bury the WWE in the grave TNA is digging for themselves.
That's because TNA made a story of it and had them in matches. Snooki will be there for ONE week and won't be physically involved. Do you see how that's different or should I dumb it down some more. WWE is clearly not copying TNA.

lol typical...tna could have a wrestler take a dump on the would be blasted.wwe could do the same thing a week would be applauded and people would say it isnt many have blinders for one company or another.wrestling has went down the drain as well as its fan base.there arent many out there anymore who enjoy wrestling for what it is.its either you are a fan of one company or the other these days.
lol typical...tna could have a wrestler take a dump on the would be blasted.wwe could do the same thing a week would be applauded and people would say it isnt many have blinders for one company or another.wrestling has went down the drain as well as its fan base.there arent many out there anymore who enjoy wrestling for what it is.its either you are a fan of one company or the other these days.

First of all, I love how you quoted me yet didn't try to refute my argument. You're obviously going to win this debate. :rolleyes:

Second, I'm a fan of both companies and have been watching wrestling for 20 years. I'm sure that's longer than you. I bet you're one of those people who wants the attitude era back.

Next, as a fan of wrestling in general, I'd love to see Tna make it to the next level but it won't/can't happen if they're constantly copying WWE. How you can compare Snooki guest hosting Raw and Jwoww/angelina having a ridiculous match nobody cares about is beyond my comprehension. You've got to be mentally handicapped to make that connection/accusation.

Note - you should learn to put spaces after periods. It makes your post more intelligible.
Wait, wait. WWE fans blasted TNA for having JWoww appear on iMPACT. They said it's stupid, it's unnecessary and it doesn't make sense.

Now fucking SNOOKI will appear on Monday Night RAW, and it's all okay?


No. WWE is not copying TNA, but they will bring Snooki in even for one night because of TNA. C'mon, TNA took a shit on their fans, took a bigger shit on their 'Taker hype video, TNA's been blasting WWE every once in a while - of course WWE does it because of TNA, and I'm fuckin' glad they do.

I hope WWE takes a dump on TNA with Snooki. A big, hard dump. Bash them all night long, ruin them if you want. It will show that WWE has something that fell off years ago - balls. No it's not "bush league", it doesn't make anyone seem second rate - it's called being competitive and having fun with it.

I hope this is a shot at TNA, because you just know TNA will retaliate. WWE fans will secretly enjoy a possible knock on TNA but act like they're angels, TNA fans will go nuts on WWE for bashing their company, TNA will retaliate, and boom, you have yourself the closest thing to a war. Or a pinch fight ... whatever.

But once again, WWE fans - pieces of pure shit. Hypocrticial pieces of shit too. You make me sick, honestly.

"We hate Nash and Booker!-[They appear in WWE]-We love DIESEL and Booker!"

"We want Sting!-[He's not coming to WWE]-Sting is old and broken down!"

"JWoww in TNA sucks!-[Snooki goes to WWE]-I think it could be fun!"
I couldn't give a fuck if Snooki appearing on WWE is a rip-off of TNA, Jersey Shore is awful either way and whichever company their actresses appear on, it will make fuck all difference to the ratings, and completely fail to benefit the product.

Come on, is anyone actually of the opinion that this woman appearing on Raw as guest host is going to make the programme 1% better.

It isnt a big deal, because Snooki is not a big deal. Wrestling companies rip each other off all the time
"WWE is not copying TNA because Snooki is only going to be a guest host, not be a part of angles"

That makes sense, but let's go deeper. When's the last time WWE has had a guest host? I've been watching RAW since The Rock came back - no guest hosts.

So now, out of the freakin' blue, WWE decides that they'll HAVE a guest host, right after the Sting stuff, and of all the celebrities on this planet they choose Snooki?

I'm sorry, but whoever claims that this is not a copy/shot at TNA is either blind, ignorant, or plain stupid.

It is a shot at TNA. Face it. Your precious WWE has done the exact same thing that TNA's doing. The same thing you buried TNA for, saying it makes them look 2nd rate.

"WWE has class, they don't care about TNA, they're too good to pay attention to that stuff". Bull-SHIT. With this move WWE just tea-bagged all of its loyal fans. Do you see now why we think you're blind sheep?

