What will the Big Show do now ?

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Dark Match Jobber
Now that Jericho seems to be gone from Raw, or at least done defending his title and just trying to get back on Raw, what will become his ex-partner?

Big show was drafted last year on Raw. He feuded a while with John Cena, got a title shot but lost to Randy Orton, then became a half of the Unified Tag Team Champions. Everyone would agree that Edge’s injury was a career saviour for the Big Show, but now, will it take profits of this or not ?

You could simply say “Fire him”, but every roster needs a heel giant, Henry being face makes that RAW needs the Big Show. Plus, he’s actually the only heel giant in the WWE, the great Khali is the “Punjabi playboy” (seriously?), and Kane is … well, Kane is Kane.

The Big Show is a 4 time world champion, an ex ECW, something like 8 time Tag team champion, and he’s a giant. All of these make him a potential main eventer, or at least a high mid-carder.

But the main-event stage is kinda crowded (already three man in there), he has already feuded with John Cena, already lost to Randy Orton, and Sheamus needs bigger (no pun intended) names to establish himself as a real main-eventer.

He’s an established tag team member (8 times tag team champion). But when you just split up with your partner, it’s actually difficult to restart immediately a new team. He even jobbed to DX again, teaming with Chavo (sigh). Pairing him with someone else won’t work either. The MVP/Henry team didn’t work, did it?

Actually, he doesn’t have a lot more to do. He can’t really do some comedy stuff, so that excludes Hornswoggle, Santino Marella, and Chavo. Carlito has disappeared. Bourne, Primo and Chris Masters are just jobbers, what do we have left?

The Miz, Jack Swagger, MVP and Mark Henry. Please, please, do not make a “clash of the titans” again. I’m sick of giant vs giant match. Plus, Henry and the Big Show are not really the most interesting giants. Watching Henry slamming Show or Show knocking out Henry won’t entertain me, and trust me, I’m easily entertained… Jack Swagger is nowhere, I can’t see a feud between them. Make some tripe threat matches for the US title? That could be a solution too and could help the Miz.

Wait for the draft and draft him back to Smackdown could be a solution as well. Remember that Big Show has turned his back on the Raw team at Bragging Rights, he’s supposed to be hated by everyone.

Another option would be for him to become an enforcer. As long as my memory goes, I have never seen the Big Show as an enforcer, and come on, everyone could need an enforcer like that. He could be an enforcer for Sheamus, who seems to play the coward heel, or for the Miz, but that could kill his momentum right now. He could help Swagger to recreate some heat and interest too.

He could restart his feud with Kofi (the one he had for the US title prior to Night of Champions, when he became Tag Team champion). Jobbing to Kofi will help Kofi to get back his popularity and proved his high mid-carder status (losing to Orton too many times didn’t help with that). Plus that will maintain a heel in the main-event/High mid-card, because, Randy’s all alone there (Sheamus doesn’t count yet). And last but not least, that will give the Big Show some air-time, and that’s what he needs right now, or he’ll fade into the darkness, the same way he almost did before Edge’s injury…

What are your thoughts on the Big Show’s future in the WWE?
I have felt bad for the Big Show since the day he was drafted to Raw. Big Show has the credentials to be. Main eventer or al least a high midcarder but time and time again WWE finds a way to bury him. I was excited to see Show team up with Jericho because WWE finally made Show look dominant. Now that Jerishow is over I see Big Show jobbing again. I will never understand how WWE makes this giant unstoppable man lose so much. I understand having Show job could help build the credibility of younger talent but there comes a point where Big Show has no more credibility to give. I still enjoy watching Show and I think the best thing for him is to go over to Smackdown or ECW. I would still like to see Big Show form a new tag team and go for the gold.
Well right now, the only thing I can think of big show is squashing the likes of evan bourne week in week out till they find something for him to do or job to high -mid card guys to give them credibility. He could've been on that ECW homecoming match and maybe he could've start with a feud with one of the guys there but I guess it's too late. Maybe a feud with Henry?? I dunno but yeah... he'll probably be either squashing or jobbing for now.
A US title match would seem likely, a fued with Big Show would make the Miz extremely credible, he's on an amazing roll as of late. Maybe Kofi Kingston? He'll be free with Orton busy at the Rumble.