I wonder ... will Jericho say that WWE is making themselves look like a bush league now?
ilapierre, Why are you even on this website. You are not even a fan. A fan would not even say drivvle like that. How is that stupid **** being on WWE ripping off TNA....... Oh yeah its not. Listen cause when the truth smacks you in the face you Listen, and I speak in only fact and truth. WWE HAS BEEN THE CENTER OF MIXING POP CULTURE AND WRESTLING FOR EVER. TNA has these stupid Jersey creeps parading around being as ******ed as your post. Who really ripped off who hmmmmm You know nothing about wrestling you know nothing about this industry. Go ahead and "boycott" wwe you deserve to be sentenced to a life of watching that stupid non entertaining peice of crap company known as TNA. "fans" like you make me sick, you know nothing of this buisness and you think by entering chat rooms you can absorb some wrestling common sense so you see a post then you look for key words then you spew your idiotic crap like "boycot" and "I thought you were above that". Why dont you just go back to your first passion and go to the Bachelor chat rooms and see what all the other bleeding hearts had to say about what sknk is the final one to spread her legs for FAME this week. Hey Safeco99 this Jackoff has a tissue a whole box next to their computer for the bachelor chats. You really need to study before you post crap like that. IT IS WRESTLEMANIA SEASON guests stars etc will be coming on to hype it. I hate snooky and the shore but its a fact of life. Im done with you. The GURU HAS SPOKEN>
The problem here is simple, people don't want to acknowledge when a wrestling company takes a stab at another one with their storylines. We as fans have to realize that wrestling has been around for so long, that storyline are bound to be rehashed. Snooki coming to Raw next week is a stab at TNA because TNA had Jwoww before. WWE fans can argue its because its wrestlemania season, but why have Snooki now exactly two weeks after Angelina was in TNA?
The problem here is simple, people don't want to acknowledge when a wrestling company takes a stab at another one with their storylines. We as fans have to realize that wrestling has been around for so long, that storyline are bound to be rehashed. Snooki coming to Raw next week is a stab at TNA because TNA had Jwoww before. WWE fans can argue its because its wrestlemania season, but why have Snooki now exactly two weeks after Angelina was in TNA?

You didn't hear? Each and every celebrity on the planet was at a Charlie Sheen party, winning and stuff, and since Snooki is basically leaving a trail of venereal diseases everywhere she goes, she wasn't invited but instead got a gig with WWE. After not having guest hosts for quite some time, WWE got the funny notion of having Snooki as their gues hoEst. You know. Randomly. Just .. out of the blue. No reason at all.

I kind of see a pattern with WWE. TNA brings in JWoww and Angelina Poontang, WWE brings in Snooki - the biggest female Jersey Shore star perhaps.

TNA bring in Sting, throwing it in their face - WWE brings in JBL and Stone Cold for no fucking reason at all. Again, TNA's one-upped.

Now I'm not saying they brought Stone Cold and JBL in because of TNA, but it sure looks fishy. Trying to take the attention away from Sting's return to TNA and winning the title, killing the buzz, taking people's attention away from that.

But, who cares. TNA will die in two months.
You didn't hear? Each and every celebrity on the planet was at a Charlie Sheen party, winning and stuff, and since Snooki is basically leaving a trail of venereal diseases everywhere she goes, she wasn't invited but instead got a gig with WWE. After not having guest hosts for quite some time, WWE got the funny notion of having Snooki as their gues hoEst. You know. Randomly. Just .. out of the blue. No reason at all.

I kind of see a pattern with WWE. TNA brings in JWoww and Angelina Poontang, WWE brings in Snooki - the biggest female Jersey Shore star perhaps.

TNA bring in Sting, throwing it in their face - WWE brings in JBL and Stone Cold for no fucking reason at all. Again, TNA's one-upped.

Now I'm not saying they brought Stone Cold and JBL in because of TNA, but it sure looks fishy. Trying to take the attention away from Sting's return to TNA and winning the title, killing the buzz, taking people's attention away from that.

But, who cares. TNA will die in two months.

First off, lol at the Charlie Sheen comment.

What i meant is that, even if its for Wrestlemania season its still bringing Snooki on Raw two weeks after Angelina was in TNA. Its a definit stab at them, but WWE fans can't/won't admit it its too hard for them.
It is not a stab perse because its all about WM, Mab in a tech. sense but its more to bring a broader range of veiwers to mania. WWE does not care about TNA as athreat because they are not one and WWE did not have to do anything. Tna destroyed themselves.
It is not a stab perse because its all about WM, Mab in a tech. sense but its more to bring a broader range of veiwers to mania. WWE does not care about TNA as athreat because they are not one and WWE did not have to do anything. Tna destroyed themselves.

You're right, their most recent 1.5 rating was the last nail in their sorry ass coffin.

It's all about WrestleMania? Excuse me, but when the fuck did Snooki become a modern day Jesus? The only time Snooki matters is when she's involved in eating pussy, snorting cocaine, or snorting cocaine off a pussy. How is Snooki going to bring in any viewers? All the scumbags are already watching WWE. Zing!

"Yo dude! Did you hear? Snooki is on RAW!"

"Dude we should TOTALLY watch that. I mean, it's Snooki on a wrestling show. That oughta make me like it!"

It failed with TNA, it will fail with WWE. WWE double failed too, because they take a dumb thing, and have it on their program as a shot at TNA. So much win.
You're right, their most recent 1.5 rating was the last nail in their sorry ass coffin.

It's all about WrestleMania? Excuse me, but when the fuck did Snooki become a modern day Jesus? The only time Snooki matters is when she's involved in eating pussy, snorting cocaine, or snorting cocaine off a pussy. How is Snooki going to bring in any viewers? All the scumbags are already watching WWE. Zing!

"Yo dude! Did you hear? Snooki is on RAW!"

"Dude we should TOTALLY watch that. I mean, it's Snooki on a wrestling show. That oughta make me like it!"

It failed with TNA, it will fail with WWE. WWE double failed too, because they take a dumb thing, and have it on their program as a shot at TNA. So much win.

Just to kinda counterpoint your little rant here, but I actually decided to test this theory. I have a friend who has basically never watched wrestling in her life but is a fan of the Jersey Shore. Perhaps it is her longing for the east coast as she moved out to Vegas a few years ago, but she watches the thing every week.

Anyway, from all accounts, Snooki is the star of that show. Whether or not any of us agree with the reasoning behind a bona fide idiot being the star of a the show, she is. Then again, we are wrestling fans so we know about idiots being the stars of shows.

I told my friend about this recent development and she said this to me:

"she is? you know what? I may have to watch that. Remind me next Monday."

This is a girl who normally wouldn't be caught dead watching wrestling, but might check it out due to Snooki. This was the hope for the guest host concept, and it did work in some ways. Some shows (like Shaq's hosting gig) scored excellent ratings and did exactly what WWE wanted it to do. Others showed slight increases in ratings but took away from the overall product.

What we have to understand as avid wrestling fans is that not everyone is like that. We are a unique breed and a minority. If wrestling companies only catered to us, they wouldn't make very much money. In order to make a lot, they have to cater to casual viewers who may be drawn in by special attractions. The hope then is for the person to tune in for the special attraction but like the rest of the product and become a fan. It doesn't always work, but that's the ultimate hope.

Using celebrities for this purpose is an old concept. From Andy Kaufman to Cindy Lauper, all the way to the present, it's always been there. It's a part of sports entertainment and probably always will be. Us wrestling fans aren't always into celebrity involvement, but it helps viewership so it will always be there.

In the 80's Cyndi Lauper was hot, a big star. That's why WWF brought her in. Sadly, Snooki is the star of one of the biggest shows on television whether we like it or not. That is why WWE is bringing her in. Is it ripping off TNA or one-upping them? Maybe, as Snooki is certainly a bigger star than JWoww or Angelina. Still, the goal is to drive Wrestlemania, so shot or not, it's not a bad business move.

As for the JBL/Austin stuff and using that to "counter" Sting, that's just grasping at straws. Both men were used in a storyline for Wrestlemania and would have been used as such regardless or whether TNA brought back Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Bruno Sammartino, Junkyard Dog, or Gorgeous George. Some things might be little jabs or one-upsmanship, but that isn't one of them and isn't even close.

Bottom line, Snooki might be a jab and it might be an awful idea to some wrestling fans, but she is a huge star at this moment in time so it's not a bad move by WWE to bring her in. Sure, TNA brought in JWoww first, but both are pretty good moves when you think about it. Shitty for us real fans, great for business. Whatever is popular, you have to consider. I may not agree with it, but I defend both companies for exploiting it.
I honestly couldn't care less if Snooki makes an appearance on RAW next week or if this is a "jab" at TNA. It's already been established that Jersey Shore is a shit show and that the only real reason Snooki is even appearing on the show is to increase ratings (whether or not it will is another story). I mean, it is Wrestlemania season and WWE is doing all it can to increase buyrates for the big PPV so getting media attention by bringing in a well-known TV personality on your show can't possibly hurt. The guest hosts of the past never significantly affected my view of the WWE product so I don't see any reason why Snooki appearing will.
I'm not sure this is the two companies trying to copy each other as much as it is taking something that is obviously popular amongst young people and trying to tie it into a product they are trying to make popular amongst young people. TNA did it first, WWE probably copied them, but did it much better, for example, they actually showed Jersey Shore footage, and are using the breakout star.