I presume that Big Show will be in the Rumble match, and then will be unsucessfull in one of the elimination chambers. At Wrestlemania, possibly involvement in the Money of the Bank? They do normally include one of two monsters to make the victor seem more credible.
I am very interested for them to do a Big Show vs. Shawn Michaels feud. I think it could work wonders and plays on the strengths of making big guys look good and its a rivalry that has not been done before.
You guys do realize that Big show has come to the point in his career where nothing is really left for him to do.He's main evented Mania's,Won the title a few times,beat the top stars,etc etc..People like Kane are around to make the younger guys look good,which big show will winde up doing,sadly because i particularly like Paul,but he seems like the top that wouldnt care if he didnt win the big one evr again,hes not a young cat anymore..Not a Hogan or a flair who needs to just croak already :-)
As far as I understand it he has filmed a movie with WWE called Suckerpunch, wouldn't surprise me if they had him come back as a comedy face (as far as I am aware, the film is a comedy) and team with Santino.
I am very interested for them to do a Big Show vs. Shawn Michaels feud. I think it could work wonders and plays on the strengths of making big guys look good and its a rivalry that has not been done before.

That is actually a very good point and I was thinking about this for last year's Mania that Shawn Michaels and Big Show never really had a rivalry in their entire years together in the WWE. That's hard to fathom if you think about it and given how long these two have been on the same roster together.

Yet we keep getting these other stale feuds that have been ran into the ground.

Given Michaels' ability, if anyone can make Big Show look good, it's him. And I would also like to see these two feud.
What I would do is put him in a program with Chris Masters. Master's new face turn hasn't had much of a chance to be seen as he's used in dark matches and on Superstars lately. This would create a fresh new feud and give something for both men to do as long as they're given a decent storyline to run with. It could help elevate Chris Master's into possible Main Event status while at the same time building more heat into's Big Show's heel character which could give both men a future US and World title shots.
i think it'd be kind of funny... and also keep with the current storyline if somehow... one week... Big Show mysteriously got himself into a loser leaves Raw match... and then Jericho comes out of the crowd and costs him the match so that they could team again on Smackdown! lol it would add another interesting layer to their already strange friendship/partnership. like Show would be pissed about getting kicked off Raw... but reteam with Jericho anyway because of their success!
I think that SHow and Mike Knox should team together, This would be a great way for Knox to get back into the spotlight, plus that team would be pretty much unstoppable.

WWE could run them to a point where Knox turns on Show, to create a giant (no pun intended) heel to whoever is the US Champ or the IC Champ is, working his way to the World Champ.
A US title match would seem likely, a fued with Big Show would make the Miz extremely credible, he's on an amazing roll as of late. Maybe Kofi Kingston? He'll be free with Orton busy at the Rumble.

I presume that Big Show will be in the Rumble match, and then will be unsucessfull in one of the elimination chambers. At Wrestlemania, possibly involvement in the Money of the Bank? They do normally include one of two monsters to make the victor seem more credible.

That could keep him busy before being draft back to Smackdown, where he belongs IMO

That is actually a very good point and I was thinking about this for last year's Mania that Shawn Michaels and Big Show never really had a rivalry in their entire years together in the WWE. That's hard to fathom if you think about it and given how long these two have been on the same roster together.

Yet we keep getting these other stale feuds that have been ran into the ground.

Given Michaels' ability, if anyone can make Big Show look good, it's him. And I would also like to see these two feud.

That's a good point from both of you. I really like that. Point is, HBK is kinda busy with multiple things. The Undertaker, DX and the belts. The only reason they could feud, is Big show answearing HBK instead of the Undertaker. But that would be weird...

What I would do is put him in a program with Chris Masters. Master's new face turn hasn't had much of a chance to be seen as he's used in dark matches and on Superstars lately. This would create a fresh new feud and give something for both men to do as long as they're given a decent storyline to run with. It could help elevate Chris Master's into possible Main Event status while at the same time building more heat into's Big Show's heel character which could give both men a future US and World title shots.