I suppose the difference that WWE die-hards can cling to is that at least this serves a purpose, whereas the Sting thing was just pure copycat. I'd disagree. I think TNA were taking a shot at the WWE, basically flaunting the fact that they have the man the fans want, a fact unfortunately missed on the fans.

TNA should take heed of the fact that when they try and do something outside of the box, the WWE try and copy it. The Jersey Shore angle is a good idea because a) young people are familiar with it and b) there has never been more natural heels since the Nazis than spoiled brats. Too often, TNA are recycling old ideas, that either never worked, or fulfilled their lifespan 15 years ago. TNA should be looking to have WWE copy them more, because that means they are on the radar.
Hey Zion you FN ****** you just did nothing but prove my point about stupid lil **** who know nothing about wrestling, or dont pay attention to posts. I never said Snookie was a Savior all I said was it was never a rip off of TNA, If you wipe the spunk out of your eyes you would be able to read that that was the original post. I hate Stupid Sippy Cup Drinkers like you that think they know everything about wrestling but dont know shit. Plus you read half the post think of somthing clever or in your feble little mind you think it is then respond before you even finish reading. I will say this one more time, WWE is just using snookie to widen their market a little before WM. Buisness Bitch Buisness. TNA is a peice of crap and so was that sorry ass excuse of rant you posted. You think your witty and funny and or smart well thats fine and Mab TNA just had a new original good idea..... Oh yeah that wont happen.
Hey Zion you FN ****** you just did nothing but prove my point about stupid lil **** who know nothing about wrestling, or dont pay attention to posts. I never said Snookie was a Savior all I said was it was never a rip off of TNA, If you wipe the spunk out of your eyes you would be able to read that that was the original post. I hate Stupid Sippy Cup Drinkers like you that think they know everything about wrestling but dont know shit. Plus you read half the post think of somthing clever or in your feble little mind you think it is then respond before you even finish reading. I will say this one more time, WWE is just using snookie to widen their market a little before WM. Buisness Bitch Buisness. TNA is a peice of crap and so was that sorry ass excuse of rant you posted. You think your witty and funny and or smart well thats fine and Mab TNA just had a new original good idea..... Oh yeah that wont happen.


Finally, someone is taking a stand to Zeven_Zion and his TNA loving
abnoxious nonsense.

And, on WWE ripping off TNA. Not chance in hell!

WWE got Snooki from the Jersey Shore becuase of viewer's and it's Wrestlemania season. To get more exposure for Wrestlemania. And besides, she definatley will not be getting into a storyline like Angelina. She'll probably have one or two segment's, and that's it.

It's all about business and wanting to have the most veiwer's possible for a PPV.
I cant believe people keep claiming WWE isnt ripping off TNA. Is there no double standard with this? If WWE brought in Shore people and TNA did their J wow and Angelina crap then everyone and their mama would be calling TNA copycats.
TNA should be looking to have WWE copy them more, because that means they are on the radar.

Exactly. Back in late 90's WWE had Tyson ripping a paper written WCW on it. They were mocking with their stars, Rock was cutting their promos etc. But then, WWE stopped it, that was the moment WWE didn't care about WCW anymore. So if WWE does anything similar to what TNA did, then it means something for TNA.

Back to the thread, WWE did copy TNA, yes maybe a better version but tell me one thing:

Aren't there any TV shows left other than the Jersey Shore?
WWE could find a star from anywhere, any reality show, or any other TV show... Why Jersey Shore? It has something to do with TNA, admit it or not...
WWE got Snooki from the Jersey Shore becuase of viewer's and it's Wrestlemania season. To get more exposure for Wrestlemania. And besides, she definatley will not be getting into a storyline like Angelina. She'll probably have one or two segment's, and that's it.

It's all about business and wanting to have the most veiwer's possible for a PPV.

While this may be true that it is all about exposure to get more buys (and quite frankly a horrible one) it is a jab at TNA not a rip off, but i do have a weird feeling that she might get into something with Vickie according to her comments when she was commentating on Ziggler's match.

For arguments sake: lets say WWE had brought in Angela and Jwwow to work a program for them with Kelly kelly and the woo woo kid Ryder and TNA brings in Snooki for BFG there would be a huge uproar about how much TNA has copied WWE and can not come up with a single idea on their own, am I not right on this?

I personally do not like any of them on TV but its being done so we just have to live with it.

I also agree with Tastycles if it is WWE copying them then they are being noticed and watched by the E, so they must be doing at least one thing right. Note I only said one and not all of it.
Just to kinda counterpoint your little rant here, but I actually decided to test this theory. I have a friend who has basically never watched wrestling in her life but is a fan of the Jersey Shore. Perhaps it is her longing for the east coast as she moved out to Vegas a few years ago, but she watches the thing every week.

Anyway, from all accounts, Snooki is the star of that show. Whether or not any of us agree with the reasoning behind a bona fide idiot being the star of a the show, she is. Then again, we are wrestling fans so we know about idiots being the stars of shows.

I told my friend about this recent development and she said this to me:

"she is? you know what? I may have to watch that. Remind me next Monday."

This is a girl who normally wouldn't be caught dead watching wrestling, but might check it out due to Snooki. This was the hope for the guest host concept, and it did work in some ways. Some shows (like Shaq's hosting gig) scored excellent ratings and did exactly what WWE wanted it to do. Others showed slight increases in ratings but took away from the overall product.

What we have to understand as avid wrestling fans is that not everyone is like that. We are a unique breed and a minority. If wrestling companies only catered to us, they wouldn't make very much money. In order to make a lot, they have to cater to casual viewers who may be drawn in by special attractions. The hope then is for the person to tune in for the special attraction but like the rest of the product and become a fan. It doesn't always work, but that's the ultimate hope.

Using celebrities for this purpose is an old concept. From Andy Kaufman to Cindy Lauper, all the way to the present, it's always been there. It's a part of sports entertainment and probably always will be. Us wrestling fans aren't always into celebrity involvement, but it helps viewership so it will always be there.

In the 80's Cyndi Lauper was hot, a big star. That's why WWF brought her in. Sadly, Snooki is the star of one of the biggest shows on television whether we like it or not. That is why WWE is bringing her in. Is it ripping off TNA or one-upping them? Maybe, as Snooki is certainly a bigger star than JWoww or Angelina. Still, the goal is to drive Wrestlemania, so shot or not, it's not a bad business move.

As for the JBL/Austin stuff and using that to "counter" Sting, that's just grasping at straws. Both men were used in a storyline for Wrestlemania and would have been used as such regardless or whether TNA brought back Sting, Diamond Dallas Page, Bruno Sammartino, Junkyard Dog, or Gorgeous George. Some things might be little jabs or one-upsmanship, but that isn't one of them and isn't even close.

Bottom line, Snooki might be a jab and it might be an awful idea to some wrestling fans, but she is a huge star at this moment in time so it's not a bad move by WWE to bring her in. Sure, TNA brought in JWoww first, but both are pretty good moves when you think about it. Shitty for us real fans, great for business. Whatever is popular, you have to consider. I may not agree with it, but I defend both companies for exploiting it.

I guess you're right. You actually are. I could never understand using celebrities to attract viewers that will stick around. Very few people can stomach pro wrestling. I'd never watch another show if say, Chris Jericho was on it. Doubt I'll tune in, even. But that's just me.

And you're right, it's a good business move, some exposure is better than no exposure, especially now, but hopefully it won't turn off the current viewers, which is doubtful because WWE fans will watch anything. I don't mean this in an offensive way (I kind of do), but TNA fans have been exposed to more Russoisms so we can feel when they're coming and turn off the channel. It's like a Spidy Sense. WWE fans will watch it and endure it because they're not exposed to that kind of stuff on a weekly basis.

As for the Stone Cold stuff, I was trolling. I wanted to see how that feels for once.

P.S: DaGurUofWrestling and Itssoeasy123 - you guys are just the bottom of the barrel, aren'tcha :laugh:
Bottom of the barrel huh? I dont think you know what your talking about, but I will take the High road, Everything you just agreed with is everything I was saying to you, I guess you need your wrestling spoon fed to you. Hence why I call you people Sippy Cuppers. I did however like your justifications of your points however misguided they were. I like the banter though very nice. It keeps me in practice.
Why in the name of fuck is the WWE bringing Snooki to the show?


I have never missed an episode of RAW ever. EVER. I have seen them all. I know I will watch this one too, but this...this...Snooki...this pickle eating Ewok...on my favorite show? This made me reconsider watching this episode all together.

I have refused to watch Jersey Shore because I honestly believe that it makes you dumber. I understand that these people are the cream of the crop of New Jersey, but after ignoring them for so long, I am going to be forced to look at her?

I don't care if the WWE makes a mockery of her by making her kiss Hornswaggle.

Maybe I'll DVR this episode and watch it an hour late so I can fast-forward pass her camera time.

Why did you do this WWE? Why?!
Hm, long time lurker first time poster, but I don't see how WWE is copying TNA.

I mean look at Zack Ryder, forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't he basically a Jersey Shore rip-off? So couldn't you say that Robbie E is basically a Ryder rip-off and that WWE started this crap first?

Either way I hate the Jersey Shore and anything related to it, when watching TNA I turn that crap off when Robbie E appears.

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