Big show and masters have already feuded in the past. Well kinda, they started to feud, then they stop without any explications (but that wasn't quite entertaining I guess).
I don't really think that Masters really deserves any US title shots tho. Neither I think that Show deserves any World Title shot. And a feud between the two of them wont elevate any of them. And the feud will be really short, does anyone think that Master can really lock show in his Masters's lock?
wwe ran big show so far into the ground to the point that i dont believe show would ever be a believable heel threat again. What a shame. When he first returned in 08, he should have been used the way he was used when brock lesnar was around. Like someone already posted, there is really nothing left to do for him. Thanks to wwe, he'll never be taken seriously again. Only scenario i could think of is giving him back the ecw title.
i know this is a dumb idea but i see this is of a way to get markhenry heel. have someone like bourne in a match wit bigshow. bigshow continues to beat da hell outta bourne when henry comes down for the presumed save but instead helps bigshow demolish him n make them a tagteam(the worlds strongest show..lol) ala the twintowers (akeem and big boss man) they could be a dominate heel giant tagteam n have them hold gold then have a credible tag team like heart dynasty or crymetyme defeat them for titles.gives bigshow n henry something to do and bring something to the tagteam division.
i know it will be bashed but new at this so bare with me.. thanks
wwe ran big show so far into the ground to the point that i dont believe show would ever be a believable heel threat again. What a shame. When he first returned in 08, he should have been used the way he was used when brock lesnar was around. Like someone already posted, there is really nothing left to do for him. Thanks to wwe, he'll never be taken seriously again. Only scenario i could think of is giving him back the ecw title.

Come on ! He's 7'00 and 485 lbs! He can't be considered as something else as a heel threat (exception : a face threat but I don't really like the idea of a face show, see my first post.)
There's not a lot to do, but there are still a few things to do for him. Even if he's in the business for a long time, he has some time left before being the big jobber than mid-carder need. I agree they miss a big opportunity with him not being in the final of the ECW homecoming. He was a pretty good ECW champion.

i know this is a dumb idea but i see this is of a way to get markhenry heel. have someone like bourne in a match wit bigshow. bigshow continues to beat da hell outta bourne when henry comes down for the presumed save but instead helps bigshow demolish him n make them a tagteam(the worlds strongest show..lol) ala the twintowers (akeem and big boss man) they could be a dominate heel giant tagteam n have them hold gold then have a credible tag team like heart dynasty or crymetyme defeat them for titles.gives bigshow n henry something to do and bring something to the tagteam division.
i know it will be bashed but new at this so bare with me.. thanks

I'd agree with you that Henry as a face is a disaster. He's such a better heel. And Henry has nothing to do right now. The two of them in a team could become the next contenders of the Unified tag team champions. Like DX need to get out of this, they could be usefull to keep the Tag team division alive (or they'd be only the Hart dinasty and Cryme time left...).
I like the idea of the extreme monster heel tag team, I don't think that it would do any harm to mark henry to team up with Big Show, and they could have some interesting matches.
I'd like to see him become a US champion but A dominant one because when he was partnered with Jericho there was no one stronger, there was no one better and if Big Show wants any success after his Unified Tag Team run he needs to be a dominant champion. I'd like to see him squashing lots of opponents and then have a David vs Goliath type of feud with Evan Bourne.
Even though being a part of the JeriShow tag team helped him when he seemed to have absolutely nothing to do.... unfortunately that is probably where Big Show is heading next, nowhere. He's not likely to become world champion if he's on the same show as Cena, Orton, HHH, and HBK. He just recently had the JeriShow tag team so no other tag team would live up to that. A reign with the US title would seem pointless because Miz needs to keep the title for a while, plus Big Show is above that title. I honestly think he will be back to doing pointless upper midcard filler feuds. Seeing him feud with Michaels or Swagger could be interesting. I think either guy would have a good match or two against Big Show. Getting drafted to Smackdown at some point would help him more than anything right now though because his odds of winning another world title would skyrocket there.
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